This is the final report for the project UTVALTS, Development of a proposal for a Traffic Safety Management System. The project is initiated by TRB Sverige AB, and supported by the Swedish Road Administration. The purpose has been to evaluate the prerequisites for, and initiate, a standardisation process for a traffic safety management system. The project also includes giving a proposal for standard text.
The world wide study for this report shows many interesting traffic safety initiatives, mainly in the industrialised countries. We can see a readiness to include these initiatives in a management system, some efforts already being done in Australia, UK and Sweden.
Based on this study and on results from two workshops and a survey in Sweden, we have finalised a proposal for a management system. We have on several occasions, both in the workshops, on the project website, and through business press, invited all interested parties to participate in this process.
This report describes several traffic safety initiatives, stating references for those who need more information. It also states the result of a national survey on traffic safety awareness at hauliers. And finally the report describes the purpose of a management system, and how a system for Traffic Safety Management could be written.
The goals of the project have been reached. A standard has been formulated, and a standardisation process has been initiated and is now managed by SIS, the Swedish Standardisation Institute. The project has been completed within specified time and budget.
Project Members:
Jan-Olof Arnäs, TRB Sverige, Göteborg
Bengt Sigvald, Alltransport, Norrköping
Ella Truman, Alltransport, Norrköping
Fredrik Orwén, Vägverket Region Sydöst, Jönköping
Karin Nilsson, Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, Borås
Project Manager:
Anne-Charlotte Holmgren, Kaggården, Hökerum
Reference Group:
Anders Lie, Vägverket, Borlänge
Lars Andreen, Schenker, Göteborg
Inger Larsson, Arla Foods, Stockholm
Christer Forsell, Sveriges Åkeriföretag, Stockholm
Customer: Vägverket: Åsa Wagenius, Sundsvall