This paper characterised the potential of energy flexibility in relation to building envelop properties, heat emitters and ventilation for the Swedish context. Simulation results indicated that the potential was higher for newer houses with floor heating and lower for older houses with radiators in winter. Older houses with different levels of insulation showed a similar ability of conserving heat due to different extents of heat losses from ventilation. A house with balanced ventilation tended to be over-ventilated especially if the house was not airtight. The flexibility was decreased with increasing outdoor temperatures, and it was higher in winter and lower in spring/autumn.
The performance of a conventional ground-source heat pump (GSHP) has been measured in the laboratory with alternating current (AC) and direct current(DC) operation using the standardised points fromEN14511:2018. The results from these measurements have been used to modify a variable speed heat pump model in IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (ICE) and the annual performance of AC and DC operation have been simulated for an entire year's operation at two geographical locations in Sweden. Results show that the energy savings with DC operation from laboratory measurements span between 1.4{5.2% and when simulating the performance for an entire year's operation, the energy savings vary between 2.5{3.4%. Furthermore, the energy savings from the simulations have been compared to the bin method described in EN14825:2018.
This paper simulates the impact of battery sizingfor an actual nearly-zero energy (NZEB) single-family housewith solar PV located in Bor°as, Sweden. Simulations are done,using measurement data as an input, for three different batterydispatch algorithms with two different purposes; (i) peak powershaving and (ii) maximising system self-consumption (SC) andself-sufficiency (SS) of the solar PV. The results show that theoptimal battery storage size for this single-family house, givenits measured electrical loads and existing solar PV system isaround 7.2 kWh. System self-consumption and self-sufficiencyfrom generated solar PV increased with 24.3 percentage pointscompared to a reference case without battery. Furthermore,results show that increasing the battery size beyond 7.2 kWhonly results in minor performance gains.
This paper simulates the impact of battery sizing for an actual nearly-zero energy (NZEB) single-family house with solar PV located in Boras, Sweden. Simulations are done,° using measurement data as an input, for three different battery dispatch algorithms with two different purposes; (i) peak power shaving and (ii) maximising system self-consumption (SC) and self-sufficiency (SS) of the solar PV. The results show that the optimal battery storage size for this single-family house, given its measured electrical loads and existing solar PV system is around 7.2 kWh. System self-consumption and self-sufficiency from generated solar PV increased with 24.3 percentage points compared to a reference case without battery. Furthermore, results show that increasing the battery size beyond 7.2 kWh only results in minor performance gains.
In this paper, the performance of a direct current (DC) distribution system is modelled for a single-family residential building and compared with a conventional alternating current (AC) system to quantify the potential energy savings and gains in photovoltaic (PV) utilisation. The modelling is made for two different climates to quantify the impact of the geographical location. Results show that the system losses are reduced by 19–46% and the PV utilisation increased by 3.9–7.4% when using a DC distribution system compared to an AC equivalent, resulting in system efficiency gains in the range of 1.3–8.8%. Furthermore, it is shown that the geographical location has some effect on the system's performance and PV utilisation, but most importantly, the grid interaction is paramount for the performance of the DC topology. © 2021 The Authors.
In this paper, the performance of a direct current (DC) distribution system is modelled and compared fora single-family residential building with a conventional alternating current (AC) system to quantify the potential energy savings and gains in PV utilization. The modelling is also made for two different climates to quantify the impact of the geographical location. Results show that the system losses are reduced by 19-46% and the PV utilization increased by 3.9-7.4% when using a DC distribution system compared to an AC equivalent, resulting in system efficiency gains in the range of 1.3-8.8%. Furthermore, it is shown that the geographical location has some effect on the system's performance and PV utilization, but most importantly the grid interaction is paramount for the performance of the DC topology.
This work compares and quantifies the annual losses for three battery system loss representations in a case study for a residential building with solar photovoltaic (PV). Two loss representations consider the varying operating conditions and use the measured performance of battery power electronic converters (PECs) but differ in using either a constant or current-dependent internal battery cell resistance. The third representation is load-independent and uses a (fixed) round trip efficiency. The work uses sub-hourly measurements of the load and PV profiles and includes the results from varying PV and battery size combinations. The results reveal an inadequacy of using a constant battery internal resistance and quantify the annual loss discrepancy to −38.6%, compared to a case with current-dependent internal resistance. The results also show the flaw of modelling the battery system’s efficiency with a fixed round trip efficiency, with loss discrepancy variation between −5 to 17% depending on the scenario. Furthermore, the necessity of accounting for the cell’s loss is highlighted, and its dependence on converter loading is quantified.
This work presents a comparison of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) distribution systems for a residential building equipped with solar photovoltaic (PV) generation and battery storage. Using measured PV and load data from a residential building in Sweden, the study evaluated the annual losses, PV utilization, and energy savings of the two topologies. The analysis considered the load-dependent efficiency characteristics of power electronic converters (PECs) and battery storage to account for variations in operating conditions. The results show that DC distribution, coupled with PV generation and battery storage, offered significant loss savings due to lower conversion losses than the AC case. Assuming fixed efficiency for conversion gave a 34% yearly loss discrepancy compared with the case of implementing load-dependent losses. The results also highlight the effect on annual system losses of adding PV and battery storage of varying sizes. A yearly loss reduction of 15.8% was achieved with DC operation for the studied residential building when adding PV and battery storage. Additionally, the analysis of daily and seasonal variations in performance revealed under what circumstances DC could outperform AC and how the magnitude of the savings could vary with time. © 2023 by the authors.
Det övergripande syftet med uppdraget är att få en detaljerad bild över byggnaders energiprestanda i Sverige. Den första etappen, förstudien, går ut på att beskriva metoden för hur denna analys ska göras. Som etapp 2 genomförs själva nulägesanalysen och slut¬ligen i etapp 3 analyseras resultat och slutsatser presenteras. I denna rapport redogörs för etapp 1, dvs metodbeskrivningen för nulägesanalysen. Nulägesanalysen ska senare kunna användas för att följa upp hur satsningar på Näranoll¬energibyggnader (NNE) påverkar energianvändningen i hela byggnadsbeståndet, inte bara i de faktiska demonstrationsprojekt som beviljas stöd och där uppföljning är betydligt enklare. Resultatet av nulägesanalysen, och den uppföljande analysen (planerad till 2015), ska i förlängningen kunna vara ett stöd när de nationella målnivåerna för näranollenergi-byggnader bestäms. I denna rapport redogörs för etapp 1, dvs metodbeskrivningen för nulägesanalysen. Rapporten beskriver vilka statistikkällor som finns idag samt en metod för hur dessa kan bidra till en mer detaljerad bild av byggnaders energiprestanda under ett valt referensår.