The effects of different pretreatments on phytate and mineral contents were investigated in whole grain barley and oat tempe fermented with Rhizopus oligosporus. Different varieties of barley and oats were exposed to pretreatments such as pearling, rolling, moistening, autoclaving and soaking before fermentation. Pearling was the most effective pretreatment for reduction of phytate content for both oats and barley. Nevertheless, mineral contents were reduced, and most likely cell wall rich fractions were also reduced by this process. In the first experiments the phytate content reduction in the oats and barley samples were reduced by 74% (3.3 μmol/g, d.m.) and 89% (1.4 μmol/g, d.m.), respectively. However, to improve iron absorption the phytate levels should not exceed 0.5 μmol/g, and further phytate degradation was necessary. Therefore, in the final experiments barley samples were exposed to an optimised process with prolonged soaking at a higher temperature and the pearling residues were returned before fermentation. When the outer layers of the barley kernels were returned before fermentation the phytate content was successfully reduced by 97% to 0.4 μmol/g (d.m.) and Fe and Zn levels were well preserved. © 2006.