The article challenges the notion that crisiscommunication is a matter of outreach of a single messagecommunicated as “one voice” from official channelsspeaking to the public about how to prepare for andmanage crisis situations. The Covid-19 pandemic has madeit evident that the general public is accessing multiplechannels for crisis information while the crisis situation,the rules and knowledge are constantly changing. An arrayof different voices, facts, (fake) news and recommendationsare channeled via public service, social media, nationaland international media. Most of this content is accessedand shared via digital channels, but also via communities,workplaces, and between friends and families living inthe same country or abroad. This article presents insightsgained from a qualitative study addressing disabled peoplewhose everyday lives have always been characterized byextraordinary circumstances, and continuously so alsoduring the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim was to create anunderstanding of disabled people’s crisis-specific mediapractices and their ways of coping with situations causedby the pandemic. Through a national online survey studyand workshops, it explores how disabled people experiencethe pandemic, and how crisis information flows affect trustbetween authorities and the disability movements. Thestudy should be read in the light of the Swedish Covid-19strategy, which put a strong emphasis on the individual’sresponsibility and that every citizen is expected to followthe recommendations and take precautionary measuresto limit the spread of the virus. This approach requiresthat both public agencies and citizens are capable ofnavigating the emerging complex crisis communicationlandscape and requires them to make responsibledecisions and take relevant measures.