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Maxantalet träffar du kan exportera från sökgränssnittet är 250. Vid större uttag använd dig av utsökningar.
  • 1.
    Barman, Sandra
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Fager, Cecilia
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of G.
    Röding, Magnus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Jordbruk och livsmedel. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Loren, Niklas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Jordbruk och livsmedel. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of G.
    von Corswant, Christian
    AstraZeneca, Sweden.
    Olsson, Eva
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of G.
    Bolin, David
    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia.
    Rootzén, Holger
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    New characterization measures of pore shape and connectivity applied to coatings used for controlled drug release2021Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 110, nr 7, s. 2753-Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Pore geometry characterization-methods are important tools for understanding how pore structure influences properties such as transport through a porous material. Bottlenecks can have a large influence on transport and related properties. However, existing methods only catch certain types of bottleneck effects caused by variations in pore size. We here introduce a new measure, geodesic channel strength, which captures a different type of bottleneck effect caused by many paths coinciding in the same pore. We further develop new variants of pore size measures and propose a new way of visualizing 3-D characterization results using layered images. The new measures together with existing measures were used to characterize and visualize properties of 3-D FIB-SEM images of three leached ethyl-cellulose/hydroxypropyl-cellulose films. All films were shown to be anisotropic, and the strongest anisotropy was found in the film with lowest porosity. This film had very tortuous paths and strong geodesic channel-bottlenecks, while the paths through the other two films were relatively straight with well-connected pore networks. The geodesic channel strength was shown to give important new visual and quantitative insights about connectivity, and the new pore size measures provided useful information about anisotropies and inhomogeneities in the pore structures. The methods have been implemented in the freely available software MIST. 

  • 2.
    Bogdanova, Ekaterina
    et al.
    Malmö University, Sweden; Biofilms research center for Biointerfaces, Sweden; NextBioForm Competence Centre, Sweden.
    Millqvist-Fureby, Anna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    Kocherbitov, Vitaly
    Malmö University, Sweden; Biofilms research center for Biointerfaces, Sweden; NextBioForm Competence Centre, Sweden.
    Influence of Cooling Rate on Ice Crystallization and Melting in Sucrose-Water System2022Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 111, nr 7, s. 2030-2037Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    The ice crystallization and melting in systems where the equilibrium state is difficult to reach is one of the growing areas in pharmaceutical freeze-drying research. The quality of the final freeze-dried product depends on the parameters of the cooling step, which affect the ice nucleation and growth. In this paper, we present a DSC study of ice crystallization and melting in a sucrose-water system. Using two different types of thermal cycles, we examine the influence of cooling and heating rates on the thermal behavior of sucrose-water solutions with water contents between 50 and 100 wt%. The DSC results show that low cooling rates provide crystallization at higher temperatures and lead to lower amount of non-freezing water. Consequently, the glass transition and ice melting properties observed upon heating depend on the cooling conditions in the preceding step. Based on the experimental results, we investigate the reasons for the existence of the two steps on DSC heating curves in sucrose-water systems: the glass transition step and the onset of ice melting. We show that diffusion of water can be the limiting factor for ice growth and melting in the sucrose-water system when the amorphous phase is in a liquid state. In particular, when the diffusion coefficient drops below 10−14 m2/sec, the ice crystals growth or melting becomes strongly suppressed even above the glass transition temperature. Understanding the diffusion limitations in the sucrose-water system can be used for the optimization of the freeze-drying protocols for proteins and probiotics. © 2022 The Authors

  • 3.
    Cappelletto, Elia
    et al.
    Hospital Pharmacy AULSS3 Serenissima, Italy.
    Kwok, Stanley C.
    AstraZeneca, USA.
    Sorret, Léa
    Lonza AG, Switzerland.
    Fuentes, Nathalie
    AstraZeneca, USA.
    Medina, Annette M.
    AstraZeneca, USA.
    Burleigh, Stephen
    Lonza AG, Switzerland; Lund University, Sweden.
    Fast, Jonas
    F Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland.
    Mackenzie, Isla S.
    University of Dundee, UK.
    Millqvist-Fureby, Anna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    Paulsson, Mattias
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Wahlgren, Marie
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Lund University, Sweden.
    Elofsson, Ulla
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    Flynn, Angela
    University of Dundee, UK.
    Miolo, Giorgia
    University of Padova, Italy.
    Nyström, Lina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    De Laureto, Patrizia Polverino
    University of Padova, Italy.
    De Paoli, Giorgia
    University of Dundee, UK.
    Impact of Post Manufacturing Handling of Protein-Based Biologic Drugs on Product Quality and User Centricity2024Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This article evaluates the current gaps around the impact of post-manufacturing processes on the product qualities of protein-based biologics, with a focus on user centricity. It includes the evaluation of the regulatory guidance available, describes a collection of scientific literature and case studies to showcase the impact of post-manufacturing stresses on product and dosing solution quality. It also outlines the complexity of clinical handling and the need for communication, and alignment between drug providers, healthcare professionals, users, and patients. Regulatory agencies provide clear expectations for drug manufacturing processes, however, guidance supporting post-product manufacturing handling is less defined and often misaligned. This is problematic as the pharmaceutical products experience numerous stresses and processes which can potentially impact drug quality, safety and efficacy. This article aims to stimulate discussion amongst pharmaceutical developers, health care providers, device manufacturers, and public researchers to improve these processes. Patients and caregivers’ awareness can be achieved by providing relevant educational material on pharmaceutical product handling. 

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  • 4. Elversson, J
    et al.
    Andersson, K
    Millqvist-Fureby, Anna
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    An atomic force microscopy approach for assessment of particle density applied to single spray-dried carbohydrate particles2007Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 96, nr 4, s. 905-912Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    To evaluate an atomic force microscopy (AFM) approach for effective density analysis of single spray dried carbohydrate particles in order to investigate the internal structure of the particles. In addition, the AFM method was compared to an established technique, that is gas pycnometry. Resonant frequency AFM analysis was employed for determination of the mass of individual particles of spray-dried lactose, mannitol, and a mixture of sucrose/dextran (4:1). The effective particle density was calculated using the diameter of the spherical particles obtained from light microscopy. The apparent particle density was further analyzed with gas pycnometry. It was observed by microscopy that particles appeared either ‘‘solid’’ or ‘‘hollow.’’ A solid appearance applied to an effective particle density close to the true density of the material, whereas a density around 1 g/cm3 corresponded to a hollow appearance. However, carbohydrates, which crystallized during spray drying, for example, mannitol appeared solid but the average effective particle density was 0.95 g/cm3, indicating a continuous but porous structure. AFM measurements of effective particle density corroborate the suggestion of differences in particle structure caused by the varying propensity of carbohydrates to crystallize during spray drying, resulting in mainly either amorphous hollow orcrystalline porous particles.

  • 5. Elversson, J
    et al.
    Millqvist-Fureby, Anna
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Particle size and density in spray drying - effects of carbohydrate properties2005Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 94, s. 2049-2060Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to examine some fundamental aspects of the particle formation during spray drying, related to particle size and density. Particles were prepared in a laboratory spray dryer from carbohydrates with different solubility and crystallization propensity, such as lactose, mannitol and sucrose/dextran 4:1. The feed concentrations ranged from 1% w/w to saturated and the size of droplets and particles were measured by laser diffraction. Particles were also characterized by various microscopy techniques (i.e. scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and light microscopy), differential scanning calorimetry, gas adsorption, and gas pycnometry. As demonstrated larger particles could be obtained by either increasing the droplet size during atomization; increasing the concentration of the feed solution; or decreasing the solubility of the solute. The apparent particle density was found negatively correlated to the feed concentration. Due to the non-linear relationship between the feed concentration and the particle size, it was concluded that higher solids load may cause an increase in the effective particle density and that the reduction in the apparent particle density was a result of a gradually less permeable particle surface. Further, the crystallization propensity of the carbohydrate influenced the particle formation and resulted in either hollow or porous particles

  • 6. Elversson, J
    et al.
    Millqvist-Fureby, Anna
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Alderborn, G
    Elofsson, Ulla
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    Droplet and particle size relationship and shell thickness of inhalable lactose particles during spray drying2003Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 92, s. 900-910Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    To find means of controlling the size and density of particles intended for inhalation the relationship between droplet and particle size during spray drying was investigated. Lactose solutions were atomized with a two-fluid nozzle and dried in a laboratory spray drier. The effects of nozzle orifice diameter, atomization airflow and feed concentration on droplet and particle size were examined. Mass median diameter of both droplets and particles were analyzed with laser diffraction. In addition, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used for studies of particle shape and morphology. It was demonstrated that nozzle orifice diameter and airflow, but not feed concentration controlled the droplet size during atomization. Increasing droplet size increased particle size but the effect was also influenced by feed concentration. Particles from solutions of a low concentration (1% w/w) were smaller than those from higher concentrations (5-20% w/w). This may be partly explained by lower yields at higher feed concentrations, but may also be related to differences in drying rate. Spray-dried lactose solutions formed hollow particles, and it was suggested that the shell thickness of the particles increased with increasing feed concentration

  • 7.
    Friberg, S
    et al.
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Larsson, L
    Partition of an organophosphorus compound, dichlorvos, between liquid and liquid crystalline phases1975Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 64, s. 822-825Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
  • 8.
    Friberg, S
    et al.
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Mandell, L
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Influence of phase equilibria on properties of emulsions1970Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 59, s. 1001-1004Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
  • 9.
    Friberg, S
    et al.
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Rydhag, L
    Jederström, G
    Liquid crystalline phases in aerosol formulations : I. phase equilibria in propellant compositions1971Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 60, s. 1883-1885Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
  • 10. Jederström, G
    et al.
    Rydhag, L
    Friberg, S
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Liquid crystalline phases in aerosol formation : II. influence of liquid crystalline phases on foam stability1973Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 62, s. 1979-1982Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
  • 11.
    Kronberg, B
    et al.
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Dahlman, A
    Carlfors, J
    Carlsson, J
    Artursson, P
    Preparation and evaluation of sterically stabilized liposomes: colloidal stability, serum stability, macrophage uptake and toxicology1990Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 79, s. 667-671Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Sterically stabilized liposomes were produced by incorporating a nonionic surfactant, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), into the lipid bilayer. The sterically stabilized liposomes exhibited a superior entrapment stability compared with surfactant-free liposomes (i.e., liposomes prepared with lipids and cholesterol). The sterically stabilized liposomes were stable at high calcium ion concentrations, and liposome-entrapped carboxyflourescein was retained within the stabilized liposomes in the presence of serum for at least 5 h. The macrophage uptake of the sterically stabilized liposomes was comparable to that of liposomes containing lipids and cholesterol. The sterically stabilized liposomes were non-toxic, in concentrations up to 3.0 mM, to macrophages. These results indicate that polysorbate 80 can be used to produce stable liposomes without changing the uniqe macrophage distribution of this drug delivery system.

  • 12.
    Martínez, Claudia
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Sweden; University of Barcelona, Spain.
    Amery, Leanne
    AstraZeneca, UK.
    De Paoli, Giorgia
    University of Dundee, uk.
    Elofsson, Ulla
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    Millqvist-Fureby, Anna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Kemiska processer och läkemedel.
    Kwok, Stanley
    AstraZeneca, USA.
    López-Cabezas, Carmen
    Hospital Clínic Barcelona, Spain.
    Rosenberger, Marika
    Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Germany.
    Schoenau, Christian
    Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH, Germany.
    Wahlgren, Marie
    Lund University,Sweden.
    Paulsson, Mattias
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Examination of the Protein Drug Supply Chain in a Swedish University Hospital: Focus on Handling Risks and Mitigation Measures2023Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 112, nr 11, s. 2799-Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Protein drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies, have proved successful in treating cancer and immune system diseases. The structural complexity of these molecules requires careful handling to ensure integrity and stability of the drug. In this study, a failure mode and effects analysis was performed based on a Gemba Walk method in a Swedish University Hospital. The Gemba Walk is focused on pharmacists observing the actual supply process steps from distributor, pharmacy cleanroom to patient administration. Relevant protein drugs are chosen based on sales statistics within the hospital and the corresponding wards were observed. Further is the Double Diamond design method used to identify major risks and deliver mitigation strategies. The study identified potential stress factors such as temperature, shock by impact, shaking, vibration and light exposure. There were also risks associated with porters’ and healthcare professionals’ lack of awareness and access to information. These risk factors may cause loss of efficacy and quality of the protein drug, potentially leading to patient safety concerns. In this study, a simulation is also performed to list measures that theoretically should be in place to ensure the quality of the protein drug, for example validated and protocol-based compounding in cleanroom, training and validated transports. © 2023 The Authors

  • 13. Sjöström, B
    et al.
    Bergenståhl, B
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Kronberg, B
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    A method for the preparation of submicron particles of sparingly water-soluble drugs by precipitation in oil-in-water emulsions. II. Influence of the emulsifier, the solvent, and the drug substance1993Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 82, s. 584-589Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Small particles of two steroids; cholesteryl acetate and b-sitosterol, have been prepared by the following technique: The steroid was dissolved in an organic solvent, which was emulsified in water in the presence of sur--factant, thus giving a water continuous emulsion. As the organic solvent was evaporated the steroid precipitated. One particle was found to form in each emulsion droplet. Particle sizes down to 25 nm were obtained by this method. Particles were prepared from emulsions containing different organic solvents and surfactants and the effect on the size and the colloi--dal stability of the particles were examined. It was found that the final particle suspension is relatively stable provided the initial emulsion is stable. Furthermore, there is a close correlation between the initial emul--sion droplet size and the final particle size. The particle size, therefore, can be varied in the same manner as the size of emulsion droplets, e.g. by changing the emulsification process parameters, the amount and choice of surfactant and the oil/water ratio. Finally, the particle size depends on the choice of solvent and only slightly on the concentration of drug in the oil phase of the emulsion.

  • 14. Sjöström, B
    et al.
    Kronberg, B
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut, YKI – Ytkemiska institutet.
    Carlfors, J
    A method for the preparation of submicron particles of sparingly water-soluble drugs by precipitation in oil-in-water emulsions. I. Influence of emulsification and surfactant concentration1993Ingår i: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN 0022-3549, E-ISSN 1520-6017, Vol. 82, s. 579-583Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper we present a method for the synthesis of small particles of poorly water soluble drug substances using emulsions. In the first place, the drug is dissolved in an organic solvent and a water soluble surfactant is dissolved in water. Secondly, these two solutions are mixed to form an emulsion, where the organic solution is emulsified into small droplets in the aqueous phase. The action of the surfactant is partly to decrease the interfacial tension between the water and the organic solution, thus increasing the ease of emulsification, and partly to stabilize the droplets formed against aggregation, or coalescence. The final step in the process is to remove the organic solvent by evaporation in doing which the drug precipitates and one particle is formed in each droplet. If the surfactant is sufficiently effective in stabilizing the particles formed against coagula--tion, we have a suspension of small spherical drug particles. In this paper we use a model system consisting of cholesteryl acetate and toluene. Particles down to 50 nm were obtained by this method. The sizes of the particles were found to be dependent on the surfactant concentration and the emulsification energy.

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