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  • 1.
    Bram, Staffan
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Millgård, Ulrika
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Degerman, Helene
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Systemperspektiv på brandsäkerhet till sjöss- en studie av organisering och användbarhet i brandskyddetpå RoPax-fartyg2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Fires on RoPax ships can be very challenging and may inflict serious damage both to life,environment and property. The SEBRA project explored two different research themesthrough interviews and observations on four larger RoPax ships – firstly, the interactionbetween the crew, installations and environments relevant for fire protection, secondly,what governs the design of fire protective installations and working environmentsonboard.The study shows that proactive fire safety is a continuous process where the crews appliesmany different types of knowledge and experience. Several of the success factors identifiedin the study can be linked to prior research on resilient performance in critical operationsi.e. properties that allow people to deal with problems that are surprising and donot fully match existing routines.Key factors for good performance in the case of fire are good working conditions andeffective training, meaning working environments, systems, organizations and routinesthat fit the needs of the crew. However, the present study shows that a holistic approachis rarely applied to fire safety. Safety Management has a reactive bias, a clear focus oncompliance and pays limited attention to usability as a driver for safety. Observationsresulted in several findings of poor design that could undermine performance in the caseof a real fire.Flaws in fire safety design can be traced to the overall processes of ship design, buildingand revision. Ship design is a processed closely focused on cost and technical demands,rarely concerned with user needs and characteristics. When the fire protection consultantbecomes involved, many important design parameters are normally fixed and thereis little room for user-oriented fire installations and concerns.Future research is needed to strengthen shipping company learning processes and to giveusability a more prominent role in maritime Safety Management. There is also a need ofresearch demonstrating how usability can be integrated as a key value in ship design.

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  • 2.
    Gehandler, Jonatan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Millgård, Ulrika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Principles and policies for recycling decisions and risk management2020In: Recycling, E-ISSN 2313-4321, Vol. 5, no 3, article id 21Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Swedish recycling businesses argue that the Non-Toxic Environmental target gets too much weight and that resource efficiency gets too little focus, which results in decreased recycling. The purpose of this paper is to highlight different factors that recycling of waste decisions should consider, as well as contributing to a constructive discussion of the overall principles and policies for recycling. How recycling works in practice is explored based on nine interviews with stakeholders from the governmental agency level to recycling businesses. Theory with regards to ethics, risk, decision-making, governmental policy and laws is summarised. Finally, the discrepancy and connection between practice and theory is analysed. If recycling of waste is seen as a decision problem, the choice is between to recycle (in different ways) or not to recycle (i.e., energy recovery and/or landfill). Based on risk and decision theory, all relevant goals should be considered. This requires a broader problem framing when goals are in conflict. All parties agree that recycled and virgin material should be treated equally. From a higher policy perspective, it should then be demonstrated that any use of material (recycled and/or virgin) minimize environmental impact and promotes long-term sustainability. © 2020 by the authors.

  • 3.
    Gehandler, Jonatan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Millgård, Ulrika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    TUSC HANDBOK Brandskydd under byggtiden för tunnlar och andra undermarksanläggningar: Med exempel på risker och förslag på åtgärder2022 (ed. 2)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Ingen ska skadas eller drabbas av sjukdom på grund av sitt arbete. Detta ställer krav på genomtänkt utformning av brandskyddet och utrymningssäkerhet under byggtiden för tunnel eller andra undermarksanläggningar. Ett syfte med denna handbok är att tydliggöra vilka krav som ställs på brandskydd under byggtiden, samt ge exempel på vanliga brandrisker och förslag på hur dessa kan hanteras.

    Handboken vänder sig till aktörer, såsom byggherrar, projektörer, entreprenörer och byggarbetsmiljösamordnare, involverade i planering, projektering och byggnation av undermarksanläggningar. Med undermarksanläggning menas här väg-, järnväg-, vatten-, avlopps- kabel- och distributionstunnel, bergrum och slutförvar.  Handboken omfattar inte gruva, byggnader ovan mark, eller brandskydd i färdigställd anläggning.

    Handboken är avsedd att användas som vägledning och inspiration vid planering, projektering, genomförande, samt utbildning och övning med fokus på brandsäkerhet. 

    Klicka på länken ”TUSC Handbok” högst upp till höger för att öppna handboken. Strax under finns det en länk till en MS Power Point introduktion till handboken, ett övningsprotokoll och ett kommunikations material.

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    TUSC Handbook
  • 4.
    Gehandler, Jonatan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport.
    Millgård, Ulrika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport.
    Återvinning av avfall: Beslut och riskbedömning2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study has been to highlight different factors that waste recycling decisions can consider, as well as contributing to a constructive discussion of goals and overall principles for waste recycling. The background of the project is that it has been shown that the recycling of construction material has decreased with the application of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's handbook (2010:1). One view that emerged from an evaluation of the handbook is that the non-toxic environmental target (“Giftfri miljö”) gets too much weight and that resource management gets too little focus. As the climate crisis becomes more acute, and since recycling in many cases reduces the climate impact, this limitation can be questioned. However, it is currently unclear how a non-toxic environment and resource efficiency should be balanced.A literature study has been carried out in two parts: 1) decision and risk management theory, and 2) ethics. The first part was aimed at providing theory about risk decisions and basic steps that should be included in a decision-making process. The second part of the literature study, ethics, presents theory of ethical aspects linked to decisions. Ethics is central because it has long sought answers to the question of how we should act.Furthermore, nine interviews have also been conducted with various stakeholders, from the governmental agency level to recyclers, to capture how waste recycling works in practice. From the interview result, the theme "The goal Non-toxic environment and the difficulties that can arise in its practical application" crystallized. Which was discussed further in a workshop. Invited to the workshop were mainly those who had been interviewed and had relevant roles for the chosen theme.If waste recycling is seen as a decision problem, the choice is between to recycle (in different ways) or not to recycle (ie. landfill, incineration or energy recovery). Based on decision theory, all the relevant goals should be considered. This is likely to require a broader perspective for more difficult cases, which includes environmental risks linked to the different alternatives.With a broader perspective, it is recognized that no alternative is risk-free. A multi-criteria analysis can weigh the various factors against each other to see what weighs most, which from the perspective of the environmental code is most reasonable, ie. provides the most environmental benefit. A broader perspective favours long-term sustainability and, in the long run, all environmental goals. On a higher level, recycled and virgin material should be treated equally. Similarly, from a circular perspective, it should be demonstrated that the choice of material (recycled and virgin) promotes long-term sustainability.

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  • 5.
    Olofsson, Anna
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Millgård, Ulrika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Gregersson, Johan
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    ReliS – Reliable Sprinkler : Förstudie som samlar in kunskap gällande tillförlitlighet av drenchersystem i rorolastutrymme.2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    ReliS – Reliable Sprinkler, is a pre-study investigating open water deluge sprinkler systems in ro-ro spaces on ro-ro ships, also known as drencher systems. The overall goal of the project is to develop proposals for technical and operational improvements, in order to avoid malfunctions and make the systems more reliable. The principal function of a drencher system is the same as an open water deluge system: when a deluge section is activated, water shall be discharged from all the open nozzles in the deluge (“drencher”) section. These four approaches to collect knowledge and experience regarding the drencher systems were used in this study: - A desk study to examine regulations and other guidance documents for the drencher system. - Interview study to get an understanding of e.g., good examples, issues and ship specific applications. - Field study to examine the system installation together with crew representatives onboard and to participate in drencher system flow tests. - System group workshops following a structured method for finding innovative solutions. The developed proposals for improvements to the drencher systems technical and operational design was developed during Workshop #3 by the system group. The ideas Piping material and Avoid Sea water when testing was chosen to be further developed. The use of sea water increases the corrosion rate in steel pipe systems. The salinity of the water also has an effect on corrosion rate. For the ships included in this pre-study, there was a difference among the crews’ experience of clogged nozzles and corrosion whether the ship operated the Swedish west coast or the east coast. The crew at ships operating the east coast, which has lower salinity in the water, did not seem to have experience with clogged nozzles and corrosion to the same extent as the ships on the west coast. Crews at ships operating the east coast was more concerned about fulfilling the requirements and actual suppressing a fire, which was also an expressed concern by the interviewed inspectors. Problems with internal corrosion in pipes is not unique for deluge system at ships, it also exists for land-based applications, such as in road tunnels and buildings. The results of the project are communicated directly to the shipping industry via the reference group and system group established for the project, and to the Swedish Transport Agency for further notification to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) development of safety rules for ships.

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  • 6.
    Olofsson, Anna
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Millgård, Ulrika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Gregersson, Johan
    Chalmers University of Technologty, Sweden.
    ReliS – Reliable Sprinkler. Förstudie som samlar in kunskap gällande tillförlitlighet av drenchersystem i rorolastutrymme.2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    ReliS – Reliable Sprinkler, är en förstudie som undersökt sprinklersystem (gruppaktiveringssystem) i rorolastutrymmen på rorofartyg, även kallade drenchersystem. Det övergripande målet med projektet var att ta fram förslag på tekniska och operativa förbättringar, för att undvika felfunktion och göra systemen mer tillförlitliga. Den huvudsakliga funktionen för ett drenchersystem är densamma som för ett delugesystem: när en deluge sektion är aktiverad ska vatten tömmas ut från alla öppna munstycken i deluge ("drencher") sektionen. Dessa fyra tillvägagångssätt för att samla in kunskap och erfarenhet om drenchersystemen användes i studien: - Litteraturstudie för att granska föreskrifter och andra vägledande dokument för drenchersystemet. - Intervjustudie för att få förståelse för goda exempel, frågeställningar, skeppsspecifika applikationer m.m. - Fältstudie för att undersöka systeminstallationen tillsammans med besättningsrepresentanter ombord och för att delta i flödestester av drenchersystem. - Systemgruppsworkshops efter en strukturerad metod för att hitta innovativa lösningar. De framtagna förslagen till förbättringar av drenchersystemens tekniska och operativa design utvecklades under Workshop #3 av Systemgruppen. Idéerna Rörmaterial och Undvik havsvatten vid testning valdes för att vidareutveckla. Användningen av havsvatten ökar korrosionshastigheten i stålrörssystem. Vattnets salthalt har också en effekt på korrosionshastigheten. För de fartyg som ingick i denna förstudie var det skillnad mellan besättningarnas upplevelse av igensatta munstycken och korrosion om fartyget trafikerade den svenska västkusten eller östkusten. Besättningsmedlemmar på fartyg som trafikerar östkusten, som har lägre salthalt i vattnet, verkade inte ha erfarenhet av igensatta munstycken och korrosion i samma utsträckning som de på fartygen som trafikerar västkusten. Besättningsmedlemmar på fartyg som trafikerade östkusten var mer oroade över att uppfylla kraven och att faktiskt dämpa en brand, vilket också var en uttryckt oro från de intervjuade inspektörerna. Problem med intern korrosion i rör är inte unikt för drenchersystem på fartyg, det är även problematiskt för landbaserade applikationer, som i vägtunnlar och i byggnader. Resultatet av projektet kommuniceras direkt till sjöfartsnäringen via de referens- och systemgrupper som upprättats för projektet samt till Transportstyrelsen för vidare anmälan till IMO för utveckling av säkerhetsregler för fartyg.

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