Traditional reliability evaluation of lighting sources often assesses only 50% of a lamp’s volume, which can lead to performance disparities and misapplications due to their limited reflection of real-world scenarios. To address the limitations, it is essential to adopt advanced asset management approaches that enhance awareness and provide a more comprehensive evaluation framework. This paper delves into the nuances of human-centric and integrative lighting asset management in Swedish public libraries, employing a qualitative field study to ascertain the alignment of current practices with these advanced lighting principles. Expanding library services to 20 high-latitude locations (>55° N) in Sweden, our research employed field observations, stakeholder interviews, and questionnaires, coupled with a thorough gap analysis, to understand the current landscape and stakeholder perceptions. Our findings reveal a dichotomy between the existing conditions of library lighting and the stakeholders’ experiences and expectations. Despite the intention to create conducive environments, there is a clear disconnect, with overt problems and covert challenges affecting user satisfaction and efficacy of lighting management. Managers, staff, and users reported varied concerns, including eye strain and discomfort, indicative of substantial room for improvement. The study advocates for a paradigm shift in not only lighting asset management but also reliability evaluation of lighting sources, moving toward continuous improvement, and enhanced awareness and training on human-centric and integrative lighting principles.
Most lighting is only designed to meet the visual needs in most public library environments in Sweden. Although lighting-related impacts are relevant to six Unite Nations sustainability goals, some important lighting considerations, such as circadian phase disruption, mode and productivity impact, and energy-efficient operation, are missing in current lighting operating practices. Moreover, most of the current lighting asset management practice in public buildings remains "fix it if only it breaks". With respect to people-centric health factors, visual index, and lighting asset energy-efficient operation, this study sublimates lighting into a new perspective. Finally, the suggested comprehensive lighting operating strategies integrating digital twins can help designers and operators in defining the optimal design/control strategy in public-built environments, like public library. Digital twin-based decision-making is expected to be applied to lighting design and control in public spaces that improves visual acuity and comfort, positively impact mood and productivity, and provides recommendations on engagement principles under Environment Social Governance (ESG) framework to asset manager/operators.