In this paper, two stators with different winding concepts but with the same rotor of an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) type are presented. Both concepts are investigated based on their performance and their respectively stator cost and stator manufacturing aspects for a yearly production rate of 1 million units.
The manufacturing of components requires several manufacturing process steps that are performed in a sequence, during which the raw material is progressively converted into finished parts. The aim with simulation of manufacturing sequences is to replicate the aggregate effects of the process steps on key features of the finished product and manufacturing features. With the support of a successful simulation methodology, it will thereby be possible for process planners to evaluate virtually and select process steps to be included in the manufacturing sequence and to optimize process parameters. The motivation to implement sequential simulation in industry is therefore strong and will reduce time and cost in process planning. The modelling and simulation of complete manufacturing sequences is, however, a challenge which may lead to unrealistic and time-consuming modelling efforts and extensive computational requirements. This is due to the often complex material transformations through several consecutive process steps. In order to adapt sequential simulation into an industrial environment, simplifications are therefore necessary. This paper proposes a method for simplified metamodelling of manufacturing sequences, using upstream selection of process steps and definition of interconnected models. The method is presented as an algorithm and will improve the efficiency in the modelling of manufacturing sequences. The usability of the algorithm is demonstrated with two industrial cases: a bevel gear pinion and a steering arm.
Machining of components may cause geometric distortions and thereby quality issues and increased costs. This paper presents an engineering approach of CAD/CAM based manufacturing simulation in order to be in control of geometric distortions after machining. The method utilises STEP AP209 for communication of CAD/CAM simulation data. The method improves the ability to optimise process parameters, geometry, and material, in order to fulfil the design requirements. The method supports concurrent design and process planning using 3D models in CAD/CAM and FEM.
During machining the accumulated residual bulk stresses induced by previous shape forming process steps, such as forging, casting or additive manufacturing and subsequent heat treatment will be released. This may cause undesirable geometric distortions of the final component and thereby high rejection rates and costs. This problem can be reduced by adjusting process– and design parameters. This paper presents a methodology for minimizing machining distortions. The methodology is based on a combination of procedures for prediction of machining distortions, using the Contour method and procedures for adjustment of machining distortions. Practical experiences are discussed and demonstrated using an aerospace component. The methodology should be executed in close cooperation between several actors in the value chain and best results may be achieved by combining several concepts for adjustment of machining distortions. Further research in conjunction with the Contour method, adaptive fixturing and toolpath adjustment is recommended.
This paper describes the experiences gained when using numerical and empirical methods in order to predict the accumulated surface characteristics for a safety component after several forging steps, controlled cooling and blasting. The forging steps were simulated in a sequence using one Finite Element (FE) code. The output forging mesh was used as input to the cooling simulation but was too coarse in order to reflect surface characteristics. The decarburisation effect during cooling that may influence the surface characteristics was not included in the cooling model. An attempt to create a parametric model of the blasting machine with output residual stresses and hardness as a function of input residual stresses, hardness and process parameters indicated the need of further investigation concerning the physical phenomena during blasting in the machine. A new method was developed for analysing the influence of the blasted surface texture on the stress intensity. The measured residual stresses and hardness span caused by variations in the blasting process were successfully used together with the stress intensity factor as input to a fatigue strength analysis. In order to establish a seamless chain of models through the manufacturing sequence further development concerning cooling and blasting models is required. © 2008 Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, Düsseldorf.
This report has been made with the intention to study vehicle traction electric machine design and electric machine high-volume production simultaneously. The aim was to better understand the trade-offs between optimal machine design versus production costs.
Four permanent magnet electric machine designs, all different from a production point of view, has been designed. Each machine design has been optimized as far as the project budget allowed to reach the shortest design which would fulfill all technical requirements.
For each of the four electric machine designs, a highly automated production line has been set up, capable of producing one million electric machines per year. All the costs for incoming material and for running the production line has been estimated to the best information available.
The results show that material cost is clearly dominating over production cost for all four machine designs with at least a factor of 20. This leads to the very simple conclusion that vehicle traction electric machines can be selected based on material cost only.
During machining the accumulated bulk stresses induced by previous shape forming process steps, such as forging, casting or additive manufacturing and subsequent heat treatment, will be released and cause undesirable geometry errors on the final component. By considering the residual stresses during process planning a significant improvement in dimensional accuracy can be achieved. This paper presents experiences for prediction of residual stresses for components with complex geometries using the Contour method. Three sectioning procedures have been tested and a cutting strategi using Electric Discharge Machining with slow feed rate and cutting from two sides with final cut in the middle is proposed. Two Finite Element modelling strategies for 3D-models have been tested and a meshing strategy based on extrusion of the geometry from the cut plane is recommended. Further, a procedure to automate the Finite Element meshing of complex structures using the Alpha Shape algorithm is proposed. The ambition is to integrate this algorithm in procedures for automatization of the entire analysis. © 2022 The authors
The aim was to develop and test an adaptive fixture concept with a modified hydraulic chuck from System 3R. The conclusion is that the chuck may be a good concept for adjusting machining distortions but further development is recommended. Further, a literature survey concerning responsive fixtures for CNC-machining is presented. In addition, a virtual approach for compensation of machining distortions was tested. A framework of LS-Dyna algorithms for springback compensation after sheet metal forming was tested on a use case. The study indicates that the concept can be applied for NC-code optimisation on solid geometries with a complex manufacturing process chain composed of e.g. forging, heat treatment and proceeding machining processes. The deformations after machining were notably reduced in this numerical survey. Also virtual concepts for calculation of material removal strategies and clamping force analysis is suggested and demonstrated. The project was carried out with the support of physical experiments with an adaptive fixture and simulation with FEM based on the contour method.
When hot forging components, wear can occur in the tool after a period of use, leading to incorrect geometry in the final component. This necessitates replacing the worn tool with a new one, which is costly. The current approach is to repair the tool using machining that removes the worn surface which is less efficient from a circularity standpoint. A more sustainable approach is to maximize the tool life by carefully adjusting the material and process parameters to slow the wearing process and repair without removing material as much as the cost is justified. Factors such as sliding distance, normal forces between the billet and forging tool, and the hardness of the tool all influence wear during forging. This study focuses on analytics of the process using measurements of the tool conditions and wear simulation based on Archard's law. The tool was analysed using stress, geometry, and hardness measurements. Several strategies to maintain or increase hardness, thereby extending tool life, are proposed. These include adjusting heat treatment before forging, modifying machining parameters, extending cooling time during hot forging, and replacing the current coolant with a more effective one.
During machining the material removal releases residual stresses introduced by previous process steps. This causes geometric machining distortions and thereby high rejection rates and costs. By simulating the process chain it is possible to predict this type of distortions. However, this requires advanced material models and accurate process- and material data for the individual processes. In order to simplify the modelling efforts a methodology that combines the contour method with machining simulation is proposed. The methodology is validated for an aerospace component using deep layer removal X-ray diffraction and CMM measurements. The methodology will improve possibilities to reduce machining distortions. © 2018 The Authors.