In the last decade, private companies have successfully used crowdsourcing to revolutionise mobility, while public transport companies are still mostly failing to utilise the benefits of crowdsourcing. The application of crowdsourcing in public transport is a new area of academic research, and research on crowdsourcing en route in real-time is missing. This research aims to address this gap, explore opportunities and challenges of this type of crowdsourcing, and conceptualise this phenomenon. The research is based on empirical data collected in five Northern European countries. Our research findings help identify areas where crowdsourcing en route can add value to public transport: new forms of communication, opportunities to communicate with third parties, and improved transit planning and optimisation. Identified challenges are related to behavioural change for users, a need to develop infrastructure to enable crowdsourcing en route, and financial rationalities.
Information systems as an artefact-oriented discipline require a strong interaction between researchers, developers and users regarding design of, development of, and the study of the use of digital artefacts in social settings. During recent years, performing research in a design science research spirit has gained increasing interest. In larger scale design research endeavours, access to systems development capabilities becomes necessary. Such a unit, InnovationLab, was established in 2006 in a university setting in Sweden. In this paper we are investigating the 5 years' experience of running this InnovationLab. Our findings point to an innovation lab being valuable for research in general and especially for design science research. However, in order to balance the business of an innovation lab, it will be necessary to provide services for other stakeholders (such as administrative units, teachers, and students) as a means for developing systems development capability aimed at supporting researchers.
Allt fler offentliga myndigheter står inför eller har delvis genomfört tillängliggörande av interna data till allmänheten - s.k. öppna data. Detta förväntas leda till nya innovativa tjänster utvecklade av intermediärer - tredjepartsutvecklare. För att stimulera sådana utvecklingsaktiviteter behöver de öppna datakällorna skapa värde för tredjepartsutvecklare. Det projekt, i vilken denna rapport är en slutredovisning, har tagit fram verktyg för att mäta tredjepartsutvecklares upplevda värde av Trafikverkets öppna data.
Arbetet med att identifiera hur en organisation kan skapa värde med öppna datatjänster vägledde projektet till att undersöka existerande forskning och erfarenhet om hur värde skapas inom tjänstesektorn. Rapporten presenterar sex områden vilka skapar värde för tredjepartsutvecklare av Trafikverkets öppna datatjänster.
Projektet genomförde djupintervjuer med tredjepartsutvecklare som visar på behov och synpunkter på hur Trafikverket kan skapa ett ökat värde med öppna datatjänster.
There is an ongoing movement in society to provide open data as an enabler for innovation and growth. As more data is passed on beyond organizational borders to trigger third party development of services, the expectations on what could be developed using open data increase. Developers have been observed to express frustration over different challenges in the wake of open data provision, such as localization issues, lack of quality in data etc. Knowledge and tools are missing to assess available open data. This absence risks ensuring continual improvement of open data markets and the management of hampering gaps between developers' requests of data and data providers' provision of data. This paper explores the benefits with open data assessment based on an exploratory single case research design.
Innovation contests are becoming popular instruments for stimulating development of digital services using open data. However, experience indicates that only a limited number of the results developed during these events become viable digital services attracting a significant user base. Hence, an unresolved question is how organizers choose to support the service development process after the contest is concluded. To further deepen our knowledge about the design of digital innovation contests and the support for the processes after the contests are concluded, we conducted a survey of the websites of 33 digital innovation contests.
Digital infrastructures enable delivery of information services in functional areas such as health, payment, and transportation by providing a sociotechnical foundation for partnership governance, resource reuse, and system integration. To effectively serve emerging possibilities and changing purposes, however, a key question concerns how an infrastructure can be extended to cater for future services in its functional area. In this paper, we approach such digital infrastructure growth as a challenge of aligning new partners whose digital capabilities spur innovative services that attract more users. We advance an initial typology that covers four growth tactics (i.e., adding services, inventing processes, opening identifiers, and providing interfaces) with the potential to set extension of infrastructures in motion. We then explore the proposed typology by investigating the ways in which its particular tactics successfully extended the scope of a digital infrastructure for public transportation in Stockholm, Sweden. Our insights invite IS scholars to engage more deeply in the development of growth tactics that achieve infrastructure extensions necessary for improving the durability of service delivery.
Digitaliseringen i Sverige går bra och vi ligger på tredje plats i Europa enligt Digital Economyand Society Index, DESI, undersökningen för 2017. Index inom offentlig sektor drar dock nervår placering. Motiveringen gör gällande att Sverige ligger över medel i Europa men i arbetetkring öppna data ligger Sverige efter. Mätningar som gjorts av bl.a. Open Data Barometer visapå liknande resultat. Detta är något som Forum för Transportinnovation i Sverige vill ändra på.En grundsten för att påskynda digitaliseringen inom mobilitetsområdet i syfte att bättre kunnahantera klimatmålen och skapa ett smartare resande i framtiden är att tillgängliggöra trafikdatafrån alla aktörer i transportsystemet. På så sätt läggs grunden för att nya smarta tjänster kanutvecklas av tredjepartsutvecklare. Omvärldsanalysen visar att flera globala initiativ somPlannerstack i Holland och Transport for London har nått kraftfulla resultat genom atttillgängliggöra trafikdata. Dessutom har flera nya arbetstillfällen skapats och takten iutvecklingen av smarta tjänster har ökat dramatiskt.Ett gemensamt initiativ tog form i Sverige under 2016 och projekt Kraftsamling ÖppnaTrafikdata startades samma år. Målet med projektet var att hitta en gemensam nationellmålbild för öppna trafikdata med start i den offentliga sektorn och ta fram en handlingsplanmed åtgärder för att realisera målbilden. Projektet delades upp i sex workshops där olikafokusområden bearbetades av sex regionala kollektivtrafikmyndigheter, Trafikverket,Samtrafiken och tredjepartsutvecklare. Projektet finansierades av Vinnova samt av deltagandebranschaktörer inkind där intresset var stort av att få delta i projektet. Arbetet med en målbildför nationella öppna kollektivtrafikdata resulterat i fem områden med förankrade lösningar;datamängder och tjänster, licenser och villkor, IT-arkitektur, organisation samt finansiering.Under projektet gjordes en GAP-analys över vilka data som idag saknas. Fullständiganationella data kring både realtid och mer utförliga tidtabellsdata, biljettförsäljningstjänstersamt pendelparkeringsdata var några data och tjänster som idag saknas. Projektet har därföridentifierat 12 datamängder och tjänster som kollektivtrafiken behöver tillhandahålla i sinhelhet för att möjliggöra smarta mobilitetstjänster. Dessa inkluderar datamängder kringplanerad trafik och realtidsinformation samt tjänster för reseplanering och biljettförsäljning.De licenser och villkor som reglerar vidareutnyttjande av tillgängliggjord trafikinformation skaharmoniseras. Tre olika typer av villkor behövs; för vidareanvändning av datamängder, förtillgång/access samt för biljettförsäljning.IT-arkitekturen innehåller en nationell utvecklarportal för tredjepartsutvecklare och en nationellåtkomstpunkt där samtliga 12 datamängder och tjänster tillgängliggörs. En vidareutveckladversion av dagens kommer vara utgångspunkt för den nationellautvecklingsportalen. Centrala standarder mellan trafikföretag och nationell åtkomstpunkt ärNOPTIS och BoB. Centrala standarder mot tredjepartsutvecklare är GTFS, NeTEx och BoB.Den organisation som krävs ska baseras på ledorden öppenhet och synlighet,professionalism, samskapande och samhällsnytta. Organisationen får en central roll både i attansvara för de centrala tekniska lösningarna och för samverkan inom och utom branschen.Genom denna samverkan får de organisationer som levererar data en aktiv roll i att styraarbetet framåt i den centrala organisationen. Dessutom kommer respektive organisation attansvara för sin dataleverans till den nationella åtkomstpunkten och egna dataleveranserutöver de nationella datamängder som tillgängliggörs genom den nationella åtkomstpunkten.Branschgruppen föreslår att denna organisation realiseras genom Samtrafiken.Finansiering av lösningen kommer på sikt (3 år beräknas för implementering) föreslåsfinansieras via det pågående uppdraget att inrapportera viss gemensam trafikantinformation Fram till denna tidpunkt kommer nödvändiga projektkostnaderfinansieras genom en kombination av resurser från initialt deltagande parter, samtliga parterinom gemensam trafikantinformation samt genom extern finansiering
Platform owners develop boundary resources to transfer design capabilities to third-party developers and boost innovation within platform ecosystems. The literature on boundary resources suggests the concept of tuning to depict the process where such resources are shaped through an interactive process involving platform owners, third-party developers and other actors within the platform ecology. While the literature on the tuning of boundary resources is promising and emerging, there is to our knowledge no current studies on platform owners’ measures to speed up this often prolonged process. In this research, we studied how a platform owner sought to accelerate the tuning process of its boundary resource through a case study at Volvo Group Truck Technology. In doing so, Volvo used an innovation contest where third-party developers used several boundary resources and engaged in an accelerated tuning process with Volvo Group Technology.
In recent years, the e-scooter has gained exceptional worldwide adoption, and their hybrid vehicle design has placed them in a legislative void. To this end, many cities are developing local regulations to govern and follow-up e-scooter operations within their jurisdiction. As e-scooters are equipped with hardware like SIM cards, GPS sensors, and accelerometers, the vehicles can both collect and act on digital information. Increasingly, cities thus draw on these capabilities using the Mobility Data Specification (MDS) as a soft digital infrastructure to e.g., express local regulations and collect operator data for compliance purposes. This paper uses interview data from European and U.S. cities, e-scooter operators, and systems integrators to provide an overview of the history and components of MDS. The paper also presents cities’ current uses and emerging challenges regarding using MDS for regulation, compliance monitoring, as well as data analytics for physical infrastructure planning.
Many contemporary firms and public agencies seek to engage external third-party developers to supply complementary applications. However, this type of development sometimes occurs without organizational consent, which creates problems for subjected organizations at both the technical and organizational levels. In this thesis, I have developed a theoretical perspective called open platform emulation. This perspective builds on emulation logics, where designers use an external model as a basis for developing compatible platform capabilities superior to the original model. In this thesis, this model has been external unsanctioned development. In open platform emulation, such capabilities include governance decisions enabling coherence with previously proven solutions, the flexibility to accommodate new development trajectories, and strategies for applying openness to a digital resource. The means to achieve these capabilities involves design rules’ architecture, interfaces, and integration protocols, which convey the capabilities to third-party developers. This way, a platform owner can draw on governance and architectural configurations to emulate self-resourcing behavior through the platform core. I generated the contributions from this thesis by materializing open platform emulation in a clinical setting. More specifically, I used action design research (ADR) together with the Swedish Transport Administration (STA). Starting in early 2012, I led a platform initiative that, in collaboration with the STA, sought to emulate self-resourcing to design an open platform. Here, I conducted two full ADR cycles that resulted in a currently active production platform used by both the STA and external third-party developers. Before this engagement, I also conducted studies of related phenomena within the Swedish public transport industry, and I have continued to follow the STA’s platform trajectory since its release in 2014. The theoretical contributions from this thesis include design principles that seek to guide the designers of open platforms in situations where digital resources are subject to self-resourcing. These design principles cover both product and process aspects throughout the open platform’s developmental trajectory. Also, I offer additional theoretical implications based on this work. These include extensions to current theories on open platforms, different types of platform emulation, an enunciated influence response to outlaw innovation, and methodological implications for guided emergence in ADR.
Den här rapporten riktar sig till dig som söker vägledning om digital infrastruktur och elsparkcyklar, eller har intresse för samspelet mellan policy och digitalisering för elsparkcyklar. Rapporten innehåller sju rekommendationer till kommuner om hur de kan använda den tekniska standarden Mobility Data Specification (MDS) i samband med elsparkcyklar: - MDS är lämpligt för svenska kommuner på kort och medellång sikt. - MDS är möjligt att använda under GDPR, men det behövs nationella riktlinjer för hur kommuner bör hantera MDS under GDPR. - Använd MDS för att uttrycka vissa regler digitalt och bygg också upp central kompetens om hur regler och föreskrifter bäst uttrycks digitalt. - Använd MDS för att följa upp regelefterlevnad men komplettera med fysiska kontroller. Införliva säkerhetsmarginaler i regler och sträva efter öppenhet i uppföljningsalgoritmer. - Använd MDS i planeringssyfte men var uppmärksam på att tolkningen och implementeringen av GDPR påverkar omfattningen av användbarheten. - Ställ krav på att leverantörer publicerar öppna data och överväg om ni kan nyttja en central aktör för att publicera öppna data. - Bygg inte eget systemstöd på kommunnivå. Handla i stället upp en extern systemleverantör eller överväg en gemensam systemlösning. Utveckla samtidigt egen kompetens i kommunen om samspelet mellan systemlösningar och trafikpolicyer. Rekommendationerna bygger primärt på intervjuer med personer som arbetar med frågor om mobilitet och digitala tekniska standarder. Majoriteten av de intervjuade organisationerna har en digital infrastruktur för elsparkcyklar, baserad på MDS. De intervjuade arbetar i städer och kommuner, myndigheter, mobilitetsföretag och företag som arbetar med systemintegration, särskilt med MDS. De intervjuade finns i Sverige, inom EU och i USA.
Standards are considered an essential means to facilitate value creation from open data. Despite this importance, we find that empirical studies of open data standards have not been conducted in proportion to its importance. In particular, the literature has insofar been silent about why specific standards are chosen and how these standards are implemented. To this end, we report from an action research project with the Swedish public transport industry, where open data standards were both chosen and implemented. Consistent with the literature, we find standards were selected based on expected increased attractivity for re-users. Also, and more surprisingly, we found that open data standards were chosen as a means to harness resources in adjacent digital ecosystems. Finally, our findings convey that implementing open data standards may hamper the possibility to publish datasets, with its original qualities.
Rio de Janeiro, with approximately 12 million people in the metropolitanarea, is working towards its goal to be a modern high-technologycity with an efficient transport system. The City of Rio de Janeiro andthe State of Rio de Janeiro hence invest a lot in the expansion of thephysical infrastructure such as the metro system, development of busrapid transit, city trams, etc. The public transport system has thus inrecent years been significantly improved for both the needs of everydayusers in the city as well as temporary visitors that visited Rio de Janeiroduring events such as the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the 2016Summer Olympic Games. Moreover, the Strategic Plan 2013-2016 ofRio de Janeiro’s City Council emphasized better integration betweenall modes of public transportation, as well as the implementation oftraffic management technology such as intelligent control of trafficlights, real-time information to users, and monitoring of routes.In addition, there was also a need to invest in corresponding digitalinfrastructure to enable more useful information services foreveryday travel. With more accurate traffic information available andprovided to travelers, it will help to align expectations with the overallperformance of e.g. the public transport system. In other words, thefrustration that typically follows from traffic disturbances can be mitigatedif travelers are well-informed and promptly notified about delays.However, as users acquire more devices and utilize ICT in personalizedand less predictable contexts this development also facesorganizations with a dilemma: how can information and services besupplied pervasively given the user diversity and the limited amountof resources available for service development? To this end, manycities open up their traffic data to enable outsiders to cater for end-userservices. By cooperating with external third-parties who find financialor other incentives to pursue development, public authorities can thenachieve a more pervasive distribution of traffic information, helping thecitizens in their everyday travel as well as nurture new firms and otheractors developing end-user applications.To this end, the project should draw on knowledge and experiencesfrom Sweden at – a national innovation platformfor open transport data. Also, the project should create businessopportunities for Swedish actors.
Public agencies are increasingly publishing open data to increase transparency and fuel data-driven innovation. For these organizations, maintaining sufficient data quality is key to continuous re-use but also heavily dependent on feedback loops being initiated between data publishers and users. This paper reports from a longitudinal engagement with Scandinavian transportation agencies, where such feedback loops have been successfully established. Based on these experiences, we propose four distinct types of data feedback loops in which both data publishers and re-users play critical roles.
Denna rapport undersöker explorativt möjligheter, konsekvenser och utmaningar relaterade till fördjupade datasamarbeten mellan offentliga aktörer och privata tjänsteföretag. I projektet undersöks specifikt samarbetsprogrammet Waze CCP och på vilket sätt ett fördjupat samarbete med Waze skulle kunna tillföra nyttor för främst Trafikverket.
Rapporten beskriver både innehållet i tjänsten Waze och hur samarbetet mellan Waze och offentliga aktörer ser ut på olika platser i världen. Förutsättningar och konsekvenser för olika tillämpningsområden har studerats närmare ur en svensk kontext och lett fram till ett antal användningsfall där en stor nytta med ett fördjupat samarbete identifierats.
Datasamarbeten mellan offentliga aktörer och privata (ofta globala) tjänsteföretag utmanar traditionella arbetssätt och kräver nya former av relationer. Samtidigt innebär framväxten av digitala ekosystem, digitalisering och tillgången till helt nya typer av data stora möjligheter till utveckling av den offentliga verksamheten.
De användningsfall som särskilt lyfts fram i rapporten och där fortsatt arbete rekommenderas är:
In this research-in-progress paper, we present findings from the diagnosing phase of a Canonical Action Research endeavour, together with the Swedish public transport industry. In our investigation, we found that the Swedish public transport industry historically has been able to create substantial value from taking a peripheral position in existing digital ecosystems. Also, we found several types of digital ecosystems that potentially would create future value, using open data from the public transport industry. These ecosystem types are incumbent digital platforms, open source software frameworks, and multi-provider open data ecosystems. This finding is novel to current discussions, as our results point to the paradoxical necessity of taking a more peripheral position towards these nascent digital ecosystems in order to harness their value. This finding implies a need for data providers to develop capabilities that enable such ecosystem participation. Our emerging results suggest that such capabilities include complementary resources, input control compliance, IP waivers, open community practices adoption, and open data boundary-spanners.
Forskningsverksamheten vid K2 inriktar sig mot fem områden samt tre s.k.strategiska case: Effektiva bytespunkter, Regional superbuss, samt IntegreradeMobilitetstjänster. Avdelningen Design & Human Factors vid Chalmers tekniska högskola har, i samverkan med RISE Viktoria, fått i uppdrag att genomföra systematisk omvärldsbevakning av området Integrerade Mobilitetstjänster utifrån ett brett, kollektivtrafikrelaterat perspektiv. Målet är ökad förståelse för hur området utvecklas. Analysen ska särskilt beakta hur utvecklingen bidrar till eller motverkar transportpolitiska målsättningar, speciellt målsättningen att andelen som reser med kollektivtrafik, gång och cykel ska öka. Denna analys utgör den andra analysen i denna serie.
The enrolment of third-party developers is essential to leverage the creation and evolution of data ecosystems. When such complementary development takes place without any organizational consent, however, it causes new social and technical problems to be solved. In this paper, we advance platform emulation as a theoretical perspective to explore the nature of such problem-solving in the realm of open platforms. Empirically, our analysis builds on a 10-year action design research effort together with a Swedish authority. Its deliberate change agenda was to transform unsolicited third-party development into a sanctioned data ecosystem, which led to a live open platform that is still in production use. Theoretically, we synthesize and extend received theory on open platforms and offer novel product and process principles for this class of digital platforms.
This report describes how software professionals at the Norwegian public transport organization Entur use open source processes and tools to leverage digital transformation. Moving software acquisition from procurement to open source and in-house development can deliver value but also entails challenges.
Connected vehicles generate new data streams that present promising opportunities for policymakers to monitor and learn from events and behavior. To explore what we can learn from how public entities leverage ubiquitous data streams for policy development and enforcement, we draw on a case study of the standard Mobility Data Specification (MDS) and its use by cities to regulate E-scooter operators. Our findings suggest that (1) the richness of real-time data changes the speed of policy revision, (2) data access enables moving some micro-decisions to the edge, and (3) policy will be formulated as fixed or flexible with different amendment rules.
A comparative analysis of the Mobility Data Specification and alternative standards - lessons learned for the Swedish transport system
Previous research results show that Mobility Data Specification (MDS) has been developed and widely spread in a relatively short time, and that the use of MDS has helped cities implement regulatory issues relating to e-scooters and also created business opportunities for external software developers (Rudmark et al., 2023). The main purpose of this report is to, through comparative analysis, further explore and evaluate which success factors can explain OMF/MDS's quick results and to make recommendations for the Swedish transport system based on the analysis. Special consideration is also given to how the EU's delegated acts relate to the various standards. The report builds further on results from previous research within the project (Rudmark, 2022a, 2022b; Rudmark et al., 2023). In addition, a number of supplementary interviews have been conducted with individuals with experience from NeTEx, MDS and NOPTIS.
In recent years, e-scooters have become increasingly common in cities around the world, and municipalities have been working with digital solutions to regulate and monitor their use. The Mobility Data Specification (MDS) is one such standard that many cities use to establish a digital infrastructure for electric scooters. MDS has helped cities with regulatory issues and created business opportunities for outside software developers. This report has particularly focused on business models and ecosystems, semantic interoperability, information security and privacy protection, and data ownership under MDS.