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  • 1.
    Boork, Magdalena
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad.
    Nordén, Johan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Wendin, Karin
    Kristianstad University, Sweden; University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
    Sensory Evaluation of Lighting: A Methodological Pilot2022Inngår i: LEUKOS The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, ISSN 1550-2724, E-ISSN 1550-2716, Vol. 18, nr 1, s. 66-82Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Current standards for light environments are based on technical requirements, e.g. luminance, uniformity, and illuminance, and do not necessarily describe all parts of the light experience to ensure visual comfort from a user perspective. Including experience-related requirements would most likely yield better lighting comfort. To do that, new methods for specifying and measuring the user experience are needed. This paper describes a pilot study exploring a new method to analytically assess perceived lighting properties by using a trained human panel and thus make human assessments more objective. The methodology is built on established sensory methods, where the human senses are used in product assessments, traditionally applied within e.g. the food, packaging, and car industries. An analytical panel comprising eight persons fulfilling specific selection criteria were recruited and trained to assess lighting products in a multi-sensory laboratory. The results show that the panelists were able to assess lighting by distinguishing between attributes and products. Significant differences were identified between the different luminaires, both in terms of sensory and physical properties, e.g. readability and glare. Conclusively, analytical sensory methods can be applied to lighting to assess luminaires in a non-subjective way. Physical and sensory attributes do not, however, always co-vary, which shows that data from physical and sensory measuring methods provide complementary information about light quality. This knowledge may in turn be applied in tools supporting the communication between different professions in lighting design and procurement to promote light environments that are both energy efficient and desirable from an end-user perspective.

  • 2.
    Boork, Magdalena
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad.
    Wendin, Karin
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Biovetenskap och material, Jordbruk och livsmedel.
    Nordén, Johan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Innemiljö i nytt ljus: Metoder för objektiv bedömning av belysning2017Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Nuvarande belysningsstandarder baseras enbart på tekniska krav, såsom ljusstyrka, jämnhet och luminans. Att även inkludera upplevelsebaserade krav skulle troligen främja bättre ljuskomfort, men även mer energieffektiva ljusmiljöer och produkter. Kunskapen om hur upplevda belysningsparametrar kan beskrivas är dock begränsad. Detta hämmar fastighetsägare och brukare att precisera önskvärda ljusmiljöer, liksom belysningstillverkare att utveckla produkter för nya marknader och tillämpningar. Syftet med detta forskningsprojekt var att utveckla och tillämpa sensoriska metoder på belysning. Till skillnad från tidigare metoder möjliggör sensoriska metoder objektiva bedömningar av upplevda belysningsparametrar.

    En analytisk panel bestående av åtta personer som uppfyller särskilda urvalskriterier rekryterades och tränades att bedöma belysningsprodukter i ett multisensoriskt laboratorium på SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut i Borås. Metodutvecklingen fokuserade särskilt på en effektiv träningsprocedur, hantering av ögats adaption, samt bedömning av färg och skuggningar. Förutom laboratorie-försök undersöktes möjligheten att genomföra analytiska bedömningar i en verklig kontext med samma försöksuppställning och panel.

    Resultaten visar att det är möjligt att använda sensorisk metodik för att genomföra objektiva belysningsbedömningar av armaturer; paneldeltagarna kunde skilja mellan attribut och prover. Signifikanta skillnader identifierades mellan de olika armaturerna, både i form av sensoriska och fysikaliska egenskaper såsom läsbarhet och bländning. Fysikaliska och sensoriska parametrar samvarierar dock inte alltid, vilket visar att fysikaliska och sensoriska mätningar ger kompletterande information om belysningskvalitet. Vidare visade bedömningsförsök i en verklig kontext att samma resultat uppnåddes som i laboratoriet, men med lägre signifikans, vilket verifierar metodens tillämpbarhet på belysning.

    Den genererade kunskapen väntas på sikt bidra till utveckling av verktyg som stödjer kommunikationen mellan olika professioner inom ljusdesign och planering och på så vis främja mer önskvärda och energieffektiva ljusmiljöer.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 3.
    Carolina, Hiller
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Samhällsbyggnad.
    Wendin, Karin
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Biovetenskap och material, Jordbruk och livsmedel.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Utveckling och tillämpning av sensoriska metoder för objektiva belysnings-bedömningar, del I2017Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    I dag finns tekniska belysningsstandarder som inkluderar parameterar så som ljusstyrka, jämnhet och luminans. Det som saknas är krav som grundar sig på människors upplevelser av belysning och ljusmiljöer. Att få med den upplevelsebaserade dimensionen skulle betyda ett helhetstänk som förmodligen skulle gynna både ljuskomforten och än mer energieffektiva ljusmiljöer och produkter. Att beskriva upplevda belysningsparametrar har hittills visat sig inte vara helt enkelt, och här saknas både kunskap och en gemensam begreppsvärld inom branschen; något som hämmar fastighetsägare att ställa lämpliga krav vid en upphandling liksom belysningstillverkare att utveckla produkter för nya marknader och tillämpningar. Det övergripande syftet med detta forskningsprojekt är att utveckla och tillämpa sensoriska metoder på belysning. Till skillnad från tidigare metoder möjliggör sensoriska metoder objektiva bedömningar av upplevda belysningsparametrar. Syftet med försöken som redovisas i denna delrapport är att vidareutveckla och testa metoden ytterligare. Detta görs genom att nya armaturer testas liksom att försök utförs i en ny verklig kontext (kontorsmiljö). Försöken bygger vidare på resultat från tidigare försök som har rapporterats om i (Boork et al, 2017).

    En analytisk panel bestående av åtta personer, som uppfyllde särskilda urvalskriterier, har tidigare rekryterats och dessa personer tränades nu för detta specifika delprojekt för att bedöma belysningsprodukter i ett multisensoriskt laboratorium på RISE Research Institutes of Sweden i Borås. Metodutvecklingen fokuserade särskilt på en effektiv träningsprocedur, hantering av ögats adaption, samt bedömning av färg och skuggningar. Förutom laboratorieförsök undersöktes möjligheten att genomföra analytiska bedömningar i en verklig kontext med samma försöksuppställning och panel.

    Resultaten visade att det är möjligt att använda sensorisk metodik för att genomföra objektiva belysningsbedömningar även för de testade belysningsprodukterna, dvs mindre LED-spotlights. Signifikanta skillnader identifierades mellan de olika armaturerna och som i tidigare försök spelade färgtemperaturen en stor roll för flera av de bedömda egenskaperna; inte minst förstås för ljuskällans gulhet och för läsbarhet (textkontrasten). Liksom i tidigare försök fanns det samband mellan de fysikaliska mätningarna och sensoriska bedömningarna, men inte för alla egenskaper, vilket visar att fysikaliska och sensoriska mätningar ger kompletterande information om belysning.  Vidare visade bedömningsförsök i en verklig kontext att likvärdiga resultat uppnåddes som i laboratoriet, om ändock något spretigare och inte heller lika entydiga i jämförelse med verklig kontext i tidigare försök.

    Den genererade kunskapen väntas på sikt bidra till utveckling av verktyg som stödjer kommunikationen mellan olika professioner inom ljusdesign och planering och på så vis främja mer önskvärda och energieffektiva ljusmiljöer.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 4.
    Durmus, D.
    et al.
    Pennsylvania State University, USA.
    Jägerbrand, A. K.
    University of Gävle, Sweden.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Research Note: Red light to mitigate light pollution: Is it possible to balance functionality and ecological impact?2024Inngår i: Lighting Research and Technology, ISSN 1477-1535, E-ISSN 1477-0938, Vol. 56, nr 3, s. 304-Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The widespread use of electric lighting has revolutionised society but brought unintended consequences, notably light pollution, impacting ecosystems and human circadian rhythms. Concerns about anthropogenic light at night (ALAN) have prompted innovative solutions, such as spectral tuning of light sources. In Europe, a recent focus involves the enforcement of red light in outdoor settings to minimise ALAN’s impact, particularly on bats. This mini review synthesises literature to provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of red light outdoors. There is a need for further examination of the potential ecological consequences of red light, considering challenges in lighting design functionality and broader impacts on diverse species.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 5.
    Durmus, Dorukalp
    et al.
    Pennsylvania State University, USA.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Jagerbrand, Annika
    Halmstad University, Sweden.
    Investigating the methods and health outcomes of research studies on light pollution and human physiology and behaviour: a systematic review2022Inngår i: 2022 Joint Conference - 11th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting and 17th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting, EEDAL/LS:17 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2022Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Light at night (LAN) enables humans to extend their lifestyle and exploration, cultivates economic growth, and increases the perception of safety. On the other hand, LAN has been connected to adverse health outcomes, such as circadian disruption, mood effects, and increased breast cancer incidence risk in humans. Studies investigating health outcomes of LAN utilize a variety of methods sometimes resulting in conflicting outcomes. We conducted a systematic review focusing on the experimental methods and health outcomes of LAN studies. While most studies found a negative impact of LAN on human health, lighting conditions were not adequately reported or controlled in many cases. Recommendations are provided for future research studies investigating LAN effects on human health outcomes. 

  • 6.
    Jagerbrand, Annika
    et al.
    Halmstad University, Sweden.
    Zissis, Georges
    Université Toulouse Iii, France.
    Merschbrock, Christoph
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Sweden.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    EU ecodesign requirements for waste handling of lighting: perspectives from France and Sweden2022Inngår i: 2022 Joint Conference - 11th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting and 17th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting, EEDAL/LS:17 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2022Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Circular economy is becoming an important topic for lighting design, research, and industry. Recent legislation, like the EU's ecodesign regulation, has established circularity, reparability, and recyclability as requirements for the industry. This article investigates what happens at the end-of-life stages of lighting products through questionnaires and interviews conducted with experts in Sweden and France. The focus is on understand the impact of the new EU requirements on industrial practice in France and Sweden. Moreover, the article provides ideas for practical improvement of both product recyclability and waste handling of luminaires and light sources.

  • 7.
    Jägerbrand, Annika
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Sweden.
    Andersson, Petter
    Calluna AB, Sweden.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Dose–effects in behavioural responses of moths to light in a controlled lab experiment2023Inngår i: Scientific Reports, E-ISSN 2045-2322, Vol. 13, nr 1, artikkel-id 10339Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Insects play a critical role in providing numerous ecosystem services. However, insect diversity and biomass have been declining dramatically, with artificial light being suggested as a contributing factor. Despite the importance of understanding the dose–effect responses of insects to light emissions, these responses have been rarely studied. We examined the dose–effect responses of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.) to different light intensities (14 treatments and a dark control) by observing their behavioural responses in a light-tight box equipped with a LED light source (4070 K) and infrared cameras. Our findings reveal dose–effect responses to light, as the frequency of walking on the light source increased with higher light intensity. Additionally, moths exhibited jumps in front of the light source and jump frequency increased with light intensity. No direct flight-to-light behaviour or activity suppression in response to light was observed. Based on our analysis of the dose–effect responses, we identified a threshold value of 60 cd/m2 for attraction (walking on the light source) and the frequency of jumps. The experimental design in this study offers a valuable tool for investigating dose–effect relationships and behavioural responses of various species to different light levels or specific light sources. © 2023, The Author(s).

  • 8.
    Martinsons, C.
    et al.
    Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, France.
    Behar-Cohen, F.
    Université Paris Cité, France; Ophtalmopôle, France; Hôpital Foch, France.
    Bergen, T.
    Australian Photometry and Radiometry Laboratory, Australia.
    Blattner, P.
    METAS, Switzerland.
    Herf, M.
    F.lux Software LLC, USA.
    Gronfier, C.
    Université de Lyon, France.
    Houser, K.
    Oregon State University, USA.
    Jost, S.
    Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Obein, G.
    Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais, France.
    Schlangen, L.
    Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.
    Simonot, L.
    Université de Poitiers, France.
    Spitschan, M.
    Technical University of Munich,Germany; Max Planck Institute, Germany.
    Torriglia, A.
    Université Paris Cité, France.
    Zeitzer, J.
    Stanford University, USA.
    Reconsidering the spectral distribution of light: Do people perceive watts or photons?2024Inngår i: Lighting Research and Technology, ISSN 1477-1535, E-ISSN 1477-0938Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The spectral distribution is a fundamental property of non-monochromatic optical radiation. It is commonly used in research and practical applications when studying how light interacts with matter and living organisms, including humans. In the field of lighting, misconceptions about the spectral distribution of light are responsible for unfounded claims, which pervade the scientific and technical communities. Starting from the definition of the spectral distribution, this paper describes the ambiguities and errors associated with a purely graphical analysis of the spectral distribution. It also emphasizes the importance of considering the particle nature of light in research involving both visual and non-visual effects, which implies using the spectral distribution expressed in the photon system of units, a system that has been seldom used in lighting research for historical reasons. The authors encourage lighting engineers and researchers to determine which system is best suited to their work and then proceed with the correct use of spectral distributions and of spectral weighting functions for applications involving optical radiation. © The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2024.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 9.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Källberg, Stefan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Effects of non-visual optical flicker in an office with two different light sources.2017Inngår i: PROCEEDINGS of the Conference on "Smarter Lighting for Better Life"at the CIE Midterm Meeting 2017., 2017, s. 451-Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    LED lighting solutions sometimes give rise to optical flicker. In most cases, the temporal modulations are too fast to be perceived directly, but may still be noticed through stroboscopic effects. We report on an investigation on how people experience the lighting in an office where two LED lamps are modulated separately with different frequencies. The test subjects performed tasks for evaluation of perception, attention and reaction time. The subjects are found to be affected by the modulated light as the reaction times are shorter and the attention test scores are higher in modulated lighting compared to constant lighting. Furthermore, the study confirms that the stroboscopic effect depends on the nature of the tasks and that it is more easily perceived at lower frequencies but noticed up to at least 400 Hz.

  • 10.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport.
    Källberg, Stefan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport.
    Night-time visibility of road signs with modern headlamps2017Inngår i: CIE x044:2017. PROCEEDINGS of the Conference on"Smarter Lighting for Better Life"at the CIE Midterm Meeting 2017, 2017Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Retroreflective road signs and vehicle headlamps are important factors that contribute to road safety, especially during the dark hours of the day. In this paper we investigate whether modern vehicle light sources such as LED and HID influence the visibility of road signs compared to traditional halogen lamps, with focus on colour recognition and retroreflection. The results show that LED headlamps significantly affect the coefficient of retroreflection for blue, red and green signs, with lower retroreflection in the red and higher for blue and green. As for colour recognition it is shown that different viewing geometries will have a minor impact on the road sign face colour, while different types of headlamps will produce quite significant colour shifts. However, as the separation between different colours tend to stay the same or even increase with LED or HID compared to halogen lamps, the risk for misjudging nearby colours is considered small.

  • 11.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Källberg, Stefan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Hedekvist, Per Olof
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Measurement of the Effect of Dynamic Lighting on Alertness, Mood and Sleepiness2017Inngår i: PROCEEDINGS OF THE LUX EUROPA 2017, Lighting for modern society / [ed] Matej B. Kobav, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2017Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The lighting in the workplace is known to have a significant effect on the workers’ well-being and alertness. It also affects sleep/wake-cycles and mood. The aim of this pilot study is to investigate a method to evaluate non-visual effects of variable lighting in workplaces using both self-assessed and physical data. The lighting in two offices was varied according to pre-programmed schedules, including daylight simulating scenario for two weeks and activity promoting scenario for two weeks. The method was successful and provided interesting results on the measured physical data. The resting pulse was lowered and the sleep quality improved for the test subjects during the weeks of dynamic office lighting.

  • 12.
    Olofson, Jan Yngve
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Houltz, Birgitta K.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE., SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Mätteknik, Kommunikation.
    Bake, Björn
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Respiratory symptoms and peripheral airways disease in a cross-sectional study on a random population sample2012Inngår i: BMJ Open, E-ISSN 2044-6055, Vol. 2, nr 6, artikkel-id e001488Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Objectives: Respiratory symptoms are associated with spirometry results but more strongly with smoking history, suggesting that alterations in the lung other than those revealed by spirometry contribute to cause symptoms. Smoking may cause obstruction of peripheral airways that is poorly detected by spirometry. The slope of phase III of the single-breath nitrogen (N2) test detects smoking-induced alterations in smokers before spirometry is impaired. The aim of the present investigation was to study the association between respiratory symptoms and the slope of phase III adjusting for spirometry results and smoking history. Design: Single-centre retrospective cross-sectional study. Setting: University hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden. Participants: A random population sample of 430 elderly men. Methods: The presence of seven different respiratory symptoms were analysed by a multiple logistic regression model in relation to spirometry results, smoking history (pack-years) and the slope of phase III in a population sample of 430 elderly men, age span 50-67 years. Furthermore, smoking normalised values of the slope of phase III were calculated and differences between subjects reporting/not reporting symptoms were tested. Results: The presence of some cough symptoms was significantly associated with a steep slope of phase III also when adjusting for spirometry results and smoking history. Furthermore, smoking normalised slope of phase III was significantly steeper among subjects with cough symptoms compared to those without cough symptoms. Conclusions: Cough symptoms may be an effect of abnormalities in peripheral airways at least among elderly men.

  • 13.
    Spitschan, Manuel
    et al.
    Max Planck Institute, Germany; Technical University of Munich, Germany.
    Zauner, Johannes
    Max Planck Institute, Germany; Technical University of Munich, Germany.
    Nilsson Tengelin, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Bouroussis, Constantinos A.
    METAS Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland.
    Caspar, Patrik
    METAS Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland.
    Eloi, Fabien
    LNE Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essai, France.
    Illuminating the future of wearable light metrology: Overview of the MeLiDos Project2024Inngår i: Measurement, ISSN 0263-2241, E-ISSN 1873-412X, Vol. 235, artikkel-id 114909Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Light exposure profoundly influences human health, regulating circadian rhythms and impacting wakefulness and sleepiness. Estimating the effects of light exposure under everyday conditions requires personal, wearable light logging and dosimetry approaches. This article introduces the MeLiDos Project (2023–2026), supported by the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET). The project’s first branch defines quality indices and calibration standards for wearable light loggers, adapting existing metrological standards to their smaller size and distinct purpose in the field rather than the laboratory. The second branch develops a software ecosystem, including the open-source R software package LightLogR, designed to manage the increasing volume of data, ensuring reusability, accessibility and interoperability of data. The third branch explores the potential of spatially resolved light dosimetry. The MeLiDos Project anticipates advancements in wearable light metrology, paving the way for optimizing human health and well-being through wearable light logging technologies. 

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