Swedish standard time is regulated by law to follow UTC as maintained by the BIPM. The atomic clocks that are used to implement UTC(SP), the realization of UTC in Sweden, are located at four different sites and are reported to TAI using data from TWSTFT and GNSS links. The activities in the Time and Frequency laboratory at SP are presently undergoing an expansion with the construction of a new additional secure site and the implementation of a distributed time scale.
This paper outlines the roadmap towards the redefinition of the second, which was recently updated by the CCTF Task Force created by the CCTF in 2020. The main achievements of optical frequency standards (OFS) call for reflection on the redefinition of the second, but open new challenges related to the performance of the OFS, their contribution to time scales and UTC, the possibility of their comparison, and the knowledge of the Earth’s gravitational potential to ensure a robust and accurate capacity to realize a new definition at the level of 10−18 uncertainty. The mandatory criteria to be achieved before redefinition have been defined and their current fulfilment level is estimated showing the fields that still needed improvement. The possibility to base the redefinition on a single or on a set of transitions has also been evaluated. The roadmap indicates the steps to be followed in the next years to be ready for a sound and successful redefinition.
Two-color one-way frequency transfer through one strand of optical fiber is an alternative method to two-way frequencytransfer, and is useful if unknown asymmetries exist in the link due to different paths for each direction. The term “twocolor”refers to the ability to send signals at two different wavelengths utilizing the same fiber in one direction. The methodis suitable for implementation in existing urban Single Mode Fiber networks, for instance in networks that are utilized for dataand television communication. It is therefore able to coexist with data channels in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM)systems. It performs as a dynamical control of transit time and simultaneously enables a real-time phase stabilized output signal.This paper presents results from a comparison of two cesium beam frequency standards separated by about 3 km over an opticalfiber network located in a metropolitan area in Sweden. The cesium standards were simultaneously compared to each other witha Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite link and over optical fibers, so that the optical fiber technique could be evaluatedwith respect to the GPS technique. The difference in frequency stability between the two methods is shown to be about 3 × 10-15over an averaging interval of 10 000 s.1. IntroductionThe need for high accuracy time and frequencytransfer has significantly increased over thelast decade. Users with the most demandingrequirements for the characterization of remotelylocated time and frequency standardsare investigating the use of optical fibers, asthe accuracy and stability of methods based onGNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems)such as Global Positioning System (GPS) appearto be reaching their limits. Recent workin the field of optical frequency transfer showsresults with potential accuracies below 10-17obtained in less than a day, demonstrating thatthe technique is useful for the comparison ofoptical frequency standards [1, 2]. Most of theoptical frequency transfer methods or laserstabilizations [3] focus on two-way frequencytransfer [4], whether it uses the optical phase[5-10] or intensity modulation at microwavefrequencies [11], dark fiber, or data protocolsutilized for timing in wavelength division multiplexingchannels [12-14]. When two-wayfrequency transfer methods are used, there is apresumption that the signals delays are equivalent(symmetrical) in both directions, but inmost cases the two counter wise transmissionpaths are asymmetrical and this introduces a
A variety of commerce needs or requires accurate time, such as air traffic control, bank transactions and computer log file comparisons. Whenever the used time needs to be compared with a timestamp generated by another system, both systems must be traceable to a common reference, such as a local UTC(k) realization. Within this paper a distributed timescale using five nodes across Sweden is presented. The foundation for time keeping at each node is two cesium clocks, which are connected to time analysis equipment and equipment for producing redundant timescales. Both timescales are used and distributed throughout the time node and then prioritized by the local NTP servers, PTP grand masters, and other time distribution services. The timescales are monitored by RISE Research Institute of Sweden to ensure traceability to UTC(SP).To compare the timescales of each location with the other locations, GNSS common view is primarily used with an alternative fiber-based solution as back-up. All available time signals are measured relative to the master timescale, and that data is distributed to the other locations to be used as input in the steering of the local timescales. The NTP servers of the time nodes are directly connected to Internet Exchange points, for central, highly available and fair connectivity to the Internet.
A nationwide fiber optic communication network utilizing state-of-the-art technologies with data modulation both in the polarization and in multi-level amplitude and phase is being deployed in Sweden. The network is operated by the Swedish University computer Network, and connects all universities and several research facilities in the country through redundant connections. Since there is a limited amount of clients connected to the network, each client will be assigned a personal wavelength. With a network that is all-optical through an advanced utilization of dynamically reconfigurable optical add and drop multiplexers, each wavelength can theoretically be connected to any other client within the network, enabling broadcasting on allocated wavelengths. The coherent modulation formats also enables signal recovery through electronic digital signal processing after detection, and no optical dispersion compensation is thereby installed. This new network scheme enables a brand new implementation of frequency and time dissemination in the network. The omission of dispersion compensation fibers enhances the symmetry in duplex fiber pair transmission. These optical add-drop installations allow for future efficient frequency and time signal broadcasting from reference nodes operated by distributors such as SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden to users connected to the network.
A fiber-based time transfer between UTC(SP) and the VLBI-station at Onsala Space Observatory has been evaluated. The transfer uses a single wavelength in an active coherent DWDM-network in unidirectional duplex fibers and is routed through Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers.
When fiber optic communication networks are used for ultra-stable timing or frequency transfer, there will always be an influence of polarization variation to some extent. The variations can be induced by e.g. mechanical vibration or electromagnetic effects from adjacent power lines. The output polarization from a 120 km fiber transmission of an ultra-stable optical frequency is analyzed and the requirements of a compensation device are quantified.
The rapid development in communication infrastructure over the past decades entails an increasing dependence on time and frequency, as well as its redundant distribution. This places demands not only on already existing distribution methods, but also on the development of new ones to meet future needs. To meet these demands several research groups are working on high performance fiber-based frequency transfer techniques. The best achieved performance so far is the techniques using a single bi-directional fiber connection, with customized bi-directional optical amplifiers [1]. The objective of this project is to develop a method that is compatible with data communication in DWDM-systems, i.e. using the existing infrastructure, as well as to be complementary technique for time and frequency distribution. Even though it is likely to have worse performance than the bi-directional system in terms of frequency stability, it will allow for the impassable obligation to follow the deployed structure of telecom networks. The establishment and early results of the non-stabilized link has been previously presented [2, 3]. The ongoing evaluation and improvement will be aimed at finding relevant performance specifications for a connection using this technique. The work presented here is the most recent results of the frequency transfer and discusses the future plans for the fiber connection, including the added time transfer method. If proven successful, the long-term objective is to establish a distribution network for optical frequency references in Sweden.
An experimental fiber connection for ultra-stable optical frequency transfer is established between SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Borås and Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. The distance is approximately 60 km, and the connection is implemented in the Swedish University Computer Network. The sites are connected through an active flexible communication network where each optical channel can be configured with terminal equipment based on the user needs. The network is implemented with unidirectional optical amplifiers and duplex fibers. The signal quality and the stability when sending an optical coherent frequency utilizing a wavelength in a DWDM system fiber pair, is evaluated within this work. The aim of the system is to be ultra-stable which corresponds to a stability of 10-13 for t = 1 s (Overlapping Allan Variance), as well as providing the ability to distribute monitored ultra-stable frequency with a future traceability to UTC (SP) to multiple users within the future network. This paper describes the current status and results from the frequency transfer between SP and Chalmers.
An experimental fiber link is being established between SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Boras and Chalmers University of Gothenburg in Sweden. The one way fiber length is about 60 km and implemented in SUNET (Swedish University Network). The aim of the project is to evaluate the signal quality when sending a stable optical frequency utilizing a wavelength in a DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) system fiber pair. The experiment uses a channel in the DWDM with the wavelength of 1542.14 nm. This wavelength is within the C band and is therefore compatible with common Erbium doped amplifiers in this network. Another aim of the system is to be ultra-stable which corresponds to a stability of 1×10-13 for τ = 1 s as well as providing the ability to distribute monitored ultra-stable frequency with a future traceability to UTC (SP) (National realization of Universal Time Coordinated within Sweden) to multiple users within the network. Measurements of an optical frequency transfer using a fiber-link based on unidirectional light signals in parallel fibers have shown promising results in a free-running setup and in a lab environment. The fractional frequency stability, analyzed as the Overlapping Allan deviation, is approximately 3×10-13 at τ = 10 s and almost 1×10-14 at 105 s.
The local time scale at Onsala Space Observatory is connected to UTC(SP) through a White Rabbit time transfer system operating on the Swedish University Computer Network SUNET. The time transfer enables a robust synchronization of the VLBI and the IGS stations operating at the observatory and can potentially improve the reliability and availability of traceable time at sufficient accuracy. Several months of data are gathered to evaluate long term events and stability metrics.
The national Time and Frequency laboratory of Sweden is a part of SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden since 1995. The laboratory is responsible for maintaining the official realization of Swedish standard time and the dissemination of it within Sweden. The objectives of the laboratory include supporting and making it accessible to Swedish industry and authorities with accurate measures of Time and Frequency by instrument calibration, knowledge-transfer, time dissemination, research and development. Swedish standard time is regulated by law to follow UTC as achieved and maintained by the BIPM. The atomic clocks that are used to implement UTC(SP), the realization of UTC in Sweden, are located at five different sites and are reported to TAI using data from TWSTFT and GNSS links. The activities in the Time and Frequency laboratory at SP is presently undergoing an expansion, with the construction of a new additional secure site, the implementation of a distributed time scale and the participation in the Galileo time scale.
Using network-time-protocol, NTP, to synchronize electronics has its limitations. Even if the NTP-server is a Stratum 1 operated by a responsible agent and connected to a reliable source, the asymmetries in the network and the influence by data traffic congestions limit the accuracy to the order of 10 ms or worse. The large uncertainty of a single request can be compensated by repetition, but to be useful the local oscillator must be more stable than the occurrence of congestions in the network. Even then, there is a remaining doubt on the accuracy of the time received by the client. In principle the time achieved from an NTP-server is to be seen as unreliable for legal purposes, if no feedback estimates of the uncertainties are acquired of the transmission. Experimental data present how this limitation has improved, at least statistically, through the continuous upgrade of data bandwidth in one of Sweden's back-bone networks. Even though data over Internet also increases, it appears that the detrimental effects of the network on NTP accuracy have decreased. Since 2011, SP have monitored a number of NTP-servers operated by TeliaSonera and logged the response compared to the realization of the national timescale in Sweden (UTC(SP)). All NTP-servers used in this evaluation are commercial, off-the-shelf products with stratum 1 synchronization. The reference NTP-server and NTP-logger are located in SP premises in Borås, with a virtual private network connection to all servers, and thus sharing the bandwidth of the network between server and client. The NTP-logger is customized and includes equipment for independent measurements of the round-trip-delay. The uncertainty of each server, as achieved when polled from Borås, is calculated. The results present how the precision improves with an order of magnitude during the last three years by evaluating maximum daily variations. The improvements during the years have decreased the uncertainty and enhanced the accuracy to stable levels in ms to sub-ms range. This paper will further study and present the performance of the NTP-monitoring, with reported offset and uncertainty. It serves as an empirical reference on network improvements enabling better performance of NTP-synchronization.
In the fiber optic link, connecting RISE research facilities in Borås with the Photonics Lab at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, the signal is substantially distorted by polarization variations. It has been verified that the variations are induced by the electrical power grid, however unknown at which segment of the link that it occurs. While this distortion is effectively handled by standard equipment for the data transmission, it deteriorates the detection of a transmitted ultra-stable frequency, using heterodyne mixing. Thus, the magnitude and severity of this distortion is quantified, and some compensation techniques are evaluated.
Traditional reliability evaluation of lighting sources often assesses only 50% of a lamp’s volume, which can lead to performance disparities and misapplications due to their limited reflection of real-world scenarios. To address the limitations, it is essential to adopt advanced asset management approaches that enhance awareness and provide a more comprehensive evaluation framework. This paper delves into the nuances of human-centric and integrative lighting asset management in Swedish public libraries, employing a qualitative field study to ascertain the alignment of current practices with these advanced lighting principles. Expanding library services to 20 high-latitude locations (>55° N) in Sweden, our research employed field observations, stakeholder interviews, and questionnaires, coupled with a thorough gap analysis, to understand the current landscape and stakeholder perceptions. Our findings reveal a dichotomy between the existing conditions of library lighting and the stakeholders’ experiences and expectations. Despite the intention to create conducive environments, there is a clear disconnect, with overt problems and covert challenges affecting user satisfaction and efficacy of lighting management. Managers, staff, and users reported varied concerns, including eye strain and discomfort, indicative of substantial room for improvement. The study advocates for a paradigm shift in not only lighting asset management but also reliability evaluation of lighting sources, moving toward continuous improvement, and enhanced awareness and training on human-centric and integrative lighting principles.
We provide a survey on the joint European research project “GeoMetre”, which explores novel technologies and their inclusion to existing surveying strategies to improve the traceability of geodetic reference frames to the SI definition of the metre. This work includes the development of novel distance meters with a range of up to 5 km, the realisation of optical multilateration systems for large structure monitoring at an operation distance of 50 m and beyond, and a novel strategy for GNSS-based distance determination. Different methods for refractivity compensation, based on classical sensors, on dispersion, on spectroscopic thermometry, and on the speed of sound to reduce the meteorological uncertainties in precise distance measurements, are developed further and characterised. These systems are validated at and applied to the novel European standard baseline EURO5000 at the Pieniny Kippen Belt, Poland, which was completely refurbished and intensely studied in this project. We use our novel instruments for a reduced uncertainty of the scale in the surveillance networks solutions for local tie measurements at space-geodetic co-location stations. We also investigate novel approaches like close-range photogrammetry to reference point determination of space-geodetic telescopes. Finally, we also investigate the inclusion of the local gravity field to consider the deviations of the vertical in the data analysis and to reduce the uncertainty of coordinate transformations in this complex problem.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden hosts most Swedish national metrology institute activities, including time and frequency that is located at its Borås facilities in the southwest of Sweden since 1995. UTC(SP) remains the official designation of the Swedish UTC(k) realization. It is implemented in a redundant classical master clock and phase stepper setup and is locally distributed to different users and time transfer applications. The local clock ensemble consists of hydrogen masers and high-performance commercial Cs standards but is complemented by clocks at two external sites with a redundant realization of UTC(SP). UTC(SP) is linked to TAI using TWSTFT and GNSS, with the primary link using the link combination TWGPPP. The time scale is regularly kept within ±5 ns of UTC, regular calibrations ensure high traceability to UTC. The two external realizations are linked using GNSS or White Rabbit. The time scales are publicly distributed using NTP or NTS. PTP, White Rabbit and GNSS based distribution and traceability is offered as services to customers. Additionally, RISE offers several calibration and monitoring services for the distribution of UTC-traceable time and frequency signals. Time and frequency research at RISE is concentrated on the refinement of GNSS and TWSTFT methods, their calibration and real-time dissemination methods. Traceability and security of network time is another focus area of increasing importance, as is the understanding of interference and its mitigation in the GNSS spectrum. The group is also active in research on fiber based optical frequency transfer. Outside the time metrological responsibilities, the group engages in applied research projects with the aim of establishing metrological aspects of time, frequency and dimension within energy distribution, positioning and navigation, and transport applications in the automotive and maritime domains.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden is since 2018 the result of a rebranding of SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and several other national research facilities and test beds in Sweden. This also comprises most national metrology institute (NMI) activities, including time and frequency that is still located at its Borås facilities in the southwest of Sweden since 1995. UTC(SP) remains the official designation of the Swedish UTC(k) realization. It is realized in a classical master clock and phase stepper setup and is locally distributed to different users and time transfer applications. The most recent local clock ensemble consists of four hydrogen masers and three high performance 5071A Cs standards. UTC(SP) is linked to TAI using TWSTFT and GNSS. The primary link is a combination TWGPPP with current calibration uncertainties of 1.1 ns. The time scale is regularly kept within ±5 ns of UTC. RISE has also established several distributed UTC(SP) copies, with both local backups in Borås and facilities at remote sites linked together by GNSS time transfer. Network time distribution at those sites make UTC(SP) publicly available. Additionally, RISE offers several calibration services for the distribution of UTC-traceable time and frequency signals. Time and frequency related metrological research at RISE is mostly concentrated on further refinement of GNSS and TWSTFT methods, their calibration and the dissemination using those methods. We are also active in research on fiber based optical time and frequency transfer. Outside the metrological responsibilities, many research projects focus on establishing metrological aspects of time and frequency within for instance the automotive and maritime domain.