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  • 1.
    Abugabbara, Marwan
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Gehlin, Signhild
    Swedish Geoenergy Center, Sweden.
    Lindhe, Jonas
    Lund University, Sweden; Alfa Laval Corporate AB, Sweden.
    Axell, Monica
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Holm, Daniel
    Vasakronan AB, Sweden.
    Johansson, Hans
    Umeå ProjektEnergi AB, Sweden.
    Larsson, Martin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Mattsson, Annika
    Granitor Properties, Sweden.
    Näslund, Ulf
    Vasakronan AB, Sweden.
    Puttige, Anjan
    Umeå University, Sweden.
    Berglöf, Klas
    ClimaCheck Sweden AB, Sweden.
    Claesson, Johan
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Hofmeister, Morten
    VIA University College, Denmark.
    Janson, Ulla
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Jensen, Axel
    Region Midtjylland,Denmark; Aalborg University, Denmark.
    Termén, Jens
    Energy Machines, Sweden.
    Javed, Saqib
    Lund University, Sweden.
    How to develop fifth-generation district heating and cooling in Sweden?: Application review and best practices proposed by middle agents2023In: Energy Reports, E-ISSN 2352-4847, Vol. 9, p. 4971-4983Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Sweden has an ambitious plan to fully decarbonise district heating by 2030 and to contribute with negative emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050. The vagaries of the energy market associated with climate, political, and social changes entail cross-sectoral integration that can fulfill these national targets. Fifth-generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) is a relatively new concept of district energy systems that features a simultaneous supply of heating and cooling using power-to-heat technologies. This paper presents best practices for developing 5GDHC systems in Sweden to reach a consensus view on these systems among all stakeholders. A mixed-method combining best practice and roadmapping workshops has been used to disseminate mixed knowledge and experience from middle agents representing industry professionals and practitioners. Four successful implementations of 5GDHC systems are demonstrated and the important learned lessons are shared. The best practices are outlined for system planning, system modeling and simulation, prevailing business models for energy communities, and system monitoring. A roadmap from the middle agents’ point of view is composed and can be utilised to establish industry standards and common regulatory frameworks. © 2023 The Author(s)

  • 2.
    Askemar, Hanna
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    van Noord, Michiel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Klimateffektiv solenergi : Jämförelse av klimatpåverkan från tillverkning av olika solcellsmoduler2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna första rapport från projektet Klimateffektiv solenergi sammanställer kunskapsläget om klimatpåverkan från solcellsmoduler och lägger grunden för vidare projektarbete med utformning av upphandlingskriterier. Litteraturgenomgången täcker både en marknadsöversikt över dagens solcellsmarknad samt en genomgång av klimatpåverkan från olika teknologier och konstruktioner för solcellsmoduler. Litteraturgenomgången avgränsas genom att projektet fokuserar på miljöpåverkanskategorin klimatpåverkan. Vidare har tillverkningsskedet varit centralt i arbetet då tidiga resultat från analyser av klimatpåverkan över solcellers hela livscykel påvisar att övervägande klimatpåverkan sker under tillverkningen av solceller. Centrala utmaningar vid bedömning av klimatpåverkan från solceller är brist på aktuella data, att olika studier redovisar resultat i olika enheter (koldioxidekvivalenter per kWh, per modul eller per kWp) samt hur årlig instrålning, prestanda, degradering och livslängd hanteras i de olika studierna. Resultatet påvisar att dagens dominerande solcellsteknik, kristallina kiselsolceller, har större klimatpåverkan jämfört med tunnfilmstekniker. Vidare har monokristallina kiselsolceller större klimatpåverkan från produktion än multikristallina kiselsolceller, men vilken kiselteknik som producerar el med lägst klimatpåverkan beror på verkningsgradsförhållandena. Nyare cellteknologier såsom PERC- och dubbelsidiga solceller kan minska klimatpåverkan från solel genom att elproduktionen per solcell ökar utan att utsläppen vid tillverkning ökar markant. Slutligen finns andra teknologier och modulkonstruktioner (exempelvis flexibla moduler) med potential att minska klimatpåverkan från solceller, både genom lägre klimatpåverkan från tillverkningen och genom att öka solcellernas effektivitet. Klimatpåverkan från tillverkning orsakas huvudsakligen av energianvändning i olika processer och därmed blir elmixen vid tillverkning avgörande för klimatpåverkan. Elmixen är starkt kopplad till det lokala elsystemet, vilket innebär att tillverkningsland för kiselråvaran, solceller, solcellsmoduler med mera kan bli en nyckelfaktor för att åstadkomma klimateffektiva solcellsmoduler. Eftersom tillverkningen idag sker främst i Kina och övriga asiatiska länder, som har en betydande andel kolkraft i elmixen, orsakas en stor del av klimatpåverkan från dagens solceller av den fossilbaserade elen i dessa länder.

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  • 3.
    Atamer Balkan, Büşra
    et al.
    Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
    Menendez III, Hector
    South Dakota State University, USA.
    Nicolaidis Lindqvist, Andreas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Odoemena, Kelechi
    Ag-AIM Solutions, Nigeria.
    Lamb, Robert
    Foundation for Inclusion, USA.
    Tiongco, Monique Ann
    Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines.
    Gupta, Stueti
    BlueKei Solutions, India.
    Peteru, Arpitha
    Foundation for Inclusion, USA.
    Resilience for Smallholder Farmers during Pandemic: Model Conceptualization for Agriculture and Food Supply Chain Dynamics2021Conference paper (Refereed)
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  • 4.
    Balkan, Büsra Atamer
    et al.
    Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
    Nicolaidis, Andreas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Odoemena, Kelechi
    Ag-AIM Solutions, Nigeria.
    Lamb, Robert
    Foundation for Inclusion, US.
    Tiongco, Monique Ann
    Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines.
    Gupta, Stueti
    BlueKei Solutions, India.
    Peteru, Arpitha
    Foundation for Inclusion, US.
    Menendez, Hector Manuel
    South Dakota State University, US.
    Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture and Food Supply Chains: System Dynamics Modeling for the Resilience of Smallholder Farmers2022In: International Journal on Food System Dynamics, E-ISSN 1869-6945, Vol. 12, no 3, p. 255-270Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    COVID-19 has caused severe agriculture and food supply chain disruptions, significantly affecting smallholder farmers who supply most of the world’s food, specifically their changes in vulnerability, resilience, and food loss and waste. Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand the complex causal and feedback relationships for this system by developing a dynamic hypothesis and causal loop diagrams utilizing the System Dynamics methodology. Results provide a roadmap for dialogue and a framework for case-specific model development and help to guide policy decisions for smallholder farmers’ survival during health crises. 

  • 5.
    Björkman, Max Bekken
    et al.
    Chalmers Industriteknik, Sweden.
    Heyne, Stefan
    Chalmers Industriteknik, Sweden.
    Hammar, Maria
    Chalmers Industriteknik, Sweden.
    Egilsson, Nils Ólafur
    Chalmers Industriteknik, Sweden.
    Mellquist, Ann-Charlotte
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Vendt, Marcus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Karlberg, Marie
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Förstudie om resurskartläggning i företag: Att förstå och förändra för en ökad fysisk resurseffektivitet2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna förstudie har syftat till att undersöka potentialen med fysisk resurskartläggning (RKL) inom företag. RKL kan dels höja den interna kunskapen om företagets resursanvändning, dels stödja extern kommunikation av företagets materialeffektivitet, samt fungera som ett underlag för policymakers som vill utreda styrmedel kopplade till resursanvändning.

    Initiativet till förstudien är delvis sprungen ur tanken att delar av det som idag görs inom energikartläggning (EKL) också skulle kunna appliceras på kartläggning av fysiska resursströmmar. I förstudien har därför EKL summerats översiktligt tillsammans med tidigare utvärderingar av EKL. Rapporten lyfter även fram viktiga lärdomar från EKL som kan användas i resurskartläggningssammahang.

    En viktig del av förstudien har bestått i att utforska vad ett koncept som RKL kan inkludera för att uppnå ökad resurseffektivitet. Begreppet RKL kan delas in i två huvudsakliga delar: Förstå och Förändra. Generellt handlar det om att först kartlägga fysiska resursflöden, och därefter agera på resultaten för att nå konkret handling och förändring. Förstudien ger förslag på ett antal befintliga metoder som kan användas för inledande kartläggning, exempelvis materialflödesanalys (MFA) och livscykelanalys (LCA). Kopplat till detta har förstudien undersökt verktyg och indikatorer för att mäta cirkularitet som företag kan använda för att skapa sig en bild av hur cirkulär företagets verksamhet, produkter och tjänster är.

    För att få en bättre förståelse för hur företag och aktörer i Sverige ser på en mer detaljerad kartläggning av fysiska resursflöden i sina verksamheter, genomfördes femton intervjuer och en enkätstudie. Den enskilt största nyttan som de intervjuade personerna uttryckte med RKL var att kunna visualisera och synliggöra fysiska resurser och hur de flödar genom verksamheten. Via kommande lagkrav inom EU i form av CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) och ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) skruvas kraven på företags hållbarhetsredovisning upp. Detta nya regelverk kräver bland annat redovisning av in- och utflöden av fysiska resurser, samt att företagen ska kunna visa på mål, strategier och planer för hur resursflödena kan effektiviseras.

    De nya EU-kraven kommer troligen vara en av de starkaste drivkrafterna för företag att utföra RKL, i tillägg till externa krav från kunder och samarbetsparter. I rapporten har översiktliga processer skisserats som stöd för genomförande av RKL med hjälp av befintliga metoder och verktyg. RKL i företag är ett brett begrepp och därför kan RKL utföras på olika sätt beroende på syftet med kartläggningen och typ av företag.

    En slutsats från projektet är att det inte är nödvändigt eller lämpligt med en RKL-lagstiftning på samma sätt som dagens lagstiftning för EKL. Detta beror på att RKL innebär en större komplexitet än EKL och är svår att generalisera för alla företag. Den generella metodiken kan dock utformas på liknande sätt för RKL som för EKL, och stöden gällande nätverkande och lathundar skulle kunna erbjudas på liknande sätt för RKL som för EKL för att stötta företag i att uppfylla kommande krav.

    I det fortsatta arbetet med resurskartläggningar i företag är det viktigt att beakta: (1) Fokusera på att använda redan existerande metoder, verktyg och indikatorer för att mäta resurser och cirkularitet; (2) Samarbeta med organisationer som tillhandahåller och utvecklar metoder, verktyg och indikatorer för en ökad cirkularitet för att tillsammans med dem öka kunskapen och förståelsen hos företag; (3) Utveckla den skisserade RKLprocessen, så att den bättre kan visa vilka typer av metoder och indikatorer som passar särskilt bra för olika syften; (4) Testa och utveckla processerna och guiderna tillsammans med ett antal pilotföretag; (5) Integrera RKL-processen och guiden med pågående utveckling av standarder för rapportering inom EU och ISO-samarbetet.

  • 6.
    Björner Brauer, Hanna
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Building and Real Estate.
    Karlsson, Bodil
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Fabricius, Victor
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Sandqvist, Henrik
    Fagerhult, Sweden.
    Merl, Katarina
    Boid, Sweden.
    Schnurr, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Iskandar Nowak, Herawati
    Borås stad, Sweden.
    Tarakanov, Yury
    Viscando, Sweden.
    Tano, Maja
    Den självklara bytespunkten2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The self-explanatory interchange point Interchange points such as train stations and bus stops are full of visual information and other sensory impressions. In these environments, it can be difficult to navigate and too many impressions can cause visual stress, especially for groups with reduced orientation ability. What is a pleasant and simple visual search and movement for someone can be challenging for someone else. It can add another level to the design of a bus stop if you start from functionality based on what happens in the human brain and emotional life – which can differ greatly between different individuals. Since people's perception of their surroundings differs so much, there is a challenge in creating a common environment that suits everyone as well as possible and that can also be individualized so that each person's needs are met. The purpose of this project has been to investigate how interchange points can be made easier and more obvious to navigate, and at the same time reduce or limit visual stress. Another task for the project was to specifically consider travelers with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. The project consisted of making a literature review of relevant research in the field, as well as conducting a design analysis and developing concept proposals that could be tested and evaluated in a follow-up project. The project group consisted of researchers from RISE, research designers from Boid Design Agency, City of Borås, as well as technology suppliers Viscando, Tobii and Fagerhult. The selected interchange points that were investigated in the project were the Central Station and Södra Torget in Borås. The literature review (See Chapter 3 and Appendix 1) showed that there is a lack of research in the area of interchange points, navigation, design and intellectual and cognitive disabilities. General principles for facilitating navigation could be identified, and some publications suggest various interventions in the environment that can facilitate wayfinding, for example in lighting, landmarks and signs. However, there is a lack of robust follow-ups of which measures have the desired effect. There is also a lack of follow-up on what is specifically helpful or problematic for the project's target groups. This could possibly be explained by the fact that it is difficult to investigate an environment where so many different things are happening at the same time, which makes it challenging to determine what effect a specific part of the environment has on people's navigation skills. However, the literature pointed out important aspects to consider, design principles, as well as suggestions for possible improvement measures. In the design analysis (chapter 4), interviews were conducted with experts on disability from the municipality. The process also involved site visits, development of user journeys and a co-creation idea workshop. The process then resulted in eight different concept proposals based on what emerged in the literature study and the design analysis. The concepts concern individual aids, digital aids, awareness-raising measures for inclusion, lighting and signs. As a next step, we propose to proceed with two of the concepts for testing and evaluation in particular, 1. The empathy campaign and 8. Light harmony. A discussion of the project's results and next steps can be found in chap. 6.

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  • 7.
    Björner Brauer, Hanna
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Khan, Jamil
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Diffusion of biogas for freight transport in Sweden: A user perspective2021In: Journal of Cleaner Production, ISSN 0959-6526, E-ISSN 1879-1786, Vol. 312, article id 127738Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Current freight transport is highly dependent on fossil fuels and there is a need for a transition to alternative fuels and technologies. Biogas is a type of biofuel that has the potential to reduce climate emissions from freight transport, while providing additional benefits such as recycling of nutrients and increased energy security. This paper uses theories on the diffusion of green technologies to analyse the barriers and drivers for the increased use and diffusion of biogas in freight transport. The empirical focus is on the region of Västra Götaland in Sweden, and qualitative interviews have been conducted with demand-side actors such as transport buyers, haulage companies and vehicle manufacturers. The results confirm the important barriers observed in previous research, such as the higher costs of biogas, financial uncertainties and lack of infrastructure, as well as the interplay between barriers. The main drivers are an increased focus on sustainability both within the sector and from wider society, as well as the environmental properties of biogas. Specific barriers have also been identified such as a fragmented freight market structure with a mix of large and small transport companies, tight profit margins and reduced capacity for investments. There is also a division of labour and responsibilities between transport companies and transport buyers, which makes it unclear who will drive the transition to alternative fuels. In general, the study shows that the different types of uncertainty are perceived by the actors as being a significant barrier that needs to be better conceptualised in diffusion theory. © 2021 The Authors

  • 8.
    Björner Brauer, Hanna
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ryberg, Karl
    Monocrom, Sweden.
    Wallin, Kjell
    Fagerhult Stockholm, Sweden.
    Linde, Mattias
    Sahlgrenska Hospital, Sweden.
    Laike, Thorbjörn
    Environmental Psychology, Sweden.
    Karlsson, Bodil
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Pain Relieving Light - (How) Is it Possible?2024In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Institute of Physics , 2024, Vol. 1320, no 1Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    About 15% of the population suffer from migraines and it is estimated that about 40% of all people with migraines would benefit from preventive treatment, but only 3-13% use it. Migraine is a huge burden for society and individuals. Migraines can be intensified by light, and some patients need to stay in a dark room until the attack is over. People with this type of photosensitivity show a clear preference for light color, specifically green, which has been shown to be more comfortable and even pain relieving in some cases. We will present a feasibility study with the aim of preparing a series of experiments to investigate if regular short-term green-light-exposure can prevent migraines. We will present findings from the literature, developed light equipment, and plans for future testing of migraine friendly light solutions.

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  • 9.
    Björnsson, Lars-Henrik
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Edvall, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Measurement Technology.
    Persson, Mattias
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Measurement Technology.
    Strandberg, Ted
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Electrification and Reliability.
    Emmanouilidis, Dimitris
    Axess Logistics, Sweden.
    Envik, Christel
    Axess Logistics, Sweden.
    Löfqvist, Jonas
    Axess Logistics, Sweden.
    Örn, Mattias
    Axess Logistics, Sweden.
    Renström, Håkan
    CTEK, Sweden.
    Svedlund, Jerry
    CTEK, Sweden.
    Laddinfrastruktur och frekvensreglering: en fallstudie2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    För att elnätet ska fungera måste frekvensen hållas inom snäva gränser och därför handlar Svenska Kraftnät upp olika typer av stödtjänster för frekvensreglering. De senaste åren har kostnaderna för dessa tjänster ökat kraftigt, bland annat till följd av en allt högre andel intermittent elproduktion. Behoven är prognostiserade att öka ytterligare under de kommande åren. Detta har skapat ett ökat intresse för batterier och deras möjligheter att stödja elnätet. Men batterier och tillhörande kraftelektronik är kostsamt. Samtidigt finns en stor och alltjämt växande batterikapacitet i landets elbilar och med hjälp av dubbelriktad laddning, så kallad vehicle-to-grid öppnas nya möjligheter att komma åt denna potential för att på ett mer resurseffektivt sätt balansera elnätet. Projektets övergripande mål har varit att utreda hur standardisering kan användas för att påskynda och öka användandet av elbilar som resurs för flexibilitetstjänster till elnätet. Bland annat har en fallstudie genomförts av Axess Logistics anläggning i Malmö hamn och möjligheterna för att deras långtidsparkerade elbilar ska kunna leverera frekvensreglering till elnätet har studerats. Resultaten visar på att studerade standarder i stort inte utgör ett direkt hinder för användandet av elbilar för frekvensreglering men att förändringar av exempelvis ISO15118 skulle kunna öka möjligheterna att använda elbilar för att leverera frekvensreglering. Till exempel genom införande av krav på mätnoggrannhet på aktiv effekt, förkortning av tillåtna svarstider, krav på lokal frekvensmätning med god noggrannhet. För långtidsparkerade bilar vore det framförallt värdefullt att arbeta fram, och i standard beskriva, en funktion där elbilens BMS kan uppmanas av EVSE att hålla batteriet i ett tillstånd där det kan användas för att snabbt svara på en begäran om i-/urladdning. Detta så att elbilen kan vara förberedd för frekvensreglering även om den för stunden inte aktivt laddar eller matar effekt till elnätet. Detta en åtgärd som skulle kunna ha stor positiv påverkan på möjligheterna för långtidsparkerade elbilar att leverera frekvensreglering. Exemplifierande användarcykler för långtidsparkerade bilar har studerats för FCR-N och FCR-D. Resultaten visar att den förväntade cyklingen skiljer stort mellan dessa olika frekvensregleringstjänster och antyder att valet av frekvensregleringstjänst behöver studeras utifrån både förväntad ekonomi och eventuellt batterislitage. Överslagsräkningar på eventuella intäkter från deltagande i frekvensreglering har genomförts och de preliminära resultaten visar att investering av dyrare laddinfrastruktur som klarar Vehicle-to-Grid skulle kunna återbetalas inom ett år med 2022 års nivåer av ersättning för frekvensreglering. I en framtid där nya elbilar antas ha stöd för Vehicle-to-Grid har potentialen för att använda långtidsparkerade elbilar på logistikanläggningar till frekvensreglering preliminärt bedömts ligga mellan 110 och 165 MW för svenska förhållanden. Detta motsvarar ca 5-8% av den nordiska FCR-marknaden. På sikt kan också långtidsparkerade bilar hos återförsäljare, flygplatser med mera att utgöra en betydande potential.

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  • 10.
    Björnsson, Lars-Henrik
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Morell, Karin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    van Noord, Michiel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Pettersson, Ida
    Ecogain, Sweden.
    En kartläggning av solcellsparker i Sverige 20212022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report aims to map the largest groundbased solar farms in Sweden to better understand how they are usually designed; on what type of land they are built and how they can interact with other types of activities such as agriculture and measures to improve conditions for biodiversity. Mid-2021, the typical solar farm with at least 1 MW installed power is built on arable land, can be restored and, as a rule, avoids protected and designated natural areas according to this study, which is mainly based on survey responses. Solar panels are typically directed to the south with a 30-35 degree tilt and are anchored with piles. Generally, the distance between the rows is greater than 3 meters. The most common factors determining the location of the park are the costs for land purchases/leases and proximity to electricity grid. About half of the facilities surveyed are combined with some measure intended to benefit biodiversity. Combining the photovoltaic system with grazing (25%) or cultivation (10%) is still relatively uncommon. The results show that there is an awareness of issues related to biodiversity and opportunities to combine photovoltaic installations with other activities. The increasing pace of expansion of photovoltaic capacity suggests that a deeper understanding of how photovoltaic systems are best adapted to their surroundings will increase in importance.

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  • 11.
    Boddaert, S.
    et al.
    CSTB, France .
    Bonomo, P
    SUPSI, Switzerland .
    Eder, G
    OFI, Austria .
    Fjellgaard Mikalsen, Ragni
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Ishii, H
    LIXIL Corporation, Japan .
    Kim, J-T
    Kongju National University, Republic of Korea .
    Ko, Y
    National Research Council Canada, Canada .
    Kovacs, Peter
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Li, Tian
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Olano, X
    Tecnalia, Spain .
    Parolini, F
    SUPSI, Switzerland .
    Qi, D
    Université de Sherbrooke, Canada .
    Shabunko, V
    SERIS, Singapore .
    Slooff, L
    TNO, Netherlands .
    Stølen, Reidar
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Valencia, D
    Tecnalia, Spain .
    Villa, S
    TNO, Netherlands .
    Wilson, H R
    Fraunhofer, Germany .
    Yang, R
    RMIT, Australia.
    Zang, Y
    RMIT, Australia.
    Fire safety of BIPV: International mapping of accredited and R&D facilities in the context of codes and standards 20232023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The objective of Task 15 of the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme is to create an enabling framework to accelerate the penetration of BIPV products in the global market of renewables, resulting in an equal playing field for BIPV products, BAPV products and regular building envelope components, respecting mandatory issues, aesthetic issues, reliability issues, and financial issues.

    Subtask E of Task 15 is focused on pre-normative international research on BIPV characterisation methods and activity E.3 is dedicated to fire safety of BIPV modules and installations.

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  • 12.
    Brauer, Hanna Björner
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. University West, Sweden.
    Hasselqvist, Hanna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Håkansson, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Willermark, Sara
    University West, Sweden.
    Hiller, Carolina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Re-configuring practices in times of energy crisis – A case study of Swedish households2024In: Energy Research & Social Science, ISSN 2214-6296, E-ISSN 2214-6326, Vol. 114, article id 103578Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    During the autumn, winter and early spring of 2022/2023, Europe faced rapidly increasing energy prices and threats of power cuts. The situation was consequently labelled an “energy crisis”, and one sector that was severely affected was households. In response to the situation, European households made efforts to reduce and time-shift their energy use to mitigate the effects of the crisis. Considering that domestic energy practices are often difficult to change, particularly in the long term, we find this effect of the energy crisis on households important to understand more deeply. In this paper, we use social practice theory to investigate how Swedish households responded to the crisis and what changes they made in terms of re-configurations of their practices. The aim was to contribute knowledge on how households adapt to a changing energy system with volatile prices, limitations in electric power, and threats of energy crisis. We conducted two rounds of semi-structured interviews with 9 households in single-family houses in the middle and south of Sweden during and after the crisis, in total 18 interviews, to examine what re-configurations of practices emerged and which persisted over time. The results show that significant changes were apparent in primarily the practice domains of heating and hygiene. While some of these changes were temporary, other re-configurations of energy practices persisted beyond the months of crisis and high prices, indicating that meanings of frugality and sufficiency were strengthened. Our results demonstrate that households were reminded of certain electricity use that is otherwise typically backgrounded in homes and that the energy crisis stimulated re-configuration and re-examination of norms as well as reflection on electricity use in general. Finally, we discuss the effects of the energy crisis on household practices in comparison with other crises and disruptions, and point to the importance of communicating clearly with households about the societal effects of their efforts, in order to manage the legacy of this crisis for similar future crisis situations. 

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  • 13.
    Broberg, Kristina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Broberg, Sarah
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Fransson, Liisa
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Smarta hållbara städer i Skåne: Innovationsekosystemkartläggning2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under 2019 tog Forsknings och Innovationsrådet i Skåne fram en innovationsstrategi för regionen som syftar till att ”vara en långsiktig agenda för samarbete mellan nyckelaktörer i Skåne för att främja innovation, adressera svag produktivitet och stärka näringslivet med hållbarhet som en självklarhet och konkurrensfördel”. I strategin pekas sex specialiseringsområden ut, däribland smarta hållbara städer. I samarbete med Region Skåne har RISE under hösten 2020 – våren 2021, genomfört en innovationsekosystemanalys för smarta hållbara städer. Under de senaste åren har Region Skåne gett uppdrag till andra aktörer och även själv bedrivit arbete för att kartlägga delar av ekosystemet runt detta specialiseringsområde. Under arbetet med kartläggningen som presenteras i denna rapport identifierades gap i tidigare analyser främst kring vilka stödfunktioner som finns tillgängliga för aktörerna inom smarta hållbara städer. Fokus i denna kartläggning har därför varit ta fram ny kunskap om dessa stödfunktioner. Övriga delar av analysen baseras på en litteraturstudie av tidigare rapporter. Genom ekosystemanalysen vill Region Skåne få en ökad förståelse för regionens kapacitet inom ett antal utvecklingsområden. Härigenom ämnar man skapa en grund för att identifiera styrkor och svagheter inom området och skapa underlag för vidare arbete. Parallellt med RISE arbete har det pågått ett flertal initiativ och kartläggningar, däribland arbetet med klimatneutrala Lund och Malmö som sker på uppdrag av det strategiska innovationsprogrammet Viable Cities. Tillsammans förväntas genomförda och pågående initiativ ge viktiga resultat om Skånes position och utveckling inom området. Det kan även fungera som ett viktigt underlag i det arbete som pågår, och ska vara klart under 2021, med att ta fram en innovationsagenda för utvecklingen av specialiseringsområdet i regionen. Kartläggningen som presenteras i denna rapport har genomförts i tre delar: 1. En litteraturstudie av tidigare publicerade rapporter av relevans för innovationsekosystemet kring smarta hållbara städer. 2. En kartläggning över tillgången på stödfunktioner. 3. En intervjustudie för att få en fördjupad förståelse för stödfunktionernas verksamhet och roll i ekosystemet. Litteraturstudien utgick från flera tidigare genomförda analyser av regionens näringsliv (branscher, ankarföretag) och forskning och forskningsinfrastruktur. Sammanställningen visar att definition av branschområdet smarta hållbara städer är komplext och därmed är det utmanande att identifiera vilka företag som ingår i området. Dock pekar resultaten på att de branscher som inkluderas i FIRS definition av smarta hållbara städer i hög uträckning redan är, eller har potential att bli starka skånska styrkeområden. Gällande forskning visar studien att flera delområden inom smarta hållbara städer i regionen är starka. Framför allt energiområdet utmärker sig i samtliga studerade analyser, men även andra teknikområden är starka. Regionens städer har attraherat stora anslag bland annat från Vinnova, det strategiska innovationsprogrammet Viable Cities och EU Horizon. Antalet testbäddar inom smarta hållbara städer i regionen utmärker sig däremot som lågt jämfört med andra regioner i närområdet (STRING-regionerna). Kartläggningen av stödfunktioner visade att aktörerna ofta inte bedriver en renodlad verksamhet inom en viss typ av stödfunktion, och att de olika typerna av stödfunktioner på så sätt knyter an till varandra. Totalt identifierades 56 olika aktörer inom de fem kategorier av stöd som arbetades fram: acceleratorer och inkubatorer, testbäddar, innovationsstöd och plattformar, nätverk, kluster och hubbar, samt övrigt stöd. De identifierade aktörerna har en geografisk tyngdpunkt i storstadsregionerna i västra Skåne, och det finns således en stor outnyttjad potential i Skånes övriga kommuner som skulle kunna vara med i arbetet framåt och få innovationsområdet att växa i regionen. En fördjupad studie har gjorts genom intervjuer med aktörer med verksamhet inom testbäddar, inkubatorer och acceleratorer samt nätverk och hubbar. När det gäller testbäddar anses dessa utgöra en viktig länk i innovationsekosystemet genom att erbjuda en plats för behovsägare och leverantörer att mötas och för innovationer att testas. Testbäddar kan också ha en roll i att attrahera internationella aktörer till regionen. Trots dess roll anses antalet testbäddar inom smarta hållbara städer i regionen vara begränsat. Generellt upplevs definitionen av testbäddar som smal, och finansieringsmöjligheterna begränsade. Här identifieras ett behov av ökad kunskap kring alternativa finansieringslösningar för att utveckla och bedriva testmiljöer. I slutsatskapitlet sammanfogas resultat från litteraturstudien, kartläggningen och intervjustudien. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån olika domäner i Isenbergs innovationsekosystem-modell och kompletteras med reflektioner utifrån den högst aktuella och intensiva händelseutvecklingen som sker inom hållbar stadsutveckling på olika nivåer. Projektets slutsatser presenteras uppdelat på följande delområden: Näringslivet inom smarta hållbara städer i Skåne, Tillgång till forskning och forskningsinfrastruktur, Tillgång till innovations- och entreprenörskapsstöd, Finansiering och slutligen Den offentliga sektorns roll i utvecklingen av smarta hållbara städer. Städernas omställning pekas ut som en nyckel för att uppnå klimatneutralitet på nationell, europeisk och global nivå. Stora satsningar utvecklas i snabb takt inom den finansiella sektorn samt inom forskning och innovation. Därför behövs kontinuerlig omvärldsbevakning, positionering och påverkan och det finns möjligheter för regionens aktörer att aktivt bidra till utformningen. Nedan sammanfattas de främsta slutsatserna: • Malmö, Lund och Helsingborg har starka positioner inom hållbar stadsutveckling. För att skapa en förflyttning inom specialiseringsområdet i hela regionen krävs det att det skapas förutsättningar även för de mindre kommunerna och städerna att utvecklas och bidra till utvecklingen i regionen. • Det finns många nätverk, men få testbäddar inom specialiseringsområdet i Skåne. För att utveckla områdets styrkor krävs att det finns en utvecklad och fungerande testmiljöstruktur och att testmiljöerna, i den mån det är möjligt, är verksamma i verklig miljö och inom stadens ytor. • Det finns ett behov av att bredda omfattningen av smarta hållbara städer. Branscherna mobilitet och logistik bör inkluderas i definitionen. Därtill behövs en översyn av begreppet så att medborgarens och civilsamhällets drivkraft för att skapa hållbara och klimatneutrala städer kan tas tillvara. 

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  • 14.
    Broberg, Kristina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Lindahl, Lina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Tamm, Daniel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Biorefinery and Energy.
    Potentialstudie för biogassubstrat i Västra Götaland, Halland och Skåne2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The potential of producing biogas by digestion from substrates in Västra Götaland, Halland and Skåne has in this study been estimated to approximately 5 900 GWh per year, of which 2 300 GWh are found in Västra Götaland, 650 GWh in Halland and 3 000 GWh in Skåne. The estimated potential is based on the current amounts of the substrate categories food waste, agricultural residues, manure, sludge from sewage treatment plants and industrial organic residues. For each of the three regions, the largest contributor to the current substrate potential is agricultural residues. This category contributes with approximately 3 900 GWh annually in total for the three regions. However, to be able to fully realize the potential of the agricultural residues there are logistic and technical challenges to be solved. Manure accounts for the second largest contribution to the potential, approximately 1 000 GWh per year for the three regions. The conditions to realize the manure potential are good with national production support in place for this substrate category.

    The study also includes a brief investigation of future substrate categories focused on marine substrates, grass and hay harvesting, industrial wastewater and biological methanation. From the future substrates, a contribution of a total of 3 600 GWh per year will be added to the estimated potential for the three regions. The largest addition is potential biological methanation of the carbon dioxide streams from the total substrate potential from the current categories, approximately 3 000 GWh annually. Thereafter, the largest contributing future substrate category is industrial wastewater. Including the future substrate flows, a total biogas potential of 9 500 GWh per year was estimated for Västra Götaland, Skåne and Halland together. To realize the potential, close cooperation between substrate owners, gas producers and municipalities are needed together as well as a long-term policy landscape.

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  • 15.
    Broberg, Sarah
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Sommarin, Per
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Potential för användning av lågtempererad värme för uppvärmning av växthus – industriell restvärme och värme från returen på fjärrvärme2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Inom projektet ”Innovativa energieffektiva växthus – designade för lågtempererade energikällor och värmeåtervinning”, som pågått mellan december 2020 – juni 2022 och finansierats av Energimyndigheten, föreslås och utvärderas ett nytt koncept för växthusodling, där energi- och odlingseffektivitet samspelar. Utvärderingen av konceptet inkluderar bland annat frågeställningar om hur energieffektiv teknik för växthus kan minska energibehovet vid odling och använda sig av värmeåtervinning och lågtempererade energikällor. Som en del av projektet genomförs och presenteras här en litteraturstudie över möjliga restvärmekällor i Sverige. Studien fokuserar i huvudsak på regionala kartläggningar som identifierats i svenska regioner. Dessa har identifierats och presenteras för tolv av Sveriges regioner. Möjligheterna att nyttja returvärmen på fjärrvärmevattnet diskuteras också, samt en diskussion om klimatavtryck från användning av restvärme.

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  • 16.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Chiew, Yoon Lin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Lundström, Anders
    Umeå University, Sweden.
    Nilsson-Lindén, Hanna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Saarikko, Ted
    Umeå University, Sweden.
    The connected, sustainable and inclusive society – IoT implementation in a Swedish municipality2022In: E3S Web of Conferences, Vol. 349, article id 11006Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to transform the way we live, work, and learn. Using IoT could thus be a game-changer for municipalities towards sustainability. The Swedish municipality of Södertälje strives to develop IoT concepts and use open data for a sustainable and inclusive society. The goal of this study was to explore how IoT can enable route optimization and placement planning for increased operational efficiency. The goal was also to enhance the knowledge of the environmental and social benefits of IoT systems in the waste collection system in Södertälje. The analysis is based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and interviews. The results show a minor climate change impact for the IoT solutions in the overall smart waste collection system. The major climate impact contributor was instead associated with the trash bags used. Additionally, the study showed that the performance of the system relies on smart planning of the operations and the transportations.

  • 17.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ordoñez, Isabel
    Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Spain.
    Svärd, Lotta
    Semcon Sweden AB, Sweden.
    User centred design & energy efficient packaging collection infrastructure supporting circular future lifestyles2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The collection and recycling of packaging and life cycle assessments have traditionally been developed from a technical perspective, not including the actors in the chain. How recycling should be done depends on who you ask, and whether you look at the issue from an energy, material, legal or user-based perspective. FTI, the Packaging and Newspaper Collection organization is responsible for collecting these fractions and better material recirculation in Sweden's municipalities. They ensure that containers are emptied, that the collection points remain clean, that contents go to the right treatment, and that materials are recycled as much as possible. When recyclable materials end up in the wrong place, it causes problems leading to increased energy use in the life cycle. The ongoing project Tjårven, aims to reduce energy use in connection with packaging collection, as well as potential energy gains in the second stage of the packaging life cycle, by redesigning packaging collection from a user centred perspective. In order to show the energy use in the lifecycle and include the actors in the chain, an actor-based LCA method will be used. In order to redesign packaging collection from a user perspective, the design methods will start from users’ behaviour. The project includes a case study that intends to design a more energy efficient collection infrastructure and allowing for a better circularity and sustainable future lifestyle. The project also includes a literature study that will provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art of collection infrastructures, considering how energy efficient they are and how a circular lifestyle can contribute to future sustainable lifestyles.

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  • 18.
    Byrne, Eoin
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden; Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland.
    Björkmalm, Johanna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Lund University, Sweden.
    Bostick, James
    Lund University, Sweden; Coriolis Pharma Research GmbH, Germany.
    Sreenivas, Krishnan
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Willquist, Karin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    van Niel, Ed
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Characterization and adaptation of Caldicellulosiruptor strains to higher sugar concentrations, targeting enhanced hydrogen production from lignocellulosic hydrolysates2021In: Biotechnology for Biofuels, E-ISSN 1754-6834, Vol. 14, no 1, article id 210Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The members of the genus Caldicellulosiruptor have the potential for future integration into a biorefinery system due to their capacity to generate hydrogen close to the theoretical limit of 4 mol H2/mol hexose, use a wide range of sugars and can grow on numerous lignocellulose hydrolysates. However, members of this genus are unable to survive in high sugar concentrations, limiting their ability to grow on more concentrated hydrolysates, thus impeding their industrial applicability. In this study five members of this genus, C.owensensis, C. kronotskyensis, C.bescii, C.acetigenus and C.kristjanssonii, were developed to tolerate higher sugar concentrations through an adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) process. The developed mixed population C.owensensis CO80 was further studied and accompanied by the development of a kinetic model based on Monod kinetics to quantitatively compare it with the parental strain. Results: Mixed populations of Caldicellulosiruptor tolerant to higher glucose concentrations were obtained with C.owensensis adapted to grow up to 80 g/L glucose; other strains in particular C. kristjanssonii demonstrated a greater restriction to adaptation. The C.owensensis CO80 mixed population was further studied and demonstrated the ability to grow in glucose concentrations up to 80 g/L glucose, but with reduced volumetric hydrogen productivities (QH2) and incomplete sugar conversion at elevated glucose concentrations. In addition, the carbon yield decreased with elevated concentrations of glucose. The ability of the mixed population C.owensensis CO80 to grow in high glucose concentrations was further described with a kinetic growth model, which revealed that the critical sugar concentration of the cells increased fourfold when cultivated at higher concentrations. When co-cultured with the adapted C.saccharolyticus G5 mixed culture at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 h, C.owensensis constituted only 0.09–1.58% of the population in suspension. Conclusions: The adaptation of members of the Caldicellulosiruptor genus to higher sugar concentrations established that the ability to develop improved strains via ALE is species dependent, with C.owensensis adapted to grow on 80 g/L, whereas C.kristjanssonii could only be adapted to 30 g/L glucose. Although C.owensensis CO80 was adapted to a higher sugar concentration, this mixed population demonstrated reduced QH2 with elevated glucose concentrations. This would indicate that while ALE permits adaptation to elevated sugar concentrations, this approach does not result in improved fermentation performances at these higher sugar concentrations. Moreover, the observation that planktonic mixed culture of CO80 was outcompeted by an adapted C.saccharolyticus, when co-cultivated in continuous mode, indicates that the robustness of CO80 mixed culture should be improved for industrial application. © 2021, The Author(s).

  • 19.
    Carnohan, Shane
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Nicolaidis Lindqvist, Andreas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Simons, Andrew
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Wallin, Elin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Hamberg, Lars
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Lindahl, Lina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Minskad belastning på dricksvattenresursen genom industriell-urban vattensymbios2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vattenbrist är en akut global, och i många områden växande, utmaning. Pågående klimatförändringar och växande behov i stora delar av världen förändrar både tillgången och efterfrågan på rent vatten. Europa står inför flera akuta vattenrelaterade utmaningar med betydande säkerhets- och miljömässiga konsekvenser. Perioder av återkommande vattenbrist är en av de främsta utmaningarna som redan har drabbat flertalet europeiska länder, särskilt utsatt är området kring medelhavet. Men, även i Sverige är vattenbrist en utmaning som äventyrar försörjning av både dricksvatten och vatten till industri och jordbruk i flera regioner i de södra och sydöstra delarna av landet. I både Vimmerby och Visby, Kalmar och Gotlands län, ses vattenbrist i dag som den främsta utmaningen för att säkra dricksvattenförsörjningen. Risken för vattenbrist förväntas öka i framtiden för båda dessa städer då pågående klimatförändringar bidrar till ökade säsongsvariationer i både nederbörd och temperatur. Utöver vattenbrist brottas båda städerna dessutom med att upprätthålla en god vattenkvalitet. Avrinning från jordbruket (bekämpningsmedel, gödselmedel, etc.) och föroreningar från urbana hårdgjorda ytor som letar sig ned i grund- och ytvattenkällor utgör en ständig risk för vattenkvaliteten i den samhällsviktiga dricksvattenförsörjningen. För att adressera dessa utmaningar och säkra tillgången till dricksvatten i tillräcklig mängd och av god kvalitet även i framtiden behövs ett övergripande tillvägagångssätt, som omfattar hållbara metoder för hantering av grundvatten, förbättrad övervakning av vattenkvalitet och utveckling av robusta strategier som möjliggör anpassning till att klara av ett föränderligt klimat. I detta projekt har konceptet industriell-urban vattensymbios utforskats som en möjlig lösning för att bidra till säkrad vattentillgång och minskad belastning på lokala dricksvattenresurser, med städerna Visby och Vimmerby som fallstudieobjekt. Vattensymbios är ett systematiskt samarbete där olika aktörer i samhället (industri, kommunala verksamheter, jordbruk, m.fl.) agerar tillsammans för att optimera vattenanvändningen och minska avfallet genom lösningar som faciliterar utbyte och återanvändning av vatten, biprodukter och resurser på ett ömsesidigt fördelaktigt sätt. Till exempel kan renat industriavloppsvatten återanvändas för jordbruksbevattning eller som kylvatten i närliggande industrier, vilket minskar efterfrågan på dricksvatten. Detta tillvägagångssätt främjar ett effektivt resursutnyttjande som minimerar vattenslöseri och minskar systemets totala miljöpåverkan. Projektets övergripande syfte har varit att utreda hur en industriell-urban vattensymbios skulle kunna utformas i Visby och Vimmerby för att minska belastningen på lokala vattenresurser genom nyttjandet av mjölkkondensat från Arla Foods AB’s som en möjlig vattenkälla. Utöver detta har projektet syftat till att utveckla och tillämpa en arbetsprocess för uppbyggnaden av lokala vattensymbiosinitiativ genom strukturerade intressentinvolverande metoder. I ett samarbete mellan lokala VA-bolag, kommunala och privata verksamheter och vattenanvändare, och forskare från RISE har en nulägesbedömning av vattentillgång, vattenbehov, vattenbalansmodellering och en kartläggning av vattenflöden tillgängliga för en framtida symbios genomförts. Tekniska möjligheter att effektivisera vattenanvändningen genom recirkulering och utbyte av vattenströmmar av varierande kvalitet har undersökts och utvärderats genom en kombination av teknoekonomisk analys och kvalitativ utvärdering tillsammans med medverkande vattenproducenter och verksamheter. Även hinder för implementering av vattensymbioser har undersökts (juridiska, tekniska och affärsmässiga) och förslag på åtgärder för att överbrygga dessa har tagits fram. Resultaten från projektet pekar på tydliga likheter och skillnader mellan de två fallstudieområdena. Bland verksamheter i både Visby och Vimmerby anses intern effektivisering och återanvändning av vatten vara en mer genomförbar lösning än vattensymbios i samverkan med andra verksamheter. Samtidigt ansågs symbioslösningar ha en större besparingspotential och kunna bidra med riskminimerande diversifiering bort från enbart en vattenkälla. För att symbioslösningar skall vara gångbara krävs dock att dessa sker inom ett relativt avgränsat geografiskt område för att minimera kostnader kopplade till transport av vatten mellan aktörer. För att utveckla symbiossamarbeten som fungera långsiktigt är tillit en avgörande aspekt. Även omfattande tillit mellan verksamheter lyftes som en avgörande faktor för ett få till symbioslösningar. Den tekno-ekonomiska bedömningen i projektet genomfördes utifrån perspektivet av ett generellt företag med kommunal dricksvattenförsörjning. För ett sådant företag kommer den ekonomiska bärkraften för vattenbesparande åtgärder att bero på den relativa kostnaden för vattenrening lokalt jämfört med kostnaden för att köpa dricksvatten från kommunen. Effekterna av detta framgår tydligt när man jämför fallen Visby och Vimmerby. I Visby visar resultaten att både intern återanvändning och industriell symbios kan vara ekonomiskt lönsamma lösningar utifrån industrins perspektiv. Rening och recirkulering med hjälp av RO membran och efterföljande polering bedömdes som mest lönsamt (med en återbetalningstid på cirka 3,5 år) av de fem möjliga åtgärder som studerades. Lösningen uppskattades kunna spara motsvarande vattenbehovet hos 500 typhushåll. I Vimmerby verkar ingen av åtgärderna medföra ekonomisk lönsamhet, då kostnaderna för samtliga fall är högre än dagens kostnader för kommunaltdricksvatten. Anledningen till skillnaden i lönsamhet mellan Visby och Vimmerby förklaras huvudsakligen av skillnaden i prissättningsmodell som används i av respektive VA-bolag i de två kommunerna. Utöver prissättningsmodellens roll som möjliggörare eller hinder för vattensymbios så identifierades utveckling av ett system för klassificering av vattenflöden enligt olika kvalitetsklasser, ökad kunskap om olika vattenklassers hållbarhet, och utveckling av lagar & regler för recirkulering och användning av vatten som viktiga områden för att facilitera effektivare vattenanvändning genom symbios. Detta projekt är ett av de första i Sverige med uttalat fokus på industriell-urban vattensymbios. Lärdomar från projektet kommer vara värdefulla för att vidare utreda möjligheten för symbioslösningar i Visby och Vimmerby, men även i andra kommuner runt om i Sverige. Flera frågeställningar kvarstår att undersöka. Till exempel har detta projekt inte studerat hur variationer i vattentillgång och vattenbehov över säsongen, eller dygnet, påverkar de studerade symbioslösningarna. Dessutom behövs mer detaljerade analyser av de hydrologiska förutsättningarna i respektive fall för att säga något om hur de studerade lösningarna kan påverka den lokala vattenbalansen under olika framtidsscenarier. Vidare bör den teknoekonomiska bedömningen som genomförts förstärkas genom att inkludera mer exakta kostnadsuppgifter (till exempel leverantörspriser på utrustning), inverkan av marknadsfluktuationer, och andra osäkerheter.

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  • 20.
    Carnohan, Shane
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
    Trier, X.
    European Environment Agency, Denmark.
    Liu, S.
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
    Clausen, L. P. W.
    DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
    Clifford-Holmes, J. K.
    Rhodes University, South Africa; Association for Water and Rural Development, South Africa.
    Hansen, S. F.
    DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
    Benini, L.
    European Environment Agency, Denmark.
    McKnight, U. S.
    DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden.
    Next generation application of DPSIR for sustainable policy implementation2023In: Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, E-ISSN 2666-0490, Vol. 5, article id 100201Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    As our societies and natural systems are becoming ever more interconnected, it is critical that sustainable management can adapt to new knowledge from both the ecological and the social domains, and act on it in a timely and effective manner. This need is amplifying in the Anthropocene as we are approaching the limit for humanity's safe operating space, leading to irreversible change to ecosystem function. This urgently requires increased attention and concern regarding the information feedbacks between the silos of science, policy and society. A web of policies is in place to protect the health of people and the planet, but to ensure that they are effective we need frameworks to make sense of real-world complexities and interlinkages between multiple factors. The Drivers-Pressures-State-Impacts-Response (DPSIR) framework was created for this purpose, however, its' implicit focus on 1) analytical and 2) procedural aspects must be made explicit, to enable coordination across silos and studies. Continued creation of new DPSIR derivatives may limit its impact, while more explicit coordination between these two aspects can improve the effectiveness of DPSIR while retaining its flexibility. We thus propose five elements to support sustainable policy development and implementation using DPSIR: 1) iteration; 2) risk, uncertainty and analytical bias; 3) flexible integration; 4) use of quantitative methods, and; 5) clear and standard definitions for DPSIR. We illustrate these elements in four cases: Three highlight missing feedbacks when DPSIR elements are not made explicit and a fourth case – on per-and-polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) – showing a potential roadmap to successful policy implementation using DPSIR. © 2022 The Authors

  • 21.
    Carolina, Hiller
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Lund University, Sweden.
    What have residents got todo with it?: Variations in energy use and energy-related behaviours in single-family houses2020Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    To achieve global energy goals, energy use in residential buildings must decrease. The implementation of technical measures is crucial but alone it is not sufficient; residents need to change their behaviour as well. However, households are not a homogeneous group in terms of their energy use and behaviour; rather, the use varies between households and over time. To promote energy savings in buildings, these variations need to be explored. The main objectives of this thesis were therefore to examine how energy use in single-family houses varied and how energy-related behaviours of households influenced the use of energy. The examined energy variations included changes over time, differences between households and variations of energy use throughout the day. The impact on these variations from the residents' activities and everyday behaviours was studied as well. A partially multidisciplinary approach was employed, whereby the following methods were combined: energy data analyses with interviews, energy performance measurements with calculations, and time-use diaries with energy measurements. A literature review was also conducted. The participating households lived in electrically heated, detached, single-family houses, built in Sweden in the 1980s. The residences spanned three different housing areas, each of which encompassed similar houses. The thesis showed that on an aggregated level, the energy use was stable over years of occupancy. An individual household's energy usage could, however, both increase and decrease over time, depending on several activities occurring over the years. On a group level, the daily electricity load curves differed between weekdays and weekend days, with clear power peaks in the morning and evening on weekdays. That is, during these peak hours the households contributed to potential power deficits in the energy system. Large differences between similar houses' energy use were demonstrated, similar to findings in other research. Differences of a factor of two to three between the highest and lowest energy usages were discovered; for water use, the differences were even greater, namely a factor of six. The studies found that there were many ways to be a high or a low consumer. That is, most of the households exhibited a range of different energy-related behaviours contributing to their energy use. In addition, there was a spread between households in how long they performed various activities. Moreover, the thesis showed a parallel use of electronic devices of the same type, which meant that each household member owned their own set of devices, potentially leading to an increased use of electricity at the household level. The findings in the thesis are of value when measures are designed to encourage residents to save energy and reduce power peaks. By field measurements, the empirical studies provided technical and resident-related information that is useful when estimating and verifying energy use of buildings. Additionally, the thesis contributed to the field of multidisciplinary research on household energy use as both technical and social perspectives were in focus – an approach that not only attempted to measure actual energy data, but also to reveal the behaviours that were concealed behind the data.

  • 22.
    Carolina, Hiller
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Boork, Magdalena
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Enger, Johanna
    Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Sweden.
    Wendin, Karin
    Kristianstad University, Sweden; University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
    User-Centric Measures of the Perceived Light Qualities of Lighting Products2023In: Emerging Science Journal, ISSN 2610-9182, Vol. 7, no 2, p. 609-628Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Nowadays, lighting planning is predominantly determined by the need to meet physically measurable requirements that are often based on current lighting standards. However, meeting the minimum technical requirements of the standards is no guarantee for a visually appealing light environment. Instead, requirements based on perceived light qualities also need to be included to achieve better user comfort. Taking perception-based qualities into consideration when creating a light environment is, for many, not an easy task. In addition, a common terminology for perceived light qualities is currently lacking, both in industry and in research. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to explore how perceived light qualities of white light sources can be described when employing user-centric measures. The focus was on the qualities of light colour and diffuse and distinct light since these qualities have a great impact on the visual impression of light. The perception was assessed by applying analytical sensory analysis to lighting products, a method found to be promising in previous work. The methodology is based on analytical measurement by the human senses, which is particularly valuable when developing a general terminology. Since sensory analysis is still quite new to the topic of lighting, the applicability of using the methodology to assess lighting in a real context was also investigated. The results of the studies showed that the perception of light qualities can be described using further concepts in addition to those currently used. For light colour, the concepts of reddish, bluish, yellowish, and greenish light colours proved suitable for providing a richer description of the quality. The concepts of diffuse and distinct light satisfactorily captured variations in light contrast produced by shadows, reflections, and sparkles. In addition, the studies revealed that analytical sensory analysis was applicable for assessing the perception of lighting in a real-world context. The latter means that knowledge gained in the laboratory can be translated into real environments. The user-centric measures investigated in this paper have contributed to the terminology related to perceived light qualities. These can complement the physical measures in lighting planning to promote light environments that are not only energy efficient and meet technical requirements, but also cater for increased user comfort. © 2023 by the authors.

  • 23.
    Carolina, Hiller
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Isaksson, Charlotta
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. University West, Sweden.
    Att utforma teknik med användarna i sikte: intervjuer med tillverkare av energitekniska installationer för småhus2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Designing technology with users in mind – Interviews with manufacturers of heating and ventilation systems for single-family houses: Implementing technology with good energy performance in our homes is crucial to be able to reduce the energy use and achieve society's energy goals. However, technical measures alone are not enough; how residents interact with and use the technology is also important. The current study revolved around how different users are considered by technology manufacturers in the design of the technology. The objectives of the study were to examine manufacturers' motives and ideas about how heating and ventilation systems are designed and their views on the communication with end users. To explore this, interviews were conducted with manufacturers of heat pumps and ventilation units for single-family houses. The interview study showed that there are several challenges when manufacturers are to consider users' interaction with the technology. It regards designing the products, and especially their interfaces, for different types of users – where the manufacturers hold the view that many users do not have knowledge or understanding of the product. Another challenge is the frequency of interaction with the product, meaning that heating and ventilation systems are technologies that residents usually do not need to interact with very often. This can lead to an unfamiliarity with handling the technology when it is actually required. Also, manufacturers do not have much direct contact with end users, which becomes a particular challenge in shaping the communication and support for users, as well as gaining knowledge about users' real needs. Residents' expectations of high comfort in their homes regarding heating and hot water are anticipated to pose another challenge, especially in supporting households to save energy. The question is then: how are these challenges handled by the manufacturers and how do they design the technology with the users in mind? First and foremost, it was evident during the interviews that a prominent position among the manufactures is that users should not have to interact with the products to any great extent at all. This position has led the manufacturers to design the technology for minimal use and maintenance. But there is somewhat of a duality. While the manufacturers design for a minimal use, they also strive to keep up with recent developments and invest in modern user interfaces, Internet-connected products, and new mobile applications. Several manufacturers have, to varying degrees, involved users and considered their needs in the development of products and interfaces. This has resulted in functions in the interfaces that are adapted to the users. The functions are organised in the interfaces to, together with the use of intuitive icons, create clarity and simplicity for the users. Energy-saving settings, including "eco-mode" and functions to reduce "unnecessary" energy use, have also been developed by several manufacturers. The communication from manufacturers to end users is mostly one-way, but during the interviews there were examples of how manufacturers work in different ways to make information easily accessible to users. For the two-way communication with end users, other professionals, such as dealers and technicians, play an important role in providing households with relevant information and technical support related to the technology. Further developments with more connected products, better control systems, and a higher degree of automation were seen as responses to many of the above-mentioned challenges as well. From the manufacturers' perspectives and views of the users, the study has provided insights that can be useful also in future challenges and opportunities regarding human interaction with, often increasingly advanced, technology. It can involve directing households even more clearly towards energy-saving behaviours or how future services in the “energy-smart home” can be designed based on the needs of end users.

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  • 24.
    Carolina, Hiller
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Warneryd, Martin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    D2.1 Sociala hinder & drivkrafter i ett inledande skede av två svenska energigemenskaper: Rapport i projektet Systemförändring med lokalt delad energi2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Omställningen mot ett förnybart energisystem har inom EU gjort energigemenskaper högaktuella sedan två direktiv, Förnybarhetsdirektivet och Elmarknadsdirektivet, beskrivit dessa som ett sätt att dela och göra gemensamma investeringar i lokala energiresurser. Denna studie tittar på två svenska piloter av begynnande energigemenskaper, Tamarinden och Hammarby Sjöstad, och har ett särskilt fokus på sociala hinder och drivkrafter för bildandet av dessa, vilket exempelvis inkluderar hur samverkan sker mellan deltagande aktörer. Syftet med studien är såldes att undersöka aktörers syn på att medverka i, eller bidraga till, energigemenskaper i ett inledande skede. Tamarinden är ett nybyggnadsområde i Örebro som inkluderar fem olika byggaktörer och leds av Örebro kommun. Hammarby Sjöstad är ett befintligt bostadsområde i Stockholm som inkluderar bostadsrättsföreningar samt näringsidkare, där initiativet kommer från intresseorganisationen ElectriCITY. I studien har under 2022 byggaktörer, bostadsrättsföreningar och näringsidkare intervjuats, samt respektive energi- och nätbolag i de två områdena. Resultaten visar att det finns flera drivkrafter till att delta i en energigemenskap såsom att erhålla ekonomiska fördelar, minska energianvändning, ökad hållbarhet samt innovationskraft. Olika förutsättningar i piloterna och hos de medverkande aktörerna har dock stor betydelse för möjligheten till aktivt deltagande samt i vilken grad energigemenskapen upplevs möjliggöra olika nyttor. De inkluderar storlek och ekonomisk situation hos aktörerna, fysiska förutsättningar såsom yta för installationer, kunskaper och erfarenheter av energiprojekt, och i vilken utsträckning det finns erfarenheter och vilja till samskapande. Dessa olikheter kan också vara en tillgång just vid delandet av lokala resurser då enskilda aktörers olika förutsättningar kan komplettera varandra. Hinder inkluderar en ökad komplexitet då samverkan krävs mellan flera olika aktörer, vilket är särskilt utmärkande för det initiala skedet vid bildandet som kräver stort engagemang och förtroendeskapande processer. Andra hinder rör osäkra investeringar, framtida marknadsutveckling och hur kostnads- och intäktströmmarna ser ut, samt hur delning kommer te sig i praktiken med liknande brukarprofiler, liksom hur engagemanget upprätthålls på sikt i energigemenskapen. I det initiala skedet är det tydligt att en avgörande faktor har varit de koordinerande och drivande aktörerna i båda piloterna. I Hammarby Sjöstads fall är denna organisation ElectriCITY och viktiga beståndsdelar i detta ledarskap har varit kunskapsförmedling, leverantörsnätverk samt aktiviteter för att främja deltagande och engagemang hos de boende i området. För Tamarinden är det Örebro kommun tillsammans med ÖrebroBostäder som lett processen framåt där framtagande av kunskaper för beslutsunderlag samt en formell samverkansstruktur för de olika byggaktörerna har varit viktiga. De intervjuade energi- och nätbolagen följer utvecklingen av energigemenskaper med intresse och försöker hitta sin roll relaterat till dessa lokala organisationer. Dock lyfts ett antal utmaningar rörande kunskaps- och ansvarsfrågor kring investeringar, drift av det lokala energisystemet samt effekter på det kringliggande elnätet från energigemenskaperna. Slutligen finns det i denna studie en mängd insikter och en bredd i både förutsättningar och typer av aktörer som ingår i de båda piloterna vilket tillsammans med forskningsprojektets övriga resultat och uppföljande studier bereder väg för konkreta medskick till aktörer och organisationer som önskar bilda energigemenskaper i framtiden.

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  • 25.
    Cea, B.
    et al.
    Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France.
    Fraboulet, I.
    Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France.
    Feuger, O.
    Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques, France.
    Hugony, F.
    ENEA, Italy.
    Morreale, C.
    Innovhub Stazioni Sperimentali per l'Industria S.r.l, Italy.
    Migliavacca, G.
    Innovhub Stazioni Sperimentali per l'Industria S.r.l, Italy.
    Andersen, J. S.
    DTI Danish Technological Institute, Denmark.
    Warming-Jespersen, M. G.
    DTI Danish Technological Institute, Denmark.
    Bäckström, Daniel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Janhäll, Sara
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Development and Evaluation of an Innovative Method Based on Dilution to Sample Solid and Condensable Fractions of Particles Emitted by Residential Wood Combustion2021In: Energy & Fuels, ISSN 0887-0624, E-ISSN 1520-5029, Vol. 35, no 23, p. 19705-Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An innovative and simple method based on dilution, named as the dilution chamber (DC), allowing the measurement of solid and condensable fractions of particulate matter emitted by residential wood combustion appliances has been developed, and its performances have been evaluated. The DC method was then tested by five European institutes (Ineris, ISSI/ENEA, DTI, and RISE) on advanced residential wood log/pellet stoves, under nominal output and low output combustion conditions and using different fuel types. The aim of the study was to evaluate the capability of the DC method to collect the condensable fraction. The DC method was compared with another manual method used to collect the solid and condensable fractions at the same time, the dilution tunnel (DT), on four sampling platforms. A third method, a combining heated filter and impinger filled in with isopropanol collection (SPC-IPA), was also used by Ineris only for comparison with the DC method. PM measurements based on the DC method globally showed a linear correlation with PM measurements based on DT (R2 ranged between 0.81 and 0.99, p < 0.05) specifically for the residential wood stoves under low output conditions when the condensable fraction contributes the most. An analysis and quantification of PAHs related to the total mass of PM of samples taken by the DC method and performed by ENEA/ISSI showed that it produces a condensation effect of semivolatile species comparable or even greater than the DT method. PM emission factors calculated from PM measurements based on the DC method were (i) about 2- to 20-fold higher for the residential wood stoves (EF ranged between 201 to 2420 g GJ-1) compared to those obtained for the residential pellet stoves (EF ranged between 108 to 556 g GJ-1) and (ii) of the same magnitude of PM emission factors from the literature or the EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook.

  • 26.
    Chandolias, Konstantinos
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Pawar, Sudhanshu
    Fortum Sverige AB, Sweden.
    Vu, H. D.
    University of Borås, Sweden.
    Wainaina, S.
    University of Borås, Sweden.
    Taherzadeh, M. J.
    University of Borås, Sweden.
    Bio‑hydrogen and VFA production from steel mill gases using pure and mixed bacterial cultures2023In: Bioresource Technology Reports, E-ISSN 2589-014X, Vol. 23, article id 101544Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A major source of CO2 emissions is the flaring of steel mill gas. This work demonstrated the enrichment of carboxydotrophic bacteria for converting steel mill gas into volatile fatty acids and H2, via gas fermentation. Several combinations of pure and mixed anaerobic cultures were used as inoculum in 0.5-L reactors, operated at 30 and 60 °C. The process was then scaled up in a 4-L membrane bioreactor, operated for 20 days, at 48 °C. The results showed that the enriched microbiomes can oxidize CO completely to produce H2/H+ which is subsequently used to fix the CO2. At 30 °C, a mixture of acetate, isobutyrate and propionate was obtained while H2 and acetate were the main products at 60 °C. The highest CO conversion and H2 production rate observed in the membrane bioreactor were 29 and 28 mL/LR/h, respectively. The taxonomic diversity of the bacterial community increased and the dominant species was Pseudomonas.

  • 27.
    Chandolias, Konstantinos
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. University of Borås, Sweden.
    Sugianto, Laurenz Alan Ricardo
    Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
    Izazi, Nurina
    Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
    Millati, Ria
    Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
    Wikandari, Rachma
    Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
    Ylitervo, Päivi
    University of Borås, Sweden.
    Niklasson, Claes
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Taherzadeh, Mohammad J
    University of Borås, Sweden.
    Protective effect of a reverse membrane bioreactor against toluene and naphthalene in anaerobic digestion.2022In: Biotechnology and applied biochemistry, ISSN 0885-4513, E-ISSN 1470-8744, Vol. 69, no 3, p. 1267-1274Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Raw syngas contains tar contaminants including toluene and naphthalene, which inhibit its conversion to methane. Cell encasement in a hydrophilic reverse membrane bioreactor (RMBR) could protect the cells from hydrophobic contaminants. This study aimed to investigate the inhibition of toluene and naphthalene and the effect of using RMBR. In this work, toluene and napthalene were added at concentrations of 0.5 - 1.0 and 0.1 - 0.2 g/L in batch operation. In continuous operation, concentration of 0 - 6.44 g/L for toluene and 0 - 1.28 g/L for napthalene were studied. The results showed that no inhibition was observed in batch operation for toluene and naphthalene at concentrations up to 1 and 0.2 g/L, respectively. In continuous operation of free cell bioreactors (FCBR), inhibition of toluene and naphthalene started at 2.05 g/L and 0.63 g/L, respectively. When they were present simultaneously, inhibition of toluene and naphthalene occurred at concentrations of 3.14 g/L and 0.63 g/L, respectively. In continuous RMBRs, no inhibition for toluene and less inhibition for naphthalene were observed, resulting in higher methane production from RMBR than that of FCBR. These results indicated that RMBR system gave a better protection effect against inhibitors compared to FCBR. 

  • 28.
    Chen, Huijuan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ruud, Svein
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Markusson, Caroline
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Energy flexibility using thermal mass for Swedish single-family houses2024In: E3S Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences , 2024, Vol. 562, p. 04003-Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper characterised the potential of energy flexibility in relation to building envelop properties, heat emitters and ventilation for the Swedish context. Simulation results indicated that the potential was higher for newer houses with floor heating and lower for older houses with radiators in winter. Older houses with different levels of insulation showed a similar ability of conserving heat due to different extents of heat losses from ventilation. A house with balanced ventilation tended to be over-ventilated especially if the house was not airtight. The flexibility was decreased with increasing outdoor temperatures, and it was higher in winter and lower in spring/autumn. 

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  • 29.
    Chen, Tao
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Ku, Xiaoke
    Zhejiang University, China.
    Li, Tian
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire Technology. NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Karlsson, Bodil
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Sjöblom, Jonas
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Ström, Henrik
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; .
    High-temperature pyrolysis modeling of a thermally thick biomass particle based on an MD-derived tar cracking model2021In: Chemical Engineering Journal, ISSN 1385-8947, E-ISSN 1873-3212, Vol. 417, article id 127923Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Biomass pyrolysis in the thermally thick regime is an important thermochemical phenomenon encountered in many different types of reactors. In this paper, a particle-resolved algorithm for thermally thick biomass particle during high-temperature pyrolysis is established by using reactive molecular dynamics (MD) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. The temperature gradient inside the particle is computed with a heat transfer equation, and a multiphase flow algorithm is used to simulate the advection/diffusion both inside and outside the particle. Besides, to simulate the influence of intraparticle temperature gradient on the primary pyrolysis yields, a multistep kinetic scheme is used. Moreover, a new tar decomposition model is developed by reactive molecular dynamic simulations where every primary tar species in the multistep kinetic scheme cracks under high temperature. The integrated pyrolysis model is evaluated against a pyrolysis experiment of a centimeter-sized beech wood particle at 800–1050 °C. The simulation results show a remarkable improvement in both light gas and tar yields compared with a simplified tar cracking model. Meanwhile, the MD tar cracking model also gives a more reasonable prediction of the species yield history, which avoids the appearance of unrealistically high peak values at the initial stage of pyrolysis. Based on the new results, the different roles of secondary tar cracking inside and outside the particle are studied. Finally, the model is also used to assess the influence of tar residence time and several other factors impacting the pyrolysis.

  • 30.
    Dahl, Jonas
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Edo, Mar
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Johansson, Inge
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Rissler, Jenny
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Material and Surface Design.
    Steenari, Britt-Marie
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Avancerad spektroskopisk speciering av metaller i askan från avfallsförbränning2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Användning av sekundära råvaror har på senare tid fått ett ökat fokus med den drivkraft som finns kring cirkulär omställning. Möjligheten att nyttja askor ifrån avfallsförbränning är starkt beroende av deras innehåll av toxiska men också värdefulla komponenter, bland annat metaller.

    Föreliggande projekt har undersökt möjligheterna med att använda röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopi (XAS) för att påvisa de dominerande förekomstformerna av metallerna zink, bly, koppar och antimon i askor från förbränning av avfall. En ökad kunskap om dessa förekomstformer kan ge nya möjligheter till klassificering av bottenaskor (slaggrus) samt ge viktig information för optimering av behandlingsmetoder för att endera stabilisera flygaskor för säker deponi eller för utvinning av värdefulla metaller. I projektet ingick därför analyser av ett mindre antal askor representerande både färska och lagrade bottenaskor samt behandlade och icke behandlade flygaskor. Dessutom representerades olika förbränningsteknologier, såsom rosterpanna, roterugn och cirkulerande fluidiserad bädd (CFB).

    I projektet har röntgen-absorptionsspektroskopimätningar (XAS) genomförts vid BALDER som är ett av strålrören på MAX IV laboratoriet, Lund. XAS kan delas in i två delar, EXAFS och XANES, där XANES utnyttjar den första delen av spektrumet (energier närmast absorptionskanten) och kräver betydligt kortare analystid än en full EXAFS analys (högre energier). Fokus har därför legat på XANES i detta projekt då det är den teknik som har störst potential att fungera som en tidseffektiv standardanalys på MAX IV, speciellt för heterogena prov som genererar hög brusnivå vilket är typiskt för askor.

    Metoden är väldigt beroende av relevanta referensspektrum för att kunna identifiera de olika förekomstformerna. En stor del av arbetet har därför varit att identifiera, framskaffa, kontrollera renhetsgrad för och slutligen mäta på de totalt 43 referensmaterial som använts i analyserna (14 zinkföreningar, 14 kopparföreningar, 10 blyföreningar och 3 antimonföreningar). Dessa spektrum ligger kvar i en databas på MAX IV och kan därför utökas och kompletteras med nya relevanta referensmaterial för att ytterligare förbättra metoden framöver. Dessa är också tillgängliga för andra användare av MAX IV.

    Resultaten visade inte oväntat på att bottenaskor är mer heterogena än flygaskor vilket gav mer brus i analyserna av dessa askor, men med god reproducerbarhet. Övriga trender är beroende på vilket grundämne som undersöks.

    Den klart vanligaste förekomstformer av zink är silikatet hemimorfit (Zn4Si2O7(OH)2·H2O) både i flyg- och bottenaskor. Analyserna föreslår att ca. 20-40 % av zink återfinns i denna form i de flesta askorna. Övriga dominerande förekomstformer sett till andelen zink är Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 (Hydrozinkit) och ett annat silkat som heter Willemite och har formeln Zn2SiO3 men med en större skillnad mellan de olika analyserade askorna. En viss andel zinkklorid, ZnCl2, återfinns också i de flesta askorna.

    Den vanligaste förekomstformen av koppar i flygaskor är Cu(OH)2 (30–55%) men resultaten för bottenaskorna visar på en mer komplex sammansättning med olika oxidformer (CuO, Cu2O, CuFe2O4, Cu2SiO3) men också på förekomst av karbonat (CuCO3*Cu(OH)2) i ett av de lagrade proven.

    Den vanligaste förekomstformen av bly är associerad med någon form av silikat (PbSiO3 eller bundet till amorft SiO2 – liknande strukturen i Pb-glas), men även PbCl2 är vanligt förekommande, speciellt i flygaskor.

    Antimon var bara delvis inkluderad i studien och begränsat till tre referenser. Analysen fokuserade därför på att detektera skillnader före och efter behandling av flygaska. Ingen sådan skillnad kunde detekteras. Värt att notera är att Sb-spektrumet för den bottenaska som analyserades är identisk med det för referensen Sb2O5 och att oxidationstalet för Sb i alla askor ligger nära den för samma referens.

    En slutsats av analyserna var att vissa av referensmaterialens spektrum är mycket lika vilket resulterar i att några referenser som t.ex. ZnS aktivt behövdes selekteras bort vid analyserna baserat på kunskap om hur trolig deras förekomst i askorna är. Det finns också starka indikationer på att fler referensmaterial behövs för att beskriva några av askorna. En kombination av andra mätmetoder som t.ex. μ-XRF föreslås därför som en möjlighet i framtida arbete för att identifiera viktiga saknade referensmaterial. Dessutom skulle en jämförelse med lakanalyser vara kunskapsbyggande.

    Sammanfattningsvis har det i projektet utvecklats en fungerande analysmetod som har potential att kunna bli industriellt gångbar. De resultat som tagits fram kring möjliga förekomstformer är, sett till vad som finns publicerat i litteraturen, betydande. Men för att dra riktiga slutsatser kring olika påverkansfaktorer krävs betydligt fler riktade analyser.

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  • 31. De San Pio, Ignacio
    et al.
    Simons, Andrew
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Delgado, Luis Fernando
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Pulp, Paper and Packaging.
    Process Water Management for Sustainable Papermaking2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Some of the challenges in papermaking have been the same for many years, however the demands from the market are increasing continuously and, together with them, the challenges for the paper mills. We consider it is the time to put a lot of efforts together to help papermaking industry to comply with these new demands on a cost-effective way. When it comes to the wet-end chemistry and stock preparation this is a clear and actual challenge. Many developments have been done in developing green chemicals with higher efficiency, machine suppliers are improving the efficiency of each unit, fiber recovery and water cleaning technologies are also under continuous improvement, but the degree of implementation of those advances is still limited. From our perspective, a mindset change is needed, where all those developments are combined to improve the product properties and the process efficiency. Process waters have a very important role to play in that, and in this presentation, we will demonstrate the link and importance that keeping the process water components under control can give to the process. Those improvements were evaluated at lab scale, demonstrated at pilot scale and then implemented at mill level. We will show how the performance of the process chemicals is affected by the process water components, and the impact on the product quality. We will also describe the methods used to understand and evaluate those impacts and describe in a full-scale test how improving the process waters lead to energy savings and the possibility to improve the product performance. The designed methodology can be of use for: - Chemical suppliers, that need to evaluate and demonstrate the performance on challenging processes, such as closed water loop mills. - Companies looking to save water and energy, identifying the costs related to their actual water management and therefore the benefits to implement the right technologies. - Water cleaning technology suppliers that are nowadays not implemented in paper mills, that would be able to demonstrate the removal of the right contaminants and the potential savings that this technology can give to the specific mill. - Paper mills with challenges due to changes in their incoming water quality, or when there are increasing demands from the market that require adaptation of the process chemistry, unlocking possibilities for further development. 

  • 32.
    Enger, J
    et al.
    University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Sweden .
    Wendin, Karin
    Kristianstad University, Sweden; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; .
    Carolina, Hiller
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
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  • 33.
    Engström, Jonas
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Kihlstedt, Annika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Pettersson, Ola
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Jacobsson, Erik
    Energifabriken, Sweden.
    Björnsson, Lars-Henrik
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Jansson, Jonas
    Hydraspecma AB, Sweden.
    Andersson, Håkan S
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Measurement Technology.
    Modulärt batteribytessystem för arbetsmaskiner – slutrapport2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Modular battery swap system for work machines

    The project has developed and demonstrated how a modular battery swap system can be used in electric work machines in various industries. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate innovative technology where battery swap technology enables battery-powered machines in agriculture and forestry. The project has completed the following:

    1. Designed and built a modular battery pack for work machines

    2. Designed and built an automatic battery swap station

    3. Completed a prototype for an autonomous electric agricultural machine

    4. Electrically converted a machine for forestry

    We have succeeded in creating a working battery swap concept. The concept has been shown at several different demo events. The project has received a lot of positive publicity in the media. The project creates opportunities to run work machines in agriculture and forestry without the batteries needing to be unnecessarily large, heavy and expensive to carry with the machine in the field.

    Building electrified work machines is not a big deal. What is new in this project is that we demonstrate a battery replacement system for work machines - that works in real life!

    The project group has worked hard together for two years and achieved brilliant results that we are very pleased with. As expected, it took some time to agree on a concept for the common component battery pack, but once it was set, work took off.

    In the project, we have built seven battery packs, two electric work machines and a battery swap station including electrical system, control system and other adaptations. This would not have been possible without a dedicated and very talented project group!

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  • 34.
    Fornell, Rickard
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Löwgren, Annika
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Karlberg, Marie
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Symbioser för en resurseffektiv bioekonomi2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    RISE har fått en förfrågan av Regeringskansliets bioekonomiutredning att sammanställa en bilaga om industriell symbios. Utifrån samtal mellan RISE och utredare har bilagan strukturerats enligt: Ett första avsnitt som diskuterar vad industriell symbios är. Denna diskussion baseras på två definitioner som dels beskriver symbios från olika perspektiv, dels beskriver utvecklingen av begreppet över tid. I avsnittet ingår också en kort diskussion kring skillnader mellan begreppen bioraffinaderi och industriell symbios. Industriell symbios är oberoende av industrisektor, fokus ligger på skapandet av värde från resurser som inte nyttjas till fullo i olika sektorer. Att koppla symbios till bioraffinaderier ger en möjlighet dels att ta ett systemperspektiv på hur bioraffinaderier kan bli mer resurseffektiva, dels att koppla symbiosaktiviteter till utvecklingen av ett fossilfritt samhälle. Ett andra avsnitt som diskuterar olika drivkrafter för skapandet av industriell symbios, både historiskt och kopplat till agendor/strategier för samhällsomställning. Vi argumenterar att det är värdefullt att koppla symbiosutveckling till större omställningsstrategier som till exempel bioekonomistrategin. Då ökar potentialen för att etableringen av industriella symbioser skapar långsiktigt värde. Ett tredje avsnitt som diskuterar hur industriell symbios skapas. I detta avsnitt beskrivs olika utgångspunkter för symbiosaktiviteter (självorganiserade, faciliterade, planerade) och värdet av facilitering lyfts. Olika typer av stöd vid utveckling, och perspektiv som är viktiga att inkludera belyses tillsammans med vikten av det mänskliga perspektivet. Mycket av det som diskuteras i avsnittet gällande att effektivisera och förenkla hur symbioser skapas kopplar till hinder och angreppspunkter inom bioekonomistrategin. En slutsats är att det bör finnas ett stort värde för utvecklingen av både industriell symbios och en resurseffektiv bioekonomi i Sverige att inkorporera industriell symbios i strategin och på så sätt vidga perspektiven på hinder och möjligheter. Ett fjärde avsnitt som kort beskriver några exempel på bioekonomikopplade symbiosaktiviteter i Sverige. Det har skett en snabb utveckling av symbiosaktiviteter under de senaste tio åren i Sverige, och idag pågår aktiviteter i stort sett i hela Sverige där industriell symbios används som begrepp.

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  • 35.
    Fraboulet, I.
    et al.
    INERIS, France.
    Del-Gratta, F.
    INERIS, France.
    Andersen, J. S.
    DTI Danish Technological Institute, Denmark.
    Warming-Jespersen, M. G.
    DTI Danish Technological Institute, Denmark.
    Bäckström, Daniel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Janhäll, Sara
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Hugony, F.
    ENEA National Agency for New Technologies, Italy.
    Morreale, C.
    eINNOVHUB Stazioni Sperimentali per l'Industria s.r.l, Italy.
    European inter-comparison campaigns on pm and OGCS atmospheric emissions test methods from residential wood combustion using a stack simulator generating real biomass combustion gases2020In: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies , 2020, p. 812-816Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The 20/20/20 target for Europe, will lead to an increased use of biomass combustion, e.g. using wood logs and wood pellets. On the other hand, the Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC) lies down stringent requirements on maximum levels of particulate matter (PM) in the ambient air. Domestic wood combustion emits particulate matter (PM) which are of concern to authorities and the public. Several different methods of PM measurements have historically been used to perform type testing of solid fuelled residential appliances and boilers. This method shall give repeatable results that are of a guaranteed traceable accuracy, and by this means give the consumer reliable information on the suitability of a particular appliance or boiler. One of the main methods used in Europe consists of sampling the solid fraction of aerosols using a heated filter, this method does not include the collection of the condensable fraction, OGC measurements are performed using FID method.The aim of this work carried out within the EMPIR IMPRESS2 Project was to evaluate the performances of this method by performing intercomparisons using a stack simulator generating real biomass combustion gases.

  • 36.
    Fyhr, Kristina
    et al.
    RISE, SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Energi och Bioekonomi, Klimatisering och installationsteknik.
    Axell, Monica
    RISE, SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Energi och Bioekonomi, Klimatisering och installationsteknik. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ruud, Svein
    RISE, SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Energi och Bioekonomi, Klimatisering och installationsteknik.
    Sandberg, Per Ingvar
    RISE, SP – Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut, SP Energi och Bioekonomi.
    Ombyggnad av befintliga bostäder till lågenergihus2009Report (Refereed)
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  • 37.
    Ghanim, Bashir
    et al.
    University of Limerick, Ireland.
    O'Dwyer, Thomas
    University of Limerick, Ireland.
    Leahy, James
    University of Limerick, Ireland.
    Willquist, Karin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Courtney, Ronan
    University of Limerick, Ireland.
    Pembroke, Tony
    University of Limerick, Ireland.
    Murnane, John
    University of Limerick, Ireland.
    Application of KOH modified seaweed hydrochar as a biosorbent of Vanadium from aqueous solution: Characterisations, mechanisms and regeneration capacity2020In: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, E-ISSN 2213-3437, Vol. 8, no 5, article id 104176Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Vanadium exists as a mobile and toxic trace metal in many alkaline residue leachates. Its removal and recovery not only reduces a global environmental risk but is also critical to the emergence of innovative technologies and the circular economy. In parallel, the use of treated biomass feedstock is receiving increased attention as a low cost adsorbent for toxic metals in wastewater. This study investigated the adsorption of Vanadium (V) from aqueous solution by KOH modified seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) hydrochar (HCKOH). The results showed that HCKOH is an effective V(V) adsorbent, achieving maximum uptake of 12.3 mg g-1 at solution pH 4, 60 min contact time and temperature 293 K. The kinetics followed a pseudo second order model with film diffusion controlling the overall adsorption rate. The type I adsorption isotherm was well fitted to a Langmuir model (qm = 12.3 mg g-1, R2 = 0.970, RMSE = 0.66) and a thermodynamic study indicated that the V(V) adsorption was both exothermic and spontaneous. The low enthalpy change (-10.97 kJ mol-1) indicated a weak binding of V(V) to HCKOH pointing to the possibility of V recovery. The impact of co-existing cations on V(V) uptake was negligible for Na(I) and Ga (III) but was reduced slightly for Al(III). Desorption and re-adsorption results (3 cycles) indicated that HCKOH has reusable potential to remove and recover V(V) from waste leachates. © 2020 The Author(s).

  • 38.
    Gopalakrishnan, Pavithra
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Electrification and Reliability.
    Bioflex - Synergies with electrolytical hydrogen2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Bioflex project investigate the compatibility of operation between a two-stage bioprocess and an electrolyser to produce Hydrogen and Methane. Process water from Nordic Sugar in Örtofta, a sugar industry is utilized in the bioreactors. AP2 investigates energy balances and upscaling of the bioprocess, technical compatibility and synergistic effects between electrolysis and the two-step bioprocess. This assignment examines how waste heat from electrolysis can be used to pre-heat process water before entering the bioprocess reactors.

    This study analyses three possible configurations of scaled up installation, with a 5MW Alkaline electrolyser and 20m3 bio-Hydrogen reactor and 100m3 bio-Methane reactor. The overall efficiency in combined operation mode and stand-alone operation of electrolyser when connection with a high temperature District Heating Network (DHN) are comparable 86-88%. However, under both these cases come with an installation of heat pump which is cost intensive. For electrolyser sizes less than 5MW, water treatment of the seasonal effluent from bioreactors is less energy efficient. Based on pilot study in AP1, the 20m3 bio-Hydrogen reactor can produce similar amount of Hydrogen as the 5MW electrolyser. The purities of these two methods are different, hence the overall dimensioning of the system would depend on demand and end user for these products.

    In the present scenario, with seasonal availability of process water for the bioprocess, the percentage of overlapping working hours of electrolyser and bioreactors varies between 25% to a maximum of 40%. Higher operating hours for bioreactor is recommended to achieve maximum efficiency and consistency of supply.

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  • 39.
    Hamon, Camille
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Measurement Technology.
    Abdollahi, Elnaz
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Measurement Technology.
    Dahl, Jonas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Räftegård, Oskar
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Sector coupling of district heating with the electricity system: profitability and operations (SeCoHeat)2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    District heating systems can play key roles in the energy transition. The transition to a production mix based on renewable intermittent generation will create a larger need for ancillary services including frequency-regulation services. District heating systems typically participate in the wholesale electricity market (the so-called day-ahead market) today but do not, in general, participate in ancillary service markets. Previous studies have shown that it is technically possible to participate in these markets and that district heating systems have a role to play in these markets in the future. This requires investigating how further integration of district heating systems with the electrical grids and markets will impact operation and planning of these units. In addition, while it may be beneficial on a system level for district heating systems to participate in ancillary service markets, district heating system owners and operators will only do so if there are economic incentives to do so. The SeCoHeat project has therefore explored topics related to the profitability for individual district heating systems to participate in other electricity markets than just the day-ahead market, such as ancillary service markets. Studying sector coupling between the heat and electricity systems requires a thorough understanding of both sectors. This project has contributed to this by bringing together experts from both sides which has led to fruitful knowledge exchanges. Furthermore, some deliverables from the SeCoHeat project have been especially written to provide introduction about the heat sector to experts from the electricity sector, and vice versa. This includes an overview of the electricity markets in which district heating systems can participate, the technical requirements to participate in these markets and explanations about how profitability of participating in these markets can be computed. This also includes explanations about how the flexibility on the heat side can be sourced and provided to the electricity system and what limits this flexibility. Another important contribution of this project is the development of a Python-based open model for scheduling district system units on an hourly basis to minimize heat and electricity production costs while maximising revenues from several electricity markets. This model has been used in this project to evaluate the additional profits of participating in ancillary service markets. The results show that substantial additional profits can be made by doing so, both in historical years and in scenarios for future years. This report is a guide to the separate deliverables produced within this project. It offers an overview of the goals, methods and results from the project. The interested reader is referred to detailed descriptions in the corresponding deliverables. The SeCoHeat project was funded by Göteborg Energi AB:s stiftelse för forskning och utveckling. The work has been performed by RISE with the support of reference group members from Göteborg Energi, Vattenfall, Svenska kraftnät, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Chalmers and Profu.

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  • 40.
    Harfeldt Berg, Lovisa
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Lund University, Sweden.
    Distribution of benefits and adverse effects and their role in industrial symbiosis decision-making – A Swedish case study2024In: Cleaner Environmental Systems, ISSN 2666-7894, Vol. 13, article id 100202Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Industrial symbiosis (IS) has been recognized as an important approach to succeed in the transition towards increased circularity in industry and society. IS involves collaboration between different actors sharing resources, aiming to minimize waste, improve resource and/or energy efficiency, resulting in reduced emissions and environmental impact. This study conducts an embedded single case study at an IS network in Sotenäs, Sweden, where both private and public actors collaborate by exchanging resources. The study identifies benefits and adverse effects of the IS network and explores how these are considered in the actors’ decision-making regarding participation. The results indicate that different actors perceive different types and degrees of benefits and adverse effects. To add further value, this study develops an analytical framework for mapping benefits and adverse effects in the form of an impact assessment matrix. The framework maps at what level in society effects accrue and at what point in time they are expected to occur. The results of this study can help understand the role of specific benefits and adverse effects in actors’ decision-making, and show the distribution of effects across societal levels. This knowledge can help understand the complexity of IS networks and thereby facilitate the implementation of IS. 

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  • 41.
    Harfeldt-Berg, Lovisa
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Lund University, Sweden.
    Broberg, Sarah
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ericsson, Karin
    Lund University, Sweden.
    The Importance of Individual Actor Characteristics and Contextual Aspects for Promoting Industrial Symbiosis Networks2022In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, no 9, p. 4927-4927Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Factors that affect and influence industrial symbiosis (IS) collaborations have been researched extensively in the literature, where they are mostly reported at a network level or for IS in general, and lack the individual actor’s perspective. This review article contributes to and expands knowledge of influencing factors and their effect on the individual actor. In a systematic review, guided by the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, this study reviews 53 scientific papers examining planned or existing IS networks. It examines literature from 1 January 2000 to 28 March 2022, and it identifies drivers, barriers, and enablers influencing actors to participate in IS. It explores whether and how the perception and impact of these factors differs depending on the characteristics of individual actors and their specific context. The main findings of this study reveal that an actor’s specific characteristics and the network’s context have a significant impact on decision making and how actors both perceive and are affected by factors influencing collaboration. Furthermore, an additional novel contribution to this field of research is that the study identifies three underlying and recurring considerations that actors appear to find critical, namely, perceived business opportunities/risks, regulatory and political setting, and potential inequalities in the network. The results show that an actor’s take on these critical considerations determines whether the actor is willing to engage in IS.

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  • 42.
    Harfeldt-Berg, Lovisa
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Lund University, Sweden.
    Harfeldt-Berg, Magnus
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Connecting organizational context to environmental sustainability initiatives and industrial symbiosis: Empirical results and case analysis2023In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, ISSN 2352-5509, Vol. 40, p. 210-219Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Industrial symbiosis can move us closer to a circular economy and enable efficient and sustainable use of resources. Its potential has however been far from realized, and to increase our understanding of why that is, we investigate drivers, barriers, and outcomes associated with both broadly defined environmental sustainability initiatives and industrial symbiosis from an organizational context perspective. A mixed-methods approach is used, combining statistical analysis of survey material with an embedded case study at an industrial symbiosis network in Sotenäs, Sweden. The position of the customer order decoupling point (CODP), a critical aspect of supply chains that separates forecast-based operations from those tied to specific orders, enables comparisons between organizations with primarily forecast-driven operations from those with primarily order-driven operations. We find that the CODP plays an important role in organizations' commitments to sustainability initiatives in general, as organizations with different CODP positions experience different levels of benefits from such initiatives. We did not find that the CODP position had the same impact for industrial symbiosis initiatives. Our results indicate that both industrial symbiosis, a very specific type of sustainability initiative and collaboration, and environmental sustainability initiatives in a broad sense, are associated with multiple, positive business outcomes. However, case study participants also described that their industrial symbiosis participation was time consuming and associated with an added administrative burden. This could be a reason why such collaborations are not more prevalent, despite the potential of bringing about several positive business outcomes. Finally, our findings indicate that industrial symbiosis may bring business-related benefits to firms regardless of their CODP position, but then in order to understand why such networks are not more prevalent, we recommend that future research investigates ways of quantifying and distributing burdens and rewards associated with industrial symbiosis collaboration. © 2023 The Authors

  • 43.
    Hasselqvist, Hanna
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Renström, Sara
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Prototyping Society.
    Håkansson, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Strömberg, Helena
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Exploring Renewable Energy Futures through Household Energy Resilience2022In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery , 2022, article id 333Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A transition to renewable energy increases the risks of disruptions when electricity supply does not meet demand. HCI has explored how digital technologies can mitigate such problems in households through support for reducing or shifting electricity use. However, faster transitions may be possible if some disturbances can be acceptable and households are supported in adapting to them. In this paper, we present a study of 21 Swedish households and their experiences of and ideas on how to manage disruptions in electricity supply. We call this perspective household energy resilience and identify three strategies for resilience: (1) response diversity, i.e., diversity in ways of carrying out normally electricity-dependent practices, (2) creating opportunities to develop resilience, and (3) building community energy resilience. Furthermore, we suggest how HCI can support these strategies, both by providing tools to increase resilience and by carefully designing technology and services to be more resilient in themselves. © 2022 Owner/Author.

  • 44.
    Hasselqvist, Hanna
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Renström, Sara
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Prototyping Society.
    Strömberg, Helena
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Håkansson, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Household energy resilience: Shifting perspectives to reveal opportunities for renewable energy futures in affluent contexts2022In: Energy Research & Social Science, ISSN 2214-6296, E-ISSN 2214-6326, Vol. 88, article id 102498Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Energy resilience is an important focus for energy policy and research, since the energy system is increasingly facing challenges such as power shortages, e.g. due to increased renewable energy production, and risks of power outages caused by extreme weathers. Typically, energy resilience in these contexts focuses on infrastructure and securing supply of electricity despite disturbances. This paper contributes a complementary perspective on resilience, which takes households as a starting point for investigating resilience. Building on understandings of resilience from several disciplines, we suggest a definition of household energy resilience that can be used to explore how households can ensure a good life in a future with variable availability of electricity. Furthermore, we draw on current ideas of future domestic energy use in energy affluent contexts (backup energy sources, energy efficiency, flexibility, and energy sufficiency) to create a framework for exploring household energy resilience. We find a potential for diversity within and between the different ideas, that is not always present in mainstream visions of future energy use. With the perspective of household energy resilience, we wish to challenge the perception of electricity demand as non-negotiable and to reveal opportunities for supporting households in becoming more resilient in an uncertain future. © 2022 The Authors

  • 45.
    Hedlund, Jonas
    et al.
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Zhou, Ming
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Faisal, Abrar
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Öhrman, Olov
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Finelli, Valeria
    Università di Torino, Italy.
    Signorile, Matteo
    Università di Torino, Italy.
    Crocellà, Valentina
    Università di Torino, Italy.
    Grahn, Mattias
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Controlling diffusion resistance, selectivity and deactivation of ZSM-5 catalysts by crystal thickness and defects2022In: Journal of Catalysis, ISSN 0021-9517, E-ISSN 1090-2694, Vol. 410, p. 320-332Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A systematic investigation of two sets of defect free and defective ZSM-5 crystals with controlled thickness (T) between 30 and 400 nm and of their performances in methanol conversion was reported for the first time in the present work. The defect free ZSM-5 crystals with a thickness of 35 nm are by far the smallest ever reported and displayed superior activity, stability and selectivity to slower diffusing compounds, which resulted in high yield of e.g. gasoline and the 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene isomer with high octane number, as compared to the other studied catalysts. Almost only products forming in the zeolite pores were detected and consequently, the external surface must be nearly inactive. Strong correlations between T and deactivation rate were observed. Thick crystals deactivated much faster than thin crystals, probably due to formation of carbon species in the zeolite pores, which results in pronounced percolation effects and faster deactivation of the former. At comparable thickness, crystals with defects deactivated much faster than defect free crystals, due to formation of additional small molecular coke species in the former. Strong correlations between T and selectivity were also observed and assigned to control of diffusion resistance by crystal thickness. © 2022 The Authors

  • 46.
    Hiller, Carolina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Wendin, Karin
    Kristianstad University, Sweden; University of Copenhagen, Sweden.
    Enger, J
    University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Sweden.
  • 47.
    Håkansson, Maria
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Durgun, Özüm
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Eriksson, Kerstin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    “None of us was prepared”—Caring for vulnerable people during the heatwave in Sweden in 20182023In: Journal of Emergency Management, ISSN 1543-5865, Vol. 20, no 4, p. 287-300Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Climate change is increasing the risk for extreme weather events such as heatwaves, including in northern countries like Sweden, which until recent years has had limited experiences of coping with extreme heat. Based on predictions that Sweden will be more frequently exposed to heatwaves in the future, it is imperative to increase the societal resilience and adaptation measures. This paper presents a qualitative interview study involving 19 participants and their experiences of caring for vulnerable people during the heatwave in 2018. The participants represent four different organizations (working directly or indirectly with vulnerable people) in two municipalities in Sweden, including preschools, homes for the elderly, homecare services, and care homes for people with functional impairments, which were all impacted during the heatwave. This study contributes new empirical insights about the heatwave in 2018 and, in particular, similarities and differences in both experiences and adaptation measures across the four organizations. The findings show how both staff and vulnerable people suffered from the consequences of heat which increased vulnerability, how some organizations lacked enough (qualified) staff to secure routines, and that few evaluations and formal changes were done after the heatwave.

  • 48.
    Håkansson, Maria
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Renström, Sara
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Prototyping Society.
    Lööf, Jenny
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Vesselényi, László Sall
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Prototyping Society.
    Jonasson Tolv, Julia
    Savvy Design Collaborative, Sweden.
    ”Do they pass the woman test?”: Navigating and negotiating the gendering of residential solar panels2022In: NordiCHI '22: Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 8 - 12, 2022, New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022, p. 1-12, article id 47Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Residential solar panels are increasingly popular, yet women arelargely invisible as customers and users. This creates barriers forreaching gender equality and climate goals where increased renewable energy is key. We present results from a norm-criticalstudy drawing on 10 interviews with solar industry representativesand focus groups with 28 women, either owning solar panels or inthe process of buying. The study aims to critically analyze currentgender norms related to technology, market, and use, as well asto identify difficulties for women’s solar panel engagement. Thestudy shows how women at different touchpoints in the processof buying and having solar panels both navigate and negotiate anongoing gendering of this technology, despite the industry attemptsto present solar panels as gender neutral. While the study focuseson residential solar panels, the contribution is relevant for widerHCI, e.g. work related to smart home technologies.

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  • 49.
    Janhäll, Sara
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Eriksson, Kerstin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Fire and Safety.
    Nordlöf, Beatrice
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Infrastructure and concrete technology.
    Multifunktionella klimatanpassningsåtgärder -Ansvar, arbetssätt och utmaningar2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Multifunctional climate adaptation measures – Responsibilities, cooperation and challenges Climate adaptation measures within already built-up urban environments is complex, due to several factors. A large number of actors are required for success, but both the responsibility of each actor and the distribution of responsibility between these actors are unclear. Success depends to a large extent on the ability to cooperate between the various actors operating in an area. This project uses interviews, co-production and literature studies to describe the challenges, identify blockages and support the collaboration between the various parties. The project identified uncertainties regarding the laws required to manage climate adaptation measures in built-up urban environments that we needed to address. This resulted in an expansion of the project with a focus on the law around climate risks regarding socially important activities which is presented in Climate adaptation of socially important activities – legal challenges, RISE report 2024:14, ISBN 978-91- 89896-59-8 written by Jenny Lundahl (2024). A newly created collaboration model is presented here focusing on the startup phase. It is supplemented with tips on methods and tools that can facilitate the work, and a description of different ways to sort how to single out responsibilities and where the cost for the measures taken will be localized.

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  • 50.
    Janhäll, Sara
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Genell, Anders
    VTI, Sweden.
    Askemar, Hanna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Hur påverkar hälsoeffekter planeringen avelektrifierade byggarbetsplatser?2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    How does health and environment affect electrification of working sites? Electrification of construction sites mainly relates to climate emissions, but the local environment is also affected through reduced emissions of exhaust gases and engine noise. This work presents a way to take into account both noise and air pollution in the choice of which work machines should be electrified in the first place. The work is based on interviews and literature about emissions from different types of work machines, about how decisions about which work machines are used in different types of contracts are made, as well as current legislation about noise and air pollution and the exposure that people are at risk of being exposed to in different situations. The project also presents a first draft of a model to be able to compare different working equipment, but does not go into how noise and exhaust gases should be valued between each other, nor on emission factors for the combustion engines that the electric work machines are expected to replace. Instead, the focus is on identifying the decision-making paths and aligning the various expert areas of noise and air in the choice of which work machine should be prioritized for electrification.

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