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Maxantalet träffar du kan exportera från sökgränssnittet är 250. Vid större uttag använd dig av utsökningar.
  • 1.
    Abdul Hamid, Akram
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    von Platten, Jenny
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. Lund University, Sweden.
    Mjörnell, Kristina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Lund University, Sweden.
    Johansson, Dennis
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Bagge, Hans
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Determining the Impact of High Residential Density on Indoor Environment, Energy Use, and Moisture Loads in Swedish Apartments-and Measures for Mitigation2021Inngår i: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 13, nr 10, artikkel-id 5446Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Recently, there has been an increase in apartments with a large number of inhabitants, i.e., high residential density. This is partly due to a housing shortage in general but also increased migration, particularly in suburbs of major cities. This paper specifies issues that might be caused by high residential density by investigating the technical parameters influenced in Swedish apartments that are likely to have high residential density. Interviews with 11 employees at housing companies were conducted to identify issues that might be caused by high residential density. Furthermore, simulations were conducted based on extreme conditions described in the interviews to determine the impact on the energy use, indoor environmental quality, and moisture loads. In addition, the impact of measures to mitigate the identified issues was determined. Measures such as demand-controlled ventilation, increase of a constant ventilation rate, and moisture buffering are shown to reduce the risk for thermal discomfort, mold growth, and diminished indoor air quality; while still achieving a lower energy use than in a normally occupied apartment. The results of this study can be used by authorities to formulate incentives and/or recommendations for housing owners to implement measures to ensure good indoor environmental quality for all, irrespective of residential density conditions.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 2.
    Abdul Hamid, Akram
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    von Platten, Jenny
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. Lund University, Sweden.
    Mjörnell, Kristina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport. Lund University, Sweden.
    Johansson, Dennis
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Bagge, Hans
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Impact of high residential density on the building technology, HVAC systems, and indoor environment in Swedish apartments2020Inngår i: E3S Web of Conferences. Volyme 172, 2020., EDP Sciences , 2020, artikkel-id 09003Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    During the last few years, there has been an increased number of overcrowded apartments, due to increased migration but also housing shortage in general, particularly in the suburbs to major cities. The question is how the indoor environment in these apartments is affected by the high number of persons and how the problems related to high residential density can be overcome. This paper aims to specify the problem by investigating and analysing the technical parameters influenced by residential density in Swedish apartments built between 1965-1974. To map the situation, 11 interviews with employees at housing companies were conducted. Based on extreme conditions described in the interviews, simulations of the indoor climate and moisture risks at some vulnerable parts of constructions were made. Simulations were focused on moisture loads and CO2 concentrations as functions of residential density and ventilation rate. Finally, measures to combat problems associated to overcrowding are suggested. The aim is that the results should be used by authorities to formulate incentives and/or recommendations for housing companies to take actions to ensure a good indoor environment for all, irrespective of residential density conditions. © The Authors.

  • 3.
    Abrahamsen, Rune
    et al.
    Moelven Limtre, Norway.
    Bjertnaes, Magne A.
    Sweco, Norway.
    Bouillot, Jacques
    Eiffage, France.
    Brank, Bostjan
    University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    Cabaton, Lionel
    Arbonis, France.
    Crocetti, Roberto
    Moelven, Sweden.
    Flamand, Olivier
    CSTB, France.
    Garains, Fabien
    Eiffage, France.
    Gavric, Igor
    InnoRenew, Slovenia.
    Germain, Olivier
    Galeo, France.
    Hahusseau, Ludwig
    Eiffage, France.
    Hameury, Stephane
    CSTB, France.
    Johansson, Marie
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Johansson, Thomas
    Moelven, Sweden.
    Ao, Wai Kei
    University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
    Kurent, Blaz
    University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
    Landel, Pierre
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Linderholt, Andreas
    Linnaeus University, Sweden.
    Malo, Kjell
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Manthey, Manuel
    CSTB, France.
    Nåvik, Petter
    Sweco, Norway.
    Pavic, Alex
    University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
    Perez, Fernando
    Smith and Wallwork, United Kingdom.
    Rönnquist, Anders
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Stamatopoulos, Haris
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Sustersic, Iztok
    InnoRenew, Slovenia.
    Tulebekova, Salue
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Dynamic Response of Tall Timber Buildings Under Service Load: The DynaTTB Research Program2020Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Wind-induced dynamic excitation is becoming a governing design action determin-ing size and shape of modern Tall Timber Buildings (TTBs). The wind actions generate dynamic loading, causing discomfort or annoyance for occupants due to the perceived horizontal sway – i.e. vibration serviceability failure. Although some TTBs have been instrumented and meas-ured to estimate their key dynamic properties (natural frequencies and damping), no systematic evaluation of dynamic performance pertinent to wind loading has been performed for the new and evolving construction technology used in TTBs. The DynaTTB project, funded by the Forest Value research program, mixes on site measurements on existing buildings excited by heavy shakers, for identification of the structural system, with laboratory identification of building elements mechanical features coupled with numerical modelling of timber structures. The goal is to identify and quantify the causes of vibration energy dissipation in modern TTBs and pro-vide key elements to FE modelers.

    The first building, from a list of 8, was modelled and tested at full scale in December 2019. Some results are presented in this paper. Four other buildings will be modelled and tested in spring 2020.

  • 4.
    Abrahamsen, Rune
    et al.
    Moelven Limtre, Norway.
    Johansson, Marie
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Tulebekova, Saule
    NTNU, Norway.
    Abstract [en]

    Wind-induced dynamic excitation is a governing design action determining size and shape of modern Tall Timber Buildings (TTBs). The wind actions generate dynamic loading, causing discomfort or annoyance for occupants due to the perceived horizontal sway, i.e. vibration serviceability problem. Although some TTBs have been instrumented and measured to estimate their key dynamic properties (eigenfrequencies, mode shapes and damping), no systematic evaluation of dynamic performance pertinent to wind loading had been performed for the new and evolving construction technologies used in TTBs. The DynaTTB project, funded by the ForestValue research program, mixed on site measurements on existing buildings excited by mass inertia shakers (forced vibration) and/or the wind loads (ambient vibration), for identification of the structural system, with laboratory identification of building elements mechanical features, coupled with numerical modelling of timber structures. The goal is to identify and quantify the causes of vibration energy dissipation in modern TTBs and provide key elements to finite element models. This paper presents an overview of the results of the project and the proposed Guidelines for design of TTBs in relation to their dynamic properties.

  • 5.
    Abrahamsson, Camilla
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Rissler, Jenny
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Material- och ytdesign. Lund University, Sweden.
    Kåredal, Monica
    Lund University, Sweden; Region Skåne, Sweden.
    Hedmer, Maria
    Lund University, Sweden; Region Skåne, Sweden.
    Suchorzewski, Jan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Prieto Rábade, Miguel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Arun Chaudhari, Ojas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Gudmundsson, Anders
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Isaxon, Christina
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Characterization of airborne dust emissions from three types of crushed multi-walled carbon nanotube-enhanced concretes2024Inngår i: NanoImpact, ISSN 2452-0748, Vol. 34, artikkel-id 100500Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Dispersing Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) into concrete at low (<1 wt% in cement) concentrations may improve concrete performance and properties and provide enhanced functionalities. When MWCNT-enhanced concrete is fragmented during remodelling or demolition, the stiff, fibrous and carcinogenic MWCNTs will, however, also be part of the respirable particulate matter released in the process. Consequently, systematic aerosolizing of crushed MWCNT-enhanced concretes in a controlled environment and measuring the properties of this aerosol can give valuable insights into the characteristics of the emissions such as concentrations, size range and morphology. These properties impact to which extent the emissions can be inhaled as well as where they are expected to deposit in the lung, which is critical to assess whether these materials might constitute a future health risk for construction and demolition workers. In this work, the impact from MWCNTs on aerosol characteristics was assessed for samples of three concrete types with various amounts of MWCNT, using a novel methodology based on the continuous drop method. MWCNT-enhanced concretes were crushed, aerosolized and the emitted particles were characterized with online and offline techniques. For light-weight porous concrete, the addition of MWCNT significantly reduced the respirable mass fraction (RESP) and particle number concentrations (PNC) across all size ranges (7 nm – 20 μm), indicating that MWCNTs dampened the fragmentation process by possibly reinforcing the microstructure of brittle concrete. For normal concrete, the opposite could be seen, where MWCNTs resulted in drastic increases in RESP and PNC, suggesting that the MWCNTs may be acting as defects in the concrete matrix, thus enhancing the fragmentation process. For the high strength concrete, the fragmentation decreased at the lowest MWCNT concentration, but increased again for the highest MWCNT concentration. All tested concrete types emitted <100 nm particles, regardless of CNT content. SEM imaging displayed CNTs protruding from concrete fragments, but no free fibres were detected. 

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 6.
    Abugabbara, Marwan
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Gehlin, Signhild
    Swedish Geoenergy Center, Sweden.
    Lindhe, Jonas
    Lund University, Sweden; Alfa Laval Corporate AB, Sweden.
    Axell, Monica
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Energi och resurser.
    Holm, Daniel
    Vasakronan AB, Sweden.
    Johansson, Hans
    Umeå ProjektEnergi AB, Sweden.
    Larsson, Martin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Energi och resurser.
    Mattsson, Annika
    Granitor Properties, Sweden.
    Näslund, Ulf
    Vasakronan AB, Sweden.
    Puttige, Anjan
    Umeå University, Sweden.
    Berglöf, Klas
    ClimaCheck Sweden AB, Sweden.
    Claesson, Johan
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Hofmeister, Morten
    VIA University College, Denmark.
    Janson, Ulla
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Jensen, Axel
    Region Midtjylland,Denmark; Aalborg University, Denmark.
    Termén, Jens
    Energy Machines, Sweden.
    Javed, Saqib
    Lund University, Sweden.
    How to develop fifth-generation district heating and cooling in Sweden?: Application review and best practices proposed by middle agents2023Inngår i: Energy Reports, E-ISSN 2352-4847, Vol. 9, s. 4971-4983Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Sweden has an ambitious plan to fully decarbonise district heating by 2030 and to contribute with negative emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050. The vagaries of the energy market associated with climate, political, and social changes entail cross-sectoral integration that can fulfill these national targets. Fifth-generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC) is a relatively new concept of district energy systems that features a simultaneous supply of heating and cooling using power-to-heat technologies. This paper presents best practices for developing 5GDHC systems in Sweden to reach a consensus view on these systems among all stakeholders. A mixed-method combining best practice and roadmapping workshops has been used to disseminate mixed knowledge and experience from middle agents representing industry professionals and practitioners. Four successful implementations of 5GDHC systems are demonstrated and the important learned lessons are shared. The best practices are outlined for system planning, system modeling and simulation, prevailing business models for energy communities, and system monitoring. A roadmap from the middle agents’ point of view is composed and can be utilised to establish industry standards and common regulatory frameworks. © 2023 The Author(s)

  • 7.
    Ahlgren, Serina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Jordbruk och livsmedel.
    Junestedt, Christian
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden.
    Ahlström, Marcus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Lundin, Emma
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Återvinning av växtnäringsämnen ur avloppsvatten – hur gör vi hållbarhetsbedömningar på bästa sätt?2020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    För att kunna producera tillräckligt med mat på ett hållbart sätt behöver vi hushålla med växtnäring, och se till att den näring som redan finns i omlopp används på ett klokt sätt. Nya direktiv kring slamanvändning, krav på återförsel av växtnäring och hårdare utsläppskrav på reningsverk innebär att nya system och tekniker behöver utvecklas. Det kan dock vara svårt att veta vilket system eller vilken teknik som ger den största nyttan. Systemanalytiska metoder kan hjälpa till att tydliggöra dessa komplexa frågor.

    Målet med denna studie är att på ett övergripande sätt ge en insikt i hur arbetet kring hållbarhetsbedömningar kopplat till kommunal avloppsvattenrening och återföring av näringsämnen, med fokus på fosfor och kväve kan genomföras. Vidare har fokus legat på metodfrågor inom livscykelanalys (LCA), men en utblick kring andra hållbarhetsbedömningsmetoder ges även i en mindre omfattning. Mycket av det som behandlas inom LCA har dock bäring även för andra metoder för hållbarhetsbedömning.

    Idag finns det olika typer av standarder och riktlinjer för hur LCA-studier bör utföras, dock saknas det specifika riktlinjer för LCA-studier kopplade till näringsåtervinning ur avlopp. Det finns flera skäl till att LCA-metodfrågor kopplade till näringsåterföring behöver utredas; LCA är en metod som framförallt inriktar sig på att bedöma miljöpåverkan av en produkt, medan avloppsvattenrening ofta sker i kommunal regi och i nuläget är inriktat på att rena avloppsvatten och inte fokuserar på att producera produkter. Avloppssystem är ofta integrerade med både vattenförsörjning, energisystemet och jordbruket på ett intrikat sätt. Avlopp är också en sektor som har utsläpp både till luft och vatten, och metoder för att korrekt kunna bedöma dessa utsläpps påverkan på miljö är viktiga att utreda. Användningsområdet för LCA är väldigt brett. LCA kan dock inte svara på om det system som utvärderas är hållbart, bara om systemet har mer eller mindre påverkan än ett annat. LCA kan alltså inte svara på frågeställningar som: Vad är en hållbar återvinningsgrad för växtnäringsämnen?

    Arbetet har resulterat i en diskussion kring när LCA eller systemanalys lämpar sig och vad man bör tänka på när man genomför en LCA och vilka delar som bör ingå. Inom ramen för detta arbete anordnades även en workshop där berörda intressenter deltog från forskning, myndigheter och branschen. Syftet med workshopen var att få in synpunkter kring hur en systemanalys eller LCA bör läggas upp för att ge användbara resultat i beslutsfattande.

    I första hand vänder sig rapporten till dem som arbetar med kommunal avloppsvattenrening, teknikutveckling och myndigheter inom detta område, som har en grundförståelse för systemanalys och vill veta mer.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 8.
    Ahlström, Johan
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Zetterholm, Jonas
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Pettersson, Karin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Harvey, Simon
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Wetterlund, Elisabeth
    Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
    Economic potential for substitution of fossil fuels with liquefied biomethane in Swedish iron and steel industry – Synergy and competition with other sectors2020Inngår i: Energy Conversion and Management, ISSN 0196-8904, E-ISSN 1879-2227, Vol. 209, artikkel-id 112641Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    In Sweden, the iron and steel industry (ISI) is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Most of the emissions result from the use of fossil reducing agents. Nevertheless, the use of fossil fuels for other purposes must also be eliminated in order to reach the Swedish emissions reduction targets. In this study, we investigate the possibility to replace fossil gaseous and liquid fuels used for heating in the ISI, with liquefied biomethane (LBG) produced through gasification of forest residues. We hypothesize that such utilization of fuels in the Swedish ISI is insufficient to independently drive the development of large-scale LBG production, and that other sectors demanding LBG, e.g., for transportation, can be expected to influence the economic potential for the ISI to switch to LBG. The paper investigates how demand for LBG from other sectors can contribute to, or prevent, a phase-out of fossil fuels used for heating purposes in the ISI under different future energy market scenarios, with additional analysis of the impact of a CO2 emissions charge. A geographically explicit cost-minimizing biofuel production localization model is combined with heat integration and energy market scenario analysis. The results show that from a set of possible future energy market scenarios, none yielded more than a 9% replacement of fossil fuels used for heating purposes in the ISI, and only when there was also a demand for LBG from other sectors. The scenarios corresponding to a more ambitious GHG mitigation policy did not achieve higher adoption of LBG, due to corresponding higher biomass prices. A CO2 charge exceeding 200 EUR/tonCO2 would be required to achieve a full phase-out of fossil fuels used for heating purposes in the ISI. We conclude that with the current policy situation, substitution of fossil fuels by LBG will not be economically feasible for the Swedish ISI.

  • 9.
    Ahlström, Marcus
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Bigum, Lucas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Norefjäll, Fredric
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Stenbeck, Sten
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Barquet, Karina
    Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
    BONUS RETUR NReducing Emissions by Turning Nutrients and Carbon into Benefits: Deliverable No: D.5.2 – Decision support toolbox Ref: WP (5) Task (5.2) Lead participant: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Date: 31/03/20202020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 10.
    Ahlström, Marcus
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Johannesdottir, Solveig
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Kärrman, Erik
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    BONUS RETURN Reducing Emissions by Turning Nutrients and Carbon into Benefits: Deliverable No: D.3.4 – Manual for assessing sustainability of eco-technologies Ref: WP (3) Task (3.4) Lead participant: RISE Date: 31/12/20192019Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 11.
    Ahmadov, Tarlan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.
    Foli, Samuel
    Society for Inclusive and Collaborative Entrepreneurship, Germany.
    Durst, Susanne
    LUT University, Finland; Halmstad University, Sweden.
    Gerstlberger, Wolfgang
    Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.
    The transition to a circular economy: different paths for international and non-international micro-manufacturing firms2024Inngår i: Discover Sustainability, ISSN 2662-9984, Vol. 5, nr 1, artikkel-id 178Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This article examines how environmental awareness, stakeholder pressure, circular economy orientation and internal barriers influence circular economy practices in international and non-international micro-firms. For this, we utilised fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) using data from 128 micro firms operating in different manufacturing industries in Estonia. Three paths were identified for explaining circular economy practices in internationally operating micro-firms and two paths for explaining it in micro-firms that do not operate internationally. Our results show that understanding the impact of the four before-mentioned aspects can be beneficial for engaging in circular economy efforts in both international and non-international micro-firms. The intricate five pathways (three for international and two for non-international) through which environmental awareness, stakeholder pressure, circular economy orientation, and internal barriers shape circular economy practices in micro-firms, challenging conventional understandings and offering nuanced insights for effective engagement in sustainable business practices. Based on the findings, theoretical and practical implications of this study and directions for future research are discussed. 

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 12.
    Airaksinen, Miimu
    et al.
    Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL, Finland .
    Olsson, Lars
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Kurnitski, Jarek
    Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; Aalto-University, Finland.
    Hvidberg, Staffan
    Isolergrund, Sweden .
    Highly insulated crawl spaces with controlled minimal ventilation - Proof of concept by field measurements2020Inngår i: E3S Web of Conferences. Volyme 172, 2020., EDP Sciences , 2020, artikkel-id 07004Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    In current practices crawl spaces are typically ventilated with outdoor air. This leads very often to high relative humidity especially in the beginning of the summer, which can be problematic if the excess humidity cannot be ventilated efficiently enough. This paper introduces a crawl space concept where the crawl space is highly insulated and traditional ventilation openings are replaced by minimal mechanical exhaust ventilation set by pressure difference with the aim to prevent potential pollutants to penetrate indoors through the base floor. The concept that has been developed based on the simulation study is tested in this study with field measurements in four single family houses. Continuous measurements of relative humidity and temperature in crawl spaces and outdoor air were running more than one year in each building. The results revealed that all the crawl spaces had very low relative humidity, mostly below 75% and for very short periods close to 80% even though some of the buildings were new and construction phase moisture was drying out. The results revealed that the crawl space concept studied provided an ultimate moisture safety and can be recommended for all buildings with wooden floor. © The Authors

  • 13.
    Al-Ayish, Nadia
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Lyne, Åsa Laurell
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    During, Otto
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Livslängden hos betongbroar: Erfarenheter och implementering med LCA/LCC2020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The lifespan of construction works is crucial to achieve a low environmental impact for aprovided function. Supplementary cementitious materials are increasingly used in concrete production where the effect on the service life of structures needs to be assessed. In order to achieve a long service life, the design, flexibility in the design and workmanship also needs to be addressed.

    Today’s LCC and LCA analyses are based on statistics of service life of older bridges and are not material specific. There is still a lack of information about how the service life of concrete bridges is affected by different measures. The overall goal of this project was to close this information gap. The project aimed at describing key factors that affect the lifespan of concrete bridges. Key factors may reflect aspects of both durability and the utility of the design. The purpose was to investigate how the service life can be included in LCA and LCC analyses and to create a basis for future LCA and LCC analyses of concrete road bridges.

    Factors affecting the service life of concrete bridges have been identified through a literature survey and interviews. The studies comprised the service life of concretebridges, durability, service life models, requirements and guidelines, previous LCA and LCC studies as well as service life-extending measures throughout the whole lifecycle from material production to the end-of-life.

    The studies showed that reinforcement corrosion caused by chlorides is the most common cause of damage in concrete bridges where the service life of parts of theconstruction is usually shorter than the design service life. Even though frost resistance has historically been more restricting when choosing a concrete composition. The restrictions have, however, been reduced lately but there needs to be more focus on finding a design method that takes into account the impact of the concrete composition regarding reinforcement corrosion in order to find the most suitable solution for each individual case.

    The study shows the service life of concrete bridges depends not only on the expert’s knowledge of concrete but also on quality of execution. There is great potential to extend the service life of concrete bridges and to reduce their climate impact. However, it is important that the service life-extending measures also have a low embodied impact.

    The results of the survey show that technology and cost are the highest priority for mostrespondents, except for researchers where the focus is more on the environment and durability. Many also consider that contractors should set more demands towards environmentally friendly solutions.

    The results are compiled in the form of recommendations for reduced environmental impact and costs, as well as for how an LCA and LCC can be carried out with regard to service life.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 14.
    Algehed, Jessica
    et al.
    Kommunforskning i Västsverige, Sweden.
    Eneqvist, Erica
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Ernits, Heiti
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Huisman, Chelsey Jo
    Uppsala Universtiy, Sweden.
    Jensen, Christian
    Kommunforskning i Västsverige, Sweden; University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Johansson, Magnus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Wise, Emily
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Mångfacetterat innovationsarbete under ledning av kommunala organisationeren typologisering av Vinnovas satsning på innovationsplattformar i sex svenska städer : delrapport 1 från Praktiknära samordning av följeforskning vid innovationsplattformar2023Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här rapporten beskriver och analyserar sex svenska innovationsplattformar för hållbara och attraktiva städer. De studerade innovationsplattformarna finns i Borås, Göteborg, Kiruna, Lund, Stockholm och Umeå och har startats och bedrivits med projektstöd av Vinnova i form av en särskild satsning på innovationsplattformar i städer

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 15.
    Al-Ghussein Norrman, Nina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Talalasova, Elena
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    FOSSIL-FREE AVIATION 2045: ACTIONS, OBSTACLES AND NEEDS2021Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 16.
    Al-Ghussein Norrman, Nina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Talalasova, Elena
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    VÄGEN TILL FOSSILFRITT FLYG 2045: AGERANDE, HINDER OCH BEHOV2021Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 17.
    Al-Ghussein Norrman, Nina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Talalasova, Elena
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Bengtsson, Daniel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Fahnestock, Jesse
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Blickar mot framtida världar: Omvärldsscenarier förfossilfritt flyg 20452020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Inom Fossilfritt Flyg 2045 genomförs en framtidsanalys. Syftet med framtidsanalysen är att tillsammans med aktörer och intressenter i ekosystemet kring flyget dels skapa samverkan, dels genomföra en rad aktiviteter vilka tillsammans med övrigt analysarbete ska resultera i en gemensam rapport till projektets finansiär, Energimyndigheten. De huvudsakliga aktiviteterna är trendanalys, scenarioanalys och färdplanering. Denna rapport presenterar resultatet av scenarioanalysen, och inbjuder läsaren till att använda dessa scenarier som underlag för att föra strukturerade samtal kring framtiden för fossilfritt flyg i den egna organisationen, med hjälp av den övningsdel som avslutar rapporten.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 18.
    Al-Ghussein Norrman, Nina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Talalasova, Elena
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Bengtsson, Daniel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Fahnestock, Jesse
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Eyes on the horizon: External environment scenarios for fossil-free aviation by 20452020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The scenario analysis aims to support strategic efforts to end aviation’s dependence on fossil fuels by creating reasonable, consistent pictures of what the future might look like. We focus on the external environment indeveloping the scenarios. This involves taking a look at potential developments leading up to 2045 of the factors which have major relevance for fossil-fuel-free aviation but are beyond the control of ecosystem actors and stakeholders.The scenario narratives we have produced contain descriptions of the business sector, politics, society, and technology and infrastructure, and capturethe developments of the following factors: global travel and consumer pressure for sustainable travel, raw material competition, the oil industry, the willingness to make sustainable investments, electrification and decentralisation, and disruptive technologies and business models.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 19.
    Alipour, Nazanin
    et al.
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Strömberg, Emma
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Enebro, Jonas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Hedenqvist, Mikael
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Release of micro- and nanoparticles from a polypropylene/clay nanocomposite, a methodology for controlled degradation and evaluation2021Inngår i: Journal of Cleaner Production, ISSN 0959-6526, E-ISSN 1879-1786, Vol. 319, artikkel-id 128761Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    A methodology was developed for qualitative assessment and characterisation of particle losses from nanocomposites during service life. The methodology can be generalised to other systems where the material fragments during ageing and can be extended to quantitative analysis. A chamber was constructed for ageing of selected materials, which enabled effective collection and subsequent analysis of released particles. A combination of scanning and transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was found to be suitable for characterising particles in terms of size, shape and content. The methodology was tested on a common nanoclay composite with polypropylene as the matrix. There was no need for physical/mechanical wear to generate particles, slow flow of air and elevated temperature led to cracking and fragmentation of the material, and subsequent release of nanocomposite particles containing embedded or protruding clay. The release of pure clay particles and polypropylene particles was also detected. Using the methodology, it was observed that even in ‘mild’ degradation conditions (pure thermo-oxidation with no wear), fillers and nanocomposite particles can be released to the environment, which is an environmental and health concern. © 2021 The Authors

  • 20.
    Allsopp, Benjamin
    et al.
    Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
    Orman, Robin
    Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, UK.
    Johnson, Simon
    Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, UK.
    Baistow, Ian
    Solar Capture Technologies, UK.
    Sanderson, Gavin
    Solar Capture Technologies, UK.
    Sundberg, Peter
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Kemi, biomaterial och textil.
    Stålhandske, Christina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Grund Bäck, Lina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Andersson, Anne
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Säkerhet och transport, Mätteknik.
    Booth, Jonathan
    Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, UK.
    Bingham, Paul
    Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
    Karlsson, Stefan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Towards improved cover glasses for photovoltaic devices2020Inngår i: Progress in Photovoltaics, ISSN 1062-7995, E-ISSN 1099-159X, Vol. 28, s. 1187-1206Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    For the solar energy industry to increase its competitiveness, there is a global drive to lower the cost of solar-generated electricity. Photovoltaic (PV) module assembly is material-demanding, and the cover glass constitutes a significant proportion of the cost. Currently, 3-mm-thick glass is the predominant cover material for PV modules, accounting for 10%–25% of the total cost. Here, we review the state-of-the-art of cover glasses for PV modules and present our recent results for improvement of the glass. These improvements were demonstrated in terms of mechanical, chemical and optical properties by optimizing the glass composition, including addition of novel dopants, to produce cover glasses that can provide (i) enhanced UV protection of polymeric PV module components, potentially increasing module service lifetimes; (ii) re-emission of a proportion of the absorbed UV photon energy as visible photons capable of being absorbed by the solar cells, thereby increasing PV module efficiencies and (iii) successful laboratory-scale demonstration of proof of concept, with increases of 1%–6% in Isc and 1%–8% in Ipm. Improvements in both chemical and crack resistance of the cover glass were also achieved through modest chemical reformulation, highlighting what may be achievable within existing manufacturing technology constraints. © 2020 The Authors.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 21.
    Alonso, Maria Cruz
    et al.
    Eduardo Torroja Institute of construction Science, Spain.
    Prieto Rábade, Miguel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Pilz, Monika
    SINTEF, Norway.
    Gomez, Amaia
    Acciona Construction Technological Center, Spain.
    Maia, Frederico
    Smallmatek – Small Materials and Technologies, Portugal.
    Self-protection concrete measures as prevention measure from chloride transport and corrosion of reinforcement2023Inngår i: MATEC Web of Conferences, E-ISSN 2261-236X, Vol. 378Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Incorporation of additives into a reinforced concrete matrix to delay or even completely avoid the initiation of corrosion during the service-life of the construction is a widely pursued topic. One of the new promising technologies achieving increased interest is to incorporate corrosion inhibitors encapsulated in layered double hydroxide (LDH). LDH structures follow a controlled release of the inhibitor while chloride is efficiently trapped at the same time. Another type of nanostructure additive offering self-protection ability in concrete is polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) developed to exhibit water-repellent functionalities protecting the reinforcement from corrosive attack. In the present laboratory work, the enhanced performance of concrete infrastructures in a marine environment was studied using a SCC design. The addition of LDH (0.5, 1 and 2 % by mass of binder (bmb)) and POSS (2 and 4 % additive level) was explored. Migration and diffusion Cl transport tests have been performed towards corrosion protection of reinforcing bars. The results showed that Cl transport decreases with the concrete maturity, and this is even more effective for concretes with LDH and POSS. This delay effect is more pronounced in the unidirectional diffusional Cl transport. LDH is significantly retarding the initiation of rebar corrosion.

  • 22.
    Amann, Daniel
    et al.
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; Swedish Defence University, Sweden.
    Kihlander, Ingrid
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Certifiering. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Magnusson, Mats
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Managing affordability in concept development of complex product systems (CoPS)2023Inngår i: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, ISSN 0953-7325, E-ISSN 1465-3990, Vol. 35, nr 1, s. 93-106Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study originates in a recognised unsustainable cost escalation for complex defence equipment. In order to understand how such cost escalation for complex product systems (CoPS) can be avoided, this study comparatively explores four different industrial sectors–energy, transportation, healthcare and defence–with and without intergenerational increasing costs, represented by four international companies. The results, collected from studying the development of one of each company’s products, reveal some characteristic differences in market factors between those sectors and companies having problems with intergenerational escalating costs and customer affordability, as compared to other sectors and companies. It is suggested that dependent on market characteristics, it might be necessary to actively manage affordability when CoPS are developed. Efforts made by the companies to make products more affordable were identified, and several factors enabling and disabling the development of less costly products without compromising customer needs were explored. Further, the implications of affordability management in a CoPS setting are elaborated on.

  • 23.
    Amiandamhen, Stephen
    et al.
    Linnaeus University, Sweden.
    Adamopoulos, Stergios
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Adl-Zarrabi, Bijan
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Yin, Haiyan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Material- och ytdesign.
    Norén, Joakim
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Recycling sawmilling wood chips, biomass combustion residues, and tyre fibres into cement-bonded composites: Properties of composites and life cycle analysis2021Inngår i: Construction and Building Materials, ISSN 0950-0618, E-ISSN 1879-0526, Vol. 297, artikkel-id 123781Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigated the properties and sustainability of cement-bonded composites containing industrial residues such as wood chips, tyre fibres and biomass combustion residues, i.e. bottom ash (BA) and fly ash (FA). The effect of cement-to-raw material (wood/tyre fibre) ratio (C/RM) and the aggregate content (BA and FA) on thermal and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and life cycle analysis (LCA) were also conducted. The results revealed that as the aggregate content increased in wood composites, the mechanical properties also increased. The mean thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity of tyre composite samples were 0.37 W/mK and 1.2 MJ/m3K respectively, while the respective values for wood composite samples were 0.29 W/mK and 0.81 MJ/m3K. SEM analysis showed adequate bonding between wood/tyre fibres and cement matrix. LCA revealed that the materials share of the total primary energy use was about 60% for all analysed composites. © 2021 The Author(s)

  • 24.
    Amiryarahmadi, Nata
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Kropp, Wolfgang
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    A virtual design studio for low frequency impact sound from walking2021Inngår i: Acta Acustica, ISSN 2681-4617, Vol. 5, artikkel-id 40Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Experience with wooden multi-storey houses have shown that impact sound insulation is one of most critical issues to ensure a good indoor environment. Even in cases where the impact sound insulation is fulfilled, people perceive the sound from e.g. walking neighbours as very disturbing. To investigate the subjective perception, a test facility is needed which allows for a coherent evaluation of different floor designs by listening test. The facility should ensure, that when comparing different floors, the same excitation by a walker and the same receiving room are involved. Only the floor design should be changed. As a consequence the spread in the data will only be due to the spread in the perception by subjects. In this paper a virtual design tool for low frequency impact sound insulation is presented, which consists of four parts; measured walking forces, floor models, an auralisation system which consists of a grid of loudspeakers simulating the vibration of the floor and a receiving room furnished as a common living room. In a pilot study a listening test is carried out for 13 different floors with different impact sound spectra at frequencies below 100 Hz. The results indicate that the judged annoyance strongly correlates with the judged loudness. However, there is a substantial spread observed in between the subjects participating in the listening tests. To understand this spread, a more extended study is needed with more participants and a classification of the subjects with respect to criteria such as noise sensitivity or age.

  • 25.
    Amiryarahmadi, Nata
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Kropp, Wolfgang
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Subjective evaluation of impact sound from footsteps2023Inngår i: Proceedings of the 10th Convention of theEuropean Acoustics AssociationForum Acusticum 2023, 2023, s. 2467-Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Low-frequency impact sound caused by upstairs neighbors walking on the floor is a key acoustic challenge regarding lightweight floors and a major source of disturbance particularly in wooden buildings. To investigate the effect of floor design on the perceived walking sound, a virtual design tool has been developed, which allows for auralising the impact sounds containing low frequencies down to 20 Hz. Using this tool, footstep sounds on 10 different lightweight floors were auralised by a loudspeaker grid mounted in the ceiling of an acoustically controlled lab, which is furnished as a common living room. The walking sounds were subjectively evaluated through listening tests while the subjects were sitting freely on a sofa without needing to use any extra listening equipment. The listening test results suggest that loudness, thumpiness and reverberation are correlated with the perceived annoyance. The results also indicate a correlation between annoyance and age as well as the individual experience of earlier exposure to noise.

  • 26.
    Amiryarahmadi, Nata
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Kropp, Wolfgang
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Subjective evaluation of impact sound from footsteps2023Inngår i: Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, European Acoustics Association, EAA , 2023Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Low-frequency impact sound caused by upstairs neighbors walking on the floor is a key acoustic challenge regarding lightweight floors and a major source of disturbance particularly in wooden buildings. To investigate the effect of floor design on the perceived walking sound, a virtual design tool has been developed, which allows for auralising the impact sounds containing low frequencies down to 20 Hz. Using this tool, footstep sounds on 10 different lightweight floors were auralised by a loudspeaker grid mounted in the ceiling of an acoustically controlled lab, which is furnished as a common living room. The walking sounds were subjectively evaluated through listening tests while the subjects were sitting freely on a sofa without needing to use any extra listening equipment. The listening test results suggest that loudness, thumpiness and reverberation are correlated with the perceived annoyance. The results also indicate a correlation between annoyance and age as well as the individual experience of earlier exposure to noise. © 2023 First author et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

  • 27.
    Andersson Ersman, Peter
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Eriksson, Jerry
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet. Elitfönster AB, Sweden.
    Jakonis, Darius
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Pantzare, Sandra
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Åhlin, Jessica
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Strandberg, Jan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Sundin, Stefan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Toss, Henrik
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Mobilitet och system.
    Ahrentorp, Fredrik
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Daoud, Kaies
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Jonasson, Christian
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Svensson, Henrik
    Elitfönster AB, Sweden.
    Gregard, Greger
    ChromoGenics AB, Sweden.
    Näslund, Ulf
    Vasakronan AB, Sweden.
    Johansson, Christer
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Integration of Screen Printed Piezoelectric Sensors for Force Impact Sensing in Smart Multifunctional Glass Applications2022Inngår i: Advanced Engineering Materials, ISSN 1438-1656, E-ISSN 1527-2648, Vol. 24, nr 11, artikkel-id 2200399Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Screen printed piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride?trifluoro ethylene (PVDF?TrFE)-based sensors laminated between glass panes in the temperature range 80?110?°C are presented. No degradation of the piezoelectric signals is observed for the sensors laminated at 110?°C, despite approaching the Curie temperature of the piezoelectric material. The piezoelectric sensors, here monitoring force impact in smart glass applications, are characterized by using a calibrated impact hammer system and standardized impact situations. Stand-alone piezoelectric sensors and piezoelectric sensors integrated on poly(methyl methacrylate) are also evaluated. The piezoelectric constants obtained from the measurements of the nonintegrated piezoelectric sensors are in good agreement with the literature. The piezoelectric sensor response is measured by using either physical electrical contacts between the piezoelectric sensors and the readout electronics, or wirelessly via both noncontact capacitive coupling and Bluetooth low-energy radio link. The developed sensor concept is finally demonstrated in smart window prototypes, in which integrated piezoelectric sensors are used to detect break-in attempts. Additionally, each prototype includes an electrochromic film to control the light transmittance of the window, a screen printed electrochromic display for status indications and wireless communication with an external server, and a holistic approach of hybrid printed electronic systems targeting smart multifunctional glass applications.

  • 28.
    Andersson Ersman, Peter
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Åhlin, Jessica
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Westerberg, David
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Sawatdee, Anurak
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Smart hårdvara.
    Arvén, Patrik
    J2 Holding AB, Sweden.
    Ludvigsson, Mikael
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Batteryless Electronic System Printed on Glass Substrate2021Inngår i: Electronic Materials, E-ISSN 2673-3978, Vol. 2, nr 4Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Batteryless hybrid printed electronic systems manufactured on glass substrates are reported. The electronic system contains a sensor capable of detecting water, an electrochromic display, conductors, a silicon chip providing the power supply through energy harvesting of electromagnetic radiation, and a silicon-based microcontroller responsible for monitoring the sensor status and the subsequent update of the corresponding display segment. The silicon-based components were assembled on the glass substrate by using a pick and place equipment, while the remainder of the system was manufactured by screen printing. Many printed electronic components, often relying on organic materials, are sensitive to variations in environmental conditions, and the reported system paves the way for the creation of electronic sensor platforms on glass substrates for utilization in see-through applications in harsh conditions. Additionally, this generic hybrid printed electronic sensor system also demonstrates the ability to enable autonomous operation through energy harvesting in future smart window applications.

  • 29.
    Andersson, Johnn
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Hellsmark, Hans
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Directionality in transformative policy missions: The case of reaching net zero emissions in the Swedish process industry2024Inngår i: Journal of Cleaner Production, ISSN 0959-6526, E-ISSN 1879-1786, Vol. 437, artikkel-id 140664Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [sv]

    This paper proposes a directionality framework that highlights goal, sector and solution as key dimensions of transformative policy missions. The framework is used to investigate the directionality of process industry decarbonization in Sweden, by analyzing the orientation of projects supported by the major national funding program the ‘Industry Leap’ between 2017 and 2022. The results show that innovation activities (i) mainly aim to reduce fossil emissions rather than produce negative emissions, (ii) focus on the steel and chemicals industries, and (iii) engage mostly with carbon capture, electrification and hydrogen. This indicates that innovation activities are somewhat narrow and imbalanced, which suggests that policymakers should promote broader experimentation. The theoretical and empirical contribution of this paper supports academics, policymakers and other actors in understanding, evaluating and shaping the directionality of transformative policy missions.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 30.
    Andersson, Johnn
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Hellsmark, Hans
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Sandén, Björn
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Unpacking the directionality of technological innovation2020Manuskript (preprint) (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 31.
    Andersson, Johnn
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Hojckova, Kristina
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Sandén, Björn
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Clarifying the focus and improving the rigour of sustainability transitions research on emerging technologies2020Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
  • 32.
    Andersson, Johnn
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Hojcková, Kristina
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Sandén, Björn A.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    On the functional and structural scope of technological innovation systems – A literature review with conceptual suggestions2023Inngår i: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, ISSN 2210-4224, E-ISSN 2210-4232, Vol. 49, artikkel-id 100786Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper reviews how the functional and structural scope of technological innovation systems (TIS) are understood in the literature. We find that it is often unclear if the system function involves innovation, production or both, and a lack of agreement as to whether structural elements are social or social and technical. Since these issues risk hindering cumulative knowledge development and conceptual advancements, we argue that a clear and shared underlying system model is needed. Taking steps in this direction, we propose that the function of a TIS is to develop and shape a specific technology; that this technology can be understood as a production-consumption system; and that the structural elements of a TIS are social, technical and possibly ecological. In addition, we offer guidance to boundary-setting in empirical case studies. We hope that the paper will inspire continued conceptual development in the TIS community and beyond.

  • 33.
    Andersson, Johnn
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Lennerfors, Thomas Taro
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Fornstedt, Helena
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Towards a socio-techno-ecological approach to sustainability transitions2024Inngår i: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, ISSN 2210-4224, E-ISSN 2210-4232, Vol. 51, artikkel-id 100846Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The literature on sustainability transitions departs from the idea that social and environmental problems call for transformative change but employs socio-technical frameworks that treat nature as a passive context. In this paper, we argue that transitions research should adopt a socio-technoecological approach that accounts better for ecological elements. To take steps in this direction, we review adjacent literature that engages with socio-ecological and socio-techno-ecological systems concepts. Based on insights from this literature, we discuss emerging topics for the development of a socio-techno-ecological transitions framework. Our contribution paves the way for further theoretical development and empirical validation by motivating, contextualizing and sketching a roadmap towards a more comprehensive approach to transitions research.

  • 34.
    Andersson, Johnn
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Plummer, Paul
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Lennerfors, Thomas Taro
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Hedberg, Charlotta
    Umeå University, Sweden.
    Socio-techno-ecological transition dynamics in the re-territorialization of food production: the case of wild berries in Sweden2024Inngår i: Sustainability Science, ISSN 1862-4065, E-ISSN 1862-4057Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [sv]

    Recent geopolitical and economic crises underline the need for a European transition towards a more sustainable food system. Scholars and policymakers have called for a re-territorialization of food production to strike a better balance between local, regional and global value chains. This paper explores the role of re-territorialization through an analysis of the emergence, development and current transformation of the Swedish wild berry value chain. The analysis combines the multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions with a socio-techno-ecological system approach and draws on interviews, informal conversations, participant observations and a range of secondary sources. The resulting case narrative shows how processes of de-territorialization may result in regimes that fail to address sustainability potential and problems. It also highlights that processes of re-territorialization challenge established regimes by promoting niches that represent diferent, albeit complementary, value chain confgurations. Apart from a rich empirical narrative that brings useful knowledge to stakeholders to the Swedish wild berry value chain, the paper contributes to the theoretical understanding re-territorialization, shows how the ecological dimension can be accounted for with the multi-level perspective on sustainability transitions and presents a number of general policy implications.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 35.
    Andersson, Lisa
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad.
    Andersson, Karin
    DIS/ORDER, Sweden.
    Bratel, Johanna
    DIS/ORDER, Sweden.
    af Ekström, Hanna
    HDK-Valand vid Göteborgs universitet, Sweden.
    Johansson, Hanna
    Liljewall Arkitekter, Sweden.
    Lerme, Wenche
    Göteborgs Stad,Sweden.
    Schneider, Julia
    SLU Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden.
    Sundbom, Cristine
    Usify, Sweden.
    Stad i vått och torrt: Om inkluderande planering och gestaltning av miljöer med blågröna dagvattenlösningar ur ett breddat tillgänglighetsperspektiv2021Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Fulltekst (pdf)
    STAD I VÅTT OCH TORRT - Om inkluderande planering och gestaltning av miljöer med blågröna dagvattenlösningar ur ett breddat tillgänglighetsperspektiv
  • 36.
    Andersson, Louise
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Silfwerbrand, Johan
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Selander, Anders
    Cementa, Sweden.
    Trägårdh, Jan
    Effect of High-Pressure Washing on Chloride Ingress in Concrete – Development of an Accelerated Test Method2022Inngår i: Nordic Concrete Research, Vol. 67, nr 2, s. 35-50Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Abstract Bridges constitute an important part of the infrastructure. For bridges to have the longest possible service life with minimum repairs, the maintenance is of great importance. One type of bridge maintenance that is rarely researched is the continuous preventive maintenance. The continuous preventive maintenance consists of removal of vegetation, cleaning of bridge joints and drainage systems as well as high-pressure washing of the structure. The effect of washing is discussed but not properly researched. A study on the effectiveness of high-pressure washing on concrete is therefore being conducted. An accelerated test method is being developed to mimic field testing. The method has been developed through tests on small concrete specimens subjected to fluctuating temperature, fluctuating moisture, and repeatable exposure to de-icing salt during several cycles. The specimens are of two recipes where one represents an old concrete bridge with rather high water-cement ratio (0.6) and the other one represents a new concrete bridge with a low water-cement ratio (0.4). The first two versions of the method are described. The second version shows promising results, but the method needs further development to incorporate additional factors.

  • 37.
    André, Alann
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Polymer, fiber och komposit.
    Mattsson, Cecilia
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Polymer, fiber och komposit.
    Bru, Thomas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Polymer, fiber och komposit.
    Wästerlid, Cecilia
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Lorentzon, Katarina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Lindh, E Mattias
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Bioraffinaderi och energi.
    Hallquist, Lukas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Thidevall, Niklas
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Mobilitet och system.
    Cirkulärt omhändertagande av solcellspaneler och vindturbinblad för vindkraftverk2024Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    I regleringsbrevet för 2023 fick Energimyndigheten i uppdrag av regeringen att utreda hur solcellspaneler och vindturbinblad till vindkraftverk i högre utsträckning ska kunna tas om hand på ett giftfritt och cirkulärt sätt i enlighet med avfallshierarkin. Redovisningen av detta regeringsuppdrag, rapporten Från avfall till resurs – Förslag för en mer cirkulär hantering av solcellspaneler och vindturbinblad, ER 2024:11, baseras på denna underlagsrapport som har tagits fram av forskningsinstitutet RISE på uppdrag av Energimyndigheten. Analyser, slutsatser och förslag/rekommendationer som framförs i rapporten är författarnas egna.En fortsatt utbyggnad av fossilfri elproduktion är av stor vikt för att vi ska kunna nå Sveriges energi- och klimatmål. För att utbyggnaden i sig ska vara hållbar är det viktigt att vi redan nu planerar för hur avfallet från dessa elproduktionsanläggningar ska förebyggas, minimeras och sedan hanteras.Det finns redan i dagsläget aktörer som har utvecklat och håller på att utveckla ett flertal olika lösningar för ökad cirkularitet. Dessa möjligheter kan tas tillvara och främjas genom regelbunden kartläggning och genom att arbeta gemensamt inom EU. Genom ett sådant arbete finns det också större möjligheter att etablera industriella värdekedjor i Sverige för hanteringen av avfallet från solcellspaneler och vindturbinblad.En cirkulär hantering av avfall ger ett betydligt mindre avtryck på miljön än det som en linjär hantering ger upphov till. Det är viktigt att de aktörer som tillhandahåller fossilfri elproduktion tar ansvar under hela livscykeln och att det finns goda förutsättningar för aktörerna att göra det.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 38.
    Antonsson, Ulf
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Delreparation av tätskiktssystem – del 2 - Fältundersökning2022Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Partial repair of waterproofing systems – Part 2 - Field survey

    This research project has been terminated prematurely at the request of the funder. The decision to terminate was made as the project has not received suitable objects to the extent required for the project to be carried out as it was planned and promised in the application. It has been unexpectedly difficult to get suitable objects for the project. The idea was that the insurance companies represented in the project team would provide the project with suitable objects. Only four objects have been received for the project. In these objects, humidity sensors have been deployed and measurements have begun. With the Invisense system, only starting measurements to be used as a reference to the next measurement have been carried out. This means that there are no trends to ana-lyse. For the other measurement systems (iioote and Talkpool), the measurements have been ongoing for about six and nine months respectively. In some of the objects, the measurements do not start after installation. It is likely that the sensors do not have contact with the internet via the LoRaWAN technology used. At the objects where measurements start, the moisture level appears to be at a normal level, there does not seem to be any leakage.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
    RISE rapport
    Fulltekst (pdf)
    NCC rapport
  • 39.
    Antonsson, Ulf
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Delreparation av tätskiktssystem: del 1    Pilotundersökningar i labb2020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

     Pilot surveys in labs This project is the first part of an intended major project to verify methods for partial repairs and methods for quality assurance of these repairs. This part of the project is implemented in order to make the next part of the project (Part 2. Field study) credible and valid. The purpose is to investigate whether selected measurement systems are capable of warning of excess moisture where leakage occurs so that there is no consequential damage to the building. The aim of this part is to evaluate and build knowledge about how sensors should be used and the possibility to interpret results from these. The study of the function of the warning systems for moisture and water damage that will be used in the future field study has been carried out in a mock-up that has been developed within the project. The project has been carried out with five different moisture sensor systems. During the entire test period, RISE have carried out measurements of temperature and moisture level in the test set’s timber framework compartments. Measured values from the five moisture sensor systems have been compared to values from RISE's calibrated temperature and humidity sensors. The surveys carried out can be grouped as follows: • Function control of the moisture system's ability to detect elevated moisture levels in each mock-up’s framework. • Loading of undamaged floor and wall penetrations with water  • Loading of pre-damaged floor and wall penetrations with water  • Loading of partially repaired floor and wall penetrations with water  Function control Moisture sensor systems 2, 3, 4 and 5 show a relatively good compliance with RISE's calibrated moisture and temperature sensors, usually only a few percentage points deviation is noted. Note that the test procedure selected is not relevant for Invisense’s moisture sensor system (system 1) as these are located in different positions than the other moisture sensor systems. Loading of undamaged floor and wall penetrations with water  Floor When loading the floors with water, leakage was noted in test space 1 already after two hours of loading. This was recorded by the moisture sensors located in test compartment 1. Wall Already a few minutes after commencement of water spraying, a rising moisture level was observed and also recorded by the moisture sensors in test compartment 3. It is worth noting that this leakage was so small that no free water was detected. An increase in moisture level was recorded at the wall penetrations in test compartment 4 after about 10 hours. At the end of the spraying cycle the moisture sensor sample in compartment 1 also showed a raised value. Loading of pre-damaged floor and wall penetrations with water  Floor All of the floor drains were subjected to pre-test damage, which consisted in removal of the clamping ring, cutting of the collar in one place and splitting it open a few centimetres. All moisture sensor systems used in the floor wells in test compartments 1-4 indicated elevated values. Wall Pre-test damage to all wall penetrations was carried out using an awl that was pressed into the space between the tile and wall box and thus puncturing the sealing collar. All moisture sensor systems used in the wall penetrations in test compartments 1-4 indicated elevated values. Loading of partially repaired floor and wall penetrations with water  Floor After partial repair where all floor drains were replaced, water loading of the floor was again carried out with 100 mm water.  No leakage was detected during the 5-day water load. None of the moisture sensor systems indicated any leakage. Wall After the partial repair where all pipe collars were replaced, water spraying took place again with alternating cold and warm water (1500 times).  No leakage was detected. None of the moisture sensor systems indicated any leakage.

    Conclusion • All moisture sensor systems in the study have the capability to show that leakage has occurred • It is not the absolute measured value of the moisture level that determines whether the waterproofing system is leaking or not  

    It is the change in the moisture level in the construction itself that is crucial to the question as to whether it is to be opened up or not.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 40.
    Antonsson, Ulf
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Testmetod för funktion och beständighet hos regn- och vindskydd: Utveckling av provningsmetod för verifiering av regn -och vindskydd av folie2020Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Projektet har byggt vidare på erfarenheter från de två tidigare projekten som ingått i E2B2-program-met, projekten 40636–1 och 40636–2 som handlade om lufttäthet i klimatskalet.

    I det här projektet har skiktet som finns utanför isoleringen, det så kallade regn- och vindskyddet studerats. Om detta skikt inte fungerar och isoleringsmaterialet blir vått eller att vinden tillåts blåsa igenom isoleringsmaterialet förlorar det sin isolerande förmåga, med högre energianvändning som en av följderna. Avsikten har varit att vidareutveckla provningsmetoden som togs fram i de tidigare pro-jekten. Nu har även skiktens regn- och vindtäthet undersökts. Provningsmetoden har fungerat bra vid pilotprovningarna. Man kan se en förändring av lufttätheten vid mätningar före respektive efter värmebehandlingen. Vi noterar att alla de tre provande regn- och vindskyddssystemen är mycket lufttäta. Det borgar för en god energihushållning.

    Värmebehandlingen har gett varierande resultat. En del mätningar visar ett ökat läckage efter vär-mebehandlingen medan andra mätningar visar på minskat luftläckage efter värmebehandlingen.

    Alla de undersökta regn- och vindskyddssystemen uppvisar en högst varierande grad av läckage vid regnbelastning under samtidigt pulserande vindbelastning (slagregn). Det faktum att regn- och vind-skyddssystemen inte är helt vattentäta är problematiskt då det är en av förutsättningarna för att byggnader långsiktigt ska kunna ha en låg energianvändning. Det kan också vara ett problem då regn- och vindskyddssystemen ibland används i stället för ett separat väderskydd på en byggarbets-plats.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 41.
    Antonsson, Ulf
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Berntsson, Ulf
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Nordling, Bengt
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Demker, Ingvar
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Polymera material och kompositer.
    Sjöqvist, Mia
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Polymera material och kompositer.
    Funktionsprovning av tätskiktsystem för våtutrymmen 20222022Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Functional testing of waterproofing systems for use behind ceramic tiling based on flexible sheets 2022 This research project is a repetition of previously completed projects. These projects span a long period of time, 12 years. The projects were completed during the period 2010 to 2022. Functional testing The result is better than before. 2022 2019 (1) 2016 (2) 2014 (3) 2010 (4) Result Result Result Result Result Result No leakage 9 (47 %) 6 (32 %) 8 (40 %) 3 (15 %) 0 (0 %) Leakage 10 (53 %) 13 (68 %) 12 (60 %) 17 (85 %) 5 (100 %) In this investigation, most of the leaks are located to penetrations of large and small sewer pipes. In this investigation, we have on several occasions seen that the pipe sleeves have had substandard quality. This has manifested itself in the fact that the polymeric material which is to seal around the pipe during the test has lost its sealing ability. It is probable that the material has developed a residual deformation (settling) which means that the material has lost its ability to seal around the pipe. We have also noticed that pipe cuffs have delaminated, the layers in the cuff during the test have been divided into their components. Leakage has also occurred at inner corners, outer corners and at chafing. Only a few, two, leaks at connections to floor drains have been noted. Better yet, none of the examined waterproofing systems showed leaks that were so extensive that one can speak of a total damage. Water vapour resistance and mass per unit area The vast majority of investigated waterproofing foils have a water vapour resistance of between 2.5 and 4.5 million s m, which is a high or very high value. Results for five waterproofing foils fall below 2.5 million s / m. Based on the determinations of water vapor resistance and basis weight, it can be concluded that probably six of the waterproofing suppliers have developed new or changed foils since the last survey. The trend of wanting to make thinner foils seems to have been broken. Most of the waterproofing foils have a higher vapor passage resistance now than in the previous survey. It is also noteworthy that the PVC sealing layer has a low water vapor passage resistance. The waterproofing foil has basically the same basis weight now compared to the previous survey. Indication of long-term properties To obtain an indication of the amount of added antioxidants that improve the long-term properties of the materials, DSC analyses of the waterproofing foils have been performed. Compared with the previous study, the induction temperatures are at about the same level as before, only small differences occur. The average induction temperature for all polyethylene films is 216 ° C and, in summary, the materials appear to be stabilized at the same level as the previous study. In the same way as in the survey, 2016, most materials seem to be more stabilized for long-term use compared with the previous study, 2014. However, for all analysed materials, to make a reliable service life prediction of the material, a more comprehensive aging study is recommended

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 42.
    Antonsson, Ulf
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Bok, Gunilla
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Peltoperä, Janne
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Bygg och fastighet.
    Bygg- och möbelskiva som tillverkas av återvunna mjölkförpackningar2022Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Trenden i samhället är att öka återvinningsgrad av produkter för att skapa ytterligare värden av förbrukade produkter. Detta projekt har initierats av möjligheten att återanvända mjölkkartonger till bygg- och möbelskivor i syfte att minska byggindustrins totala miljöpåverkan genom minskat uttag av primärmaterial och lägre CO2 belastning. Förpackningsmaterial för mat och dryck innehåller ofta ett skikt av plast, av typen PET med syfte att hålla livsmedlet färskt och fritt från atmosfären. Efter användning samlas förpackningar in till förbränning då det inte finns något annat sätt att återvinna/återbruka dessa material. Det är svårt att skilja pappkartong och plast åt vid dagens förbränningsanläggningar och därmed skapas stora förorenande utsläpp (bland annat CO2). Det är önskvärt att hitta ett område där kartonger för livsmedel kan återvinnas till ett annat högvärdigt material och då kan ersätta material med högre miljöbelastning. Att göra en skiva till bygg och möbelindustrin genom att sönderdela kartonger för livsmedel och utan tillsatser pressa dem till en produkt som därmed ersätter mer belastande skivor som gips och OSB ger industrin en möjlighet att ytterligare minska sin miljöpåverkan. Ett potentiellt område kan vara inom byggindustrin, och att då hitta en ersättning eller komplement till de skivmaterial som idag används i väggar och tak. Dagens skivor är tillverkade av blandade material, i form av OSB (träspån och lim) och gips (kalk och papp). Initiala prover, genomförda av tillverkaren ej RISE, av den framtagna skivan har visat på god teknisk prestanda, men byggindustrin är på goda grunder kritisk till nya material, varför det krävs en noggrann kontroll av prestanda på såväl lång som kort sikt för att säkerställa ett kontrollerat byte till mer hållbart material. Metoden att samla in och sönderdela kartonger på ett band för press under tryck och värme, och att skapa en bygg- och möbelskiva producerad av återvunnet material utan andra tillsatser i processen är lovande. Den ingående andelen PET agerar som bindemedel för att skapa skivan som är homogen och stark. Initiala tester har visat en funktionsprestanda mellan OSB och gips, varför målsättningen är att ersätta kombinationer av dessa i flera applikationer. Introduktion av material och produkter kräver en robusthet avseende tekniska egenskaper samt tester i faktiska miljöer för introduktion i byggindustrin. Men ett ökat intresse för och krav ur miljösynpunkt öppnar för möjligheter att skapa värde. För att realisera detta värde finns det ett behov av att testa och verifiera olika tekniska egenskaper av produkten mot de funktionella krav som finns på marknaden för denna typ av produktändamål. Tekniska egenskaper som bör verifieras är bland annat formstabilitet, tålighet mot fukt, akustik, brand och avslutningsvis de miljöegenskaper som uppstår.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 43.
    Antypa, D.
    et al.
    IRES, Belgium.
    Petrakli, F.
    IRES, Belgium.
    Gkika, A.
    IRES, Belgium.
    Voigt, P.
    Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
    Kahnt, A.
    Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
    Böhm, R.
    Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
    Suchorzewski, Jan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Araújo, A.
    INETI, Portugal; LAETA, Portugal.
    Sousa, S.
    INETI, Portugal; LAETA, Portugal.
    Koumoulos, E. P.
    IRES, Belgium.
    Life Cycle Assessment of Advanced Building Components towards NZEBs2022Inngår i: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, nr 23, artikkel-id 16218Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The building sector accounts for 40% of the total energy consumed in Europe at annual basis, together with the relevant Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. In order to mitigate these impacts, the concept and establishment of the Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) is under continuous and intensive research. In fact, as the energy used for buildings’ operation becomes more efficient, impacts resulting from the buildings’ embodied energy become of more importance. Therefore, the selection of building materials and components is of high significance, as these affect the energy performance and potential environmental impacts of the building envelopes. The objective of this study is to perform a preliminary Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) on advanced multifunctional building components, aiming to achieve lower embodied emissions in NZEBs. The advanced components analyzed are composite panels for facade elements of building envelopes, providing thermal efficiency. The design of sustainable building envelope systems is expected to upgrade the overall environmental performance of buildings, including the NZEBs. The findings of this study constitute unambiguous evidence on the need for further research on this topic, as substantial lack of data concerning embodied impacts is presented in literature, adding to the growing discussion on NZEBs at a whole life cycle perspective across Europe. This research has shown that the electricity required from the manufacturing phase of the examined building components is the main contributor to climate change impact and the other environmental categories assessed. Sensitivity analysis that has been performed indicated that the climate change impact is highly depended on the electricity grid energy mix across Europe. Taking into account the current green energy transition by the increase of the renewable energy sources in electricity production, as well as the future upgrade of the manufacturing processes, it is expected that this climate change impact will be mitigated. Finally, the comparison between the CLC thermal insulator and other foam concretes in literature showed that the materials of the building components examined do not present any diversions in terms of environmental impact. © 2022 by the authors.

  • 44.
    Arellanoa, Santiago
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Jacobsson, Lars
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Material och produktion, Kemi och Tillämpad mekanik.
    Kasani, Björn
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Steffen, Holger
    Lantmäteriet, Sweden.
    EPOS Sweden: A national contribution to the European Plate Observing System-European Research Infrastructure Consortium2022Inngår i: Abstract book, 2022Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The pan-European “European Plate Observing System (EPOS)” is focussed on Europe and adjacent regions and includes geophysical monitoring networks, local observations (including permanent in-situ and volcano observatories), topographic/surface dynamics information, surface and subsurface geological information, experimental and laboratory data and functions, and satellite data. In 2021 the Swedish Research Council (VR) approved an application for Sweden to join EPOS-ERIC, formally establishing existing collaborations between EPOS and Swedish research infrastructures.

  • 45.
    Arnell, Magnus
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Ahlström, Marcus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Wärff, Christoffer
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Miltell, Maya
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Prototypande samhälle.
    Vahidi, Arash
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digitala system, Datavetenskap.
    Digitalisering av den svenska VA-branschen2021Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapporten ska ge VA-branschen en kunskapsbas för arbetet med digitalisering inom vatten och avlopp. Den beskriver potentialen och pekar ut framgångsfaktorer för omställningen. Den tar också upp utmaningar med kompetensförsörjning, datahantering och cybersäkerhet. En inspirationskatalog ger tio exempel på lyckade digitala tillämpningar ur verkligheten.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 46.
    Arnell, Magnus
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. Lund University, Sweden.
    Ahlström, Marcus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation.
    Wärff, Christoffer
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Systemomställning och tjänsteinnovation. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande. Lund University, Sweden.
    Saagi, Ramesh
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Jeppsson, Ulf
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Plant-wide modelling and analysis of WWTP temperature dynamics for sustainable heat recovery from wastewater2021Inngår i: Water Science and Technology, ISSN 0273-1223, E-ISSN 1996-9732, Vol. 84, nr 4, s. 1023-1036Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Wastewater heat recovery upstream of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) poses a risk to treatment performance, i.e. the biological processes. In order to perform a sustainability analysis, a detailed prediction of the temperature dynamics over the WWTP is needed. A comprehensive set of heat balance equations was included in a plant-wide process model and validated for the WWTP in Linköping, Sweden, to predict temperature variations over the whole year in a temperate climate. A detailed model for the excess heat generation of biological processes was developed. The annual average temperature change from influent to effluent was 0.78°C with clear seasonal variations, wherein 45% of the temperature change arose from processes other than the activated sludge unit. To address this, plant-wide energy modelling was necessary to predict in-tank temperature in the biological treatment steps. The energy processes with the largest energy gains were solar radiation and biological processes, while the largest losses were from conduction, convection, and atmospheric radiation. Tanks with large surface areas showed a significant impact on the heat balance regardless of biological processes. Simulating a 3°C lower influent temperature, the temperature in the activated sludge unit dropped by 2.8°C, which had a negative impact on nitrogen removal

  • 47.
    Arnell, Magnus
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande. Lund University, Sweden.
    Miltell, Maya
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Olsson, Gustaf
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Making waves: A vision for digital water utilities2023Inngår i: Water Research X, ISSN 2589-9147, Vol. 19, s. 100170-100170, artikkel-id 100170Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Digitalisation has developed over half a century and is one of the global trends defining society of today and future. Digitalisation is envisioned to help water utilities to become: i) community orientated and digitally integrated with customers and society; ii) digitally transformed end-to-end throughout the value-chain and interconnected between business units; iii) predictive & proactive, utilizing models and applications for control and decision support; iv) visually communicative with customers and society, creating customers aware of the value of water; and financially sustainable by optimal operation (OPEX), and sustainable investments (CAPEX). Digitalisation is a process for business development, where digital solutions are used for automation and innovation. Utilizing the potential of the technological innovation requires a parallel organisational transformation. Any implementation of systems or applications must be motivated in actual needs for the organisation and service delivery. Prior to any digitalisation, identifying issues and areas of improvement is essential. Starting the digital journey, motivating employees, improving the digital culture and creating acceptance of new processes are needed on all levels. Most digital applications require collection, storage, sharing and integrated analysis of large amounts of data. This includes both soft and hard digital infrastructure.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 48.
    Arnell, Magnus
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Saagi, Ramesh
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Wärff, Christoffer
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Ahlström, Marcus
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Jeppsson, Ulf
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Värmeåtervinning ur avloppsvatten: Energiåtervinning och påverkan på avloppssystemet2021Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Uppvärmning av tappvarmvatten utgör lejonparten av den totala energianvändningen i den urbana vattencykeln, upp till 90 procent. Uppskattningar visar att 780 till 1 150 kWh per person och år används i svenska hushåll i form av varmvatten. Denna energi hamnar huvudsakligen i avloppsvattnet. Variationerna i varmvattenanvändning är stora och det går att göra besparingar på brukarnivå. Ändå finns det stor potential för energieffektivisering genom värmeåtervinning ur avloppsvatten med värmeväxlare och värmepumpar.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • 49.
    Arun Chaudhari, Ojas
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Alkhaffaf, L
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Khalil, H
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Fontana, P
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Effect of Phase Transition Temperatures of the Phase Change Material on Hydration and Mechanical Properties of Cement Paste2021Inngår i: Proc of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON“CEMENT - BASED MATERIALS TAILORED FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, 2021, s. 85-93Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years, the use of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in cementitious materials have become of vital importance due to their ability to absorb and release the heat and promote thermal comfort in building applications, which is a requirement for saving energy and sustainable infrastructure. The presented study aimed at investigating the PCMs of different phase transition temperatures in cementitious system and their influence on hydration and mechanical properties of the system. In this study, three PCMs with different phase transition temperatures (24 °C, 29 °C and 58 °C) were incorporated into cement paste at various dosages. The mechanical and rheological properties of the cement pastes were evaluated using compressive strength, density, and slump flow measurement methods. In addition, isothermal calorimetry and semi-adiabatic calorimetry measurements were used to elucidate hydration attributes of the cement paste. The results reveal that both the phase transition temperature of PCM and its amount have a crucial effect on the properties of the cement-based material. Especially, the high phase transition temperature (58 °C) PCM has enhanced the heat of hydration and stabilized the temperature during the cement hydration, that resulted in higher compressive strength of the cementitious system. Whereas ambient phase transition temperature (24 °C and 29 °C) PCMs have negatively influenced the rate of strength development of the cementitious system. The slow rate of strength development was found to be attributed to reduction in heat of hydration, which was confirmed through the calorimetry studies.

  • 50.
    Arun Chaudhari, Ojas
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Ghafar, AN
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Zirgulis, Giedrius
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Mousavi, Marjan
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Samhällsbyggnad, Infrastruktur och betongbyggande.
    Fontana, P
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Pousette, Sandra
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioekonomi och hälsa, Massa, papper och förpackningar.
    Ellison, T
    BESAB AB, Sweden.
    A Practical Construction Technique to Enhance the Performance of Rock Bolts in Tunnels2021Inngår i: Proc of ICTC 2021, 2021Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    In Swedish tunnel construction, a critical issue that has been repeatedly acknowledged is corrosion and, consequently, failure of the rock bolts in rock support systems. The defective installation of rock bolts results in the formation of cavities in the cement mortar that is regularly used to fill the area under the dome plates. These voids allow for water-ingress to the rock bolt assembly, which results in corrosion of rock bolt components and eventually failure. In addition, the current installation technique consists of several manual steps with intense labor works that are usually done in uncomfortable and exhausting conditions, e.g., under the roof of the tunnels. Such intense tasks also lead to a considerable waste of materials and execution errors. Moreover, adequate quality control of the execution is hardly possible with the current technique. To overcome these issues, a nonshrinking/ expansive cement-based mortar filled in the paper packaging has been developed in this study which properly fills the area under the dome plates without or with the least remaining cavities, ultimately that diminishes the potential of corrosion. This article summarizes the development process and the experimental evaluation of this technique for the installation of rock bolts. In the development process, the cementitious mortar was first developed using specific cement and shrinkage reducing/expansive additives. The mechanical and flow properties of the mortar were then evaluated using compressive strength, density, and slump flow measurement methods. In addition, isothermal calorimetry and shrinkage/expansion measurements were used to elucidate the hydration and durability attributes of the mortar. After obtaining the desired properties in both fresh and hardened conditions, the developed dry mortar was filled in specific permeable paper packaging and then submerged in water bath for specific intervals before the installation. The tests were enhanced progressively by optimizing different parameters such as shape and size of the packaging, characteristics of the paper used, immersion time in water and even some minor characteristics of the mortar. Finally, the developed prototype was tested in a lab-scale rock bolt assembly with various angles to analyze the efficiency of the method in real life scenario. The results showed that the new technique improves the performance of the rock bolts by reducing the material wastage, improving environmental performance, facilitating and accelerating the labor works, and finally enhancing the durability of the whole system. Accordingly, this approach provides an efficient alternative for the traditional way of tunnel bolt installation with considerable advantages for the Swedish tunneling industry.

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