Annually, several concrete structures, such as buildings, bridges, parking garages and tunnels are exposed to fires. An assessment is then necessary to decide whether the structure can be repaired or needs to be replaced. In a recent research project, recommendations for assessments of fire exposed concrete structures have been developed. The recommendations are based on a literature survey, results from an experimental study, where ultrasonic measurements, microscopy, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) measurement on loaded core samples were used and practical experience of real post-fire structural assessments. A refined assessment of the fire damage is obtained by combining these test methods.
Tunnslipsundersökningar samt Los Angeles (LA)-analys har utförts på fem olika typer av Bohusgraniter, provtagna längs utbyggnad av väg E6 mellan Strömstad och Tanumshede. Undersökningen har utförts som ett led i utvecklingen av nya, alternativa provningsmetoder för vägmaterial som bättre återspeglar funktionsegenskaperna hos berget. Huvudsyftet med undersökningen är att undersöka hur mekaniska egenskaper (i det här fallet LA-värde) kan kopplas till bergarternas petrografiska egenskaper. Resultaten visar att bergarternas motstånd mot fragmentering (LA-värde) är beroende av en kombination av dess omvandlingsgrad, mikrosprickor och kornstorlek. LA-värdet i de undersökta proverna är främst beroende av provets omvandlingsgrad av plagioklas. Andelen mikrosprickor är i sin tur ofta kopplat till omvandlingsgraden. Ju högre andel sericit-omvandlad plagioklas desto färre mikrosprickor och mindre sprickpropagering, vilket ökar provets motstånd mot fragmentering (lägre LA-värde). Även kornstorleken har betydelse för provets motstånd mot fragmentering, vilket är särskilt tydligt för provet med minst kornstorlek.
To facilitate the long term durability predictions of nuclear waste repositories, acceleration methods enhancing calcium leaching process from cementitious materials are needed, even though mechanisms not necessarily comparable to those predominant in a natural leaching process may be developed. In the previously published acceleration methods the samples are very small, which limits further physical or mechanical tests. In this paper, a new acceleration method based on electro-chemical migration is presented. The method although not driven with the same kinetics as in natural leaching, was designed in such a way that unnecessarily destructive by-effects could be minimized while promoting a higher leaching rate for a sample size suitable for further testing the mechanical and physical properties. It is shown that approximately 1 × 106C of electrical charge per paste specimen of size Ø50 × 75 mm (approximately 230 g) is required to leach out the total amount of Portlandite. The chemical and mineralogical properties of leached samples are characterized by various techniques. It is concluded that aged samples are comparable to those leached in a natural leaching process as both are characterized by a layered system comprising an unaltered core delineated by total dissolution of Portlandite followed by a progressive decalcification of the calcium silicate hydrate gel.
The bowing phenomenon is so relevant that two projects, EU funded, from 1999 studied it and a European Standard to assess the resistance to thermal and moisture cycles (influencing bowing) has been recently adopted. In particular, according EN 16306: 2013, measurements of bowing and flexural strength should be performed before and at the end of the ageing cycles. Additional non-destructive tests are recommended, but are not compulsory for the standard. Moreover, Annex A of EN 16306 contains guidance on the limit values for the selection of marble types suitable for outdoor uses, especially façade applications. Eleven varieties of marble have been tested by means of this laboratory ageing test. Non-destructive tests such as the measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), adjacent grains analysis, open porosity, and water absorption have been executed together with the conventional flexural strength test. The results obtained from image analysis on thin sections indicate that the AGA index may not always be correlated with the other tests: amount of bowing, loss of flexural strength, or loss of UPV. Some consideration of the decrease in mechanical resistance and the bowing in relation to the variety of marble tested and the limit values indicated in Annex A of EN 16306 can be noted. It is known that bowing and rapid strength loss occur in some varieties of marble when used as exterior cladding and other exterior applications. Additional conclusions have been drawn: bowing and flexural strength correlate well and can be used to assess the suitability of the marble to be employed in outdoors.
The recommendations presented in this publication are inspired by the State of the Art Report edited by the RILEM Technical Committee TC 193 RLS Bonded cement-based material overlays for the repair, the lining or the strengthening of slabs and pavements. The objective is to lay out all the practical aspects to be considered in the design of concrete overlay.bonded concrete overlay process, assessment of the existing structure, surface preparation, overlay materials, design methods, construction procedure and quality control/assurance system, and maintenance.
There is an increasing need for reliable methods to assess load-carrying capacity and remaining service life of existing infrastructure. Several previous research projects have resulted in a verified, simple 1D model for assessment of anchorage in corroded reinforced concrete structures. Previous verification has involved both experiments and detailed 3D NLFE analyses. To further develop the 1D model it needs to be extended to comprise more practical situations. In order to facilitate an efficient extension procedure in the future, the size of 3D NLFE model that is required to capture the bond behaviour between corroded reinforcement and concrete is investigated. Beam-end models and models of sub-sections were studied, and the results in terms of bond stress and crack pattern were compared. Preliminary results indicate good agreement for some situations; however for some cases a section model seems to overestimate the capacity.
Reinforced concrete is one of the most widely used building materials and if it is properly designed and produced, it is an extremely durable material with a service life up to 100 years. However, under certain environmental conditions the service life of reinforced concrete structures is more limited. Deterioration ofconcrete structure is in most cases caused by the penetration of aggressive media from the surrounding environment. Chloride initiated reinforcement corrosion is one of the major causes of deterioration of Concrete structures. One conflicting issue is how replacing Portland cement with mineral additions influences chlorideinitiated reinforcement corrosion. This issue is of immediate interest, as there is a steady growth in the use of cement blended with mineral additions, such as blast-furnace slag, fly ash and limestone filler. This is done by the cement and concrete industry to reduce the CO2 emissions linked to Portland cement manufacturing, bylimiting the use of clinker in the cement.The main objective of this work has been to further clarify the role of limestone filler as partial substitute to Portland cement on the two main decisive parameters for chloride induced reinforcement corrosion: chloride ingress rate and chloride threshold values. In the first part of this work the chloride ingress was studied both with accelerated laboratory methods and also after field exposure. The initial focus for the second part of the study was to determine the chloride threshold values for the binders investigated in the first part, so a comprehensive view of the effect of limestone addition on chloride initiated corrosion could be presented.However, during the work the need for the development of a practice-related method for determining the chloride threshold values was identified and the focus of the research was redirected to meet that need.The efficiency of limestone filler concerning chloride ingress showed to be dependent on replacement ratio, time (age) and on the test method. It was not possible to draw any rigid conclusion of the limestone filler’s efficiency regarding chloride ingress. But part of the inconsistency in the results was identified to be that limestone filler has two opposite effects on chloride ingress, on one hand contribute to a refinement of microstructure and on the other hand diminishing the chloride binding.The steel surface condition was shown to have a strong effect on the corrosion initiation, and can likely be one of the most decisive parameters attributing to the variability in the reported chloride threshold values obtained in laboratory experiments. The chloride threshold value for the sulphate resistant Portland cement fromthe laboratory experiments was estimated to be about 1% by weight of binder. For the concrete with limestone blended cement (CEM II/A-LL 42.5R) tested in this work the chloride threshold value was at the same level as for the sulphate resistant Portland cement. From the field study but with a somewhat different definition ofchloride threshold value, a chloride threshold value of about 1% by weight of binder was also estimated for ordinary Portland cement and sulphate resistance Portland with 5% silica fume exposed to marine environment.
This paper describes studies carried out to examine the influence_x000D_ on strength and chloride ingress when Portland cement is replaced_x000D_ with limestone filler. In the chloride ingress study both an_x000D_ accelerated method and field exposure measurements up to one_x000D_ year were employed. The results show that the method of_x000D_ measuring the resistance to chloride ingress can have a major_x000D_ influence on the assessment of the effect of different binders._x000D_ Further, the effect on chloride resistance, when replacing Portland_x000D_ cement with limestone filler is strongly dependent of the_x000D_ replacement ratio. The effect on compressive strength when_x000D_ replacing Portland cement with limestone filler is also strongly_x000D_ dependent of the replacement ratio.
Chloride induced corrosion is one of the major causes for degradation of reinforced concrete structures. One of the most important factors in this process is the critical chloride content (chloride threshold value) in the vicinity of the reinforcement that causes initiation of corrosion. In this work the development of a practice-related approach that includes specimen shape, preconditioning, corrosion measurement techniques, and calculation concepts, for determining the critical chloride content are presented. The results in this study showed that the presented approach for determining chloride threshold values functioned fairly well, and suggestions for further improvement are proposed.
This paper describes a part of the work in the development of a "standard" test method for determining chloride threshold values required to initiate corrosion on reinforcement in concrete. The prerequisites of the test set-up are that the test conditions should be reasonably comparable to those in service and the test method should be fairly reproducible and as rapid as possible concerning the slow diffusion nature of the investigated phenomenon. This paper presents the results from a study on the influence of steel bar surface condition on chloride induced corrosion. Various electrochemical techniques were employed in the study to monitor the corrosion behaviour of the embedded bars with three different surface conditions. It is shown that the steel surface condition has a strong effect on the corrosion initiation of reinforcement in concrete, and can likely be the most decisive parameter attributing to the variability in the reported chloride threshold values.
The European Construction Products Regulation (CPR) came into force the 1st of July 2013. Although much in the CPR and the harmonized product standards are clear and concise, some issues are still open for interpretation. In this paper, we give a brief background on the requirements associated with the CPR, from a natural stone perspective. Special conditions, like simplified test methods and responsibility for Factory Production Control, are presented. Finally, the pros and cons with the new CPR, as identified in continuous dialog with the Swedish natural stone industry, are ventilated.
This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of a set of textile reinforced reactive powder concrete (RPC) mixes that have been prepared in the framework of the SESBE project which aims to develop facade panels for the building envelope. In order to reduce the environmental impact, high concentration of type I and II mineral additions were added to the mixtures (up to 40% of cement replacement). The mechanical properties of the materials were analysed showing high values of compression strength thus indicating no disadvantages in the compression mechanical performance (∼140 MPa) and modulus of elasticity. In order to enable the use of these materials in building applications, textile reinforcement was introduced by incorporating layers of carbon fibre grids into the RPC matrix. The flexural performance of these samples was analysed showing high strength values and suitability for their further utilization.
The Plat Sjambok Anorthosite crops out near Prieska Copper Mines in the Namaqua-Natal Province of southern Africa. It is a massif-type anorthosite, previously regarded as a late-tectonic intrusion and part of the ca. 1100 Ma bimodal Keimoes Suite. Our new ion probe U-Pb zircon data show that the Plat Sjambok massif intruded at 1259 ± 5 Ma, before the 1220 Ma Namaqua collision events and is thus approximately 150 million years older than the Keimoes Suite. Despite the proximity to Prieska Mines, the anorthosite is located in the Kaaien Terrane close to the Brakbos Fault, which is the boundary with the Areachap Terrane in which Prieska Mines is situated. We dated the Nelspoortjie Tonalite, the main country rock of the Plat Sjambok Anorthosite, by laser ablation ICPMS at 1273 ± 13 Ma. Both intrusions thus originated concurrently with the 1286-1241 Ma volcanic rocks of the Areachap Group, which developed in a subduction-related arc setting, prior to its collision with the Kaaien Terrane and Kaapvaal Craton. Metamorphic zircon rims in the Plat Sjambok Anorthosite give an age of 1122 ± 7 Ma, a time that corresponds to a quiet period in the Areachap Terrane. We propose a tectonic model in which formation of the Nelspoortjie Tonalite and Plat Sjambok Anorthosite was driven by intrusions from the mantle into a back-arc related tensional environment within the Kaaien Terrane, possibly situated above an Archaean crustal tongue. This led to heating in a thickened crustal setting in which the tonalite originated as a partial melt of amphibolite. The anorthosite then formed as a mixture of mantle-derived gabbro and Archaean crustal rocks, which explains the 2100-2600 Ma zircon-Hf crustal residence ages and the Sm-Nd trend towards an old crustal source. The anorthosite and its country rocks were only juxtaposed with the Prieska Copper Mining District by late-tectonic uplift and transpressional movements on the Brakbos Fault towards the end of the Namaqua tectogenesis.
It is not uncommon that cover cracking, spalling, and delamination occur in many corroding RC structures. Previous research has mainly been concerned with corrosion levels leading to cover cracking along the main reinforcement, whereas corrosion of stirrups is often overlooked. Corrosion phenomena, including stirrup corrosion, were studied in an experimental investigation presented in this paper. High levels of corrosion were reached, up to 20% of the main bars and 34% of the stirrups legs. The occurrence of crack initiation, propagation, and cover delamination were examined. The specimens had the shape of a beam end and were corroded with an accelerated method; an imposed current was used, taking care to keep the current density as low as practically possible for the duration of the laboratory testing. The effects of this process were compared with those of natural corrosion using models from the literature. The location of the bar, middle and corner placement, the amount of transverse reinforcement, and the corrosion level of longitudinal reinforcement and of transverse reinforcement were studied. The results concerning the concrete cracking in the experimental campaign are presented. The crack patterns and widths were analyzed, showing differences between specimens with or without stirrups and whether stirrups were corroding. Finally, the effect of corrosion was simulated as the expansion of corrosion products in a finite-element (FE) model, and the results, mainly the crack pattern and width, were compared with the test results. The conclusions addressed the importance of taking into consideration both high corrosion levels and corrosion of stirrups for the assessment of deteriorated structures.
The total replacement of traditional rebars with steel fibres is now completely routine for 19 years in applications such as industrial and commercial suspended slabs resting on pile grids. In Stockholm, the Swedbank Arena foundation slabs have been completed according to that long successful experience. Its foundation slabs span from 3 m to 5 m each way, with span to depth ratios from 10 to 20. The foundation slab was designed according to Belgian praxis but has been compared with Swedish praxis. The steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) mixes, which contain up to 50 kg/m3 of steel fibres, were also fully pumpable and did not need any poker vibrating. Significant time and material cost savings were then achieved compared with traditional reinforced concrete. Therefore SFRC enables a lean design with a better carbon footprint.
the edge beams. However, results from this study pointed out that in most cases there is a clear economic benefit to impregnate the bridge edge beams even if it has to be repeated every 15 years.
One of the major issues with radiation from the natural isotopes 40K, 226Ra (238U) and 232Th and their decay products is the forthcoming legislation from the European Commission in relation to its Basic Safety Directive (2014). The European legislation is mandatory and could not be overthrown by national legislation. Hence, even though the BSS is still a directive it is foreseen as becoming a regulation in due time.
The reference value of the natural isotopes, from a radiation point of view, set for building materials is 1 mSv per year (EC, 2014). Earlier recommendations (The Radiation Protection Authorities in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, 2000) within the Nordic countries set an upper limit at 2 mSv per year of radiation from building materials.
The main objective within the frame of the thesis was to investigate gamma radiation in relation to Swedish aggregates and their use as final construction products and the applicability and use of a model (EC, 1999) for building materials to calculate the effective dose within a pre-defined room. Part of the thesis also investigates different methodologies that can be used to assess the radiation in a construction material made up of several constituents (building materials) and aims to show that for some purposes as for the construction industries (precast concrete), that a hand-held spectrometer can be used with good accuracy, even though the object is limited in thickness and size. Secondly, the author proposes a simplified way of assessing the radiation in a construction material by use of correlation coefficient of a specified recipe by use of a hand-held spectrometer. Moreover, an understanding of the different building materials´ contribution to the finalized construction product, e.g. concrete is demonstrated, and how to achieve a good control of the radiation levels in the concrete building.
The reference level for effective dose due to gamma radiation from building materials and construction products used for dwellings is set to 1 mSv per year (EC, 1996, 1999), (CE, 2014). Given the specific conditions presented by the EC in report 112 (1999) considering building and construction materials, an I-index of 1 may generate an effective dose of 1 mSv per year. This paper presents a comparison of the activity concentrations of 4 0K, 226Ra and 232Th of aggregates and when these aggregates constitute a part of concrete. The activity concentration assessment tool for building and construction materials, the I-index, introduced by the EC in 1996, is used in the comparison. A comparison of the I-indices values are also made with a recently presented dose model by Hoffman (2014), where density variations of the construction material and thickness of the construction walls within the building are considered. There was a ~16-19% lower activity index in concretes than in the corresponding aggregates. The model by Hoffman further implies that the differences between the I-indices of aggregates and the concretes' final effective doses are even larger. The difference is due, mainly to a dilution effect of the added cement with low levels of natural radioisotopes, but also to a different and slightly higher subtracted background value (terrestrial value) used in the modeled calculation of the revised I-index by Hoffman (2014). Only very minimal contributions to the annual dose could be related to the water and additives used, due to their very low content of radionuclides reported.
The recommended levels of ionizing radiation from construction materials in effective dose is set to a maximum of 1 mSv/year, EC (1996, 1999, 2013), ICRP (2007), IAEA (2011). By using a theoretical model proposed by the European Union (1999), this is equivalent to I-index 1. By using of concrete slabs with dimensions of 1.5 m × 1.5 m × 0.15 m, an empirical approach is suggested for the calculation of the I-index of naturally occurring ionizing radiation from construction materials. Measurements of 40K, 226Ra, 232Th and the total gamma radiation were conducted and the I-index values were calculated for each concrete mix. A good linear relationship could be established between measurements performed by the Swedish Cement and Research Institute (CBI) and the laboratory results acquired from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) and Centre de Recherches Pétrographique et Géochimiques/ Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CRPG/CNRS). The results indicate that 60 % of the investigated construction materials are in agreement with the stipulated levels set out by the EC (1999, 2013). The cause for the higher levels of ionizing radiation is often elevated concentrations of all the radioactive elements measured. Regarding the concrete samples yielding values of I-index > 1, 232Th makes the largest contribution.
Eco neighborhoods with green infrastructure solutions are increasingly being prescribed today in Swedish cities for reducing and attenuating storm water runoff, increasing biodiversity, having a temperature moderating effect and for energy saving. Thus, contractors are simply required to build with green gardens on concrete decks, such as green roofs, green terraces, green courtyards and green complete neighborhoods. A lot of knowledge and experience is in fact lacking today, and consequences may therefore be devastating. If green system solutions are to be seen as an obvious choice in future settlements, and not as a problem, there must be clear guidelines and specifications that ensure a sustainable outcome. This is missing today. This paper reports a project aiming at bringing together researchers, government and industry to the collaborative development of new and attractive solutions for green roof gardens with consideration to the environment and high requirements for durability, materials, construction and energy efficiency. These solutions must also be adaptable to similar types of facilities, specific needs and environments. One such area concerns public land such as parks, streets and squares on concrete decks. Certification and tailored guidelines for different types of systems are being developed. The initiating part of this project clearly indicates that there is a need for better understanding, more research and long term monitoring/follow up of green roofs. Furthermore, a holistic approach is introduced to ensure that one good green roof function will not have severe negative effects on other functions.
Gjutasfalt har använts sen början av 1800-talet till beläggningar av olika slag. Till skillnad_x000D_ från konventionell asfaltbetong gjuts produkten ut i täta skikt i form av t.ex. golvbeläggning,_x000D_ isolering, takbeläggning, beläggningar på gator och trottoarer, på broar och parkeringsdäck._x000D_ Gjutningen kan utföras för hand eller med hjälp av gjutasfaltläggare. Gjutasfalt kan modifieras_x000D_ och/eller pigmenteras genom val av stenmaterial eller i olika färger för användning till_x000D_ dekorativa beläggningar på t.ex. torg eller i byggnader. Gjutasfalt kan även skulpteras och_x000D_ användas som konstmaterial._x000D_ Den största gjutasfaltmarknaden finns i Tyskland och Frankrike. Gjutasfalt används nästan_x000D_ inte alls i USA och Kanada, men användningen har däremot börjat växa på senare tid i Asien._x000D_ Två stora fördelar med gjutasfalt är slitstyrka och täthet. Gjutasfalt består av bitumen med_x000D_ eventuell tillsats av polymerer, blandat med välgraderat stenmaterial, filler, sand och i vissa_x000D_ fall även finmakadam. Genom tillsats av en rad additiv (tillsatsämnen) kan gjutasfaltens sammansättning_x000D_ varieras och anpassas för olika typer av applikationer och önskemål._x000D_ Gjutasfaltens sammansättning anpassas efter typ av applikation, mekanisk -, termisk - och_x000D_ kemisk belastning samt efter rådande klimatförhållanden på plats. Numera tillverkas gjutasfalt_x000D_ i specialutformade stationära industriella verk. I dessa proportioneras materialen, torkas eller_x000D_ upphettas stenmaterialet samt blandas de olika komponenterna under välkontrollerade förhållanden._x000D_ Modern arkitektur ställer höga krav, inte minst på golvbeläggningar, med individuell och elegant_x000D_ design i kombination med perfekt funktion. Slipad gjutasfalt, såsom Bitu Terrazzo® är_x000D_ ett innovativt beläggningsval t.o.m. i privatbostäder. Utläggningen går snabbt och golvet kan_x000D_ belastas på kort tid. Det är vidare fogfritt, hygieniskt, energisnålt, ljudabsorberande och lätt att_x000D_ rengöra. Genom individuellt urval av mineraler kan både struktur och färg hos beläggningen_x000D_ varieras. Med tillsats av färgat stenmaterial eller metall öppnas ytterligare designmöjligheter._x000D_ Diamantslipning i flera steg understryker gjutasfaltens karaktär och tidlösa elegans. Myckt_x000D_ hårt bitumen används i kombination med filler, sand och grövre stenmaterial. Tjockleken_x000D_ ligger mellan 3 och 4 cm._x000D_ I Sverige används gjutasfalt mest för broar, parkeringsdäck, gårdar och terrasser. För broar_x000D_ och parkeringsdäck används i huvudsak polymermodifierat bitumen. Exemplen på andra användningsområden_x000D_ och objekt från övriga Europa är emellertid många, ofta vackra och imponerande._x000D_ I rapporten beskrivs gjutasfaltens många möjligheter som hållbart, miljövänligt och inte minst_x000D_ vackert material i byggande av olika slag._x000D_ Rapporten visar att gjutasfaltmarknaden i Sverige bör kunna växa, utvecklas och förnyas avsevärt_x000D_ inte minst mot nya användningsområden .
Skador på brobaneplattor av betong, främst till följd av kloridinducerad korrosion, är ett kost-samt problem över hela världen och har under lång tid varit föremål för omfattande forsk-nings- och utvecklingsinsatser. Att förse brobaneplattan med högkvalitativ isolering är därför en viktig åtgärd för längre livslängd hos betongbroar. Tätskiktets uppgift är att skydda be-tongen från i huvudsak vatten- och vägsaltinträngning, så att inte betong eller armering skadas och brons bärighet därmed reduceras. Andra möjligheter som provats som korrosions-hämmande åtgärd är epoxibehandlade armeringsjärn och katodiskt skydd. Även skydds-behandling av armering med zink och nickel förekommer, liksom rostfri armering (rostfritt stål) och armering av fiberförstärkt polymer. Slitlager av betong anses vara ett alternativ om slitbetongen kan göras tillräckligt tät och sprickfri. I norra Sverige, där vägarna normalt inte saltas vintertid och trafiken är låg, finns ett stort antal broar med slitbetong._x000D_ _x000D_ Rapporten behandlar olika typer av tätskikts- och beläggningssystem, med problem, möjlig-heter, för- och nackdelar. De idag vanligast förekommande typerna av material för tätskikt till brobaneplattor av betong har sammanställts. Här ingår system med tätskiktsmatta, asfaltmastix och flytapplicerat system av härdplasttyp (epoxi, akrylat, polyuretan och polyurea). I ett system med gjutasfalt som skydds- och/eller beläggningslager på tätskiktet kan även gjutasfalten räknas som tätskikt. Gjutasfalt beskrivs därför kortfattat i ett eget avsnitt. Betongunderlagets och primerns betydelse för tätskiktets funktion tas upp och diskuteras._x000D_ _x000D_ Regelverk i Sverige och andra länder tas upp liksom forskning samt forsknings- och utvecklingsbehov. Blåsbildning, uppföljning av befintliga tätskiktssystem, val av sprutapplicerade system, inverkan av betongkvalitet på tätskiktets funktion över tiden samt vidareutveckling av en del provningsmetodik, är förslag som tas upp i rapporten._x000D_ _x000D_ Underlag för LCC-analyser presenteras i form av materialkostnader och beräknad livslängd._x000D_ _x000D_ I slutsatserna konstateras bl.a. att: _x000D_ • Den vanligast förekommande typen av tätskikt i Europa idag är polymermodifierade bitumenbaserade tätskiktsmattor, ett system som ökat i användning under de senaste 20 åren. Även flyt¬applicerade system med härdplast ökar._x000D_ • Erfarenheten av flytande/sprutapplicerade tätskiktssystem på betongunderlag i Sverige är begränsad, och inga egentliga kravspecifikationen finns idag för vägbroar under Trafik-verkets ansvar._x000D_ • Tätskikts- och beläggningssystem med epoxiförsegling, tätskiktsmatta och beläggnings-lager av gjutasfalt ger det säkraste och mest hållbara systemet (under förutsättning att appliceringsarbetet utförs enligt gällande regler)._x000D_