Full-field transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) is a well established technique, available at various synchrotron beamlines around the world as well as by laboratory benchtop devices. One of the major TXM challenges, due to its nanometre-scale resolution, is the overall instrument stability during the acquisition of the series of tomographic projections. The ability to correct for vertical and horizontal distortions of each projection image during acquisition is necessary in order to achieve the effective 3D spatial resolution. The effectiveness of such an image alignment is also heavily influenced by the absorption properties and strong contrast of specific features in the scanned sample. Here it is shown that nanoporous gold (NPG) can be used as an ideal 3D test pattern for evaluating and optimizing the performance of a TXM instrument for hard X-rays at a synchrotron beamline. Unique features of NPG, such as hierarchical structures at multiple length scales and high absorbing capabilities, makes it an ideal choice for characterization, which involves a combination of a rapid-alignment algorithm applied on the acquired projections followed by the extraction of a set of both 2D- and 3D-descriptive image parameters. This protocol can be used for comparing the efficiency of TXM instruments at different synchrotron beamlines in the world or benchtop devices, based on a reference library of scanned NPG samples, containing information about the estimated horizontal and vertical alignment values, 2D qualitative parameters and quantitative 3D parameters. The possibility to tailor the ligament sizes of NPG to match the achievable resolution in combination with the high electron density of gold makes NPG an ideal 3D test pattern for evaluating the status and performance of a given synchrotron-based or benchtop-based TXM setup.
X-ray fluorescence microscopy performed at nanofocusing synchrotron beamlines produces quantitative elemental distribution maps at unprecedented resolution (down to a few tens of nanometres), at the expense of relatively long measuring times and high absorbed doses. In this work, a method was implemented in which fast low-dose in-line holography was used to produce quantitative electron density maps at the mesoscale prior to nanoscale X-ray fluorescence acquisition. These maps ensure more efficient fluorescence scans and the reduction of the total absorbed dose, often relevant for radiation-sensitive (e.g. biological) samples. This multimodal microscopy approach was demonstrated on human sural nerve tissue. The two imaging modes provide complementary information at a comparable resolution, ultimately limited by the focal spot size. The experimental setup presented allows the user to swap between them in a flexible and reproducible fashion, as well as to easily adapt the scanning parameters during an experiment to fine-tune resolution and field of view.
An acoustically levitated droplet has been used to collect synchrotron SAXS data on human serum albumin protein solutions up to a protein concentration of 400mgml-1. A careful selection of experiments allows for fast data collection of a large amount of data, spanning a protein concentration/solvent concentration space with limited sample consumption (down to 3μL per experiment) and few measurements. The data analysis shows data of high quality that are reproducible and comparable with data from standard flow-Through capillary-based experiments. Furthermore, using this methodology, it is possible to achieve concentrations that would not be accessible by conventional cells. The protein concentration and ionic strength parameter space diagram may be covered easily and the amount of protein sample is significantly reduced (by a factor of 100 in this work). Used in routine measurements, the benefits in terms of protein cost and time spent are very significant.
A newly developed high-pressure rheometer for in situ X-ray scattering experiments is described. A commercial rheometer was modified in such a way that X-ray scattering experiments can be performed under different pressures and shear. First experiments were carried out on hyaluronan, a ubiquitous biopolymer that is important for different functions in the body such as articular joint lubrication. The data hint at a decreased electrostatic interaction at higher pressure, presumably due to the increase of the dielectric constant of water by 3% and the decrease of the free volume at 300 bar.
The development of a dedicated small-angle X-ray scattering setup for the investigation of complex fluids at different controlled shear conditions is reported. The setup utilizes a microfluidics chip with a narrowing channel. As a consequence, a shear gradient is generated within the channel and the effect of shear rate on structure and interactions is mapped spatially. In a first experiment small-angle X-ray scattering is utilized to investigate highly concentrated protein solutions up to a shear rate of 300000 s-1. These data demonstrate that equilibrium clusters of lysozyme are destabilized at high shear rates.