Preparation of a bolus is a complex process with both food comminution and degree of lubrication with saliva playing an important role in a safe swallow. Swallowing disorders i.e. dysphagia, are especially present among the elderly population and often lead to choking and further health complications. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between the perception of ease of swallowing in the elderly and the rheological parameters of particulated foods, using broccoli purees as a model system. Particulated foods can be described as a concentrated dispersion of plant particles in a fluid phase. The effect of the fluid phase (Newtonian vs. shear thinning) and dispersed phase (plant particles with different size distribution and morphology) on the rheological properties of simulated boli was studied by characterising shear viscosity, viscoelasticity, yield stress, extensional viscosity and cohesiveness. Ease of swallowing and mouthfeel were evaluated by a semi trained healthy elderly panel (n = 19, aged 61 to 81). Ease of swallowing was correlated with the presence of yield stress and extensional viscosity in the bolus, characteristic of boli with xanthan gum as the fluid phase. Although the properties of the fluid phase played a dominant role in the ease of swallowing, compared to the dispersed phase, both components played a role in the rheological properties of the bolus and the perception of ease of swallowing by the elderly panel. These results provide insights into the design of personalised foods for populations with specific needs such as those suffering from swallowing disorders.
Polyphenol released from food matrices is the first stage for their potential beneficial effects on human health. To better understand how natural barriers such as plant cell membranes and cell walls modulate polyphenol release, the major phenolic compounds within cells in apple pieces were directly localized, and their release under different thermal processing and acidic digestion conditions measured. The plasma membrane was found to be more thermally stable than the tonoplast, with membrane disruption occurring above 60 °C after processing for more than 10 min, acting as an efficient trigger for increased polyphenol release from 15% to more than 50%. Confocal microscopy of phenolic compounds in apple cells after thermal processing showed a clear relocation from uniform distribution in vacuoles to localization around cell walls, suggesting that the non-released polyphenols were cell wall associated. No additional polyphenols were released as a result of acidic conditions (pH 2-5) likely to be encountered in the stomach. Processing (thermal, pH) promoted polyphenol release by disrupting intracellular barriers, thus increasing the contact with cell walls and modulating bioaccessibility by controlling the interactions between cell walls and polyphenols.
Two different food grade functionalised porous calcium carbonates (FCC), with different pore size and pore size distributions, were characterised and used as carrier materials to increase the dissolution rate of poorly soluble flavouring compounds in aqueous solution. The loading level was varied between 1.3% by weight (wt%) and 35 wt%, where the upper limit of 35 wt% was the total maximum loading capacity of flavouring compound in FCC based on the fraction of the total weight of FCC plus flavouring compound. Flavouring compounds (l-carvone, vanillin, and curcumin) were selected based on their difference in hydrophilicity and capacity to crystallise. Release kinetic studies revealed that all flavouring compounds showed an accelerated release when loaded in FCC compared to dissolution of the flavouring compound itself in aqueous medium. The amorphous state and/or surface enlargement of the flavouring compound inside or on FCC explains the faster release. The flavouring compounds capable of crystallising (vanillin and curcumin) were almost exclusively amorphous within the porous FCC material as determined by X-ray powder diffraction one week after loading and after storing the loaded FCC material for up to 9 months at room temperature. A small amount of crystalline vanillin and curcumin was detected in the FCC material with large pores and high flavouring compound loading (≥30 wt%). Additionally, two different loading strategies were evaluated, loading by dissolving the flavouring compound in acetone or loading by a hot melt method. Porosimetry data showed that the melt method was more efficient in filling the smallest pores (<100 nm). The main factor influencing the release rate appears to be the amorphous state of the flavouring compound and the increase in exposed surface area. The confinement in small pores prevents crystallisation of the flavouring compounds during storage, providing a stable amorphous form retaining high release rate also after storage.
The addition of gelling polysaccharides to sport-drinks may provide improved tolerability of drinks with high concentration of digestible carbohydrates (CHO), otherwise known to increase the risk of gastro-intestinal complaints among athletes under prolonged exercise. The physico-chemical properties of a drink containing 14 wt% of digestible CHO (0.7:1 fructose and maltodextrin-ratio), 0.2 wt% of HM-pectin/alginate and 0.06 wt%. sodium chloride were examined under in vitro gastric conditions using rheology and large deformation testing. The in vivo gelling behaviour of the drink was studied using magnetic resonance imaging of subjects at rest together with blood glucose measurements. The in vivo results confirm gelation of the test drink, with no gel remaining in the stomach at 60 min and blood glucose values were similar to control. The physico-chemical characterisation of the acidified test drink confirms the formation of a weak gel through which low Mw CHO can diffuse.