The stress transfer ability at the fiber-matrix interface of wood fiber composites is known to affect the mechanical properties of the composite. The evaluation of interface properties at the level of individual fibers is however difficult due to the small dimensions and variability of the fibers. The dynamical mechanical properties of composite and constituents, in this case wood fibers and polylactide matrix, was here used together with micromechanical modeling to quantify the stress transfer efficiency at the fiber-matrix interface. To illustrate the methodology, a parameter quantifying the degree of imperfection at the interface was identified by inverse modeling using a micromechanical viscoelastic general self-consistent model with an imperfect interface together with laminate analogy on the composite level. The effect of moisture was assessed by comparison with experimental data from dynamic mechanical analysis in dry and moist state. For the wood fiber reinforced polylactide, the model shows that moisture absorption led to softening and mechanical dissipation in the hydrophilic wood fibers and biothermoplastic matrix, rather than loss of interfacial stress transfer ability.