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  • 1.
    Ahlgren, Serina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Einarsson, Rasmus
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Öhlund, Erika
    FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden.
    Växtnäring till jordbruket i osäkra tider – scenarier och dokumentation från en workshop2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Mineralgödsel är en förutsättning för dagens konventionella jordbruk och utan mineralgödsel blir det problematiskt att få fram tillräckligt med foder och livsmedel. Sverige har ingen egen produktion av mineralgödsel och försörjningen är därför helt beroende av import. Denna rapport beskriver hur växtnäring hanteras ur beredskapssynpunkt i Sverige idag, och ger också en liten inblick i hur växtnäring har hanterats i tidigare kriser och pristoppar i andra länder. Rapporten beskriver också tre olika tänkbara krisscenarier där växtnäring behöver hanteras på olika sätt för att säkerställa livsmedelsförsörjningen i Sverige. Tidsperspektivet i scenarierna är relativt kort: ett fokuserar på hur växtnäringsförsörjningen kan lösas under den kommande växtodlingssäsongen medan de andra två scenarierna fokuserar på några år framåt i tiden. Scenarierna diskuterades på en workshop med deltagare från jordbruks- och växtnäringssektorn. I rapporten redovisas diskussionerna från workshopen. Under workshopen lyftes några brister i dagens system och förslag på vilket stöd och långsiktiga förändringar som behövs, för att säkra tillgången på växtnäring i Sverige under en kris: • I vardagen finns det ingen nationell eller regional planering av den svenska primärproduktionen och fördelningen av mineralgödsel eller andra insatsvaror till olika verksamheter, utan allt sköts av marknaden. Det finns därför ingen ansvarig offentlig aktör som har helhetsansvar för området. Vid en allvarlig brist på mineralgödsel kan det behövas någon som kliver in, säkrar leveranser och tar beslut om prioriteringar till olika verksamheter och eventuellt styrning av vem som odlar vad. Det kan även behövas någon som ansvarar för förebyggande arbete. • En trygg och resilient försörjning av växtnäring kommer att kräva en mångfald av lösningar. Dessa kräver i varierande grad samordning mellan marknadsaktörer och myndigheter. Vissa kan också kräva ny lagstiftning. Ett ”Gödselmedelskabinett” med ansvar att ta fram en strategi föreslogs. • Lagstiftning bör justeras alternativt införas för att utöka möjligheterna till miljö- och hälsomässigt säker återvinning av resurser från restflöden. Sådana ändringar skulle kunna förberedas redan nu, så att de snabbt kan träda i kraft i händelse av kris eller krig. • Sverige bör utveckla gemensamma strategier och avtal med andra länder, främst inom Norden, till exempel en nordisk strategi för växtnäringsfrågor.

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  • 2.
    Aldaeus, Fredrik
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Dedic, Dina
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Karpenja, Tatjana
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Magnusson, Mikael
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Rosén, Fredrik
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Sundin, Konstantin
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Lindström, Mikael
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Lucisano, Marco
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Modorato-Rosta, Caroline
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy.
    Towards a cellulose-based society: current market and consumer trends2017In: The 7th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference held in Stockholm, Sweden, 28-30 Mar. 2017: NWBC 2017, Stockholm: RISE Bioekonomi , 2017, p. 1-Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    It has been proposed that the future of the forest industry will involve the traditional value chains combined with the needs and demands of a bio-based economy. A global consumer survey was undertaken, together with interviews and workshops with various representatives through the bio-economy. Sources also included in-depth literature studies and research reviews. Based on this input, several current trends have been identified that will affect the route towards a cellulose-based society. These trends describe the effects of urbanization, consumer behaviour, new business models, material recycling, open innovation and the necessity for early demonstration of new research. Four different but equally plausible scenarios have been identified describing the society and the role of cellulose in 2030, highlighting the role of the wood-based biorefinery.

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  • 3.
    Andersson, Lisa
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment.
    Andersson, Karin
    DIS/ORDER, Sweden.
    Bratel, Johanna
    DIS/ORDER, Sweden.
    af Ekström, Hanna
    HDK-Valand vid Göteborgs universitet, Sweden.
    Johansson, Hanna
    Liljewall Arkitekter, Sweden.
    Lerme, Wenche
    Göteborgs Stad,Sweden.
    Schneider, Julia
    SLU Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden.
    Sundbom, Cristine
    Usify, Sweden.
    Stad i vått och torrt: Om inkluderande planering och gestaltning av miljöer med blågröna dagvattenlösningar ur ett breddat tillgänglighetsperspektiv2021Report (Other academic)
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    STAD I VÅTT OCH TORRT - Om inkluderande planering och gestaltning av miljöer med blågröna dagvattenlösningar ur ett breddat tillgänglighetsperspektiv
  • 4.
    Andersson, Lisa
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    Molnar, Stefan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    ARKILOG: En studie om hur arkitektkontor organiserar sitt arbete med medborgardialog i stadsbyggnadsprojekt2019Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Under senare år har intresset för medborgardialoger ökat i stadsbyggnadsbranschen. Detta med förhoppningen att involvering av medborgare i utformningen av våra städer ska leda till allt ifrån ökad demokratisk legitimitet, till bättre utformade städer och mindre överklaganden.Det mesta av såväl den forskning som det praktiska utvecklingsarbete som har genomförts fokuserar dock på metoder för medborgardialogsamt medborgardialog ur ett maktperspektiv(Jahnke, Andersson, Molnar & Blomqvist,2018). Försvinnande lite arbete berör verksamhetersorganisering av medborgardialog, detta trots att det ökade intresset för medborgardialog innebär att allt fler aktörer börjar arbeta meddet. Studien riktar fokus mot arkitektkontor som allt oftare får i uppdrag att utföra dialoger eller utgöra samarbetspartner till den aktör som utför dialogen i stadsbyggnadsprojekt. Arkitekten har dessutom en speciell roll då hen ska bemötabåde beställarensönskemål och medborgarenseller brukarens behov, vilka kan skilja sig åt (Petrescu, 2005). Givet den här utvecklingen ärdet viktigt att generera kunskaper om arkitektkontors arbete med medborgardialog och hur detta påverkas av företagets övergripande organisering. Det är detta vi vill bidra till med denna populärvetenskapliga rapport. Vi har ett relativt brett fokus på alla former av kontakter som arkitekter har med medborgare,dock avgränsat till stadsbyggnadsprojekt. Med det senare menas arbete som berör utveckling av ett geografiskt område som innefattar mer än enbart en enstaka byggnad (vilket kan ske både inom och utanför den formella planprocessen).

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  • 5.
    Andersson, Lisa
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    Molnar, Stefan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    PROLOG: Processtöd för företag i stadsbyggnadssektorn som vill utveckla sitt arbete med medborgardialog2019Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Inkludering och dialog framhålls idag som viktiga komponenter för en socialt hållbar stadsutveckling. Som en följd av detta finns numera förväntningar på medborgardialog i fler sammanhang än vid lagstiftade samråd iplanprocesser. Dessa förväntningar påverkar hur kommuner, fastighetsutvecklare och byggherrar tar sig anstadsbyggnadsfrågorna. Det innebär även nya typer av uppdrag för arkitektkontor och andra konsultföretag i stadsbyggnadssektorn. Många såväl beställare som andra företag inom stadsbyggnadssektorn ställs alltså idag inför en mängd val kring hur de ska förhålla sig till och organisera sitt deltagande i medborgardialoger. Hur företaget organiserar sig på strategisk nivå har betydelse för medarbetarnas förutsättningar att delta i och bidra till medborgardialoger.Detta faktum uppmärksammas dock sällan vilket är anledningen till att processtödet Prolog har tagits fram.

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  • 6.
    Arvidsson, Niklas
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019).
    Bolin, Lisa
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    Lindberg, Siv M
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019).
    Linder, Marcus
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019).
    Mellquist, Ann-Charlotte
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019).
    Norefjell, Fredric
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019).
    Nyström, Thomas
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019).
    Rex, Emma
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    Norrblom, Hans-Lennart
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Tööj, Lars
    Industrial Development Center, Sweden.
    Cirkulära möbelflöden: Hur nya affärsmodeller kan bidra till hållbar utveckling inom offentliga möbler2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Sverige har en stark möbelindustri och en stolt tradition av att tillverka tidlösa och högkvalitativa möbler, ofta av naturmaterial. 2016 producerade Sverige möbler för 22,8 miljarder SEK, varav kontorsmöbler stod för nästan en fjärdedel1. Det saknas idag statistik över vad som händer med dessa möbler när de inte längre används, men det står klart att många av dem slängs i förtid när verksamheter flyttar eller när deras behov ändras. Samtidigt syns en tydlig utveckling mot att kunder mer och mer efterfrågar återbrukade eller renoverade möbler som en del i sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Denna utveckling var startpunkten för projektet ”Affärsmodell-innovation för cirkulära möbelflöden”.

    Affärsmodellinnovation för cirkulära möbelflöden är ett Vinnovafinansierat projekt som under åren 2015-2017 arbetat med att utveckla och testa koncept för cirkulära affärsmodeller för i första hand offentliga möbler. I projektet har tjugo aktörer från hela värdekedjan, från underleverantörer, möbelproducenter, återförsäljare och användare till forskare och branschorgan, samarbetat kring affärsutveckling, kundincitament, produktdesign, logistik, hållbarhets- och certifieringsfrågor.

    Den här skriften belyser hur nya affärsmodeller för mer cirkulära möbelflöden kan bidra till en mer hållbar utveckling och ger smakprov på slutsatser från projektet. Skriften riktar sig framför allt till producenter och återförsäljare av möbler för offentliga miljöer, men även kunder och inköpare tror vi kan ha stor nytta av skriften. Vi hoppas att den även kan fungera som inspiration för andra industrier och branscher som funderar på en övergång till mer cirkulära affärsekosystem.

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    Cirkulära möbelflöden
  • 7.
    Axelsson, Jakob
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems. Mälardalen University, Sweden.
    Systems-of-Systems Design Patterns: A Systematic Literature Review and Synthesis2022In: 2022 17th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference, SOSE 2022, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , 2022, p. 171-176Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Design patterns are an established approach for reusing knowledge about good solutions to recurring problems. Patterns can be seen as a way of describing the best practices, and have been used in many different fields, ranging from building architecture and city planning to software development. There are also scattered results relating to patterns for systems-of-systems. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and review the literature on patterns for systems-of-systems and make a synthesis of a recommended approach for the field. Specifically, the novel contributions of the paper are to propose a consolidated structure for describing individual patterns and suggest the dimensions along which a pattern catalog can be organized. The paper also summarizes the concrete patterns suggested in the existing literature and classifies them according to the recommended structure. 

  • 8.
    Bengtsson, Daniel
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Foresight in Sweden: Keynote speech on state of the art of foresight in Sweden.2021In: Foresight in the Nordics, webinar, December 16, 2021: Foresight in the Nordics - ett webbinarium med Futures Finland och Vinnova - startskottet för nordiskt framsynssamarbete, 2021Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 9.
    Berg, Jessica
    et al.
    VTI Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Sweden.
    Smith, Göran
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems. University of Sydney, Australia: Västra Götalandsregionen, Sweden.
    Shared mobility services in Swedish rural areas: Development and demonstration of the KomILand-concept2021In: 2021 International Transport Forum (ITF) Pre-Summit Research Day, 2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Transport accounts for a large share of global green-house gas emissions. Research efforts are being made to identify, develop, and test new types of resource efficient solutions that meet peoples’ mobility needs. A growing trend within this realm is so called shared mobility services – such as car-sharing, bicycle rental, and ride-sourcing – which is expected to have the potential to complement and strengthen public transport and support less car-centric lifestyles. Shared mobility has become an integral part of the dominant discourse around the future of transport (autonomous-connected-electric-shared), and although their modal shares still are minor, recent years have seen significant growth of shared mobility services.

    However, eforts to develop shared mobility services have predominantly been made in urban areas where the services are expected to have greater impact on green-house gas reduction. Further, most research on shared mobility has focused on urban areas . Consequently, there is a lack of empirical research on how shared mobility services can be organized in rural areas, and what effects they can have on aspects such as of car ownership, green-house gas emissions, and quality of life.

    The KomILand project set out to address these knowledge gaps by developing and testing the KomILand concept – a regional Mobility-as-a-Service platform that enable rural dwellers to put together shared mobility service offerings that are tailored to the specific needs of their communities. An initial pre-study (2017-2018) paved the way for a trial of the concept by identifying suitable rural towns, likely user groups and their demands, key service components, and possible business models. Subsequently, the ongoing trial phase of the project (2019-2021) aims to develop a functional prototype and to test it in collaboration with civic associations in three rural towns with 800-900 inhabitants in Västra Götaland in West Sweden.

    In the following, this extended abstract first presents key findings from the pre-study. Thereafter, a few insights from the ongoing trial are provided prior to a concluding discussion on possible pathways for the journey from a temporary, small-scale trial towards a region-wide and continuous operation.

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  • 10.
    Berglund, Martina
    et al.
    Linköping University, Sweden.
    Harlin, Ulrika
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Materials and Production, IVF.
    Elg, Mattias
    Linköping University, Sweden.
    AFoU – a network for sustainable working life and development2017In: Proc. of the The Nordic Ergonomics and Society conference, NES-2017 ‘Joy at Work’, organized by Lund University (LTH) in association with the Ergonomics and Human Factors Society in Sweden (EHSS), and 20-23 August 2017, Sweden, Lund, 2017Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this paper is to describe and reflect on the development of the Swedish network AFoU (Workplace related R&D for sustainable working life). The overall goal with the network AFoU is to strengthen research contributing to sustainable working life, research that makes significant improvements, and future organizations characterized by competitiveness, quality and renewal through good working conditions. AFoU was started in 2015 and it consists of researchers from different disciplines, practitioners and representatives for unions and employer organizations. The network strives to combine high-quality research with practical use. This is achieved through collaboration between different stakeholders and across disciplines, thereby co-creating new knowledge that is needed to meet current and future demands.

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  • 11.
    Berglund, Richard
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Swerea, Swerea IVF.
    Karling, Mats
    Mellby, Clas
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Swerea, Swerea IVF.
    Det värdefulla engagemanget: En guide för Lean och för andra strategier för utveckling2011Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En organisation där alla agerar på eget initiativ för det gemensamma bästa, där alla är beredda att hugga i när det behövs, där alla samspelar för att nå resultat och där alla bidrar till att utveckla organisationen-visst är detta en dröm?Alla vill att medarbetarna och kollegorna ska engagera sig. Men varför skulle de? Har företaget gjort sig förtjänt av att någon gör mer än hon måste?I de allra flesta organisationer underskattas gravt den omsorg som behövs för att medarbetarna ska finna det mödan värt att engagera sig. Det krävs ett klokt och långsiktigt arbete från ledning och chefer för att bygga en företagskultur av förtroende och samverkan, men om det lyckas finns oanade vinster att hämta.Den nya boken, Det värdefulla engagemanget-En guide för Lean och andra strategier för utveckling, vill stimulera till en reflektion kring hur organisationen och ledningen påverkar medarbetarnas engagemang. Boken följer upp vår tidigare bok Lean i ledningen-Utmana hela organisationen, som blivit mycket uppskattad, men Det värdefulla engagemanget är till nytta oberoende av eventuella Leansatsningar.Tio teman behandlas: En färdriktning • En kultur av tillit • Aktiv ledning • Långsiktighet • Utrymme för individen • Lagarbete • Inflytande • Utmaning • Lärande • Del av vinstenDe kunskaper och erfarenheter som lett fram till boken har sin grund i många års uppdrag och forskningsprojekt inom industrin och även i tjänsteföretag. Boken bygger till stor del på en doktorsavhandling,Engagemang efterfrågas – Hur tre tillverkande företag söker medverkan från sina medarbetare när de inför Lean, men är förenklad och omskriven för att direkt kunna tillämpas.

  • 12.
    Bergman Bruhn, Åsa
    et al.
    Dalarna University, Sweden.
    Lindahl, Cecilia
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Andersson, Karin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Abtahi, Farhad
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Forsman, Mikael
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Ergonomi och arbetsställningar hos anställda på ridskolor: en ny mätmetod med smarta arbetskläder2024Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Brauer, Hanna Björner
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. University West, Sweden.
    Hasselqvist, Hanna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Håkansson, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Willermark, Sara
    University West, Sweden.
    Hiller, Carolina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Re-configuring practices in times of energy crisis – A case study of Swedish households2024In: Energy Research & Social Science, ISSN 2214-6296, E-ISSN 2214-6326, Vol. 114, article id 103578Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    During the autumn, winter and early spring of 2022/2023, Europe faced rapidly increasing energy prices and threats of power cuts. The situation was consequently labelled an “energy crisis”, and one sector that was severely affected was households. In response to the situation, European households made efforts to reduce and time-shift their energy use to mitigate the effects of the crisis. Considering that domestic energy practices are often difficult to change, particularly in the long term, we find this effect of the energy crisis on households important to understand more deeply. In this paper, we use social practice theory to investigate how Swedish households responded to the crisis and what changes they made in terms of re-configurations of their practices. The aim was to contribute knowledge on how households adapt to a changing energy system with volatile prices, limitations in electric power, and threats of energy crisis. We conducted two rounds of semi-structured interviews with 9 households in single-family houses in the middle and south of Sweden during and after the crisis, in total 18 interviews, to examine what re-configurations of practices emerged and which persisted over time. The results show that significant changes were apparent in primarily the practice domains of heating and hygiene. While some of these changes were temporary, other re-configurations of energy practices persisted beyond the months of crisis and high prices, indicating that meanings of frugality and sufficiency were strengthened. Our results demonstrate that households were reminded of certain electricity use that is otherwise typically backgrounded in homes and that the energy crisis stimulated re-configuration and re-examination of norms as well as reflection on electricity use in general. Finally, we discuss the effects of the energy crisis on household practices in comparison with other crises and disruptions, and point to the importance of communicating clearly with households about the societal effects of their efforts, in order to manage the legacy of this crisis for similar future crisis situations. 

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  • 14.
    Broberg, Kristina
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Broberg, Sarah
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Fransson, Liisa
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Smarta hållbara städer i Skåne: Innovationsekosystemkartläggning2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under 2019 tog Forsknings och Innovationsrådet i Skåne fram en innovationsstrategi för regionen som syftar till att ”vara en långsiktig agenda för samarbete mellan nyckelaktörer i Skåne för att främja innovation, adressera svag produktivitet och stärka näringslivet med hållbarhet som en självklarhet och konkurrensfördel”. I strategin pekas sex specialiseringsområden ut, däribland smarta hållbara städer. I samarbete med Region Skåne har RISE under hösten 2020 – våren 2021, genomfört en innovationsekosystemanalys för smarta hållbara städer. Under de senaste åren har Region Skåne gett uppdrag till andra aktörer och även själv bedrivit arbete för att kartlägga delar av ekosystemet runt detta specialiseringsområde. Under arbetet med kartläggningen som presenteras i denna rapport identifierades gap i tidigare analyser främst kring vilka stödfunktioner som finns tillgängliga för aktörerna inom smarta hållbara städer. Fokus i denna kartläggning har därför varit ta fram ny kunskap om dessa stödfunktioner. Övriga delar av analysen baseras på en litteraturstudie av tidigare rapporter. Genom ekosystemanalysen vill Region Skåne få en ökad förståelse för regionens kapacitet inom ett antal utvecklingsområden. Härigenom ämnar man skapa en grund för att identifiera styrkor och svagheter inom området och skapa underlag för vidare arbete. Parallellt med RISE arbete har det pågått ett flertal initiativ och kartläggningar, däribland arbetet med klimatneutrala Lund och Malmö som sker på uppdrag av det strategiska innovationsprogrammet Viable Cities. Tillsammans förväntas genomförda och pågående initiativ ge viktiga resultat om Skånes position och utveckling inom området. Det kan även fungera som ett viktigt underlag i det arbete som pågår, och ska vara klart under 2021, med att ta fram en innovationsagenda för utvecklingen av specialiseringsområdet i regionen. Kartläggningen som presenteras i denna rapport har genomförts i tre delar: 1. En litteraturstudie av tidigare publicerade rapporter av relevans för innovationsekosystemet kring smarta hållbara städer. 2. En kartläggning över tillgången på stödfunktioner. 3. En intervjustudie för att få en fördjupad förståelse för stödfunktionernas verksamhet och roll i ekosystemet. Litteraturstudien utgick från flera tidigare genomförda analyser av regionens näringsliv (branscher, ankarföretag) och forskning och forskningsinfrastruktur. Sammanställningen visar att definition av branschområdet smarta hållbara städer är komplext och därmed är det utmanande att identifiera vilka företag som ingår i området. Dock pekar resultaten på att de branscher som inkluderas i FIRS definition av smarta hållbara städer i hög uträckning redan är, eller har potential att bli starka skånska styrkeområden. Gällande forskning visar studien att flera delområden inom smarta hållbara städer i regionen är starka. Framför allt energiområdet utmärker sig i samtliga studerade analyser, men även andra teknikområden är starka. Regionens städer har attraherat stora anslag bland annat från Vinnova, det strategiska innovationsprogrammet Viable Cities och EU Horizon. Antalet testbäddar inom smarta hållbara städer i regionen utmärker sig däremot som lågt jämfört med andra regioner i närområdet (STRING-regionerna). Kartläggningen av stödfunktioner visade att aktörerna ofta inte bedriver en renodlad verksamhet inom en viss typ av stödfunktion, och att de olika typerna av stödfunktioner på så sätt knyter an till varandra. Totalt identifierades 56 olika aktörer inom de fem kategorier av stöd som arbetades fram: acceleratorer och inkubatorer, testbäddar, innovationsstöd och plattformar, nätverk, kluster och hubbar, samt övrigt stöd. De identifierade aktörerna har en geografisk tyngdpunkt i storstadsregionerna i västra Skåne, och det finns således en stor outnyttjad potential i Skånes övriga kommuner som skulle kunna vara med i arbetet framåt och få innovationsområdet att växa i regionen. En fördjupad studie har gjorts genom intervjuer med aktörer med verksamhet inom testbäddar, inkubatorer och acceleratorer samt nätverk och hubbar. När det gäller testbäddar anses dessa utgöra en viktig länk i innovationsekosystemet genom att erbjuda en plats för behovsägare och leverantörer att mötas och för innovationer att testas. Testbäddar kan också ha en roll i att attrahera internationella aktörer till regionen. Trots dess roll anses antalet testbäddar inom smarta hållbara städer i regionen vara begränsat. Generellt upplevs definitionen av testbäddar som smal, och finansieringsmöjligheterna begränsade. Här identifieras ett behov av ökad kunskap kring alternativa finansieringslösningar för att utveckla och bedriva testmiljöer. I slutsatskapitlet sammanfogas resultat från litteraturstudien, kartläggningen och intervjustudien. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån olika domäner i Isenbergs innovationsekosystem-modell och kompletteras med reflektioner utifrån den högst aktuella och intensiva händelseutvecklingen som sker inom hållbar stadsutveckling på olika nivåer. Projektets slutsatser presenteras uppdelat på följande delområden: Näringslivet inom smarta hållbara städer i Skåne, Tillgång till forskning och forskningsinfrastruktur, Tillgång till innovations- och entreprenörskapsstöd, Finansiering och slutligen Den offentliga sektorns roll i utvecklingen av smarta hållbara städer. Städernas omställning pekas ut som en nyckel för att uppnå klimatneutralitet på nationell, europeisk och global nivå. Stora satsningar utvecklas i snabb takt inom den finansiella sektorn samt inom forskning och innovation. Därför behövs kontinuerlig omvärldsbevakning, positionering och påverkan och det finns möjligheter för regionens aktörer att aktivt bidra till utformningen. Nedan sammanfattas de främsta slutsatserna: • Malmö, Lund och Helsingborg har starka positioner inom hållbar stadsutveckling. För att skapa en förflyttning inom specialiseringsområdet i hela regionen krävs det att det skapas förutsättningar även för de mindre kommunerna och städerna att utvecklas och bidra till utvecklingen i regionen. • Det finns många nätverk, men få testbäddar inom specialiseringsområdet i Skåne. För att utveckla områdets styrkor krävs att det finns en utvecklad och fungerande testmiljöstruktur och att testmiljöerna, i den mån det är möjligt, är verksamma i verklig miljö och inom stadens ytor. • Det finns ett behov av att bredda omfattningen av smarta hållbara städer. Branscherna mobilitet och logistik bör inkluderas i definitionen. Därtill behövs en översyn av begreppet så att medborgarens och civilsamhällets drivkraft för att skapa hållbara och klimatneutrala städer kan tas tillvara. 

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  • 15. Brolin, A.
    et al.
    Bäckstrand, G.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Swerea, Swerea IVF.
    Högberg, D.
    Case, K.
    Inadequately Designed Information and its Effects on the Cognitive Workload2011Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Session and committe: Informing and stimulating green lifestyle choices2023Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Session (accepted): In order to reach sustainability goals in the future, green and social living must be considered. The interface between production and consumption set the frame for future sustainable lifestyles, including sharing consumption of transport and space in buildings, or the need of a circular production for clothing and electronics. Sustainable lifestyles imply a change of action. It implies new ways of consumption, including behavior change and nudging, as well as new ways of production, including business modeling and service design. This session encourages using visual examples and digital aids to present new ways of consumption and production for future sustainable lifestyles. We will discuss future lifestyles including their environmental and social effects from a life cycle perspective. Session (policy, reguklartion, targets) and scientific commitee (LCM 2023):

  • 17.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    RISE Research Institute of Sweden.
    Session Chair D3_02_S6 Knowledge sharing2020Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Session: New governance approaches for a sustainable built environment: (1) Modularized cyber-physical system as an enabler of interoperable and collective approach for responsive cities. (2)Lessons learnt from green public procurement in the Norwegian construction sector. (3) Felleshus and Paradiset in Vallastaden - Care for social sustainability in a new neighbourhood. (4) Development of the Local SDGs Platform for information sharing to contribute to achieving the SDGs.

    Topic 03 – SOCIAL INCLUSION FOR LIVABLE SOCIETIES. Half the world’s population lives in cities, with the trend going up. This is accompanied by some predictions that due to the strong urbanization pace, cities will become more violent, unhealthy and socially exclusive.The built environment can play a role in creating more inclusive communities and societies. It can facilitate social inclusion, as well as community building based on mutual respect and solidarity. It can contribute to the creation of livable societies that require equal opportunities, decent living standards and valuable urban health & well-being for all, with diversity being seen as a source of strength.

  • 18. Brunklaus, Birgit
    Session Chair T4-7: Designing Sustainable Lifestyles: From Societal Structure to Personal Choices2019Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Session: In order to reach the sustainable development goals in society, both the choices of individuals and the societal structures to allow green and social living must be considered. The design of infrastructure, city management and public organizations set the frame for sustainable lifestyles, including compact living/housing, shared mobility, food and tourism. The design of sustainable lifestyles implies a range of actions, such as behavior change and nudging, business modelling and service design. This session will exemplify and discuss around these actions at different levels, including their environmental and social effects in a life cycle perspective. 

  • 19. Brunklaus, Birgit
    Session Chair TU 1 B: FUTURE SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES (Part 1): INDIVIDUAL CHOICES2021Conference proceedings (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Session: In order to reach sustainability goals in the future, green and social living must be considered. The design of infrastructure and city management set the frame for future sustainable lifestyles, including shared design of mobility and housing, or the need of a circular design for clothing and electronics. The design of sustainable lifestyles implies a range of actions, such as behavior change and nudging, business modelling and service design.  This session encourages using visual examples and digital aids to present future sustainable lifestyles. We will discuss future lifestyles including their environmental and social effects in a life cycle perspective. 

  • 20. Brunklaus, Birgit
    Session Chair TU 2B: FUTURE SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLES (Part 2): URBAN STRUCTURE2021Conference proceedings (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Session: In order to reach sustainability goals in the future, green and social living must be considered. The design of infrastructure and city management set the frame for future sustainable lifestyles, including shared design of mobility and housing, or the need of a circular design for clothing and electronics. The design of sustainable lifestyles implies a range of actions, such as behavior change and nudging, business modelling and service design.  This session encourages using visual examples and digital aids to present future sustainable lifestyles. We will discuss future lifestyles including their environmental and social effects in a life cycle perspective. 

  • 21. Brunklaus, Birgit
    Using the Materiality Assessment and PSILCA database to identify and assess the Social and Governance issues for stakeholders along the value chain of new bio-based materials2020Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The goal of this work is to use S-LCA in early process development and value chain creation. In this paper we present the results from using Materiality Assessment and PSILCA database and give some reflections on how stakeholders in the value chain of new bio-based materials understand the results. The materiality assessment builds on reports from the Swedish forest industry, previous S-LCA studies on forestry products, and CSR reports from major investors.The number of times the social topics/indicators appeared in the reports was recorded and analysed in a materiality graph. The S-LCA results are presented in medium risk hours (MRH). Based on the feedback with the stakeholders along the value chain, it was difficult to grasp the meaning of Medium Risk Hours in relation to social impacts. Also, good care has to be taken when communicating results since social LCA is a rather unknown tool to the industries represented here. 

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  • 22.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Norling, Malin
    City of Malmö, Sweden.
    Börjesson, Emma
    City of Malmö, Sweden.
    Pedersen, Lisa
    City of Malmö, Sweden.
    Cirkular economy from theory to practice: Stop INeffective USe in the city of Malmö in Sweden2020In: World Sustainble Built Environment Conference - BEYOND 2020: The state of circular built environment  - value-chain perspective / [ed] Holger Wallbaum and Kristina Mjörnell, Gothenburg, 2020, Vol. 7th, article id D2_04_S2Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The project aims to increase the knowledge of public organization to increase the circularity of material flows through procurement procedures which benefit saving and sharing. The project is led by the City of Malmö’s Environmental Department together with the Procurement Department and research institute RISE. The purchase and waste flows are mapped and the barriers and possibilities in procedures are analyzed. In addition, the project will look into using the saved resources for well-being of the City’s employees, or ordinary citizen. The results will be presented in a draft roadmap for circular economy for the City of Malmö. 

    SINA is expected to contribute to society by increasing the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the City of Malmö’s operations, and inspire and facilitate for other public institutions to follow suit. The effect of circularity is measured in terms of climate change, resource use and social effects for municipalities and inhabitants.

    Through SINA, the purchase and waste flows within the City of Malmö’s organization will be mapped and analysed in order to identify possibilities for increased reuse and circular use of resources, focusing on a number of product categories to be chosen within the project. In addition, the project will look into if and how any means saved by improved resource use might be used for measures targeting the well-being of the City’s employees, or even the ordinary citizen. The results will be presented in a draft roadmap for circular economy for the City of Malmö. 

    The role of budget procedures for stimulating circular resource use are essential, also with regards to barriers and possibilities in the current system and the possibilities for change. So far the project has shown that central and standardized budget procedures is essential. Also the availability for data and statistics on city level is essential for mapping purchase and waste flows and to identify possibilities for increased reuse and circular use of resources. So far this is in line with our expectations, and the roadmap for circular economy for the city of Malmö will be dependent on statistics and the procedures within the city of Malmö need to be adopted for circular economy. 

    The lessons learnt are relevant for city management and practitioners in the circular economy. Also practitioner within the purchasing and waste management department are relevant. 

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  • 23.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ordoñez, Isabel
    Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, Spain.
    Svärd, Lotta
    Semcon Sweden AB, Sweden.
    User centred design & energy efficient packaging collection infrastructure supporting circular future lifestyles2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The collection and recycling of packaging and life cycle assessments have traditionally been developed from a technical perspective, not including the actors in the chain. How recycling should be done depends on who you ask, and whether you look at the issue from an energy, material, legal or user-based perspective. FTI, the Packaging and Newspaper Collection organization is responsible for collecting these fractions and better material recirculation in Sweden's municipalities. They ensure that containers are emptied, that the collection points remain clean, that contents go to the right treatment, and that materials are recycled as much as possible. When recyclable materials end up in the wrong place, it causes problems leading to increased energy use in the life cycle. The ongoing project Tjårven, aims to reduce energy use in connection with packaging collection, as well as potential energy gains in the second stage of the packaging life cycle, by redesigning packaging collection from a user centred perspective. In order to show the energy use in the lifecycle and include the actors in the chain, an actor-based LCA method will be used. In order to redesign packaging collection from a user perspective, the design methods will start from users’ behaviour. The project includes a case study that intends to design a more energy efficient collection infrastructure and allowing for a better circularity and sustainable future lifestyle. The project also includes a literature study that will provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art of collection infrastructures, considering how energy efficient they are and how a circular lifestyle can contribute to future sustainable lifestyles.

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  • 24.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Built Environment, Energy and Circular Economy.
    Schnurr, Maria
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Sonesson, Ulf
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Bioscience and Materials, Agrifood and Bioscience.
    8 ton society Sweden: Assessing the material footprint of sharing and circular lifestyles in housing,mobility and food2019In: Life Cycle Management Conference 2019, Poznan, Polen, 2019, Vol. 9, article id 96Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The average Swedish household throws away 480 kg of solid garbage per year. But this amount of material is only a small share of the resource consumption that our lifestylegives rise to. Our homes need to be built, goods produced, we are transported,and food is produced. In today's linear consumption society, every individual inthe EU is estimated to have a material footprint of 29 tons/year on average – afootprint that needs to shrink to 8 tons in order to stay within “planetaryboundaries”. In a circular system, products are recycled and shared leading toless resources and materials needed, but do we know how much? Which resourceand material consumption is generated in Sweden? What could we achieve througha transition to a sharing and circular economy, and how would our consumptionpatterns look like within a sustainable material lifestyle? The goal of thisstudyis to assess the material footprint of sharing and circular lifestyles inhousing, mobility and food system. "8 ton society" takes athree-level method approach: (1) National: assessing the material footprint ofsharing and circular lifestyles in housing, mobility and food systems on anational level. (2) Municipal: Mapping material and waste streams at municipallevel (for the three Swedish municipalities Göteborg, Malmö och Umeå), by whichmunicipalities can identify opportunities for a circular society, for exampleby supplementing existing climate strategies and waste plans with circularaction plans. (3) Household: Combined with a household level analysis ofmaterial footprints, the project contributes to behavioral change at householdlevel as well as strengthened decision making and innovation at national andmunicipal level. The results of the study are material footprints and scenariosthat are used as basis for the development of reduction measures. The scenariosdescribe potential “8t societies” for Sweden, meaning potential policy andsocietal innovations that allow for a drastic reduction of material footprint.These include sharing and circular solutions. Additionally, the project willcontrast the Swedish results to similar projects that have been carried out in Finland and Germany.

  • 25.
    Brunklaus, Birgit
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, System Transition and Service Innovation.
    Sjons, Josefin
    Socio-economic analysis based on a life cycle perspective: Social and societal issues of new chemicals2020Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In order to demonstrate the sustainability of new chemicals, a number of analyses were performed within the EU Life projects TRIALKYL and IREPRO, such as the health assessment, socio-economic and life cycle assessment. 

    The objective of this Socio-Economic Analysis (SEA) is to determine whether the social and societal benefits the new chemicals outweigh the risk to human health and the environment. 

    Socio-economic analysis (SEA) is a methodology developed for chemical risk management and decision making derived from tools like the Cost benefit analysis, based on several social science perspectives, such as economic value of life, the risk of accidents or health care costs.

    The socio-economic analyses are based on the latest ECHA guideline, and also include a life cycle perspective. Besides environmental and health issues, the socio-economic analysis also include the risk of fire/explosion and life lost. 

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  • 26.
    Burden, Håkan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Amanuel, Mahdere DW
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Ahlberg, Joakim
    Ramboll, Sweden.
    Olsson, Ola
    Ramboll, Sweden.
    Palm, Fredrik
    Lunds kommun, Sweden.
    Ulander, Gustaf
    Skellefteå kommun, Sweden.
    Bassioukas Hanseklint, Petra
    Skellefteå kommun, Sweden.
    Vainio, Jyrki
    Region Gotland, Sweden.
    Lindberg Helander, Gustav
    Eskilstuna kommun, Sweden.
    Körkkö, Jani
    Eskilstuna kommun, Sweden.
    Zarghampour, Hamid
    Trafikverket, Sweden.
    Självkörande landsbygd2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Hur skulle autonoma fordon kunna användas inom kollektivtrafiken på landsbygden? Genom intervjuer, workshops och en RFI (request for information, ett första steg mot upphandling) har vi undersökt frågan utifrån fyra konkreta områden i Sverige – Lund, Gotland, Eskilstuna och Skellefteå. 

    Med en definition av landsbygd baserad på individens mobilitet har vi sett att Sveriges landsbygd rymmer mindre orter på väg att avfolkas där äldre, barn och de utan körkort hade kunnat få bättre tillgång till samhällelig service med autonoma fordon. Vi har också sett att flera av landets nya arbetsplatser kommer befinna sig på landsbygden och därmed skapa ett mobilitetsbehov från staden till landet. 

    För att kunna realisera de identifierade möjligheterna finns ett behov av att framföra fordonen i högre hastigheter samt att de ska kunna hantera mer komplexa trafiksituationer än vad dagens piloter i städerna visat. På landsbygden finns alltså ett utrymme för nya fordon att visa upp sig. Samtidigt ser vi hur man inte ska förvänta sig att investeringarna i autonoma fordon kommer betala sig på en linje, snarare behöver man lyfta blicken och se systemeffekten när stomlinjetrafiken blir mer attraktiv då bussarna går raka vägen istället för via mindre samhällen. 

    Vi har inte sett några belägg på att den digitala infrastrukturen behöver utvecklas för att möjliggöra försök med autonoma fordon på någon av de undersökta rutterna. Dagens 4G-täckning är fullgod och fordonen borde ha tillgång till tillräckligt bra positioneringsdata för att bedriva verksamheten. Däremot ställs flera frågor om hur ersättningstrafiken organiseras när fordonen inte klarar av vädret, vem som står för säkrare hållplatser och hur chaufförens övriga ansvar realiseras när fordonet är förarlöst. 

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  • 27.
    Burden, Håkan
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Stenberg, Susanne
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Bodea, Gabriela
    TNO, Netherlands.
    van Ette, Frans
    TNO, Netherlands.
    Lazo, Claudio
    TNO, Netherlands.
    Ailisto, Heikki
    VTT, Finland.
    A Comparison of AI Policies and Programmes in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden – Case Sweden2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In 2018 the Swedish Government released its strategy on AI, the national approach for artificial intelligence. The strategy focuses on three main areas – education, research and innovation – with the ambition that Sweden would be the best country in the world regarding applying AI. Two key areas were mentioned – the competitiveness of Swedish enterprises on a global market and the strengthening of the public sector.

    Since then, the domestic discourse has changed, as Social-democratic lead governments have been replaced by a Conservative-Liberal government, the launch of ChatGPT, as well as the introduction of EUs Digital Decade with new targets for digitalisation and a proposed regulation of AI. We have therefore conducted a first evaluation of the strategy and the state of AI in Sweden. Based on official reports and interviews we recommend that the Swedish strategy on AI should …

    … acknowledge the EU and accommodate for the upcoming regulations and resources within the Digital Decade,

    … embrace the pluralism of Swedish governance and facilitate collaboration among authorities and different levels of administration,

    ... ensure the competence and the mandate of the public sector accordingly,

    ... be adaptable to changes in both the domestic and international discourse,

    … investigate long-term funding solutions of strategic AI initiatives, and finally,

    … define sustainable and ethical AI in order to facilitate responsible usage and development of AI as well as facilitate procurement.

    This will require prioritisation of targets and initiatives as well as a way of assessing progress which is suitable for the Swedish context.

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  • 28.
    Carlsson, Raul
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Certification.
    Nevzorova, Tatiana
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Certification.
    Vikingsson, Karolina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Certification.
    Long-Lived Sustainable Products through Digital Innovation2022In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, no 21, article id 14364Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Digitalization is key for an organization to achieve sustainability leadership, to be able to conform with sustainability objectives, support claims, and inform consumers and consecutive stakeholders. However, there is no impartial, credible, and universal market platform where market competition favors data exchange and traceability of products and materials. This paper addresses the question of how to utilize digital tools to meet the challenges at the interface between the producer and the consumer. The methodology of the study is action research, which includes various qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research results in the creation of an information system platform, which shows how to merge digital information with a product to provide credibility to consumers and support their purchasing decision based on the claimed lifetime of the product, the sustainability requirements met, how the consumer will find service and spare parts, as well as the design of a universal digital twin. This research contributes to the transparency and traceability aspects by showing how organizations can work and cooperate to create verifiable information and establish claims that support resource efficiency decisions, as well as demonstrating how a traceability system can facilitate the efficient use of materials and energy resources. © 2022 by the authors.

  • 29.
    Chafi, Maral
    et al.
    Region Västra Götaland, Sweden.
    Hultberg, Annemarie
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Bozic, Nina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Industrial Systems.
    Post-pandemic office work: Perceived challenges and opportunities for a sustainable work environment2022In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, no 1, article id 294Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work due to COVID-19 calls for studies that explore the ramifications of these scenarios for office workers from an occupational health and wellbeing perspective. This paper aims to identify the needs and challenges in remote and hybrid work and the potential for a sustainable future work environment. Data collection involved two qualitative studies with a total of 53 participants, who represented employees, staff managers, and service/facility providers at three Swedish public service organisations (primarily healthcare and infrastructure administration). The results describe opportunities and challenges with the adoption of remote and hybrid work from individual, group, and leadership perspectives. The main benefits of remote work were increased flexibility, autonomy, work-life balance and individual performance, while major challenges were social aspects such as lost comradery and isolation. Hybrid work was perceived to provide the best of both worlds of remote and office work, given that employees and managers develop new skills and competencies to adjust to new ways of working. To achieve the expected individual and organisational benefits of hybrid work, employers are expected to provide support and flexibility and re-design the physical and digital workplaces to fit the new and diverse needs of employees. © 2021 by the authors. 

  • 30.
    Cordeiro, Cheryl Marie
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Lindström, Nataliya Berbyuk
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Unveiling the Essence of Gastronomy: A Data-Driven Exploration of Culinary Expertise in the Nordic Region2024In: Gastronomy, E-ISSN 2813-513X, Vol. 2, no 4, p. 215-232Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The science of gastronomy is a context-sensitive and qualitative application of human knowledge. While qualitative content analysis is a widely recognized research method, it is time-consuming, and its results heavily depend on the analyst’s expertise. This study addresses these challenges by employing automated content analysis (ACA), including tools like VOSViewer and AntConc, alongside qualitative methods from systemic functional linguistics (SFL). By analyzing 25 interviews with various professionals in gastronomy, the research aims to reduce subjectivity in interpreting data and uncover the essence of being a gastronomic chef. The findings highlight the complexity of a chef’s role, emphasizing creativity, collaboration, and innovation as key factors in delivering exceptional service and crafting the ultimate dining experience. Understanding a chef’s knowledge is crucial for enhancing service quality and comprehending consumer behavior, which is vital for service development.

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  • 31.
    Cordeiro, Cheryl Marie
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    van Hal, Jaap W.
    TNO, Netherlands.
    Creative innovation in gastronomy services2023In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. , 2023, p. 404-406Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Crossler Ernström, Tova
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment.
    Digitala spel i medborgardialog om stadsutveckling: Tidigare forskning och utvecklingsbehov2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report is a result of a research review and analysis carried out as a prestudy within RISE:s initiative

    Digilog - Digital games for citizen participation in urban development. The text attempts to map out the field(s) of existing research on the subject; which includes areas as diverse as game studies, urban planning and governance research. It then makes some suggestions for both theoretical and practical aspects to address in future work.

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    Digitala spel i medborgardialog om stadsutveckling - rapport
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  • 33.
    Danielsson, Erna
    et al.
    Eriksson, Kerstin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Damerna kom med nybakat: Synliggörande av könsnormer i talet om kvinnors arbete vid skogsbranden i Västmanland 20142020In: Genus, risk och kris / [ed] Jennifer Hobbins, Erna Danielsson, Angelika Sjöstedt, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2020, p. 25-50Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 34.
    Dellve, Lotta
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Skagert, Katrin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Prototyping Society. University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Organisational conditions for safety management practice in homecare and nursing homes, pre-pandemic and in pandemic2024In: Safety Science, ISSN 0925-7535, E-ISSN 1879-1042, Vol. 174, article id 106488Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic was a major challenge for health care and eldercare service all over the world, regarding prevention of spread of contagion to both the elderly and care workers. This study used a mix method design, aiming to identify important conditions for Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHSM) in practice in home care and nursing homes, in general and regarding the prevention of spread of contagion. The result show how conditions for OHSM differed according to eldercare setting and had stronger importance in homecare, both pre-pandemic and in pandemic. Routines and standardized procedures of OHSM was introduced and improved during the pandemic. The routines and standardized procedures had importance for OHSM and COVID-specific OHSM, especially in homecare (r2: 0,86) but also in nursing homes (r2: 0,39). Team communication of risks, work adjustments and equality climate were also of importance. The OHSM work in homecare was understood as Rooms for re-constructing standardized guidelines to un-standardized settings. The practice of safety work was formed by room for elders’ independent decisions of forming their homes and by room for groupthink shaped by employees’ earlier knowledge experiences and norms. Supportive conditions with equal climate, explicable routines, visual instructions and reflections of OHSM have stronger importance where work environments are unstandardized and work and organizational conditions underdeveloped (i.e. homecare). To better bridge the gap between work as imagine and done in unstandardized contexts, conditions in general and specifically the opportunities to reflect and adapt routines together need to be improved. 

  • 35.
    Engesbak, Vetle
    et al.
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Gåsvaer, Daniel
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF. Mälardalen University, Sweden.
    Ingvaldsen, Jonas A.
    NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
    Nonås, Kathe
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Ringen, Geir
    SINTEF, Norway.
    Widfeldt, Magnus
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Management of process innovation beyond continuous improvement: towards a researchagenda2016In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Annual EurOMA Conference, 2016Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Manufacturing companies constantly improve their manufacturing systems. Yet, the demands of everyday efficiency shifts focus from drastic process innovations to continuous improvement. Using multiple case studies of four Scandinavian manufacturers, this article examines why process innovation is different from continuous improvement, and how it can be managed alongside the companies’ other formal processes. We find the companies lack a vocabulary to talk about process innovation, and have no common methods with which to organize it. Furthermore, process innovation often comes from outside the operational units, and because of this, knowledge integration, ownership and participation needs to be managed actively. 

  • 36.
    Eriksson, Andrea
    et al.
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
    Dellve, Lotta
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Williamsson, Anna
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Materials and Production, Product Realisation Methodology.
    Skagert, Katrin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Materials and Production, Product Realisation Methodology.
    How Conditions and Resources Connected to Digital Management Systems and Remote Work Are Associated with Sustainable Work2022In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, ISSN 1661-7827, E-ISSN 1660-4601, Vol. 19, no 23, article id 15731Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The current state of work–life transformation will see more white-collar work being performed remotely using digital management systems. There is, however, a lack of research on factors and resources contributing to sustainable work when working remotely using digital management systems. The aim of this study was to study the conditions and resources connected to digital management systems and remote work, and their associations with sustainable work, in terms of process quality, trust, and sense of coherence, when working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. An analytical cross-sectional study was performed. Questionnaire data from white-collar employees (n = 484) in two private companies were analyzed with regression models, focusing on the importance of the conditions and resources connected to digital management systems and remote work, stratified by working from home or at the office. The results showed digital conditions and resources being associated with indicators of sustainable work. Furthermore, the results showed that social work relations were additional important explanatory factors for sustainable remote work. This study contributes to the development of a new post-pandemic work–life balance by concluding that sustainable remote work needs to be ensured by functional digital management systems and adequate leadership supporting the development of a positive team and learning climate. © 2022 by the authors.

  • 37.
    Eriksson, Kerstin
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Framework for crisis planning: Four required areas for developing a learning process2016In: Journal of Emergency Management, ISSN 1543-5865, Vol. 13, no 6, p. 519-531Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    To outline a framework for preparedness planning at the organizational level.The study is based on a content analysis of research literature as well as an analysis of interviews with six preparedness planners working in Swedish local authorities.The study setting included Swedish local authorities of different sizes.The participants are preparedness planners responsible for coordinating crisis management work in Swedish local authorities. The study includes preparedness planners with different backgrounds, education, experiences, and gender.A presentation of 19 factors of preparedness planning identified in the literature and a discussion around how preparedness planners perceive those factors.The main outcome measures are knowledge about how both researcher and practitioner understand and argue around different factors of preparedness planning.The result of this study is a framework for preparedness planning. As preparedness planning ought to be a learning process, the presented framework builds on four areas connected to learning: prerequisites for preparedness planning, who should be involved, what is to be learned, and how should the work be shaped.The analysis of factors identified in the literature and also in the interviews with preparedness planners illustrates that the four areas connected to learning are required for developing a preparedness planning process.

  • 38.
    Fahnestock, Jesse
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden.
    The use of concepts related to sustainable development in political and strategic documents2016Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Horizon 2020 project, as part of the process of building and activating the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network, is undertaking work on clarifying the (operational) meaning of concepts related to sustainable development, green economy, and eco-innovation in different parts of the world, for different stakeholders and in different contexts. This paper is a first attempt to explore how these concepts are used in policy- and strategy-setting contexts, in the expectation that better understanding of commonalties and differences will improve stakeholders’ ability to identify opportunities and mechanisms for collaboration in practice.

    This analysis explores this situation through a review of documents produced by different stakeholders in different geographies and contexts, applying a consistent framework to make the conceptual content of a range of policy- and strategy-oriented documents comparable. The framework uses Sustainable Development as the central concept around which political objectives, strategies, processes for change, domains for action, and other related concepts are organized.

    Among broad Strategies for sustainable development, Low-Carbon Economy has been the most prevalent, and has the deepest connections to the other strategies. Likewise, in terms of political objectives, climate protection was strongly associated with all the strategies, confirming the apparent link between Low-Carbon Economy and the others. Ecosystem conservation was nearly as prevalent. Taken together, this suggests that the environmental dimension of sustainability is the most important commonality across different strategies.

    In terms of overall emphasis on purely economic objectives, no meaningful split is evident between the developed and developing worlds, with poorer countries and richer countries giving economics an equally prominent role in sustainable development. In a keyword-based analysis of international stakeholders, the European Union put more relative emphasis on development as compared to growth than any other stakeholder group.

    Developing measurement and metrics for sustainability was more than twice as important as any other process for change in the set of ‘global’ documents reviewed. This appears to be an area where global collaboration is widely expected to add value. In a comparison of international stakeholder groups, business emphasized governance, responsibility, and supply chain management, while civil society emphasized partnership and fossil fuel substitution more than other stakeholders.

    The domains for action based on ‘natural assets’ (land use-agriculture-marine/fisheries/aquaculture-forestry-water) were considered almost universally relevant to sustainable development. Energy is unsurprisingly central to many of the documents: only water received comparable priority as a domain for action.

    Overall the EU and Brazil seem to have the most similar approach to sustainable development as that which is visible in the ‘Global’ documents. The poorest countries included in the review appear to be the most conceptually isolated, with no obviously strong links (even to each other).

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  • 39.
    Falk, Petter
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden.
    Towards a Public Sector Data Culture: Data as an Individual and Communal Resource in Progressing Democracy2021In: The Data Shake / [ed] Grazia Concilio, Paola Pucci, Lieven Raes, Geert Mareels, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH , 2021, p. 35-45Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An increased use of data has swept through many policy areas and shaped procedural and substantive policy instruments. Hence, citizens and governments, as both producers and consumers of data, become intertwined in even more complex ways. But the inherent logic of data-driven services and systems sometimes challenges the prerequisites and ideals of liberal democracy. Though a democratically sound data-practice and data-culture is crucial for ensuring a democratic usage of citizens data, discourse tends to overlook these aspects. Drawing on insights from the project Democracy Data, this chapter explores the opportunities and obstacles for establishing democratically oriented public sector data cultures. © 2021, The Author(s).

  • 40.
    Fallahi, Sara
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Prototyping Society.
    Jersler Fransson, Cajsa
    Sjöfartsverket, Sweden.
    Sandberg Jadaan, Taline
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Nordström, Eva
    Sjöfartsverket, Sweden.
    Carlgren, Lisa
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
    Lindberg, Jouni
    Sjöfartsverket, Sweden.
    Recruitment Equality & Diversity Opportunities: Slutrapport för forskningsprojektet ’Rekrytering till sjöfarten – måste sjömän vara män?’2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    When the #metoo movement became viral in the world, women in shipping in Sweden started their own appeal that raised a large number of issues concerning the social work environment on board which became the starting point for the initiative Fair Winds in 2018.

    Fair Winds is a collaboration between collaboration between industry association/ employers´organisation, trade unions, academia, authorities, student associations and non-profit organisations in the Swedish shipping sector with an objective to create a shipping sector with world class work environment with a zero vision of harassment and discrimination for everyone working in the shipping sector in Sweden.

    Supported by the Fair Winds, research project REDO (Recruitment Equality & Diversity Opportunities) started in January 2020 in a collaboration between RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and the Swedish Maritime Administration with a vision to improve the social work environment from a gender equality perspective.

    The purpose of REDO is to create a safe and inclusive shipping industry where more women will want to apply for jobs at sea, and feel motivated and inspired to stay. It is an approach that needs to include everyone, from top management to every employee.

    In this project, we have applied ‘Design Thinking’ as the overarching, user-centered problem formulation and solving approach. To identify driving forces and obstacles for increasing diversity and recruitment of more women in the shipping industry, we have conducted surveys, interviews, and workshops with women that are currently or have previously worked in the shipping industry at different roles. A benchmark study of other male-dominated industries and their diversity strategies through marketing and communication, mentorship and networks, and challenging existing norms and work cultures has provided inspiration for how the shipping industry can address equality and diversity to improve the social work environment.

    This report intends to summarize the results and insights generated through the course of this project and to offer recommendations for how the shipping industry can continue to promote diversity by offering a social work environment which is built on three cornerstones of safety, inclusion, and motivation. More detailed documentations of results from the different studies conducted are supplemented to this report as four appendices. 

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    Bilaga A
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    Bilaga B
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    Bilaga D
  • 41.
    Farre, Sten
    RISE, Swerea, SWECAST.
    Gjutna material – en kort översikt2018Report (Other academic)
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  • 42.
    Grahn, Sten
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Granlund, Anna
    Mälardalen University.
    Wiktorsson, Magnus
    Mälardalen University.
    Friedler, Niklas
    Mälardalen University.
    Defining 'benefit' when making production investments: an inquiry of current standards2014Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Investments in production equipment are made to generate desired production benefit. This work examines how benefit generally is defined and to what extent the benefit is well defined when equipment investments are made. The study revealed that benefit from investments often is unclearly or inconsistently defined, with a narrow system view and often has a weak correlation with benefit for a production system with broader boundaries. This could hamper the possibility to capitalize on industrial trends that indicate a shift in focus, from products, to the benefit utilization of the products can deliver.

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  • 43.
    Guldåker, Nicklas
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Eriksson, Kerstin
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Safety and Transport, Safety.
    Nieminen Kristofersson, Tuija
    Malmö University, Sweden.
    Preventing and Preparing for Disasters: The Role of a Swedish Local Emergent Citizen Group2015In: International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, ISSN 0280-7270, Vol. 33, no 3, p. 360-387Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Disasters such as the storms that affected Sweden in 2005 and 2007 showed that citizens initially conducted a large part of the disaster response, such as clearing roads, giving psychosocial support to affected neighbours and repairing power lines in collaboration with power companies. As a result of these storms, an Emergent Citizen Group (ECG) was established in a village which continued to work on risk prevention, even after the event. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse this local emergent citizen group’s continuing work on the prevention of local risk and vulnerability, and particularly, their work on flood prevention. The results indicate that authorities seldom understand the ECG’s concerns about risks. Authorities also lack the experience and capacity to collaborate with, and support, the ECG’s risk and vulnerability reduction work. Bureaucratic barriers and declining motivation among volunteers within the ECGs could undermine commitment to the prevention of risks.

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  • 44.
    Gustafsson, Mathias
    et al.
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Gluch, Pernilla
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Gunnemark, Sigrid
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Heinke, Katharina
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Engström, Dan
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production.
    The Role of VDC Professionals in the Construction Industry2015In: Procedia Economics and Finance, E-ISSN 2212-5671, Vol. 21, p. 478-485Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The increasing use of Virtual Design and Construction, VDC, is changing the way of working in the construction industry. With the introduction of VDC follows the creation of new roles and new ways of communicating within construction projects. The overall aim of the present paper is to map industry practitioners’ view on VDC professionals’ role. This includes mapping their perceptions on what characteristics a VDC professional should possess, what roles they play today and what role they should play in the future, and also to what extent they are perceived to contribute to project success. In order to shed light on these questions a questionnaire was sent to respondents working in varying degrees with VDC, in one of Sweden's largest construction companies. The results show that there is little agreement concerning the goals of VDC within the company. Furthermore, opinions also vary considerably with regards to what responsibilities a VDC professional ought to take within projects, and at the same time expectations of the characteristics of a VDC professional are high. Finally, the results show that there is demand for higher involvement of VDC professionals as compared to their current involvement.

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  • 45.
    Gåsvaer, Daniel
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Swerea, Swerea IVF.
    Fundin, Anders
    Chalmers University of Technology.
    Jackson, Mats
    Linköpings Universitet.
    Stålberg, L
    Johansson, P
    Exploration and Exploitation within Operations2015Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Gåsvaer, Daniel
    et al.
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Hedegård, Joakim
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, KIMAB.
    Jönsson, Christina
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF, Energi och miljö.
    Kurdve, Martin
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Lundin, Roger
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Persson, Kalle
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Widfeldt, Magnus
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Axelson, Jens
    RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Materials and Production, IVF.
    Att utveckla den smarta svetscellen: Lean, svetsteknik och automation2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En svetscell producerar och är produktiv när svetsning pågår och ljubågen brinner. Då skapas värde i en svetscell. För att nå teknisk och ekonomisk framgång, behöver svetscellen fungera "smart" med effektiva flöden, hög tillgänglighet, optimerad svetsteknik och ur flera aspekter goda miljöegenskaper. Skriften fungerar som hjälp när företag vill utveckla sin svetsverkstad och förbättra svetsproduktionen, utifrån lean, svetsteknik och automation.

  • 47.
    Hamza, Mo
    et al.
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Eriksson, Kerstin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Safety and Transport, Safety Research.
    Staupe-Delgado, Reidar
    UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Norway.
    Locating potential sources of capacity and vulnerability in geographically remote areas: Reflections based on three case studies2021In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, E-ISSN 2212-4209, Vol. 63, article id 102433Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The relationship between geographical and social forms of remoteness and the concepts of vulnerability and capacity remains unclear. Recognising that capacities and vulnerabilities tend to co-exist in a population, the article assumes that the dynamics between these concepts are situational. In this article we draw on three cases to analyse the issue. An Arctic case study provides insight on remoteness in terms of latitude, followed by an Andean case study reflecting on the role of altitude, and lastly an Island community case study provides a perspective on external isolation (recognising that island communities are also typically connected). From these cases we glean a number of preliminary insights for further investigation. One is that remote communities tend to avoid dependence on external actors when possible. Second, power dynamics between remote communities and centralised actors can make disaster management difficult if local capacities are overrun but trust is not present. Third, remoteness mainly becomes a direct source of vulnerability if remoteness translates into neglect, rendering places ‘peripheral’. Generalisable insights suggest that relationships take time to build and cannot be easily established after the fact. The cases hence suggest that remote areas typically have a strained relationship with centralised authorities which fosters local coping strategies but also a fear of external dependence, which may ultimately prove problematic in times of adversity. © 2021 The Authors

  • 48.
    Hansson, Helena
    et al.
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Säll, Sarah
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Abouhatab, Assem
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Ahlgren, Serina
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Berggren, Åsa
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Hallström, Elinor
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Bioeconomy and Health, Agriculture and Food.
    Lundqvist, Peter
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Persson, U. Martin
    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
    Rydhmer, Lotta
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Röös, Elin
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Tidåker, Pernilla
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    Winkvist, Anna
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Zhu, Li-hua
    SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
    An indicator framework to guide food system sustainability transition – The case of Sweden2024In: Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, ISSN 2665-9727, Vol. 22, article id 100403Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Well-aligned food policies are needed at both national and international level to guide food system transformation towards sustainability. Rigorous indicator frameworks are essential in order to facilitate discussion of priorities, enable comparisons, assessment and progress monitoring, and ensure accountability. In this study, we develop a national framework for a sustainable food system, using Sweden as a case. Our framework, the Food System Sustainability House, advances the literature on sustainable food system frameworks in three distinct ways. Firstly, it is tailored to a specific national context (Sweden in our case); secondly, it distinguishes between impacts of domestic production arising within territorial boundaries and impacts related to Swedish consumption independent of country of origin; and thirdly, to facilitate policy priorities, it suggests how different dimensions of sustainability are interlinked at a conceptual level. From a scientific perspective, the Food System Sustainability House postulates the interlinkages between the societal objectives of the food system, the environmental foundations on which production takes place, and the economic system and governance which in the framework are suggested to function as enablers for an overall sustainable system. From a policy perspective, the framework provides a much-needed basis for assessing food system sustainability by suggesting indicators within a comprehensive set of sustainability themes at national level for monitoring distinct perspectives. It also provides the necessary basis for a discussion on how sustainability dimensions are interlinked. 

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  • 49.
    Harfeldt-Berg, Lovisa
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources. Lund University, Sweden.
    Broberg, Sarah
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Built Environment, Energy and Resources.
    Ericsson, Karin
    Lund University, Sweden.
    The Importance of Individual Actor Characteristics and Contextual Aspects for Promoting Industrial Symbiosis Networks2022In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 14, no 9, p. 4927-4927Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Factors that affect and influence industrial symbiosis (IS) collaborations have been researched extensively in the literature, where they are mostly reported at a network level or for IS in general, and lack the individual actor’s perspective. This review article contributes to and expands knowledge of influencing factors and their effect on the individual actor. In a systematic review, guided by the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, this study reviews 53 scientific papers examining planned or existing IS networks. It examines literature from 1 January 2000 to 28 March 2022, and it identifies drivers, barriers, and enablers influencing actors to participate in IS. It explores whether and how the perception and impact of these factors differs depending on the characteristics of individual actors and their specific context. The main findings of this study reveal that an actor’s specific characteristics and the network’s context have a significant impact on decision making and how actors both perceive and are affected by factors influencing collaboration. Furthermore, an additional novel contribution to this field of research is that the study identifies three underlying and recurring considerations that actors appear to find critical, namely, perceived business opportunities/risks, regulatory and political setting, and potential inequalities in the network. The results show that an actor’s take on these critical considerations determines whether the actor is willing to engage in IS.

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  • 50.
    Harlin, Ulrika
    et al.
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Materials and Production, Product Realisation Methodology.
    Berglund, Martina
    Linköping University, Sweden.
    Skagert, Katrin
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Materials and Production, Product Realisation Methodology.
    Elg, Mattias
    Linköping University, Sweden.
    Stakeholder collaboration inspired by the Nordic model – Towards sustainable work and competitiveness during an industrial startup2021In: European Journal of Workplace Innovation, ISSN 2387-4570, Vol. 6, no 1-2, p. 198-219Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    External stakeholder collaboration is vital for new industrial projects and establishments. The aim of this paper is to explore why and how new firms can create relations and stakeholder collaboration with trade unions during industrial start-ups. A case study was carried out in the early phases of a new firm´s major greenfield project aimed at establishing a new industrial domain in a Nordic context. The results showed that early co-operation between a new firm and trade unions has the potential to proactively address prerequisites for sustainable work in design phases of new factories, but also to strengthen the attention to other dimensions of social sustainability that are crucial for an industrial start-up’s longterm possibilities for success. However, specifically in a rapidly growing new firm, there needs to be a systematic approach that incorporates continuous anchoring activities both within and between the stakeholders. Practical implications are how new firms can initiate and establish co-operation with trade unions and other social partners in fast-moving work environments and change processes. Hence, the study identifies advantages and approaches for new firms to build relations  with trade unions in a stakeholder collaboration chain inspired by the Nordic model. Further, to proactively pay attention to dimensions of social sustainability in a new firm´s early development phases and change processes, such as industrial start-ups, seems beneficial from an individual, business, and a societal perspective.

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