In the past few years, the ethics and transparency of AI and other digital systems have received much attention. There is a vivid discussion on explainable AI, both among practitioners and in academia, with contributions from diverse fields such as computer science, human-computer interaction, law, and philosophy. Using the Value Sensitive Design (VSD) method as a point of departure, this paper explores how VSD can be used in the context of transparency. More precisely, it is investigated (i) if the VSD Envisioning Cards facilitate transparency as a pro-ethical condition, (ii) if they can be improved to realize ethical principles through transparency, and (iii) if they can be adapted to facilitate reflection on ethical principles in large groups. The research questions are addressed through a two-fold case study, combining one case where a larger audience participated in a reduced version of VSD with another case where a smaller audience participated in a more traditional VSD workshop. It is concluded that while the Envisioning Cards are effective in promoting ethical reflection in general, the realization of ethical values through transparency is not always similarly promoted. Therefore, it is proposed that a transparency card be added to the Envisioning Card deck. It is also concluded that a lightweight version of VSD seems useful in engaging larger audiences. The paper is concluded with some suggestions for future work. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.
The present work-in-progress paper describes the development ofnovel user interface concepts that allow human operators to collaborate with self-driving heavy vehicles in a mining context. Conceptdevelopment was performed within a user-centered design processcontaining three main steps. First, a study was performed to identifyinteraction points between heavy vehicle drivers and other humanoperators in mines. Second, potential interaction technologies wereinvestigated. Finally, suggestions for interaction models were designed and implemented in 3D animated movies. The concepts weredesigned to support human operators performing loading tasks together with self-driving vehicles and utilize voice interaction and anaugmented reality head-up-display to facilitate the interaction. Inaddition to the mining context, similar concepts were developed tosupport forklift drivers performing loading tasks in logistic centers.In the next step of this project, the suggested interaction modelswill be evaluated with mine workers and forklift drivers.
Den här förstudien fokuserade på visualisering och prototyptillverkning av dynamiskt fönster och luftrengörande fönster. Detta är viktigt för spridning av kunskap om nya smarta fönster, dels för företag som har intresse för ny teknologi men även för spridning av information till allmänheten. Resultatet av förstudien är en VR-visualisering av Chromogenics dynamiska fönster Converlight® samt en prototyp för luftrengörande fönster. Det senare är ett nytt koncept för smarta fönster där luftreningen drivs av solljus och som även kan kombineras med ett termokromt skikt som ger ett dynamiskt fönster som styrs av temperatur. Med dynamiskt fönster menas att det kan variera i ljusgenomsläpplighet och därmed även energitillförsel till byggnader och det kan användas för att skapa ett bättre inomhusklimat. Rengöringen av inomhusluften är ytterligare en del i att skapa ett bättre inomhusklimat. VR-visualiseringen och prototypen för luftrengörande fönster är viktiga för att skapa en förståelse för innebörden av teknologin och på så vis inducera en snabbare kommersialisering av teknologierna. Projektet är ett exempel på en god samverkan mellan två VINNVÄXT initiativ, Smart Housing Småland och Visual Sweden, där man nyttjat varandras nyckelkompetenser på ett kompletterande sätt.
Small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) don’t know exactly what digitalization means and have difficulties in reaching the potential benefits. To stay competitive SMEs, need support in how to implement digitalization. A promising perspective and ideas on how to get started were captured in two courses given to female suppliers from the automotive industry. The female suppliers stated that it is relevant to start small, find enjoyment in digitalization, involve all co-workers, find a strategy for competence insurance, start learning programs and find business in digitalization.
Industry 4.0 is believed to introduce new smart digital tools which transform manufacturing processes but affect production personnel’s work practice. Operators and maintenance personnel running the everyday operations need to learn and handle new routines and systems while maintaining production efficiency. Operators today are challenged when they must handle unexpected stops caused by machine failures and the following error recovery process of automated production systems. With complex digital tools and integrated production systems the error recovery process becomes complex because there is no one-size-fits-all solution and a lack of intelligent and automated restart systems. Even if there are defined routines for industrial work and structures for managing digital technologies, it is not adapted to the individuals’ cognitive processes neither to their workplace learning. Altogether it puts high pressure on operators’ knowledge and skills of restarting machines and systems caused by errors. The aim is to explore operators and maintenance personnel cognition and skills and how their roles vary in relevant aspects of situational awareness and workplace learning. In an on-going case we studied two industrial companies that produce similar components but are working differently with production and maintenance. Through nine interviews we investigate the differences between the companies, their current work practices, and future changes. With application of a situation awarenessmodel, we capture cognition and learning including task/system factors, perception and decision making, and individual factors. Perspectives of workplace learning and knowledge sharing between personnel and relations to the systems use are applied. Results indicate that rule-based behaviours are key for both operators and maintenance personnel. These behaviours are supported by the systems and routines, but complicated errors make the systems and routines prove inadequate. In conclusion, to design appropriate digital support tools both operators and maintenance personnel behaviour need to be supported, however they need to be supported differently since their function behaviours such as routines, system use and communication vary. In addition, future skills and competences needed forsupporting complex system tasks include knowledge of computational models and simulation, knowledge of the machines and how they interrelate with systems, and logic reasoning and robotic programming of automated production systems.
Previous work on music generation and transformation has commonly targeted single instrument or single melody music. Here, in contrast, five music genres are used with the goal to achieve selective remixing by using domain transfer methods on spectrogram images of music. A pipeline architecture comprised of two independent generative adversarial network models was created. The first applies features from one of the genres to constant-Q transform spectrogram images to perform style transfer. The second network turns a spectrogram into a real-value tensor representation which is approximately reconstructed back into audio. The system was evaluated experimentally and through a survey. Due to the increased complexity involved in processing high sample rate music with homophonic or polyphonic audio textures, the system’s audio output was considered to be low quality, but the style transfer produced noticeable selective remixing on most of the music tracks evaluated. © 2022, The Author(s),
This paper illustrates design work carried out to develop an interactive theater performance. HCI has started to address the challenges of designing interactive performances, as both audience and performers’ experiences are considered and a variety of professional expertise involved. Nevertheless, research has overlooked how such design unfolds in practice, and what role artists play in exploring both the creative opportunities and the challenges associated with interweaving digital technologies. A two-day workshop was conducted to tailor the use of the ChameleonMask, a telepresence technology, within a performance. The analysis highlights the artists’ work to make the mask work while framing, exploring and conceptualizing its use. The discussion outlines the artists’ skills and design expertise, and how they redefine the role of HCI in performance-led research.
This Master Thesis was conducted in the Industrial Design Engineering program at theChalmers University of Technology in collaboration with RISE and Volvo Cars. The aimwas to investigate the difference in driving performance between a traditional mirror, CameraMonitoring System (CMS), and CMS with augmented reality information (AR). It wasfurthermore to develop guidelines for applying this knowledge when designing CMS forincreased user performance in cars. Literature studies, expert interviews, workshops, anduser tests were used to discover this knowledge.The user test was conducted in a virtual environment, with four driving scenarios definedfor testing. The scenes and animations for the test were built in Unity, and the test wasconducted in a simulated driving environment with VR-rig. Four categories of data werecollected in the test. Twenty-one participants from Volvo Cars completed the test and providedrelevant feedback on the design of CMS & AR.The user test results revealed that the participants’ driving performance using CMS (withoutaugmented information) did not improve over traditional mirrors. Most participantsindicated that they would only upgrade from a traditional mirror to a CMS car with AR,rather than just a CMS car, as CMS did not provide enough benefit over traditional mirrors.The paper also discussed possible reasons behind this finding.The feedback and suggestions from the participants on the design of CMS & AR obtainedthrough questionnaires and interviews are organized into a guideline on the design ofCMS & AR. In addition, this paper gave recommendations for future study.Finally, this paper also discussed the challenges and experiences encountered in this study.Among them, the limitation of doing tests in a VR environment is highlighted to helpfuture CMS research and testing.