In the automotive industry a commonly used material is thin steel sheets coated with a thin layer of zinc for corrosion resistance purposes. Welding of this material, with the high temperatures involved, causes problems with zinc burn-off leading to reduced corrosion resistance. The zinc evaporation also causes arc disturbances leading to spatter formation, pores and difficulties achieving good visual weld quality. The joints are in many cases visible or semi-visible (e.g. visible after opening a door) and “A-grade” quality is demanded, meaning no visible discontinuities are allowed. It also implies a smooth and generally appealing appearance of the joint. An alternative to welding is brazing, and laser brazing meets the requirements but the process is associated with high costs. In the national project “LEX-B”, funded by Vinnova, the possibilities of using arc brazing, in particular one MIG/MAG brazing and two TIG brazing processes, for some automotive applications are investigated. This master thesis is connected to the first part of the project and aims at compiling data for making a selection of the most promising process to investigate and optimise further. LEX-B is conducted in cooperation between Swerea KIMAB AB, Volvo Trucks, Scania CV and University West. The joint of interest is a lap joint between bottom and upper sheets of 1.2 mm and 0.8 mm respectively that represents a joint on the side of a truck cabin. The requirements are visual A-grade quality and tensile shear strength of 300 MPa. In the project the MIG/MAG process Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) was compared to the TIG processes forceTIG and Plasmatron. CMT was experimentally investigated while the results for the other two processes were obtained partly from a previous study and partly from Volvo Trucks where tests were performed simultaneously. A system for measuring data for the process was developed, test specimens were brazed and examined visually and mechanical destructive testing was performed to ensure the tensile shear strength. Parameter studies were done for further process optimisation.