The shear fracture properties of green-glued polyurethane wood adhesive bonds subjected to kiln drying were investigated. The local shear strength and fracture energy of the wood adhesive bonds were determined from experimentally recorded complete shear stress versus deformation curves of the bondline. A stable test set-up and small specimens that were anti-symmetrically loaded were used in order to get a uniform and pure state of shear stress. Different moisture contents (MCs) and pressing times were investigated. The fracture properties of conventionally dry-glued polyurethane wood adhesive bonds were used as reference. The results show that the fracture energy of green-glued bonds with PUR adhesive is dependent on the MC of wood and on press time. The same fracture energy and strength can be obtained by green gluing as by dry gluing, but there seems to exist a maximum MC of sapwood, in the range between 78% and 160%, and a minimum press time, in the range between 3h and 48h, for which it can be achieved.