The purpose of this study is to understand the innovation diffusion of new wood-based materials, "from lab to market," to identify the success factors and barriers to market introduction, and to reveal important factors for the success of commercialization. Examples are given from target markets in the furniture, appliance, and automotive sectors. This study is based on three qualitative interview studies in Sweden from 2010 to 2012. The analysis showed that the diffusion process of a new bio-based material normally takes up to 10 years or even more. There are only a few companies along the supply chain whose specialized function is finding new materials. However, the automotive industry regularly monitors the development of new materials. Industrial customers of materials generally obtain information about biobased materials from suppliers, exhibitions, conferences, professional contacts, industry magazines, digital media, customers, and partners in development projects. Different industry sectors apply specific material requirements. Regulations regarding safety issues have a high priority, and the interviewees believed that environmental considerations will increase with time. If the materials are equal in other quality dimensions, environmental performance may cast the deciding vote. Recommendations for a faster diffusion cover the right mix of competences, financing, regulations, creativity, and support from the leadership.