Samples from different parts of a beet sugar factory and refinery were analyzed with respect to volatile compounds by means of liquid-liquid extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A limited number of the samples were analyzed by means of gas phase extraction (headspace) followed by GC-MS. Selected compounds were followed through the sugar manufacturing process. The behavior of different compounds varied greatly throughout the process, with some compounds such as geosmin (trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol), dimethyl disulfide, and propionic and hexanoic acid present at the beginning of the process but disappearing rapidly after further processing. Other compounds, such as indole, dihydrobenzofuran, and 2-phenylethanol, were not detected at the start of the process but were formed later on and removed in the final product. In the final product, three pyrazines remained at fairly low concentrations, together with 3-methylcyclopentadione, ethylhexanol, and methyl pyrrole ketone.