The literature on sustainability transitions departs from the idea that social and environmental problems call for transformative change but employs socio-technical frameworks that treat nature as a passive context. In this paper, we argue that transitions research should adopt a socio-technoecological approach that accounts better for ecological elements. To take steps in this direction, we review adjacent literature that engages with socio-ecological and socio-techno-ecological systems concepts. Based on insights from this literature, we discuss emerging topics for the development of a socio-techno-ecological transitions framework. Our contribution paves the way for further theoretical development and empirical validation by motivating, contextualizing and sketching a roadmap towards a more comprehensive approach to transitions research.
The research presented in this paper was conducted within the FINEST center and the authors gratefully acknowledge funding from The Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS, grant no. 2020-02839).