Determining the operability of a vessel is a critical task for the naval architect since it provides valuable information for vessel owners and operators on the vessel’s performance. This task requires a seakeeping analysis and a set of seakeeping criteria to evaluate predicted vessel motions. These seakeeping criteria link the performance and safety of the crew and vessel to operability. Existing seakeeping criteria (e.g., NORDFORSK, NATO STANAG 4154) are specified for certain vessel types and not applicable to different tasks and operational activities aboard work vessels such as pilot boats, ocean research vessels, dredgers, pipe laying crane vessels. Being relatively small in size, these work vessels are susceptible to the perils of waves, yielding motion responses that can degrade crew performance. This paper proposes a framework for specifying seakeeping criteria for efficient task performance, focusing primarily on the effects of motions on the crew and system performance. Findings from preliminary interviews with some crew at the Swedish Maritime Administration and the Swedish Sea Rescue Society align with the literature on the effects of motions on crew performance, including motion-induced interruptions, motion-induced fatigue, motion sickness, and effects on motor skills and perception. These findings from the interviews are used in a case study to demonstrate the approach of the proposed framework. The proposed framework refines further and adds to the established structure of the traditional seakeeping assessment since it captures, in addition, the effect of motions on crew performance.