Finding a suitable oxygen carrier is crucial for the development of Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC). A new manganese ore was tested with different biomass fuels in a recently commissioned 10 kWth unit. The ore maintains the capability of generating O2 gas in N2 after continuous operations with the fuels, however, the concentration was relatively low within 0.45–1.0 vol% at 820 to 975 °C. Influence of temperature, solids circulation and fuel power was examined for different fuels. Temperature increase enhances the carbon capture and reduces the oxygen demand, while the solids circulation and fuel power should be carefully controlled. Using biomass char the oxygen demand can be lowered to 2.6% while the carbon capture was close to 99%. The manganese ore showed a higher reactivity than the often-used ilmenite. Thus, a decrease of 8–10% in oxygen demand was achieved by using the manganese ore in comparison to ilmenite. During the 42 h of hot operation, defluidisation was not observed. Based on the analysis of the 35 fine samples collected, the initial attrition after first hours of operation was high, but gradually decreased to a relatively stable value of 0.27 and 0.12 wt%/h for hot and fuel operations, respectively, corresponding a lifetime of 370–830 h.