This chapter provides an illustration of how the support for innovation workhas been developed at Karolinska University Hospital. Karolinska is a largeuniversity hospital in Sweden that provides highly specialised healthcaretogether with research and education. The chapter presents a ‘journey’ spanningthe period 2011–2020 whose overall goal was to support innovation efforts at thehospital. During that time, different initiatives to achieve the goal were launched.These included establishing expertise in forming and leading innovationpartnerships; developing a portfolio of educational programmes for clinicalstaff regarding innovation management; utilising the opportunity to certify thehospital’s innovation management professionals; engaging in the developmentof ISO standards for innovation management; and designing and implementinga hospital-wide innovation management system. This journey is then reflectedupon, and the specific issues of adapting innovation management to a healthcarecontext and developing innovation management support in a hospital setting arediscussed. This all serves as input for how to address innovation management aswell as for future models of healthcare delivery.