How does health and environment affect electrification of working sites? Electrification of construction sites mainly relates to climate emissions, but the local environment is also affected through reduced emissions of exhaust gases and engine noise. This work presents a way to take into account both noise and air pollution in the choice of which work machines should be electrified in the first place. The work is based on interviews and literature about emissions from different types of work machines, about how decisions about which work machines are used in different types of contracts are made, as well as current legislation about noise and air pollution and the exposure that people are at risk of being exposed to in different situations. The project also presents a first draft of a model to be able to compare different working equipment, but does not go into how noise and exhaust gases should be valued between each other, nor on emission factors for the combustion engines that the electric work machines are expected to replace. Instead, the focus is on identifying the decision-making paths and aligning the various expert areas of noise and air in the choice of which work machine should be prioritized for electrification.
Denna rapport redovisar delar av arbetet i AP3 i projektet Electric Worksite II. Energimyndigheten har finansierat studien.