Low operation equipment efficiency, OEE, in manufacturing industry indicates a potential for improvements by reducing production disturbances during the life cycle of a production system. Here, the question of preventing and handling production disturbances in the production system during its design, start-up, ramp-up and full production phases is concerned. It requires measurement of performance, and utilisation of process data and information of production disturbances appearing during the different life cycle phases. It also requires a focus on eliminating production disturbances already during the production system design process. The objective of the research project presented in this paper is to develop a methodology for analysing and dealing with production disturbances on both a short-term and long-term basis, including also the utilisation of software support. The ongoing development of the methodology is based on, and will be applied in extensive case studies at Swedish manufacturing companies. Keywords Production efficiency, effectiveness, production disturbances, production system, life-cycle perspective, methodology development.