Competence and the ability to learn are argued to be the only true sustainable advantages, and at the same time waste of knowledge is one of the major wastes during product introduction. There are several aspects of learning that are relevant to discuss in relation to product introductions. In this paper we elaborate on different types of learning that occur and possibilities for work place learning during product introductions based on experiences from three research projects. Learning that occurs in relation to product introductions involves elements of both adaptive learning and expansive learning. Our results indicate that adaptive learning often is associated with the work procedures, how activities and tasks are performed, whereas expansive learning often is associated with the tasks solved, the developed technology, etc. Learning occurs in situations were people meet and jointly perform a task. Product introductions cannot be handled by single individuals; co-operation within, and between, various functions during product introduction is essential. Furthermore it is essential that work procedures are identified that support learning and utilization of competence and experiences. Learning has to be a natural and integrated part of the activities associated with product introductions.