Triplet State Baird Aromaticity in Macrocycles: Scope, Limitations, and ComplicationsShow others and affiliations
2021 (English)In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, ISSN 1089-5639, E-ISSN 1520-5215, Vol. 125, no 2, p. 570-584Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]
The aromaticity of cyclic 4nπ-electron molecules in their first ππ∗ triplet state (T1), labeled Baird aromaticity, has gained growing attention in the past decade. Here we explore computationally the limitations of T1 state Baird aromaticity in macrocyclic compounds, [n]CM's, which are cyclic oligomers of four different monocycles (M = p-phenylene (PP), 2,5-linked furan (FU), 1,4-linked cyclohexa-1,3-diene (CHD), and 1,4-linked cyclopentadiene (CPD)). We strive for conclusions that are general for various DFT functionals, although for macrocycles with up to 20 π-electrons in their main conjugation paths we find that for their T1 states single-point energies at both canonical UCCSD(T) and approximative DLPNO-UCCSD(T) levels are lowest when based on UB3LYP over UM06-2X and UCAM-B3LYP geometries. This finding is in contrast to what has earlier been observed for the electronic ground state of expanded porphyrins. Yet, irrespective of functional, macrocycles with 2,5-linked furans ([n]CFU's) retain Baird aromaticity until larger n than those composed of the other three monocycles. Also, when based on geometric, electronic and energetic aspects of aromaticity, a 3[n]CFU with a specific n is more strongly Baird-aromatic than the analogous 3[n]CPP while the magnetic indices tell the opposite. To construct large T1 state Baird-aromatic [n]CM's, the design should be such that the T1 state Baird aromaticity of the macrocyclic perimeter dominates over a situation with local closed-shell Hückel aromaticity of one or a few monocycles and semilocalized triplet diradical character. Monomers with lower Hückel aromaticity in S0 than benzene (e.g., furan) that do not impose steric congestion are preferred. Structural confinement imposed by, e.g., methylene bridges is also an approach to larger Baird-aromatic macrocycles. Finally, by using the Zilberg-Haas description of T1 state aromaticity, we reveal the analogy to the Hückel aromaticity of the corresponding closed-shell dications yet observe stronger Hückel aromaticity in the macrocyclic dications than Baird aromaticity in the T1 states of the neutral macrocycles. © 2021 The Authors.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
American Chemical Society , 2021. Vol. 125, no 2, p. 570-584
Keywords [en]
Aromatic compounds, Design for testability, Ground state, Organic pollutants, Electron molecules, Electronic ground state, Expanded porphyrins, Macrocyclic compounds, Magnetic indices, Neutral macrocycles, Single-point energy, Steric congestion, Aromatization
National Category
Organic Chemistry
URN: urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-57300DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c08926Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85099988589OAI:, id: diva2:1616705
Funding details: Wenner-Gren Foundation, WGF; Funding details: American-Scandinavian Foundation, ASF; Funding details: Norwegian Sequencing Centre, NSC, 2016-07213; Funding details: Vetenskapsrådet, VR, 2015-04538, 2019-05618; Funding text 1: We acknowledge the Erasmus Mundus EXPERTS III program for a graduate student scholarship to R.A, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for a postdoctoral fellowship of O.E.B., and the Swedish Research Council (Grants 2015-04538 and 2019-05618) for financial support. J.R.S. would like to thank the Swedish Fulbright Commission, the American Scandinavian Foundation, and the HSU College of Natural Resources and Science for supporting his time at UU. The computations were enabled by resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at the National Supercomputer Center (NSC), Linköping, partially funded by the Swedish Research Council through Grant Agreement Number 2016-07213.
2021-12-032021-12-032022-01-20Bibliographically approved