Achieving a fossil fuel-independent vehicle fleet and reducing greenhouse gas emissions will require a radical transformation of the transport industry. Electrifying the vehicle fleet forms an important part of this transformation. One part of a complete, socieTy-wide solution could be electric roads that supply vehicles with electricity, to both power them and charge them as they drive. With electric roads, cars can have smaller batteries than at present, but still drive long distances. Electric buses in cities would not need to stop to charge at bus stops. Of equal significance, electric roads facilitate the electrification of heavy long-distance road freight, for which battery capacity would otherwise be a challenge. Research & Innovation Platform for Electric Road Systems How do we take the step from testing electric road technology to large-scale deployment? What does the business ecosystem look like and how can interfaces be standardized? What are the benefits to society? Actors from research organizations, industry, and public authorities have collaborated on a joint project to investigate these questions and much more. In this document, we briefly present the project’s results in each research area.