InFutUReWood Innovative Design for the Future – Use and Reuse of Wood (Building) Components is a three-year project within ForestValue. The main aim of the project is to answer the question how we should build today to be able to reuse tomorrow. Work package 2 investigates how wooden frames can be designed to make them optimized for future deconstruction and reuse. One of the tasks is to develop a tool to assess the deconstruction and reuse potential of a building. This study is the basis for the development of an indicator system for circular improvement of timber buildings. The work was carried out closely together with the timber building industry and the tool was tested in a workshop with stakeholders. The work with an assessment tool that defines an optimal design and produces a rebuilding factor started in the end of 2019. We would like to thank Anders Carlsson, Janina Östling, Karin Löfgren and Tommy Vince for your positive engagement in the preparations and implementation of the workshop – you made the workshop possible. Thank you also all workshop participants who contributed generously and inspired us to go on and take the ideas further.