Field trials were conducted 2010–2012 in soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) to investigate cultivar choice, suitable seeding dates and row distances for cropping in Sweden. The cultivar trials showed that commercially available varieties of the 000-group can be used for cropping in Sweden. Yield typically amounted to 1500–2500 kg ha−1 of dry marketable seeds. Cultivars introduced to Sweden should be tested in the field before large-scale production as the 000-classification not fully is valid for Swedish conditions. Row distance (12.5; 25 and 50 cm) had no overall statistically significant impact on yield, but 25 or 50 cm are recommended as these distances are suitable for physical weed control such as row cultivation or torsion weeding. Seeding in the period May 15–30th is recommended to secure germination and yield. The outcome of the trials was supported by results from field demonstrations and commercial cultivar trials in 2013–2014.