The compound (Et3S)[Ag4I5], 1, is readily synthesized from room-temperature, ionic-liquid media and displays a complex network structure of Ag6I6 cages with Ag22+ pairs forming 1D-chains linked into layers distinctly separate from the disordered sulphonium cations. The compound should be regarded as a large-bandgap semiconductor, but its significant structural voids qualify the compound a candidate for optoelectronic applications through the inclusion of suitable guest molecules. © 2020 The Authors.
Funding details: Energimyndigheten, 46379‐1; Funding details: Stiftelsen Åforsk, 17‐594; Funding details: Vetenskapsrådet, VR, 2016‐03223; Funding text 1: The Strategic Research (SSF) with Grant FID15‐0023, ÅForsk foundation under Grant 17‐594, the Swedish Energy Agency (Grant ID: 46379‐1), and the Swedish Research Council (ID: 2016‐03223) are acknowledged for their financial support.