This is an internal report in the research project Sustainability Analysis of Wastewater (WW) HeatRecovery (WWHR) - Hållbarhetsanalys av värmeåtervinning ur avloppsvatten (HÅVA), in Swedish - coordinated by the Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation at Lund University,Lund, Sweden. Key partners in the project are RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, the wastewaterutilities VA Syd, Tekniska Verken in Linköping and Käppalaförbundet, and the real estate companyStångåstaden.
In the project a system-wide sustainability analysis will be performed using process models. The modelwill include components from the origin of domestic wastewater in buildings through WWHR units andsewers to the impact of temperature changes on the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Theliterature review on WWHR identified wastewater characteristics as a key variable for the model(Arnell et al., 2017). This document contains a description of a stochastic model for generatingwastewater from households over the course of one day, which was calibrated based onmeasurements from a case study in Linköping, Sweden, and validated with literature data.