This report represents a full ser of characteristics for medium- and high-velocity deluge nozzels used in offshore platforms. Detailed information of droplets useful for simulation is presented.Droplet size and velocity, area distribution and k-factor for typical deluge nozzels at different pressure have been examined. Tow types of Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler anemometry have been used, and area distribution has been characterised by a special apparatus (Actual Application Density Apparatus). The examined nozzels have been used in earlier medium-to-large-scale fire tests. The nozzle characteristics are used as an input in simulation of the interaction of water droplet and fire development.The used measurement technique gives a picture of deluge nozzles that produces a large amount of very small water droplets, in contrast to what is earlier reported. The reason for this discrepancy may be the better resolution of the mear´surement technique, but the presented results may also indicate uncertainties connected to the same technique.