This report is one delivery (Work package 3) within the project CONSTRUCTIVATE focused on plastics construction materials and their recycling possibilities.Aim and objective of this part of the project was to compile the types of plastics present in construction and demolition waste (CDW) and investigate which can and should be recycled based on technical opportunities, environmental impact and economic aspects (such as market potential). Some material fractions were selected and methods to improve the recyclability and evaluate the material quality were studied. Some demonstrator products were manufactured in order to show some examples for use of the CDW material.Methods used were literature studies, market analysis, interviews, study visits and practical tests. The practical tests included material collection, manufacturing of test objects and evaluation of the product quality, for example fire resistance and mechanical strength.The conclusion is that it is technically possible and environmentally and economically justified to collect and recycle most building products in plastic, especially in construction. For installation waste, there are already collection systems for both plastic floors and plastic pipes. However, relatively little of the waste is collected in these systems. Therefore, given the great environmental benefits, it is very positive that projects have now started to develop both of these collection systems. An important prerequisite for recycling to increase is that builders and property owners begin to demand that the waste is collected. In order to have a good impact on the system, both project managers and floor contractors must take an active responsibility in this.
During demolition and renovation, there may be obstacles if the products are joined or contaminated with other materials. Here, technology has been developed to be able to remove e.g. filler and glue from floors and we see that this development continues for more products. Another obstacle to old products may be the content of substances that are currently regulated at EU level or undesirable for other reasons. Processes are now being developed to remove these old plastic additives, but it is also important that we get a balanced discussion about the levelling between climate benefit and the content of undesirable chemicals in the recycling of long-life products. If recycling can be done safely, this should be given priority because the climate benefits are so great. Another obstacle to really old plastic products may be that they have started to break down and have poorer properties. Here it is important to develop chemical recycling as a complement to the mechanical in order to be able to recycle all plastic products from the construction sector.In construction, packaging plastic is present in significant quantities and it is therefore an interesting fraction to collect and recycle to new plastic packaging or plastic bags, or alternatively to wooden plastic composites. As a result of CONSTRUCTIVATE, a six-month-long project has started to create a circular system for packaging plastic from the construction industry, Cirem.Practical experiments were made to investigate the use of recycled plastic pipes for new pipes (cable protection pipes and optocable pipes) and for plastic profiles (nail strip and © RISE Research Institutes of Swedenjoint strip). Plastic packaging and construction plastic from two construction sites were collected, and recycled into wood fiber composites (VPC materials). The noise reduction plank produced from this material showed good mechanical properties.Washing tests with old PVC-flooring succeeded in dissolving and washing away glue residue from these floorings. This is important because then even glued floors can be recycled to new floor mats. In 2019, Tarkett launched a method to remove glue and putty on an industrial scale and began to recycle floors from demolition/renovation.As a result of CONSTRUCTIVATE, new projects have been started to study certain products in more detail. CiREM will develop a collection and recycling system for building foil and packaging plastic. Several players in the construction industry participate. The Repipe demo project will demonstrate a collection and recycling system for plastic pipes in southern Sweden. About 30 players in the industry participate. Both projects are funded by Re: Source. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is financing a development of the recycling system GBR Floor Recycling to increase the recycling of plastic floors in the Swedish market.
2019. , p. 61
Construction and demolition waste (CDW), polymers, plastics, flooring, pipes, packaging