The national Time and Frequency laboratory of Sweden is a part of SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden since 1995. The laboratory is responsible for maintaining the official realization of Swedish standard time and the dissemination of it within Sweden. The objectives of the laboratory include supporting and making it accessible to Swedish industry and authorities with accurate measures of Time and Frequency by instrument calibration, knowledge-transfer, time dissemination, research and development. Swedish standard time is regulated by law to follow UTC as achieved and maintained by the BIPM. The atomic clocks that are used to implement UTC(SP), the realization of UTC in Sweden, are located at five different sites and are reported to TAI using data from TWSTFT and GNSS links. The activities in the Time and Frequency laboratory at SP is presently undergoing an expansion, with the construction of a new additional secure site, the implementation of a distributed time scale and the participation in the Galileo time scale.