Frisk med fisk utan risk?: Betydelsen av svensk konsumtion av sjömat för hälsa och miljöShow others and affiliations
2019 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)Alternative title
The importance of Swedish seafood consumption for health and environment (English)
Abstract [en]
Seafood is a diverse food commodity, comprising of over 2 500 species from capture fisheries and over 600 species from farming, with vast differences between production methods. Dietary advice often includes recommendations to increase consumption of seafood, based on health benefits and that seafood may be produced with less environmental impacts and resources use compared to many other animal-based foods. However, at the same time, there are frequent media alarms related to potential health risks (some species have diet restrictions) and destructive production practices from both fisheries and aquaculture. As a result, there is often confusion on which seafood to eat or not to eat.The aim of this report is primarily to collate available information on health risks and benefits of Swedish seafood consumption, and to combine this with environmental aspects (focus on carbon footprint).Around 40 seafood products consumed in Sweden were included in the analysis. Potential health risks could only be included qualitatively, since the collected data is risk-based and thus not all products are sampled. It was found that the nutritional content and carbon footprint vastly differ between species. There were also several data gaps identified, such as the need for more detailed data on performance from different production systems. The combined assessment of nutritional value and carbon footprint categorised some species as win-win in terms of nutritional content and environmental pressures (such as small pelagic fish), while others could be more categorised as having less nutritional value and with high environmental costs (such as Northern prawn) respectively.The report provides decision support for further data collection needed to enable combined assessment of nutritional risks, benefits and environmental sustainability of seafood products. Results may be used to discuss suitable level of details of dietary advice.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 65
RISE Rapport ; 2019:38
Keywords [en]
sustainable nutrition, seafood, aquaculture, fisheries, health, toxins
National Category
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fish and Aquacultural Science Nutrition and Dietetics Environmental Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-38331ISBN: 978-91-88907-65-3 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1305158
Swedish Research Council Formas
Den här rapporten är ett gemensamt initiativ från två forskningsprojekt finansierade inom ramen för Forskningsrådet för miljö, areella näringar och samhällsbyggande (Formas) satsning på livsmedelsforskning: projektet SeaWin som syftar till att identifiera vad hållbart ökande av produktion och konsumtion av sjömat i Sverige innebär ur ett miljöperspektiv (pågår 2016-2021) och det ettåriga projektet "Syntes av miljö- och nutritionsdata för sjömat- en bas för optimering av framtida dieter för hälsa och hållbarhet" som avslutas 2019 (och som skapades just för att möta kunskapsbristen om sjömats kombinerade näringsinnehåll och klimatpåverkan).
2019-04-152019-04-152025-02-11Bibliographically approved