The forest industry stands for approximately 11 % of Sweden’s total export. However, the forest industry is energy intensive. In 2008, sawmill industry alone consumed almost 8,7 TWh of energy, corresponding to 5 % of the Swedish industries total energy consumption. Out of their total consumption, 2200 GWh was electric power, 194 GWh heating oil , 4229 GWh bio-fuel, 574 GWh district heating, and other fuels such as diesel 1503 GWh [1].The project ”EESI- Energy Efficiency in the Sawmill Industry” was started in the spring of 2010 with the aim of demonstrating the possibilities to reduce the energy consumption in the sawmill industry with 20 % by 2020. 16 sawmill corporations and 14 equipment suppliers has joined the project which is carried out in two phases of which the first phase was carried out during 2010 and 2011. EESI has now reached half time and the first energy-saving implementations have been completed at the participating sawmills.This paper presents the energy-mapping, measurements and modelling performed by the participating sawmills during the first phase of the project [2, 3]. The average energy consumption per sawn cubic metre of boards varied between approximately 300 to 500 kWh/m3. Out of this, the electricity consumption was on average 85 kWh/m3, bio-fuel 290 kWh/m3 and diesel 1.8 l/m3.However, the main concern from sawmills regarding energy consumption was the wood drying process. The striking results from the preliminary measurements were the large variation in energy consumption even with similar drying kilns. This was especially apparent for the heat consumption in kiln dryers which could vary as much as 50 % for the same dimension of spruce planks.The results from the first phase of the project resulted in a large number of actions in order to reduce the energy consumption which are now being implemented or have already been completed. Examples of those actions are: simplified management system adapted to sawmills, weighing of packages for more accurate wood drying, reduced speed or intermittent operation of the air circulating fans in batch kilns and moisture content measurements of bio-fuel.References[1] Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB), 2013, Industrins årliga energianvändning 2011, Slutliga uppgifter, EN23SM1301, ISSN 1654-367X. (In Swedish). [2] Andersson, J-E., Lycken, A., Nordman, R., Olsson, M., Räftegård, O., and Wamming, T. State of the art – Energianvändning i den svenska sågverksindustrin. SP Rapport 2011:42, ISBN 978-91-86622-72-5. (In Swedish).[3] Andersson, J-E., Räftegård, O., Lycken, A., Olsson, M., Wamming, T., and Nordman, R. Sammanställning av energimätningar från EESI fas 1. SP Rapport 2011:41, ISBN 978-91-86622-71-8. (In Swedish).