As contests become more popular means for organizing digital innovation, the need for measuring contest performance increases. The Digital Innovation Contest Measurement-model(DICM-model), which is the basis for this study was designed based on a single case study,and its evaluation indicated that there is a need for a customizable methodological approachthat can accommodate differences in organizational requirements for designing and refiningDICM-models. Therefore, in this paper, we present a summary of the evaluation of the DICMmodel and propose a nine-step method to design and refine DICM-models using a qualityoriented approach. The proposed method is based on the Goal-Question-Metric and the Balanced Scorecard to elicit measures and to enable agility in measuring the fulfilment of measurement goals of innovation contests. Also, the method facilitates knowledge management torefine, record and communicate best practices. An ex-ante evaluation of the method indicatesthat the method provides practical support in designing and improving a DICM model. Forfuture study, it is suggested to widen the scope of the method to aid in the design of measurement models for digital innovations using open data, in general.