Tunnel and rock lining systems are used for drainage and icing protection. These systems can consist of any combination of concrete, metal, plastic or textile. The report summaries the available methods, both for testing and for installation. The large variation in both systems and test methods often make it difficult for constructors or designer to understand the importance of different methods. The report gives indication of what type of linings exists and how to ensure the fire safety of such systems. Fire safety properties can be verified in three different ways: #1 Full systems can be tested in full scale fire tests, #2 a section of the system can be tested in standardized furnace tests, or #3 plastic and/or textile membrane can be tested with regards to requirements on fire spread. It is suggested to require that a fire should not be able to propagate in the system. This can be verified with #3 above requiring class B, C or D according to EN 13501-1. If the lining system offers structural fire protection, it can be verified suing #2 above.
Finansierat av RISE Tunnel Underground Safety Center (TUSC).
Denna sammanställning har genomförts inom ramen för TUSC Tunnel and Underground Safety Center. Medverkande organisationer är RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (tidigare SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut), Trafikverket, Fortifikationsverket och SKB Svensk kärnbränslehantering. Rapporten sammanställer olika brandprovningsmetoder och ger förslag till provningsmetodik för tunnelduk.