This study presents a survey of literatures including recent work in relevant projects, ongraphene modified polymeric composites with a particular focus on fibre reinforcedpolymeric composites.A variety of routes that are used and can potentially be used to integrate graphene intocomposites are reviewed, including dispersing graphene into a polymer matrix, dopinggraphene onto fibre reinforcement, graphene modified prepreg and the use of graphenebuckypaper. The effect of processing parameters, such as dispersion and doping methods,temperature, pressure, etc., along with modification of graphene, on the structure andmechanical, electrical, thermal, barrier, rheological and crystalline properties of the resultantcomposites are also reviewed.The most prominent influencing factors are the intrinsic properties of graphene includingaspect ratio of nanoplatelets and surface functionalization, dispersion and exfoliation as wellas orientation and alignment of graphene, and interactions of graphene-polymer andgraphene-fibre reinforcement. The selection of processing techniques and tailoring ofinfluencing factors depend on the required properties. For instance, deposited graphene ontofibres for reinforcement can be more efficient than dispersed graphene into the polymer toimprove the interfacial and interlaminar properties. Well-dispersed and randomly orientedgraphene can be more beneficial than well-dispersed and aligned graphene for higherelectrical conductivity while less favoured for higher mechanical properties. Potentialapplications of graphene modified polymeric composites addressing industrial and societalchallenges are also discussed.