Electric road system (ERS) is a key technology to achieve the electrification in the long haulage application due to battery limitations. Before investing in new in ERS, it is important to analyse what road segments that benefit the most of such a system. A model of a hybrid powertrain configured as a long haulage truck is developed with the possibility for dynamic charging. Simulations are performed to analyse a region in Sweden where a test ERS is built, to investigate how different ERS configurations affect the energy consumption of the vehicle. It is found that the fuel consumption is decreased by 66% when the full road is electrified, and the travel time decreased by 7%, compared to a conventional vehicle. Simulations also indicate that it is beneficial to only electrify parts of the road and using the battery in the vehicle as energy buffer. Furthermore, different data sources for topology and vehicle speed data has been evaluated. It is shown that Google data and speed limit data can be useful for initial studies, but measured vehicle speed data and laser scanned data increase the accuracy in the simulations.