The Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG) is preparing a programme of subjective multimedia quality tests. The results from these tests will be used to evaluate the performance of competing objective multimedia quality metrics. The reliability of the subjective test data is of great importance for VQEG's task. This paper provides an overview of VQEG's multimedia ad-hoc group. The work of this group will require subjective tests to be performed by laboratories located in Europe, Asia and North America. For VQEG's multimedia work to be successful, the subjective assessment methodology must be precisely defined and produce reliable and repeatable subjective quality data. Although international standards covering multimedia quality assessment methods are in force, there remains some uncertainty regarding the most effective approach to assessing the subjective quality of multimedia. A review of existing methods is provided. Two experiments are presented investigating the suitability of alternative subjective assessment methods (single-stimulus ACR and SAMVIQ). The results of these experiments are discussed within the context of the VQEG multimedia testing programme.