The focus of this Nordic R&D project on "Innovative development of ink-jet technology" funded by Nordic Industrial Fund was on developing a normative specification and documentation of adequate measuring techniques for materials and process parameters for different applications of the ink-jet technology. Special attention was paid to the influence of paper and ink properties on formation of print quality during impact, spreading and penetration, and hence, on final print quality. Print quality was seen in terms of image analytical factors. The first step included an inventory of Nordic and international research results on ink-jet printing and a documentation of measuring methods, especially methods for drop formation, spreading and absorption when printing with different ink-jet printheads and substrates. The further work focused on practical material characterisation and interaction mechanisms in ink-jet printing. In these tests a representative selection of substrates and inks were further analysed on a laboratory scale and ink-jet printing trials were done with them. By using high-resolution measuring equipment, the spreading and penetration of inkjet drops were monitored. The printing substrates were characterized with respect to surface energy and roughness. The impact, spreading, absorption and drying of the ink droplets on the samples were observed and analysed in a testing environment on a time scale of milliseconds up to several minutes. The final print quality was further analysed with optical density, uniformity of the print and overall visual quality. Based on the results recommendations for material properties and process conditions, as well as measuring methods have been developed, and reported. The paper also discusses still remaining problem areas in the ink-jet method, where improvement can be achieved through a continued cooperation between scientists, material suppliers, equipment manufacturers and end-users.