Adsorbed layers of a series of bottle-brush polyelectrolytes with 45 units long poly(ethylene oxide) [PEO], side chains have been investigated by the quartz crystal microbalance technique with dissipation monitoring. The data have been evaluated with three different models, the Sauerbrey model, the Johannsmann model, and the Voigt model. It is found that all three models predict the same trend in the variations of sensed mass and hydrodynamic layer thickness with polymer architecture, that is, with the backbone charge to side chain density ratio. However, the simple Sauerbrey model underestimates the sensed mass by a factor of 1.15-1.45 compared to the more accurate Voigt model. By following the evolution of the layer dissipation, elasticity, and viscosity with increasing surface coverage it was concluded that the layers formed by brush polymers with intermediate charge densities undergo a structural change as the coverage is increased. Initially, the polymers are anchored to the surface via the PEO side chains. However, as the adsorption proceeds a structural change that brings the backbone to the surface and forces the side chains to extend from it is observed. The layer elasticity and viscosity as a function of surface coverage go through a maximum in this transition region.