Novel cationic polyelectrolytes with a brush-on-brush structure of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) side chains and a charge-containing polyacrylate backbone were synthesized. The PEO side chains were not directly attached to the backbone but via polymethacrylate spacers, thus locating the PEO chains a distance away from the charged units of the backbone. The cationic brush-on-brush polyelectrolytes with high density of PEO chains showed a strong affinity to silica surfaces, provided the backbone charge density was high enough. The adsorption of these polymers was studied by QCM-D giving very high sensed mass, 20 mg/m(2). It was shown by direct force measurements that protective surface layers were formed by the novel polyelectrolytes, generating strongly repulsive steric forces, which provided an effective barrier against flocculation. The adsorbed layer was sufficiently robust to withstand sliding experiments under a pressure of up to 35 MPa. The friction force in water was very low. and the lubrication was characterized by a friction coefficient in the range of 0.02-0.06.