The interaction between cleaved talc surfaces and hydrophobic probe particles, silanized silica and thiolized gold, has been investigated employing the atomic force microscopy (AFM) colloidal probe technique. These model systems have hydrophobicities similar to some of the talc-pitch combinations present during pulp and paper manufacture. The talc surfaces used in this study, in the [0 0 1] plane, show a micro-roughness with sharp peaks of up to 3 nm in height. The force profiles obtained demonstrate the predominance of a long-range attractive force. However, the range and magnitude of the attractive force show large variability. The variability of the attractive force, and the frequent observations of clear steps in the force curve demonstrate that it is caused by gas/vapor cavities bridging the surfaces once the surfaces are brought sufficiently close together. The results suggest that the same mechanism is of importance in applications where talc is used as a collector for pitch